Chapter 90 - Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments/apparatus; parts & accessories
*9001 Optical..fibers/fiber bundles/fiber cables(not 8544); polarizing material..sheets & plates; lenses, prisms, mirrors, other optical elements(not mounted) contact lenses
*900110 Optical fibers, optical fiber bundles and cables e
*900120 Sheets and plates of polarizing material
*900130 Contact lenses
*900140 Spectacle lenses of glass, unmounted
*900150 Spectacle lenses of materials other than glass
*900190 Lenses prisms mirrors optcl elmnt n optically work
*9002 Optical elements..mounted; parts & accessories lenses, prisms, mirrors, filters
*900211 Objctve lenses pts access for cameras projectr etc
*900219 Objective lenses and parts, nesoi
*900220 Filters & parts & accessories for instr & appratus
*900290 Prism, mirrors, mounted & parts & accessorie, neso
*9003 Frames & mountings for..spectacles, goggles etc; parts
*900311 Frames and mountings for spectacles etc, plastic
*900319 Frames and mountings of other materials
*900390 Parts for frames and mountings, spectacles, etc
*9004 Spectacles, goggles etc, ..corrective, protective etc sunglasses
*900410 Sunglasses
*900490 Spectacles, etc, corrective, protective, nesoi
*9005 Optical telescopes & mountings; astronomical instruments & mountings(not radio- astronomy) binoculars, monoculars
*900510 Binoculars
*900580 Monoculars telescopes astronomical ins and mountng
*900590 Binoculars, other optical telescopes parts
*9006 Photographic still cameras, flash apparatus(not discharge lamps of 8539); parts & accessories
*900610 Cameras use in preparing printing plates/cylinders
*900620 Cameras used for recording documents on microfilm
*900630 Cameras for underwater, aerial survey, medical etc
*900640 Instant print cameras
*900651 Cameras w lens viewfinder, for film width <=35 mm
*900652 Photo cameras for roll film of a width less 35 mm
*900653 Photo cameras for roll film of a width of 35 mm
*900659 Photographic cameras (still) nesoi
*900661 Photo discharge lamp (electronic) flashlght apprts
*900662 Photo flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like
*900669 Photographic flashlight apparatus& flashbulb nesoi
*900691 Parts and accessories for still photo cameras
*900699 Pts, photographic flashlight exc of heading 8539,
*9007 Cinematographic cameras & projectors, parts & accessories
*900711 Cinema cameras for film < 16mm width, double 8mm fl
*900719 Cinema cameras, for film not less than 16mm wide
*900721 Projectors for film of less than 16mm in width
*900729 Cinema projectors for film not less than 16 mm wd
*900791 Parts and accessories for cameras
*900792 Parts and accessories for cinema projectors
*9008 Image projectors, enlargers, reducers (not cinematographic); parts & accessories
*900810 Slide projectors
*900820 Microfilm, microfiche or microform readers
*900830 Image projectors, still, nesoi
*900840 Photographic exc cinematographic enlargers&reducer
*900890 Pts, of image projector, enlarger&reducer exc cinem
*9009 Photocopying & thermocopying apparatus; parts & accessories
*900911 Electrostatic photocopying image directly on copy
*900912 Electrostatic photocopying image, indirect process
*900921 Photocopying apparatus having an optical system
*900922 Other photocopying apparatus of the contact type
*900930 Thermocopying apparatus
*900990 Part and accessories of photocopying apparatus
*9010 Apparatus & equipment for photographic laboratories; negatoscopes; projection screens ; parts & accessories
*901010 Apparatus & equip, automatic developing photo film
*901020 Equip for photo (incl cinema) labs; negatoscopes
*901030 Projection screens
*901090 Pts & access of apprt & equip for photo/cinema lab
*9011 Compound optical microscopes; parts & accessories
*901110 Stereoscopic microscopes
*901120 Microscopes, for microphotography&cinema etc, nesoi
*901180 Compound optical microscopes, nesoi
*901190 Pts & accessories for compound optical microscopes
*9012 Microscopes (not optical); diffraction apparatus; parts and accessories
*901210 Microscopes, exc optical; diffraction apparatus
*901290 Pts for microscopes, exc optical; diffraction
*9013 Liquid crystal devices, lasers (not laser diodes); optical appliances & instruments; parts & accessories telescopic sights, periscopes, magnifying glasses, loupes, thread counters, door viewers
*901310 Telescopic sights f arms; periscope f optical, etc
*901320 Lasers, other than laser diodes
*901380 Optical devices, appliances and instruments, nesoi
*901390 Pts of liq crystal device, laser&oth optical, nesoi
*9014 Direction finding compasses & navigational instruments & appliances; parts & accessories
*901410 Direction finding compass
*901420 Instruments & appl f aerntcl/spc navig ex compass
*901480 Navigational instruments and appliances, nesoi
*901490 Pts, for direct find compasses, navigational inst
*9015 Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic, hydrological, meteorological, geophysical instruments & appliances (not compasses, rangefinders); parts & accessories
*901510 Rangefinders
*901520 Theodolites and tachyometers
*901530 Levels (surveying)
*901540 Photogrammetrical surveying instruments & applnces
*901580 Surveying instruments and appliances, nesoi etc.
