Chapter 84 - Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof
*8401 Nuclear reactors; fuel elements for nuclear reactors(non-irradiated); machinery/apparatus for isotopic separation; parts thereof
*840110 Nuclear reactors
*840120 Isotopic separation machinery, aparatus and parts
*840130 Fuel elements (cartridges)non-irradiated, and part
*840140 Parts of nuclear reactors
*8402 Steam or other vapor generating boilers(not central heating); super heated water boilers
*840211 Watertube boilers steam production exc 45 t per hr
*840212 Watertube boilers steam prod not exc 45 t per hour
*840219 Vapor generating boilers, nesoi, inc hybrid
*840220 Super-heated water boilers
*840290 Super-heated water boilers & steam genrtn boil pts
*8403 Central heating boilers (not 8402) and parts thereof
*840310 Central heating boilers
*840390 Parts for central heating boilers
*8404 Auxiliary plant used with boilers of 8402 & 8403; condensers; parts thereof economizers, superheaters, soot removers, gas recoverers
*840410 Auxiliary plant for steam, water and central boilr
*840420 Condensers for steam or other vapor power units
*840490 Parts for aux plt for blrs, cond for stm, vpr pr unt
*8405 Producer gas or water gas generators; acetylene or similar water process gas generators; parts thereof
*840510 Producer gas, wtr gas, acetylene gas, wtr pro gas gen
*840590 Pts, prod gas, wtr gas, acetylene gas, wtr pro gas gen
*8406 Steam turbines & other vapor turbines, parts thereof
*840611 Steam & oth vapor turbines for marine propulsion
*840619 Steam and oth vapor turbines ex marine propulsion
*840690 Parts for steam and other vapor turbines
*8407 Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines
*840710 Aircraft engines (spark-ignition/rotary int cmbus)
*840721 Outboard engines for marine propulsion
*840729 Marine inboard propulsion engines
*840731 Sprk-ign piston eng f veh ex railwy not ovr 50 cc
*840732 Spark-igntn recprctng pistn engine etc nov 250cc
*840733 Spark-igntn recrctng pistn eng etc >250 nov1000cc
*840734 Spark-igntn recprcting piston engine etc > 1000 cc
*840790 Spark-igntn rcprctng/rotary int combstn eng, nesoi
*8408 Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines (diesel or semi-diesel)
*840810 Marine compress-ignin combustion piston engine etc
*840820 Compression-igntn int combustion piston engine etc
*840890 Compression-igntn int combustion piston eng, nesoi
*8409 Parts for spark-ignition or compression-ignition engines of 8407 or 8408
*840910 Parts for aircraft engines (sp-ign, rot or comp)
*840991 Spark-ignition int combustion piston engine parts
*840999 Spark-ignition reciprocating int com pistn eng pts
*8410 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels & regulators; parts thereof
*841011 Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, not ov 1, 000 kw
*841012 Hydraulic turb & wtr wheels power>1,000kw<10,000kw
*841013 Hydraulic turbines and water wheels power>10,000kw
*841090 Parts, inc regulators, for hydraulic turb & wtr wh
*8411 Turbojets, turbopropellers & other gas turbines; parts thereof
*841111 Turbojets of a thrust not exceeding 25 kn
*841112 Turbojets of a thrust exceeding 25 kn
*841121 Turbopropellers of a power not exceeding 1,100 kw
*841122 Turbopropellers of a power exceeding 1,100 kw
*841181 Gas turbines of a power not exceeding 5,000 kw
*841182 Gas turbines of a power exceeding 5,000 kw
*841191 Turbojet and turboproller parts
*841199 Gas turbine parts nesoi
*8412 Other engines and motors and parts thereof reaction engines (not turbojets), hydraulic/pneumatic power engines/motors
*841210 Reaction engines other than turbojets
*841221 Hydraulic power engines and motors, linear acting
*841229 Hydraulic power engines & motors ex linear acting
*841231 Pneumatic power engines and motors, linear acting
*841239 Pneumatic power engines & motors ex linear acting
*841280 Engines and motors, nesoi
*841290 Engine and motor parts, nesoi
*8413 Pumps for liquids; liquid elevators; parts thereof
*841311 Pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, garage use
*841319 Pumps fitted with measuring device, nesoi
*841320 Hand pumps, exc pumps fitted with measuring devices
*841330 Fuel, lub/cooling med pumps for int comb pistn eng
*841340 Concrete pumps
*841350 Reciprocating positive displacement pumps, nesoi
*841360 Rotary positive displacement pumps, nesoi
*841370 Centrifugal pumps, nesoi
*841381 Pumps for liquids, nesoi
*841382 Liquid elevators
*841391 Parts of pumps for liquids
*841392 Parts of liquid elevators
*8414 Air or vacuum pumps, air or gas compressors & fans; hoods with fans; parts thereof
*841410 Vacuum pumps
*841420 Hand- or foot-operated air pumps
*841430 Compressors used in refrigerating equipment
*841440 Air compressors mount on wheel chassis for towing
*841451 Table, floor etc fans electric not exceed 125 w
*841459 Fans, nesoi
*841460 Hoods having maximum horrizon side not exc 120 cm
*841480 Air/gas pumps, compressors and fans etc, nesoi
*841490 Air/gas pump, compressor and fan etc parts, nesoi
*8415 Air conditioning machines with fan & element to change temperature and humidity; parts thereof
*841510 Air conditioning machines, window or wall types
*841581 Air conditioning mach etc incl refrig unit etc
*841582 Air conditioning mach etc incorp refrig unit nesoi
*841583 Air conditioning machines etc not incl refrig unit
*841590 Parts, nesoi, of air conditioning machines
*8416 Furnace burners for..liquid fuel, pulverised solid fuel, gas; mechanical..stokers, grates, ash discharges & similar; parts thereof
*841610 Furnace burners for liquid fuel
*841620 Furnace burners for pulverized solid fuel/gas etc
*841630 Mech stokes, mech grates, mech ash discharge&sim ap
*841690 Parts of furnace burners
*8417 Industrial or laboratory furnaces & ovens including incinerators (nonelectric); parts thereof furnaces for heat treatment of ores, bakery ovens
*841710 Ind or lab furmnaces, heat treat ore, met etc, n e
*841720 Bakery ovens, includ biscuit ovens, indust, nonelec
*841780 Ind or lab furnaces & ovens, inc incin, n/ele, nesoi
*841790 Parts of ind or lab furn & oven, incinerat, nonelec
*8418 Refrigerators, freezers etc; heat pumps (not 8415) ; parts thereof
*841810 Combined refrigerator-freezers w separate doors
*841821 Refrigerators, household, compression type
*841822 Refrigerators, household, absorption, electrical
*841829 Refrigerators, household type, nesoi
*841830 Freezers, chest type, capacity not exc 800 liters
*841840 Freezers, upright, capacity not exc 900 liters
*841850 Refrigerating/freezing display counters etc
*841861 Compres type heat pump unit w heat ex nesoi
*841869 Refrigerating/freezing equipment, nesoi
*841891 Furniture for refrigeration or freezing equipment
*841899 Refrigerator freezer and heat pump parts nesoi
