A Global Approach to Human Resurces Development in the Field of Foreign Trade and Trade Related Services

TRAINFORTRADE Training Programme on Trade Efficiency



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Module 1: Introduction To present and justify the training programme on Trade Efficiency with regard to the development of international trade and the recent evolution of computer science technology

Part 1: Facilitation of trade operation

Module 2: Facilitation of trade fiancing To be able to inform users of Trade Points on available instruments fo r trade financing operations, payment of transactions and risk management in international exchanges.

Module 3: Facilitation of customs and administrtive rocedures To be able to put at disposal of the users of Trade Points all information, forms and procedures required for customs operations, exchange control formalities and quality standards requirements, provide information related to preferential agreements and formalities regarding the rules of origin.

Module 4: Freight forwarding - Tranport - Insurance To be able to supply the necessary information regarding the choice of transport, the freight forwarding rangemnts, the elaboration of transport and insurance contracts and risk management linked to international transport of goods.

Part 2: Data processing and communications

Module 5: Utilisation of data bass and data processing To be able to advise users on the use fo data bases avai lable at the Trade Point and to put at their disposal a vriety of trade informtion regarding market research and trade opeations.

Module 6: Trasnmission of data. To be capable for choose the appropriate computer and comunications equipment and facilities in order to receive and transmit trande informaion on a national basis as well as in the framework of the internationl network of Trade Points.

Part 3: Promotion and mangement of a Trade Point

Module 7: Advice to entreprises and users of Trade Points. Based on concrete cases, to be able to guide Trade P oints users towards new markets and to advise them on complex trade operations.

Module 8: Mangement of a Trade Point To be capable of explaining the conditions of establishment of a Trade Point, the legal status of a Trade Point and to calculate the costs of he main services provided by a Trade Point.

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