*901590 Parts and accessories for surveying
*9016 Balances..of sensitivity 5 cg or better; parts & accessories
*901600 Balaces, sensitivity >=5 cg, w or w/o wgt, & pts
*9017 Drawing, marking-out, mathematical calculating instruments, hand instruments for measuring length; parts & accessories drafting machines, pantographs, protractors, drawing sets, slide rules, tape measures, micrometers, calipers
*901710 Drafting table & machines whether or not automatic
*901720 Drawng markng-out math calcultng ins ex drft tble
*901730 Micrometers, calipers and gauges
*901780 Instruments for measuring length, nesoi
*901790 Pts, for drawing etc & inst for measuring lgth ins
*9018 Medical/surgical/dental/veterinary..instruments & appliances; electro-medical apparatus & sight-testing instruments; parts & accessories scintigraphic apparatus
*901811 Electrocardiographs, and parts and accessories
*901819 Electro-diagnostic apparatus nesoi, and parts etc.
*901820 Ultraviolet or infrared ray apparatus, & pts & acc
*901831 Syringes, with or without needles; pts & access
*901832 Tubular metal needles & needles for sutures &parts
*901839 Med needles. nesoi, catherers etc and parts etc
*901841 Dental drill engines and parts and accessories
*901849 Inst & appln for dental science, & pts & acc, nesoi
*901850 Other ophthalmic instruments & appliances & parts
*901890 Instr & appl f medical surgical dental vet, nesoi
*9019 Mechano-therapy, massage, psychological aptitude testing test, artificial respiration..appliances & apparatus; ozone, oxygen, aerosol therapy
*901910 Mech-thrpy appl; mssg appr; psych apt-test; appr; pts
*901920 Ozone, oxygen, etc therapy, respiration apparatus, pt
*9020 Breathing appliances & gas masks (not protective masks); parts & accessories
*902000 Breathing appliances & gas masks nesoi; parts etc
*9021 Orthopedic appliances; artificial body parts; hearing aids; parts & accessories crutches, surgical, belts, trusses, splints, bone plates/screws/nails, artificial teeth, pacemakers
*902111 Artificial joints and parts and accessories
*902119 Orthpdc/fractr appl (ex art joint/pt), pt & access
*902121 Artificial teeth and parts and accessories
*902129 Dental fittings and parts and accessories
*902130 Oth artifical pts of the body & pts & accessories
*902140 Hearing aids, excluding parts and accessories
*902150 Pacemakers for stimulating heart muscles
*902190 Appliances worn, carried, implanted in body&pt, nesoi
*9022 X-ray, alpha, beta, gamma radiation..apparatus x-ray tubes, x-ray generators; control panels, desks, screens, chairs
*902211 Appts base on x-ray for medical, dental, etc uses
*902219 Apparatus base on x-ray for oth use, ex medical, etc
*902221 Appts base on alpha, beta, etc radiation, medical, etc
*902229 Appr use of alpha beta gamma rdtn n f med surg etc
*902230 X-ray tubes
*902290 X-ray/hi tnsn genr cntr pnl & dsk exm/trtmnt tb pt
*9023 Instruments, apparatus, models for..demonstrational purposes (no other use); parts & accessories
*902300 Inst, appts&models, for demonstrational use& parts
*9024 Machines, appliances for..testing elasticity or mechanical properties of material; parts & accessories
*902410 Machines and appliances for testing metals
*902480 Machine&appliance, test hardness, strength, etc, nesoi
*902490 Pts, machine & appln, test hardness/strength, etc
*9025 Hydrometers, thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, hygrometers, psychrometers; parts & accessories
*902511 Thermometers n cmbnd w ot inst liq-flld drct read
*902519 Thermometers, nt combined with oth inst, nesoi
*902520 Barometers, not combined with other instruments
*902580 Hydrometers, pyrometers, hygrometers, etc, nesoi
*902590 Pts, hydrometers, therometers, pyrometers, etc
*9026 Instruments & apparatus for..measuring/checking liquid/gases..flow, level pressure(not 9014, 9015, 9028, 9032) flow meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters
*902610 Inst & apprts, measure/checking flow/level of liq
*902620 Inst & apprts, measuring/checking pressure
*902680 Inst measure/checking variable of liq/gases, nesoi
*902690 Pts, inst & apprts measure/check variables liq/gas