*8419 Nonelectric instantaneous/storage water heaters; machinery, plant or laboratory equipment for..treatment of material by temperature change i.e heating, distilling, sterilizing, condensing, cooling (not domestic) microwave ovens
*841911 Instantaneous gas water heaters
*841919 Instant/storage water heatrs ex instant gas wtr ne
*841920 Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers
*841931 Dryers for agricultural products
*841932 Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard
*841939 Dryers, nesoi
*841940 Distilling or rectifying plant
*841950 Heat exchange units, industrial type
*841960 Machinery for liquefying air or gas
*841981 Machinery etc for making hot drinks cooking heatng
*841989 Machine etc for mat'l treatment by temp cont nesoi
*841990 Parts for machinery plant or lab equipment etc
*8420 Calendering or other rolling machines (not for metal, glass), cylinders & parts thereof
*842010 Calendering or other rolling machines
*842091 Cylinders f rolling mach, exc f metals or glass
*842099 Parts, nesoi, f folling mach, exc f metals or glass
*8421 Centrifuges; filtering or purifying machinery/apparatus for liquids or gases; parts thereof
*842111 Cream separators, centrifugal
*842112 Clothes-dryers, centrifugal
*842119 Centrifuges, nesoi
*842121 Water filtering or purifying machinery & apparatus
*842122 Beverage filtering or purifying mach & apparatus
*842123 Oil or fuel filters for internal combustion engine
*842129 Filter/purify machine & apparatus for liquid nesoi
*842131 Intake air filters for internal combustion engines
*842139 Filter/purify machine & apparatus for gases nesoi
*842191 Parts of centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers
*842199 Filter/purify machine & apparatus parts
*8422 Machines for..dishwashing, cleaning/drying bottles, packing or wrapping, aerating beverages, filling/closing/sealing/capsuling/labeling..bottles/cans/boxes/bags/other containers
*842211 Dishwashing machines, household type
*842219 Dishwashing machines, except household type
*842220 Mach for clean or dry bottles or other containers
*842230 Machinery for filling, closing bottles, etc
*842240 Packing or wrapping machinery, nesoi
*842290 Parts for machines for dishwashing, packing, etc
*8423 Weighing machines (not 5cg or better sensitivity), weighing machine weights and parts
*842310 Personal weighing machines; household scales
*842320 Scales fr continuous weighing of goods on conveyor
*842330 Const-wght scales & dischrging predet wghts in bag
*842381 Wgh machy, nesoi, capacity <30 kg
*842382 Weigh mach, nesoi, capacity >30kg but =<5000 kg
*842389 Weighing machinery, nesoi, capacity >5000 kg
*842390 Weighing machine weights & pts of weighing machine
*8424 Mechanical appliances for..projecting/dispersing/spraying..liquids/powders fire extinguishers, spray guns, steam or sand blasting machines
*842410 Fire extinguishers, whether or not charged
*842420 Spray guns and similar appliances
*842430 Steam/sand blast mach & similar jet projectng mach
*842481 Agricultural or horticultural mech sprayers etc
*842489 Mechanical appliance for projecting liquids nesoi
*842490 Pts for mechanical appliance project liquid etc
*8425 Pulley tackle & hoists (not skip hoists); winches, capstans; jacks
*842511 Puly tac&host, exc skip, host fr rais veh, pow el mt
*842519 Ply tac&hos, exc skip, hos fr rais veh, n/pow el mtr
*842520 Pit-head wind gear; winch spec desig fr underground
*842531 Winches and capstans powered by electric motors
*842539 Winches nesoi & capstans not pow by electric motor
*842541 Built-in jacking systems of a type used in garages
*842542 Jacks and hoists, hydraulic, exc blt-in jack systems
*842549 Jacks, nesoi; hoists used for raising vehicles
*8426 Derricks; cranes; mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers, works trucks with cranes
*842611 Overhead traveling cranes on fixed support
*842612 Mobile lifting frames on tires & straddle carriers
*842619 Ovhd trv, trnpt, gnt, brdg, mobl lft frm&trd car, nesoi
*842620 Tower cranes
*842630 Portal or pedestal jib cranes
*842641 Derricks etc self-propelled on tires, nesoi
*842649 Derricks etc self-propelled not on tires, nesoi
*842691 Lifting or handling machinery for road vehicles
*842699 Lifting machinery, nesoi
*8427 Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks with lifting or handling equipment
*842710 Self-propelled lifting etc trucks with elect motor
*842720 Self-propelled works trucks and forklifts, nesoi
*842790 Fork-lift and works trucks, nesoi
*8428 Other lifting, handling, loading & unloading machinery elevators, escalators, conveyors, teleferics
*842810 Pass or freight elevator exc cont act & skip hoist
*842820 Pneumatic elevators and conveyors
*842831 Cont-act elevat & convey for goods, underground us
*842832 Cont-act elev & convey, fr goods or matl, bucket typ
*842833 Cont-act elev & convey, fr goods or matl, belt type
*842839 Cont-act elev & convey, fr goods or materls, nesoi
*842840 Escalators and moving walkways
*842850 Wag push, loco wag trav, wag tip&rail wag hndl equip
*842860 Telefrs, chair lfts, ski draglin; trac mech f funcl
*842890 Lifting, handling, loading & unloading machy nesoi
*8429 Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levelers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, excavators, tamping machines, road rollers
*842911 Bulldozers and angeldozers, self-prop, track lay
*842919 Bulldozers and angledozers, self-prop nesoi
*842920 Graders and levelers, self-propelled
*842930 Scrapers, self-propelled
*842940 Tamping machines and road rollers, self-propelled
*842951 Front-end shovel loaders
*842952 Mech shovels excavators etc w 360 degree sprstruc
*842959 Mech shovels, excavators and shovel loaders nesoi
*8430 Pile-drivers & extractors; snowplows & blowers; other moving, grading, leveling, scraping, extracting, boring machines
*843010 Pile-drivers and pile-extractors
*843020 Snowplows and snowblowers
*843031 Coal or rock cutters & tunnel mach, self-propelled
*843039 Coal or rock cutters & tunnel mach, nesoi
*843041 Boring or sinking machinery, self-propelled
*843049 Boring or sinking mach nesoi, not self-propelled
*843050 Moving, grading etc machines etc nesoi, self-prop
*843061 Tamping or compacting machinery, not self-propelled
*843062 Scrapers, not self-propelled
*843069 Moving, grading etc machines etc nesoi, no self-pr
*8431 Parts for machinery of 8425 to 8430
*843110 Pts for pulley tackle, hoist ex skip, winches, etc
*843120 Pts of frk lft trks & works trks with lift or hndl
*843131 Parts of elevators, exc cont action, sk hoist, escal
*843139 Pts for lifting, hndlng, loading/unldng mach nesoi
*843141 Buckets, shovels, grabs & grips for derricks etc
*843142 Bulldozer or angledozer blades
*843143 Parts for boring or sinking machinery, nesoi
*843149 Parts and attachments nesoi for derricks etc.
