Chapter 86 - Railway or tramway. Locomotives, rolling stock, track fixtures and parts thereof; mechanical & electro-mechanical traffic signal equipment
*8601 Rail locomotives..powered by external electrical source or accumulators (batteries)
*860110 Rail locomotives powered from external source elec
*860120 Rail locomotives powered by elec accumulators
*8602 Rail locomotives nonelectric; locomotive tenders diesel-electric locomotives
*860210 Diesel electric locomotives
*860290 Rail locomotives and tenders nesoi
*8603 Railway/tramway self-propelled..coaches/vans/trucks (not 8604)
*860310 Self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, electr
*860390 Self-propelled railway or tramway coach nesoi
*8604 Railway/tramway maintenance or service vehicles workshops, cranes, ballast tampers, trackliners, testing coaches
*860400 Railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles
*8605 Railway/tramway passenger coaches & special purpose coaches (not self-propelled or 8604) luggage vans
*860500 Railwy, tramwy pasengr coaches, not self-propelled
*8606 Railway/tramway freight cars, not self-propelled
*860610 Railway or tramway tank cars not self-propelled
*860620 Railway or tramway insulat, refrig cars not slf-pl
*860630 Railway or tramway self-discharging cars not slf-p
*860691 Railway or trmwy cars, covered, closed nesoi
*860692 Railway or trmwy cars, open, non-removbl sides ne
*860699 Railwy, tramwy freight cars, nt slf-prl nesoi
*8607 Railway/tramway parts for locomotives, rolling stock
*860711 Truck assemblies for self-propelled railway veh
*860712 Truck assemblies, railway, nesoi
*860719 Truck axles and wheels & pts, inc pts truck assem
*860721 Airbrakes and parts thereof
*860729 Brakes, except airbrakes, and parts thereof
*860730 Hooks & oth coupling devices buffers & pts thereof
*860791 Parts, nesoi, of locomotives
*860799 Pts of railway/tramway locomotive/rollg stck nesoi
*8608 Railway/tramway track fixtures & fittings; mechanical signaling/safety/traffic control for railways/tramways/roads/waterways/ports/parkin facilities
*860800 Railway fixtures; mech signaling, safety, etc, eq
*8609 Containers specially designed for transport
*860900 Containers for one or more modes of transport
Chapter 87 - Vehicles, (not railway, tramway, rolling stock); parts and accessories
*8701 Tractors (other than works trucks of heading 8709)
*870110 Tractors, pedestrian controlled
*870120 Road tractors for semi-trailers
*870130 Track-laying tractors
*870190 Tractors, nesoi
*8702 Public-transport type passenger motor vehicles
*870210 Passengr mtr veh compr-ignitn intr comb pist(disl)
*870290 Public-trnsprt typ pasgnr veh, nesoi
*8703 Motor cars & vehicles for transporting persons (not 8702)
*870310 Pass veh for snow; golf carts & similar vehicles
*870321 Pass mtr veh, spark ign eng, not ov 1,000 cc
*870322 Pass mtr veh, spark ign eng, >1000cc but =<1500cc
*870323 Pass veh spk-ig int com rcpr p eng >1500 nov 3m cc
*870324 Pass veh spk-ig int com rcpr p eng > 3000 cc
*870331 Pass mtr veh, diesel eng, not ov 1500 cc
*870332 Pass veh com-ig int com eng > 1500 nov 2500 cc
*870333 Pass veh com-ig int com eng > 2500 cc
*870390 Passenger motor vehicles, nesoi
*8704 Motor vehicles for transport of goods
*870410 Dumpers designed for off-highway use
*870421 Trucks, nesoi, diesel eng, gvw 5 metric tons & und
*870422 Mtr veh trans gds com-ig int c p e gvw >5nov20 mtn
*870423 Truck, diesel eng, gvw > 20 metric tons
*870431 Mtr veh trans gds spk ig in c p eng, gvw nov 5 mtn
*870432 Mtr veh trans gds spk-ig in c p eng, gvw > 5 m tn
*870490 Trucks, nesoi
*8705 Special purpose motor vehicles wreckers, mobile cranes, fire fighting, concrete mixers, road sweepers, spraying, mobile specialized units
*870510 Mobile cranes
*870520 Mobile drilling derricks
*870530 Fire fighting vehicles
*870540 Concrete mixers, special purpose vehicle
*870590 Special purpose vehicles, nesoi
*8706 Chassis with engines..for motor vehicles of 8701 to 8705
*870600 Chas w eng f trac, mtr veh f pass/gd & special pur
*8707 Bodies & cabs..for motor vehicles of 8701 to 8705
*870710 Bodies f mtr car/vehicles for transporting persons
*870790 Bodies f road tractors and motor veh(pub tran, etc)
*8708 Parts & accessories..for motor vehicles of 8701 to 8705 brakes, radiators, mufflers, exhaust pipes, clutches, steering wheels/columns/boxes
*870810 Bumpers and parts, for motor vehicles
*870821 Safety seat belts for motor vehicles
*870829 Pts & access of bodies of motor vehicles, nesoi
*870831 Mounted brake linings for motor vehicles
*870839 Brakes and servo-brakes, parts, of 8701, 8705
*870840 Gear boxes for motor vehicles
*870850 Drive axles with differential for motor vehicles
*870860 Non-driving axles & pts thereof for motor vehicles
*870870 Road wheels & pts & accessories for motor vehicles
*870880 Suspension shock absorbers for motor vehicles
*870891 Radiators for motor vehicles
*870892 Mufflers and exhaust pipes for motor vehicles
*870893 Clutches and parts thereof for motor vehicles
*870894 Steering wheels, columns & boxes f motor vehicles
*870899 Parts and accessories of motor vehicles, nesoi
*8709 Works trucks, self-propelled (not fitted with lifting/handling equipment) used in..factories/warehouses/dock areas/airports; parts thereof
*870911 Elec vehicles (fact etc works trucks & tractors)
*870919 Vehicles (fact etc works trucks & tractors) nonel
*870990 Parts for works trucks w/o lift equip
*8710 Tanks & other armored fighting vehicles, motorized; parts thereof
*871000 Tank & ot armored fight veh, motorized; and parts
*8711 Motorcycles & cycles with auxiliary motor; side-cars mopeds
*871110 Motocycles (incl mopeds), pist, eng, cyl, not, exc 50cc
*871120 Motorcycles (including mopeds), cycl, exc50cc, nt250c
*871130 Motorcycles (including mopeds), cycl, exc250cc, nt500
*871140 Motorcycles, cycl, exc500, nt800cc
*871150 Motorcycles, cycl, excd 800 cc
*871190 Motorcycles (including mopeds), nesoi, side cars
*8712 Bicycles & other cycles (not motorized) delivery tricycles
*871200 Bicycles & oth cycles (inc del tricycle) no motor
*8713 Invalid carriages
*871310 Invalid carriages, not mechanically propelled
*871390 Invalid carriages, nesoi
*8714 Parts & accessories for..motor cycles/cycles/invalid carriages of 8711 to 8713
*871411 Saddles and seats of motorcycles
*871419 Parts of motorcycles, nesoi
*871420 Parts and accessories of invalid carriages
*871491 Frames and forks, and prts for bicycles etc.