*9027 Instruments & apparatus for..physical or chemical analysis polarimeters, refractometers, spectrometers, exposure meters, microtomes
*902710 Gas or smoke analysis apparatus
*902720 Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments
*902730 Spctmtr spctrphtmtr etc using optical radiations
*902740 Exposure meters
*902750 Instruments etc using optical radiations nesoi
*902780 Phy chem ins/appr; meas vscsty & heat nesoi
*902790 Pts of inst, phys/chem analysis etc, nesoi
*9028 Gas, liquid, & calibrating meters; parts & accessories
*902810 Gas meters
*902820 Liquid meters
*902830 Electricity meters
*902890 Pt acces gas lqd elec supply mtr inc clbrating mtr
*9029 Revolution & production counters, taximeters, odometers, pedometers, speedometers, tachometers (not 9015); stroboscopes; parts & accessories
*902910 Revolution counters, production counters, etc
*902920 Speedometers and tachometers; stroboscopes
*902990 Pts for revolution counters, odometer, etc
*9030 Oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers & other instruments & apparatus for measuring/checking electrical quantities (not 9028), or alpha, beta, gamma, x-ray etc radiation; parts & accessories
*903010 Inst for measuring/detecting ionizing radiations
*903020 Cathode-ray oscilloscopes&cathode-ray oscillograph
*903031 Multimeters without a recording device)
*903039 Inst meas volt crrnt etc w-out rcrdng dvce, mltmtr
*903040 Oth inst, specially designed for telecommunication
*903081 Oth inst, recording device, measure/check elec qtys
*903089 Inst, measuring/checking electrical quantitie, nesoi
*903090 Pts of inst f meas elect quat alpha beta inzng rdt
*9031 Other machines/instruments/appliances; profile projectors; parts & accessories balancing machines, test benches, photomasks
*903110 Machines for balancing mechanical parts
*903120 Test benches
*903130 Profile projectors
*903140 Other optical instruments and appliances
*903180 Meas & checkng instrument, appliances & mach nesoi
*903190 Pts, of mach nesoi in this chap,& profile projectr
*9032 Automatic regulating or control instruments; parts & accessories
*903210 Thermostats
*903220 Manostats
*903281 Hydraulic/pneumatic auto regulating/contr ins/appr
*903289 Auto regulating ins & appr ex throstat, mnstat, etc
*903290 Pts, autom regulating/controlling inst & apprts
*9033 Parts & accessories of 9001-9032, nesoi (not elsewhere specified or included)
*903300 Pts, nesoi for machines, appln, inst/appts of chap90
Chapter 91 - Clocks and watches and parts thereof
*9101 of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal wrist/pocket/stop watches
*910111 Wrst watch, battery, precious metal, mech display
*910112 Wrist watch, battry, precious metal, opto-elect displ
*910119 Wrist watch, battery, precious metal, nesoi
*910121 Wrst watch, nt battery, precious metal, automatic
*910129 Wrist watche, nt battery, precious metal w/o autom
*910191 Oth watch, precious metal, battery, exc wrst watch
*910199 Oth watch, prcs metal, nt battery, exc wrist watch
*9102 Watches..(not case of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal i.e not 9101) wrist/pocket/stop watches
*910211 Wrst watch, battery, mechanical disply, base metal
*910212 Wrist watch, battry powered, opto-elec disp, base mtl
*910219 Wrist watches, battery, w other disply, base metal
*910221 Wrst watch, nt battery, case base metal, automatic
*910229 Wrist watches, nt battery, base metal, w/o automat
*910291 Oth watch, base metal, battery, except wrst watch
*910299 Oth watch, base metal, nt battery, exc wrist watch
*9103 Clocks with watch movements (not 9104)
*910310 Clocks w watch movements, battery, exc clk of 9104
*910390 Clocks w watch movement, nt battry exc clk of 9104
*9104 Instrument panel clocks for..vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft, vessels
*910400 Inst panel clk & clk simlr, for vehicle, aircrft, etc
*9105 Clocks..(not with watch movements or instrument panel clocks) alarm clocks, wall clocks
*910511 Alarm clocks, battery or ac powered
*910519 Alarm clocks, not battery or ac powered
*910521 Wall clocks, battery or ac powered
*910529 Wall clocks, not battery or ac powered