*8432 Agricultural/horticultural/forestry machinery for..soil preparation/cultivation; lawn rollers; parts thereof
*843210 Plows for soil preparation or cultivation
*843221 Disc harrows
*843229 Harrows ex disc, scarifiers cultivators hoes etc
*843230 Seeders, planters and transplanters
*843240 Manure spreeders and fertilizer distributors
*843280 Agril, hort, forsty mach for soil prep or cultivate
*843290 Agric hort/forest machy & lawn/ground roller parts
*8433 Harvesting or threshing machinery; grass or hay mowers; machines(not 8437) agricultural produce; parts thereof
*843311 Mowers for lawns, parks etc cut device horiz plane
*843319 Mowers for lawns exc pwrd w horzntl rotating cuttr
*843320 Mowers, nesoi, inc cutter bar for tractor mounting
*843330 Haying machines other than mowers
*843340 Straw or fodder balers, including pick-up balers
*843351 Combine harvester-threshers
*843352 Threshing mach, exc combine harvester-threshers
*843353 Root or tuber harvesting machines
*843359 Harvesting machinery, nesoi
*843360 Mach for cleaning eggs fruit & oth agric produce
*843390 Parts for harvester, grass mowers, sorting egg etc
*8434 Milking, dairy machinery; parts thereof
*843410 Milking machines
*843420 Dairy machinery
*843490 Parts of milking machines and dairy machinery
*8435 Presses, crushes, similar for manufacture, cider, fruit juices or similar; parts thereof
*843510 Press, crush & sim mac, use in manuf of fruit juices
*843590 Pts, pres, crush&sim mac, use in mfg of fruit juices
*8436 Other agricultural/horticultural/forestry/poultry or bee keeping machinery; parts thereof germination plant, poultry incubators and brooders
*843610 Machinery for preparing animal feeds
*843621 Poultry incubators and brooders
*843629 Poultry-keeping machinery (no incubat or brooder)
*843680 Agric, hort, forest, bee-keeping machinery nesoi
*843691 Parts of poultry-keep mac or poultry incub & brood
*843699 Pts for agric, hort, forest, bee-keep mach nesoi
*8437 Machines leguminous vegetable; machines for..milling industry, working of cereals etc.; parts thereof
*843710 Mach for clean, sort or grade seed, grain, dr leg veg
*843780 Mach f milling or working cereals & veg, exc farm
*843790 Parts of mach f clean, sort, mill grain, veg, ex farm
*8438 Other machinery for manufacture of food or drink (not animal or fixed vegetable fats or oils); parts thereof bakery, confectionery, cocoa, chocolate, sugar, brewery machinery
*843810 Bakery mach & mach f manuf macaroni, spaghetti, etc
*843820 Mach for the manuf of confectionery, cocoa or choc
*843830 Machinery for sugar manufacture
*843840 Brewery machinery
*843850 Machinery for meat or poultry preparation
*843860 Mach for preparation of fruits, nuts or vegetables
*843880 Ind prep, manuf food, drink exc ext, prep anim, veg ol
*843890 Parts of mach of ch 84, nesoi, ind prep food, drink
*8439 Machinery (not 8419) for..making pulp(of fibrous cellulosic material), making or finishing paper/paperboard; parts thereof
*843910 Machy for mkg pulp of fibrous cellulosic material
*843920 Machinery for making paper or paperboard
*843930 Machinery for finishing paper or paperboard
*843991 Parts of mach f make pulp of fibr cellulosic matl
*843999 Pts for machy mkg or finishing paper or paperboard
*8440 Bookbinding machinery, including book-sewing; parts thereof
*844010 Bookbinding mach, including book-sewing machines
*844090 Parts for bookbind mach, inc book-sew machines
*8441 Other machines for making up..paper pulp, paper, paperboard..including cutting machines; parts thereof
*844110 Cutting machines
*844120 Machines for making paper bags etc or envelopes
*844130 Mac fr mak cart, box, case, tube, drum or cont ex mold
*844140 Mach for mold art in paper pulp, paper or paperboar
*844180 Mach fr make up paper pulp, paper, paperbrd
*844190 Pts of mac fr make up paper pulp, paper/papbrd, cut
*8442 Machinery, apparatus, equipment (not 8456-8465) for..type-founding, typesetting, preparing/making.printing blocks/plates/cylinders/printing components; blocks, plates, cylinders, lithographic stones
*844210 Phototypesetting and composing machines
*844220 Mac, app, equip fr typset or comp, proc w/out fun dev
*844230 Mach & equip, nesoi, f making print blocks, plates
*844240 Parts of mach & equip f make print blocks, etc
*844250 Print type, blocks, cylinders etc for print purpse
*8443 Printing machinery; machines for ancillary uses to printing; parts thereof
*844311 Reel-fed offset printing machinery
*844312 Sheet-fed, office type, offset printing machinery
*844319 Offset printing machinery, nesoi
*844321 Reel-fed letterpress printing machinery
*844329 Letterpress printing machinery, nesoi
*844330 Flexographic printing machinery
*844340 Gravure printing machinery
*844350 Printing machinery, nesoi
*844360 Machines for uses ancillary to printing
*844390 Pts for print machy & mach anchillary to printing
*8444 Machines for..extruding, drawing, texturing, cutting man-made textile materials
*844400 Machines extrudding, drawing etc manmade textiles
*8445 Machines for preparing textile fibers & yarns
*844511 Carding machines for preparing textile fibers
*844512 Combing machines for preparing textile fibers
*844513 Drawing or roving mach for preparin textile fibers
*844519 Machines for preparing textile fibers, nesoi
*844520 Textile spinning machines
*844530 Textile doubling or twisting machines
*844540 Textile winding (inc weft wind) or reeling machine
*844590 Mac, prod tex yrn & prep, use on mac, head 8446, 8447
*8446 Weaving machines (looms)
*844610 Weaving mach for weavng fabric not over 30 cm wide
*844621 Power looms for weaving fab, width exc 30cm, shuttle
*844629 Weaving mach, fabric exceed 30cm, shuttle type, nesoi
*844630 Weaving mach f fabrics ov 30 cm wide, shuttleless
*8447 Machines for..knitting, stitch-bonding, making gimped yarn/lace/embroidery/trimmings/braid/net, tufting
*844711 Circular knit mach w cylinder diam not over 165 mm
*844712 Circular knit mach w cylinder diameter over 165 mm
*844720 Flat knitting machines; stitch-bonding machines
*844790 Knit mch, nesoi, & tuft mch; mch f make lace, net, etc
*8448 Auxiliary machinery for use with textile machines; parts and accessories of textile or auxiliary machines dobbies, jacquards, spindles, spindle flyers, card clothing, combs, shuttles, healds
*844811 Dob & jac;card reduc, copy, punch, assm mac as aux mc
*844819 Auxiliary mac for mac of head 8444,8445,8446,8447
*844820 Pt & access for mach for extruding mm text mtl etc
*844831 Card clothing
*844832 Pts of mach for prepar textile fibrs ex card cloth
*844833 Spindles, spin flyers, spin rings & ring travellers
*844839 Pts & access for spinning, winding mach etc nesoi
*844841 Shuttles
*844842 Reeds for looms, healds and heald-frames
*844849 Parts & acces of weav mach or their aux mach, nesoi