*871492 Wheel rims and spokes, nesoi, of veh, hed, 8711, 8713
*871493 Hubs, other than coster brakn hubs, hb brks, spk, whls
*871494 Brakes, incl coaster brkng hubs, hub brks, prts, nes
*871495 Saddles for bicycles etc.
*871496 Pedals and crank-gear, parts, nesoi, of 8711, 8713
*871499 Parts and acessories nesoi of bicycles etc.
*8715 Baby carriages; parts thereof strollers
*871500 Baby carriages (inc strollers) and parts thereof
*8716 Trailers & semi-trailers; other vehicles (not mechanically propelled); parts thereof
*871610 Trailers and semi-trailers for housing or camping
*871620 Self-loading or self-unloading trailers, semi-trail
*871631 Tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers
*871639 Trailers & semi-trailer f trans cds ex tankr nesoi
*871640 Trailers and semi-trailers, nesoi
*871680 Vehicles not mechanically propelled, nesoi
*871690 Pts trailers, semi-trailer & ot veh n mech propeld
Chapter 88 - Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof
*8801 Balloons & dirigibles; gliders, hang gliders, non-powered aircraft
*880110 Gliders and hang gliders
*880190 Balloons & dirigibles; oth non-power aircrft, nesoi
*8802 Aircraft, powered; spacecraft & launch vehicles helicopters, satellites
*880211 Helicopters of an unladen weight not over 2000 kg
*880212 Helicopters of an unladen weight exceeding 2000 kg
*880220 Airplanes & ot a/c, unladen weight nt over 2000 kg
*880230 Aipplane & a/c unladen wght > 2000, nov 15000 kg
*880240 Airplane & ot a/c, unladen weight > 15,000 kg
*880250 Spacecraft inc satellites and spacecraft vehicles
*8803 Parts of..aircraft, spacecraft, balloons, etc., of 8801, 8802
*880310 Propellr rotor & pts of gliders & a/c, n-pwrd/pwrd
*880320 Undcarrge & pts gliders & a/c, non-powered/powered
*880330 Parts of airplanes or helicopters, nesoi
*880390 Parts of non-powered & powered aircraft etc nesoi
*8804 Parachutes, rotochutes; parts & accessories dirigible parachutes
*880400 Parachutes (including dirigible parachutes) rotoch
*8805 Aircraft launching gear; deck-arrestor & similar gear; ground flying trainers; parts thereof
*880510 Aircraft launching gear and prts; deck arrestors, pt
*880520 Ground flying trainers and parts
Chapter 89 - Ships, boats and floating stuctures
*8901 Vessels for..the transport of persons or goods cruise ships, excursion boats, ferry boats, cargo ships, barges
*890110 Cruise ships, excursion boats and similar vessels
*890120 Tankers for the transport of goods
*890130 Refrigerated vessels, other than tankers
*890190 Vessels, nesoi, for transport of goods and vessels
*8902 Fishing vessels; factory ships & vessels for processing or preserving fishery products
*890200 Fishishing vessels; factory ships & shps, ves, nesoi
*8903 Yachts & vessels for..pleasure or sports; row boats & canoes motorboats
*890310 Inflatable yatchts, vessels, for ples, sports
*890391 Sailboats, with or without auxiliary motor
*890392 Motorboats, other than outboard motorboats
*890399 Yachts etc for pleas/sport nesoi; row bts, canoes
*8904 Tugs and pusher craft
*890400 Tugs and pusher craft
*8905 Light-vessels, fire-floats, dredgers, floating cranes; floating docks, floating or submersible platforms
*890510 Dredgers
*890520 Floating or submersible drilling or prodctn, pltfrm
*890590 Lght vessel, fire float, floating cranes/docks etc
*8906 Water vessels (not 8901-8905) warships, lifeboats
*890600 Vessels nesoi incl warshp/lifebt ex row boats
*8907 Floating structures (not 8905) rafts, tanks, buoys, cofferdams, landing-stages, beacons
*890710 Inflatable rafts
*890790 Floating structures except inflatable rafts
*8908 Vessels and floating structures for..scrapping
*890800 Vessels and floating structures, for breaking