*910591 Oth clks, battery/ac powered, nesoi
*910599 Oth clks, nt battery or ac, exc alarm & wall clock
*9106 Apparatus for recording/measuring..time of day, intervals of time time registers, parking meters
*910610 Time registers; time-recorders
*910620 Parking meters
*910690 Oth time apprts, for meas, record & indicate, nesoi
*9107 Time switches with clock/watch movement or synchronous motor
*910700 Time switches w clk/wtch movemnt/synchronous motor
*9108 Watch movements, complete & assembled
*910811 Watch movemnt, compl&assm, battery, mech disp ect
*910812 Watch movements, battery, opto-electronic displ only
*910819 Watch movements, compl & assem, battery, nesoi
*910820 Watch movemnt, compl & assem, w automatic winding
*910891 Watch movemnt, compl & assem, meas 33.8 mm or less
*910899 Watch movemnts, compl & assem, meas over 33.8 mm
*9109 Clock movements, complete & assembled
*910911 Clk movements of alarm clk, compl&assem, battery/ac
*910919 Clk movemnts, compl & assem, battery/ac, exc alarm
*910990 Clk movemnts, compl & assem, exc battery/ac, nesoi
*9110 Complete watch or clock movements..unassembled/partly assembled; incomplete watch or clock movements, assembled; rough watch or clock movements
*911011 Complete movements of watches, unassem/ptly assembl
*911012 Incomplete movements of watches, assembled
*911019 Rough movements of watches
*911090 Compl clk movemnt, unassemble/ptly assem, rough etc
*9111 Watch cases and parts
*911110 Wtch cases, prcs metal or metal clad w prcs metal
*911120 Watch cases of base metals, gold or silver plated
*911180 Watch cases, nesoi
*911190 Parts for watch cases of any material
*9112 Clock cases & similar; parts thereof
*911210 Clock cases of metal
*911280 Clock cases of other than metal
*911290 Parts for clock cases, nesoi
*9113 Watch..straps, bands, bracelets; parts thereof
*911310 Watch bands etc, of prcs metal/metal clad etc & pts
*911320 Watch bands, etc, of base metal whether/nt gld/slv
*911390 Watch bands etc. except of metal and parts
*9114 Other clock or watch parts springs, jewels, dials, plates, bridges
*911410 Clock or watch springs, including hair springs
*911420 Clock or watch jewels
*911430 Clock or watch dials
*911440 Clock or watch plates and bridges
*911490 Parts for clocks or watches, nesoi
Chapter 92 - Musical instruments; parts and accessories thereof
*9201 Pianos, harpsichords & other keyboard stringed instruments
*920110 Upright pianos
*920120 Grand pianos
*920190 Pianos, nesoi
*9202 String musical instruments(not keyboard of 9201) guitars, violins, harps
*920210 String musical instruments played with a bow
*920290 String musical instruments nesoi
*9203 Keyboard pipe organs; keyboard instruments with free metal reeds harmonium
*920300 Keybrd, pipe organs, etc, with free metal reeds
*9204 Accordions and similar instruments; mouth organs piano accordion
*920410 Accordions and similar instruments
*920420 Mouth organs
*9205 Wind musical instruments clarinets, trumpets, bagpipes, saxophone, flute, piccolos
*920510 Brass-wind instruments
*920590 Wind music instruments nesoi
*9206 Percussion musical instruments drums, xylophones, cymbals, castanets, maracas, chimes, peals
*920600 Percussion musical instruments drums etc.)
*9207 Musical instruments with sound electrically produced keyboard instruments
*920710 Keyboard instr ot accrd sound must be amp electrcl
*920790 Music inst sound must be amplified electric, nesoi
*9208 Music boxes, fairground organs, mechanical street organs, mechanical singing birds, musical saws, etc.; decoy calls; whistles, call horns, mouth-blown signaling instruments
*920810 Music boxes
*920890 Fairground organs, music saws, call horn etc nesoi
*9209 Parts & accessories of musical instruments; metronomes, tuning forks, pitch pipes
*920910 Metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes
*920920 Mechanisms for music boxes
*920930 Music instrument strings
*920991 Parts and accessories for pianos
*920992 Pts & accessories for string music inst nesoi
*920993 Pts & accessories for musical inst of heading 9203
*920994 Pts & accessories for musical inst of heading 9207
*920999 Pts & accessories for ex. cards, discs, etc, nesoi