*844851 Sinkers needles & oth arts used in formng stitches
*844859 Pts & access nesoi for mach for knittng, braid etc
*8449 Machinery for manufacturing/finishing..felt, nonwovens; hat blocks; parts thereof
*844900 Mach f manuf or finish nonwovens; hat blocks; parts
*8450 Washing machines, household or laundry, parts thereof
*845011 Washing mach automatic w dry line cap not ov 10kg
*845012 Wash mac with blt-in cent dry, cap not exc 10 kg
*845019 Wash mach, capacity not exc 10 kg, household, nesoi
*845020 Washing machines with dry linen capacity ov 10 kg
*845090 Pts of household or lndry-typ wash mac inc wsh/dry
*8451 Machinery (not 8450) for..washing, wringing, drying, ironing, pressing, dyeing, dressing, finishing, coating/impregnating yarns/fabrics, reeling/folding/cutting/pinking fabric, applying paste to base fabric for floor coverings
*845110 Dry-cleaning machines
*845121 Drying machines with dry linen capacity n ov 10kg
*845129 Drying machines with dry linen capacity over 10 kg
*845130 Ironing mach and presses (includ fusing presses)
*845140 Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines
*845150 Mach for reel, unreel, folding, cut or pink text fab
*845180 Machinery of heading 8451, nesoi
*845190 Pts for wash/clean, pasting floor covers etc
*8452 Sewing machines (not book-sewing of 8440); furniture, bases, covers..specially for sewing machines; sewing machine needles
*845210 Sewing machines of the household type
*845221 Sew mach, exc household type, automatic units
*845229 Sewing mach, except household & automatic type
*845230 Sewing machine needles
*845240 Furniture, bases & covers for sewing mach & parts
*845290 Parts for sewing machines, nesoi
*8453 Machinery for..preparing/tanning/working hides/skins/leather, making/repairing footwear/articles of hide etc (not sewing machines); parts thereof
*845310 Mach for prepar, tann or work hids, skins or leather
*845320 Machinery for making or repairing footwear
*845380 Mach for make, repair art of hide, skin, lether, nesoi
*845390 Parts of mach f prep or make art of hides, leather
*8454 Converters, ladles, ingot molds & casting machines, parts thereof (used in metallurgy or metal foundries)
*845410 Converters used in metallurgy or foundries
*845420 Ingot molds & ladles used in metal foundries
*845430 Casting mach used in metallurgy or metal foundries
*845490 Pts for converters ladles etc used in met foundry
*8455 Metal-rolling mills and rolls therefor; parts thereof
*845510 Tube rolling mills
*845521 Hot or combination hot & cold roll mill exc tube
*845522 Cold rolling mills except tube rolling
*845530 Rolls for metal-rolling mills
*845590 Parts for metal rolling mills exc rolls for rol mi
*8456 Machine tools for material removal by..laser, photo beam, ultrasonic, electro-chemical/beam/discharge, ionic-beam, plasma arc processes
*845610 Laser or oth light or photon beam machine tools
*845620 Ultrasonic machine tools for removing matl
*845630 Electro-discharge machine tools for removing matl
*845690 Elec-chem, elec-beam, iunic beam, plasma arc mch tool
*8457 Machining centers, unit construction machines for working metal
*845710 Machining centers for working metal
*845720 Unit construction machines for working metal
*845730 Multistation transfer machines for working metal
*8458 Lathes for removing metal
*845811 Horizontal lathes for removng met numrcal controld
*845819 Horizontal lathes for removng met n numrcal contrl
*845891 Lathes ex horzntl for removng met numrcal controld
*845899 Lathes ex horzntl for removng met n numrcal contrl
*8459 Machine tools for..drilling, boring, milling, threading, tapping (not lathes of 8458)
*845910 Way-type unit head machines
*845921 Drilling mach for removing met, numerical controld
*845929 Drilling mach for remove met, n numerical controld
*845931 Boring-milling mach remove met numerical controlld
*845939 Boring-milling mach remove met n numerical control
*845940 Boring machines for removing metal nesoi
*845951 Milling mach knee type remove met numerical contrl
*845959 Milling mach knee type remove met n numerical cont
*845961 Milling mach n knee type remov met numerical contl
*845969 Milling mach n knee type, remov met, n numercl contl
*845970 Threading or tapping machines, for removing metal
*8460 Machine tools for..deburring/sharpening/grinding/honing/lapping/finishing..metal/sintered metal carbines/cements (not 8461 gear..cutting, grinding, finishing)
*846011 Flat-surf grind mach axis acc .01mm/+ numrcl contl
*846019 Flat-surf grind mach axis acc .01mm/+ n numr contl
*846021 Grind mach ex flt-surf axis acc .01mm/+ numr contl
*846029 Grind mach ex flt-surf axis acc .01mm/+ n num cont
*846031 Sharpeng (tool/cutter grind) mach, numrclly contrl
*846039 Sharpeng (tool/cutter grind/ mach n nmrclly contrl
*846040 Honing or lapping machines for removing metal
*846090 Mach tools for deburring, polishing metal etc
*8461 Machine tools for..planing, shaping, slotting, gear cutting/grinding/finishing, sawing, cutting off, removing metal/sintered carbide metal/cermets
*846110 Planing machines for removing metal
*846120 Shaping or slotting machines for removing metal
*846130 Broaching machines for removing metal
*846140 Gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finish machine
*846150 Sawing or cutting-off machines for removing metal
*846190 Mach tools workng by removng metal, etc nesoi
*8462 Machine tools for..forging, bending, stamping, folding, shearing, punching; presses for metal or metal carbides
*846210 Forgng/die-stamp mach press & hammers for work met
*846221 Bendng foldng etc mach for work met nmrcal control
*846229 Bendng foldng etc mach for work met n nmcal contrl
*846231 Shear mach ex com punch & sher for met nmcal contr
*846239 Shear mach ex comb punch&shear f met n nmcal contr
*846241 Punch/notch mach for working metal numerical contr
*846249 Punch/notch mach for work metal not numericl contr
*846291 Hydraulic presses for working metal
*846299 Mach tools for working met by forging etc nesoi
*8463 Other machine tools for working metal draw-benches, thread rolling, working wire
*846310 Draw-bench for bars tubes profile wire f work met
*846320 Thread rolling machines for working metal
*846330 Machines for working wire
*846390 Mach tool for work met etc wout remove mtrl nesoi
*8464 Machine tools for..working stone, ceramics, concrete, asbestos-cement, similar or cold glass
*846410 Sawing mach for working stone, ceramics, like matrls
*846420 Grind/polish mach for work stone, ceramics, etc
*846490 Mach tool for work stone ceramics concrt etc nesoi
*8465 Machine tools for..working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber/plastic/similar
*846510 Mach work wood etc diff operations wout tool chang
*846591 Saw mach for work wood cork bone hard rubber etc
*846592 Plane mill etc mach for work wood cork bone etc
*846593 Grind sand etc mach for work wood cork bone etc
*846594 Bend assmblng mach for working wood cork bone etc
*846595 Drill mortisng mach for working wood cork bone etc
*846596 Split slice etc mach for workng wood cork bone etc
*846599 Mach tools for working wood cork bone etc nesoi
*8466 Parts/accessories for machine tools of 8456 to 8465 work/tool holders, self-opening dieheads
*846610 Tool holdrs & self-opening dieheads for machines
*846620 Work holders for machines
*846630 Dividing heads & ot spec attachments for mach tool
*846691 Parts for machines of heading 8464
*846692 Parts for machines of heading 8465
*846693 Parts and accessories for use with mach tool nesoi
*846694 Parts for machines of heading 8462 or 8463
*8467 Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic or self-contained nonelectric motor; parts thereof
*846711 Pneumatic rotary type tools for work in the hand p
*846719 Pneumatic ex rotary type tools for work in hand
*846781 Chain saws
*846789 Tools work in self-cont nonelectric mtr nesoi
*846791 Parts of chain saws
*846792 Parts of pneumatic tools for working in the hand
*846799 Parts for hd tools self-con nonelectric motr nesoi
*8468 Machinery & apparatus for..soldering, brazing, welding (not 8515); gas-operating surface tempering machines & appliances; parts thereof hand-held blow torches
*846810 Hand-held blow torches
*846820 Gas operated machinery for soldering, etc nesoi
*846880 Machy & appr for soldering brazing welding nesoi
*846890 Machy & appr pts for soldrng brazng weldng, nesoi
*8469 Typewriters & word processing machines
*846910 Automatic typewriters and word processing machines
*846921 Elec typewriters, nesoi, weighing 12 kg or less
*846929 Electric typewriters, nesoi
*846931 Nonelec typewriters, weighing 12 kg or less
*846939 Nonelectric typewriters, nesoi
*8470 Machines with calculating devices calculators, accounting machines, postage-franking, ticket-issuing, cash registers
*847010 Elec calculators, operate w/o external power source
*847021 Elec calculating mch, nesoi, with printing device
*847029 Electronic calculating machines, nesoi
*847030 Calculating machines except electronic
*847040 Accounting machines
*847050 Cash registers
*847090 Postage-franking & similar mach with calcltng dvce
*8471 Automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data media in coded form & machines for processing such data keyboard, printer, scanners, disk drives, power supply
*847110 Analog or hybrid adp mach, nesoi
*847120 Digital adp mach w central process, in-output unit
*847191 Digital process unit with storage, input output un
*847192 Input or output units for adp machines
*847193 Storage units for automatic data processing machs
*847199 Adp mach & unit; magntc//ptcl readers etc, nesoi
*8472 Office machines hectograph, addressing, coin-sorting/counting/wrapping, pencil sharpening, stapling, duplicating
*847210 Duplicating machines
*847220 Addressing mach & address plate embossing mach
*847230 Mail sorting, opening, postage affixing, etc, mach
*847290 Ofc mach for automatic banknote dispensers, etc
*8473 Parts and accessories (not covers, carrying cases) for office machines & typewriters of 8469 to 8472
*847310 Typewriter & word process mach parts & accessories
*847321 Parts of electronic calculating machines
*847329 Parts for mach, nesoi, incorp calculating device
*847330 Parts & accessories for adp machines & units
*847340 Parts and accessories of office machines, nesoi
*8474 Machinery for..sorting, screening, separating, washing, crushing,, stone, mineral substances minerals; shaping or molding mineral products; foundry molds; parts thereof
*847410 Sorting etc machines for earth stone mineral subs
*847420 Crushing/grinding mach for earth stone mnerl subs
*847431 Concrete or mortar mixers
*847432 Mach for mixing mineral substances with bitumen
*847439 Mixing or kneading mach, nesoi, for mineral substn
*847480 Mach for agglmrtng solid mnrl fuel & form foun mld
*847490 Parts of mach for sorting etc earth stone ores etc
*8475 Machines for assembling..electric lamps, tubes, flashbulbs; for working glass or glassware; parts thereof
*847510 Mach f assem elec lamps, tubes etc in glass envlp
*847520 Machines for manufacturing or hot working glass
*847590 Parts of mach for assmbl elec lamp etc mfg glsswre
*8476 Automatic goods-vending machines, parts thereof postage stamp, cigarette, food, beverage, money-changing
*847611 Automatic vending mach with heating or refrig unit
*847619 Automatic vending mach without heatg or refrig unt
*847690 Parts of automatic vending machines
*8477 Machinery for working rubber or plastics, parts thereof injection-molding, extruders, blow-molding, vacuum-molding, retreading tires
*847710 Injection-molding mach for work rubber or plastic
*847720 Extruders for working rubber or plastic
*847730 Blow-molding machines
*847740 Vacuum-molding & oth therm mach for wk rub or plas
*847751 Mach for mold/retrd pnmtic tires/form inner tubes
*847759 Mach, nesoi, f moldg or formg rubber or plastics
*847780 Mach, nesoi, for working rubber or plastics
*847790 Pts mach for work rubber/plast/mfg rbbr/plstc prod
*8478 Machinery for tobacco preparation, parts thereof
*847810 Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco nesoi
*847890 Parts of mach, nesoi, for prep or making up tobacco
*8479 Machines having individual functions; parts thereof pavers, finishers, spreaders, presses, rope or cable-making, humidifiers, floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, industrial robots
*847910 Machinery for public works, building or the like
*847920 Mach f extract or prep of animal or veg fat or oil
*847930 Presses f partcle bd & oth mch f treat wood, cork
*847940 Rope or cable-making machines
*847981 Metal treating mach, inc electric wire coil-winder
*847982 Mixing kneading crushing grinding etc machin nesoi
*847989 Mach & mechanical appl w individual function nesoi
*847990 Pts of mach/mechncl appl w indvdul function nesoi
*8480 Molding boxes for metal foundry; mold bases; molding patterns; molds for..metal(not ingot), metal carbides, glass, mineral materials, rubber, plastics
*848010 Molding boxes for metal foundry
*848020 Mold bases
*848030 Molding patterns
*848041 Molds f metal or metal carbides, inject or comprssn
*848049 Molds, nesoi, for metal or metal carbides
*848050 Molds for glass
*848060 Molds for mineral materials
*848071 Molds for rbr/plast, injection/compression type
*848079 Molds f rubber or plastics exc inject or compressn
*8481 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for..pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats, etc; parts thereof pressure-reducing valves, thermostatically controlled valves
*848110 Pressure-reducing valves
*848120 Valves f oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions
*848130 Check valves
*848140 Safety or relief valves
*848180 Taps cocks etc f pipe vat inc thermo control nesoi
*848190 Pts f taps etc f pipe vat inc press & thermo cntrl
*8482 Ball or roller bearings and parts thereof
*848210 Ball bearings
*848220 Tapered roll brg, incl cone & roller assemblies
*848230 Spherical roller bearings
*848240 Needle roller bearings
*848250 Other cylindrical roller bearings
*848280 Oth ball or roll brg, inc combined ball/roll brgs
*848291 Balls, needles and rollers for bearings
*848299 Parts of bearings, nesoi
*8483 Transmission shafts, bearings, gears, cranks, flywheels, pulleys, clutches, shaft couplings; parts thereof camshafts, crankshafts, universal joints
*848310 Transmission shafts (inc cam-&crank-shaft) & crank
*848320 Housed bearings, incorp ball or roller bearings
*848330 Bearing housings; plain shaft bearings
*848340 Gears & gearing. balll screw; gear box, etc
*848350 Flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks
*848360 Clutches & shaft couplings (inc universal joints)
*848390 Pts f transmission shft, gears speed changers, etc
*8484 Gaskets & similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or two or more layers of metal; gasket sets
*848410 Gaskets, metal, 2 or more layers, or with other matl
*848490 Sets or assortments of gaskets and similar joints
*8485 Other machinery parts (no electrical components) ship/boat propellers and blades
*848510 Ships' propellers and blades therefor
*848590 Machine parts with no electric features nesoi
Chapter 85 - Electric machinery, equipment and parts; sound equipment; television equipment
*8501 Electric motors and generators (no generating sets)
*850110 Electric motors of an output not exceeding 37.5 w
*850120 Universal ac/dc motors of an output > 37.5 w
*850131 Dc motors & generators w output not exceeding 750w
*850132 Dc motors & generators w output > 750w; n ov 75 kw
*850133 Dc motors & generators w output > 75kw; n ov 375kw
*850134 Dc motors & generators of output exceeding 375 kw
*850140 Ac motors, single-phase
*850151 Ac motors, multi-phase, output not exceeding 750 w
*850152 Ac motors, multi-phase; output > 750w not over 75 kw
*850153 Ac motors, multi-phase, of an output > 75 kw
*850161 Ac generators (alternators) <=75 kva output
*850162 Ac generators (alternator) > 75 kva but =< 375kva
*850163 Ac generators(alternator) > 375 kva but =< 750kva
*850164 Ac generators of an output exceeding 750 kva
*8502 Electric generating sets and rotary converters
*850211 Generating sets, elc, diesel, =< 75kva output
*850212 Generating sets, elc, diesel, > 75kva but =<375kva
*850213 Generating set w compression-ignitn output >375kva
*850220 Generating set w spark-ignition int combustion eng
*850230 Generating sets, elc, nesoi
*850240 Electric rotary converters
*8503 Parts for..electric motors, generators(including sets), rotary converters
*850300 Parts for electric motors, generators & sets
*8504 Electric transformers, static converters & inductors; parts thereof rectifiers
*850410 Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes
*850421 Liq dielect transformer power handl cap nov 650kva
*850422 Liq dielect transfrm pwr hnd cap >650 nov 10t kva
*850423 Liq dielect transfrm power hand cap > 10t kva
*850431 Transformers nesoi, power handling cap nov 1 kva
*850432 Transformers, nesoi,> 1 kva but =< 16 kva
*850433 Transf nesoi, power handling cap >16 nov 500 kva
*850434 Transformers, nesoi, > 500 kva
*850440 Static converters
*850450 Electrical inductors nesoi
*850490 Pts for elect transformers static converters indct
*8505 Electromagnets; permanent magnets, articles to become permanent magnets; magnet chucks, clamps, couplings, clutches, brakes, electromagnetic lifting heads; parts thereof
*850511 Permanent magnets made of metal
*850519 Permanent magnets made of materials o/t metal
*850520 Electromagnetic couplings, clutches and brakes
*850530 Electromagnetic lifting heads
*850590 Electromagnets, clamps, similar hldng devices & part
*8506 Primary cells & batteries, parts thereof
*850611 Primary batteries =< 300 cm3, manganese dioxide
*850612 Primary batteries =< 300 cm3, mercuric oxide
*850613 Primary batteries =< 300 cm3, silver oxide
*850619 Primary batteries =< 300 cm3, other electrolyes
*850620 Primary batteries having an external volume exceed
*850690 Primary battery and cell parts
*8507 Electric storage batteries, including separators thereof; parts thereof
*850710 Lead-acid batteries of a kind used for stg engines
*850720 Other lead acid storage batteries
*850730 Nickel-cadmium storage batteries
*850740 Nickel-iron storage batteries
*850780 Storage batteries nesoi
*850790 Pts elect storage batteries inc separators thereof
*8508 Electromechanical tools for working in hand with self-contained electric motor; parts thereof drills, saws, grinders, polishers, sanders, screwdrivers
*850810 Electromechanical drills for working in the hand
*850820 Electromechanical saws for working in the hand
*850880 Electromech tools; hand, self cont elect mtr nesoi
*850890 Electromechanical hand tool parts
*8509 Electromechanical domestic appliances with self-contained electric motor; parts thereof vacuum cleaners, floor polishers, food processors, humidifiers, can openers
*850910 Vacuum cleaners, electromechanical domestic
*850920 Electric domestic floor polishers
*850930 Electric domestic kitchen waste disposals
*850940 Electromech food grinder processor mixer extrctor
*850980 Electromech domestc appl slf-cont electr mtr nesoi
*850990 Pts electromech domestc appl slf-cont elect motors
*8510 Electric shavers & hair clippers with self-contained electric motor; parts thereof
*851010 Electric shavers
*851020 Electric hair clippers
*851090 Parts of electric shavers and hair clippers
*8511 Electrical ignition/starting equipment; generators and cut-outs; parts thereof ignition magnetos, magneto-dynamos, ignition coils, spark plugs, glow plugs, starter motors, dynamos, alternators
*851110 Internal combustion engine spark plugs
*851120 Internal combustion engine magnetos, magneto-dynam
*851130 Distributors; ignition coils
*851140 Internal combustion engine starter motors
*851150 Internal combustion engine generators, nesoi
*851180 Elect igntn/start eq f spark/comp eng; genrt nesoi
*851190 Pts elect igntn/start equip; generators & cut-outs
*8512 Electrical lighting or signalling equipment (not 8539); windshield wipers, defrosters, demisters for..cycles, motor vehicles; parts thereof horns
*851210 Lighting or visual signaling equipment for bicycle
*851220 Elect lighting/visual signlng eq ex for bicycles
*851230 Electrical sound signaling equipment for mtr vhl
*851240 Wndshield wipr dfrstr & dmstr for cycle/mtr vehcle
*851290 Pt elect lghtng/sgnlng eq wndshield wpr dfrstr etc
*8513 Portable electric lamps (not 8512) with own energy source lamps, flashlights
*851310 Portable electric lamps, battery or magneto
*851390 Parts for portable electric lamps nesoi
*8514 Industrial or laboratory electric furnaces & ovens; other induction or dielectric heating equipment; parts thereof
*851410 Industrial, laboratory furnaces, ovens, resistance
*851420 Industrial, laboratory furnaces, ovens, indn, dltc
*851430 Industrial, laboratory furnaces, ovens, nesoi
*851440 Other induction or dielectric heating equipment
*851490 Parts for ind, lab furnaces, ovens or heating equip
*8515 Electric, laser or other light or photon beam, ultrasonic, electron beam, magnetic pulse or plasma arc soldering, brazing or welding machines; electric machines for hot spraying of metals or sintered metal carbides; parts thereof
*851511 Soldering irons and guns, electric
*851519 Brazing or soldering machines, nesoi
*851521 Electric welders, resistance, full or part automat
*851529 Electric welders, resistance, nesoi
*851531 Electric welders, arc, full or partly automatic
*851539 Mach & appr f arc welding met ex full/part automtc
*851580 Elect laser ultrasonic, etc, hot spry mtl mach, nesoi
*851590 Pt elect laser ultrasonic, etc, hot spray metal mach
*8516 Electric heating/drying..water, space, soil, hair, hand & domestic appliances; electric heating resistors hair dryers, curlers, curling tongs, microwave ovens, cooking stoves, ovens, coffee/tea makers
*851610 Elect instant or sto water and immersion heaters
*851621 Electric storage heating radiators
*851629 Electric space heating apparatus, nesoi
*851631 Electric hair dryers
*851632 Electrothermic hair dressing apparatus, nesoi
*851633 Electric hand-drying apparatus
*851640 Electric flatirons
*851650 Microwave ovens
*851660 Oven, cooking stove & plate, range, roaster, nesoi
*851671 Electric coffee or tea makers
*851672 Electric toasters
*851679 Other electrothermic appliances, domestic
*851680 Electric heating resistors
*851690 Pts f heaters, hairdressing appr, flt iron, stove etc
*8517 Electric apparatus for line telephony or telegraphy telephone sets, teleprinters, modems, facsimile machines
*851710 Telephone sets
*851720 Teleprinters and teletypewriters
*851730 Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus
*851740 Elect appr f carrier-current line systems, nesoi
*851781 Telephonic apparatus nesoi
*851782 Telegraphic apparatus
*851790 Pt elect appr f line telephony or telegraphy etc.
*8518 Microphones & stands; loudspeakers, headphones, earphones; audio-frequency & sound amplifiers; parts thereof
*851810 Microphones and stands therefor
*851821 Single loudspeakers, mounted in their enclosures
*851822 Multiple loudspeakers, mounted in same enclosure
*851829 Loudspeakers, nesoi
*851830 Head-ear-phones & combined microphone/speaker sets
*851840 Audio-frequency electric amplifiers
*851850 Electric sound amplifier sets
*851890 Pts micro-head-ear-phone, elect snd ampl sets etc
*8519 Turntables, record & cassette players, other sound reproducers (not with recording device) compact disc players
*851910 Coin- or token-operated record players
*851921 Record players nesoi, without loudspeaker
*851929 Record players, nesoi
*851931 Turntables with automatic record changer
*851939 Turntables, nesoi
*851940 Transcribing machines for sound
*851991 Tape players, cassette type
*851999 Sound reproducing apparatus except cassette, nesoi
*8520 Magnetic tape & other sound recorders
*852010 Dictating machines requiring external power source
*852020 Telephone answering machines
*852031 Tape recorder/reproducers, cassette type
*852039 Tape recorder/reproducers, nesoi
*852090 Magnetic sound recording or reproducing eq nesoi
*8521 Video recording or reproducing apparatus
*852110 Video recording or reproducing apparatus mgtc tape
*852190 Video recording or playing equip, exc tape
*8522 Parts & accessories of sound/video recording or reproducing equipment of 8519-8521
*852210 Pickup cartridges
*852290 Pts & access f sound/video reproducing, record appr
*8523 Prepared unrecorded media (no film) for sound etc.
*852311 Unrecorded magnetic tape =< 4 mm width
*852312 Magnetic tape unrecord width > 4 not over 6.5 mm
*852313 Magnetic tape unrecorded width exceeding 6.5 mm
*852320 Unrecorded magnetic discs
*852390 Unrecorded magnetic media nesoi
*8524 Recorded sound media records, tapes, cassettes, master records, metal matrices, compact discs
*852410 Phonograph records, recorded media
*852421 Magnetic tape, recorded, =< 4 mm width
*852422 Magnetic tape recorded width > 4 not over 6.5 mm
*852423 Magnetic tape recorded width exceeding 6.5 mm
*852490 Recorded media for sound including master prod rcd
*8525 Transmission apparatus for radio..telephony/telegraphy/broadcasting, television
*852510 Transmission apparatus for radio or television
*852520 Transmission appr incorporating reception apparats
*852530 Television cameras
*8526 Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid & remote control apparatus
*852610 Radar apparatus
*852691 Radio navigational aid apparatus
*852692 Radio remote control apparatus
*8527 Reception apparatus for..telephony/telegraphy/broadcasting
*852711 Radiobroadcast receivers, battery type, with rcds
*852719 Radiobroadcast receivers, battery type, nesoi
*852721 Radiobroadcast receivers for motor vehicles w rcos
*852729 Radiobroadcast receivers for motor vehicles nesoi
*852731 Radiobroadcast receivers, nesoi, with sound recorder
*852732 Radiobroadcast receivers, nesoi, with clock wo p & r
*852739 Radiobroadcast receivers nesoi
*852790 Reception appr radio-telephon/telegraph etc nesoi
*8528 Television receivers video monitors, video projection television receivers
*852810 Color television receivers
*852820 Black white or other monochrome television receivr
*8529 Parts for television, radio and radar apparatus of 8525 to 8528
*852910 Antennas and antenna reflectors and parts
*852990 Pts, ex antenna, for trnsmssn, rdr, radio, tv, etc nesoi
*8530 Electrical signaling, safety or traffic control equipment, equipment for..railways, streetcar lines, subways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations, airfields (not 8608)
*853010 Electrical signaling or traffic control eqpt rail
*853080 Electrical signaling or traffic control eqpt, nesoi
*853090 Parts for elc signaling, traffic, safety equipmnt
*8531 Electrical sound or visual signaling apparatus (not 8512, 8530); parts thereof : bells, sirens, indicator panels, burglar alarms, fire alarms; smoke detectors
*853110 Buglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus
*853120 Indicator panels incorporating lcd's or led's
*853180 Electric sound or visual signaling apparatus nesoi
*853190 Parts of electric sound or visual signaling aprts
*8532 Electrical capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable : parts thereof
*853210 Fixed capacitors, 50-60 hz, power, cpcty =>.5 kvar
*853221 Tantalum electrolytic fixed capacitors
*853222 Aluminum electrolytic fixed capacitors
*853223 Ceramic dielectric, single layer fixed capacitors
*853224 Ceramic dielectric, multilayer fixed capacitors
*853225 Dielectric fixed capacitors of paper or plastics
*853229 Fixed capacitors, nesoi
*853230 Variable or adjustable (pre-set) capacitors
*853290 Parts for electrical capacitors
*8533 Electrical resistors, (not heating resistors); parts thereof rheostats, potentiometers
*853310 Fixed carbon resistors, composition or film type
*853321 Fixed resistors, nesoi
*853329 Fixed resistors nesoi > 20 w power hdlg cpcy
*853331 Wirewound variable resistors, < 20 w
*853339 Wirewnd var resist inc rheostats etc nesoi
*853340 Variable resistors inc rheostat & potntiomtr nesoi
*853390 Parts for resistors, rheostats, potetiometers
*8534 Printed circuits
*853400 Printed circuits
*8535 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, for electrical connection..over 1000 volts switches, fuses, lightening arresters, surge suppressors, plugs, junction boxes
*853510 Fuses for electrical apparatus, voltage > 1000 v
*853521 Automatic circuit breakers > 1000 v but < 72.5 kv
*853529 Auto circt breaker voltage 72.5 kv or more
*853530 Isolating switch & make-&-break swtch volt > 1000v
*853540 Lightning arresters, voltage limiters, surge suppres
*853590 Elect appr f prtct to elect circt >1000 v nesoi
*8536 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, for electrical connection..not over 1000 volts switches, relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, junction boxes, lamp-holders
*853610 Fuses for voltage not exceeding 1000 v
*853620 Auto circuit breakers voltage not exceeding 1000 v
*853630 Other apparatus for protecting elc crts =< 1000 v
*853641 Relays for a voltage not exceeding 60 v
*853649 Relays for voltage 60 v or more but nt over 1000v
*853650 Elect switches f voltage not over 1000 v, nesoi
*853661 Lampholders
*853669 Elect plugs & sockets f voltage not over 1000 v
*853690 Elect appr f prtct to elect circt nov 1000 v nesoi
*8537 Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets, etc with electrical switching apparatus etc. of 8536 or 8536
*853710 Controls etc w elect appr f elect cont nov 1000 v
*853720 Controls etc w elect appr f elect cont over 1000 v
*8538 Parts for electrical switching apparatus of 8535,8536,8537
*853810 Boards, panels, consoles etc of 8537 less apts
*853890 Pt f elect appr f elect circt; f elct contrl nesoi
*8539 Electrical filament or discharge lamps; parts thereof sealed beam lamp units, ultraviolet lamps, infrared lamps, arc lamps
*853910 Sealed beam electric lamp units
*853921 Tungsten halogen electric filament lamps
*853922 Filament lamp power nov 200 w & voltage over 100 v
*853929 Filament lamps ex ultraviolet/infrared lamps nesoi
*853931 Discharge lamps, (ex ultraviolet), fluorescent
*853939 Discharge lamps ex ultrvilt flurscnt ht cthde lamp
*853940 Ultraviolet or infrared lamps; arc lamps
*853990 Parts for elect filament, discharge or arc lamps
*8540 Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode tubes, parts thereof vacuum/vapor/gas filled tubes, mercury arc rectifying tubes, cathode-ray tubes, television camera tubes
*854011 Cathode-ray tv picture tubes, color inc monitor
*854012 Cathode-ray tv picture tubes, black & white
*854020 Tv camera tbs; image cnvrtr & intnsfr; phtocthd tb
*854030 Other cathode ray tubes, nesoi
*854041 Magnetron microwave tubes
*854042 Klystron microwave tubes
*854049 Microwave tubes, nesoi
*854081 Reciever or amplifier tubes
*854089 Thermionic and other cathode tubes nesoi
*854091 Thermonic cold cathode or photocathode tube parts
*854099 Parts of cathode tubes, nesoi
*8541 Semiconductor devices; light-emitting diodes; mounted piezoelectric crystals; parts thereof diodes, transistors, photosensitive semiconductor devices, photovoltaic cells
*854110 Diodes ex photosensitive or light-emitting diodes
*854121 Transistors ex photosenitive, disspation rate < 1 w
*854129 Transistors, other than photosensitive, nesoi
*854130 Thyristors, diac & triac, ex photosensitive device
*854140 Photosnsitve semicndctr dvice inc phtvltc cell etc
*854150 Semicndctr dvice ex photosensitive/photovoltaic cl
*854160 Mounted piezoelectric crystals
*854190 Parts for diodes, transistors & smlr semiconductrs
*8542 Electronic integrated circuits & microassemblies; parts thereof
*854211 Digital monolithic integrated circuits
*854219 Monolithic integrated circuits, except digital
*854220 Hybrid integrated circuits
*854280 Electronic integrated circuits and mcrssmbls nesoi
*854290 Electronic integrated circuits and mcrssmbls parts
*8543 Electrical machines & apparatus with individual functions; parts thereof particle accelerators, signal generators, electroplating, electrolysis, electrophoresis, synchros, flight recorders, aircraft demisters, luminescent lamps, integrated circuits
*854310 Particle accelerators
*854320 Signal generators
*854330 Electroplating, electrophoresis and electrolysis m
*854380 Elec mach & appr, having individual function nesoi
*854390 Pt elec mach & appr w individual functions, nesoi
*8544 Insulated..wire, cable, electric conductors; optic fiber cable
*854411 Insulated winding wire of copper
*854419 Insulated winding wire, nesoi
*854420 Insulated coaxial cable and coaxial electrical cdt
*854430 Insulated wiring sets for vehicles ships aircraft
*854441 Insulated electric conductors =< 80 v with cntrs
*854449 Insulated electric conductors =< 80 v nesoi
*854451 Electrical conductors > 80 but =< 1000v w cnctrs
*854459 Elec cond ov 80v nov 1000v not fitted w connector
*854460 Electric conductors for voltage exceeding 1000 v
*854470 Insulated optical fiber cables with indvuly sh fbr
*8545 Carbon electrodes & brushes, lamp & battery carbons; other articles of carbon/graphite for electrical purposes electrodes, brushes
*854511 Carbon electrodes of a kind used in furnaces
*854519 Carbon electrodes, nesoi
*854520 Electrical carbon or graphite brushes
*854590 Electrical carbon or graphite articles, nesoi
*8546 Electrical insulators of any material
*854610 Electrical insulators of glass
*854620 Electrical insulators of ceramics
*854690 Electrical insulators, nesoi
*8547 Insulating fittings for assembly (not 8546); conduit tubing & joints of base metal line with insulating material
*854710 Insulating fittings of ceramics for electrical mch
*854720 Insulating fittings for machines made of plastic
*854790 Inslt fit ex ceram/plas; elec cond tb/jnt, bmtl etc
*8548 Electrical parts of machinery nesoi (not elsewhere specified or included)
*854800 Electrical parts of machinery nesoi in chapter 85