Chapter 72 - Iron and steel
*7201 Pig iron & spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other forms
*720110 Nonalloy pig iron 0.5 prcnt or less phosphorus
*720120 Nonalloy pig iron ov 0.5 prcnt phosphorus
*720130 Alloy pig iron
*720140 Spiegeleisen
*7202 Ferroalloys
*720211 Ferromanganese with over 2 percent carbon
*720219 Ferromanganese, 2 percent or less carbon
*720221 Ferrosilicon with over 55 percent silicon
*720229 Ferrosilicon, 55 percent or less silicon
*720230 Ferrosilicon manganese
*720241 Ferrochromium over 4 percent carbon
*720249 Ferrochromium, 4 percent or less carbon
*720250 Ferrosilicon chromium
*720260 Ferronickel
*720270 Ferromolybdenum
*720280 Ferrotungsten and ferrosilicon tungsten
*720291 Ferrotitanium and ferrosilicon titanium
*720292 Ferrovanadium
*720293 Ferroniobium
*720299 Ferroalloys, nesoi
*7203 Ferrous products from spongy ferrous products in..lumps, pellets or similar; iron minimum 99.94% pure in..lumps, pellets or similar
*720310 Ferrous products fm direct redction of iron ore
*720390 Othr spongy ferrous prdcts min purity 99.94 pct fe
*7204 Ferrous waste & scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel
*720410 Cast iron waste and scrap
*720421 Stainless steel waste and scrap
*720429 Alloy steel waste and scrap not stainless
*720430 Tinned iron or steel waste and scrap
*720441 Ferrous waste & scrap nesoi, turnings, chips etc
*720449 Ferrous waste & scrap nesoi
*720450 Remelting scrap ingots, ferrous scrap
*7205 Pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel..granules, powders
*720510 Granules, iron or steel
*720521 Alloy steel powders
*720529 Powders, iron or nonalloy steel
*7206 Iron & nonalloy steel in ingots or other primary forms (not 7203)
*720610 Iron and nonalloy steel ingots
*720690 Iron and nonalloy steel, primary forms not ingots
*7207 Semifinished products of iron or nonalloy steel
*720711 Smfd ios na u.25pct crbn rec/sq cs wdth un 2x thns
*720712 Smfd irn/nal stl lt .25 pct crb rect cs wid 2x thk
*720719 Smfd irn/nal stl lt 0.25 pct carbon cs nt rect/sqr
*720720 Smfd irn or nonalloy stl, .25 pct or more carbon
*7208 Hot rolled..flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel..width 600mm or more, hot-rolled, not clad, plated, coated
*720811 Fr hs ios nal cl 600mm aov w hr pl ov 10mm thick
*720812 Fr hs ios nal cl 600mm ao w hr pl 4.75-10mm thick
*720813 Fr hi-strn st 600mm w om npl hr cls 3-un 4.75mm th
*720814 Fr hi-strn st 600mm w om npl hr cls lt 3mm thck
*720821 Oth fr irn/nas 600mm w om hr cls nt plt ov 10mm th
*720822 Oth fr irn/nas 600mm w om hr cls npld 4.75-10mm th
*720823 Oth fr irn/nas 600mm w om hr cls npld 3-un4.75mm t
*720824 Oth fr irn/nas 600mm w om hr cls npld un 3mm thck
*720831 Fr hs ios na ncl 600mm ao w hr pln unversal mlplte
*720832 Fr hs ios na ncl 600mm ao w hr p ov 10 mm thick
*720833 Fr hi-str stl 600mm w om h-r ncl npl 4.75-10mm thk
*720834 Fr hi-str st 600mm w om h-r ncls npld 3-un4.75mm t
*720835 Fr hi-str st 600mm w om h-r ncls npld und 3mm thck
*720841 Fr ios na ncl 600mm ao w hr pl universal millplate
*720842 Fr ios na nc 600m ao w hr p ov 10 mm thck
*720843 Fr ios na ncl 600mm ao w hr pl 4.75-10mm thck
*720844 Fr ios na ncl 600mm ao w hr pl 3-un4.75mm thck
*720845 Fr ios na ncl 600mm ao w hr pl undr 3mm thck
*720890 Fr ios na cornc 600mm ao w hr pl nesoi
*7209 Cold rolled..flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel..width 600mm or more, cold-rolled not clad, plated, coated
*720911 Fr hs ios na cl 600mm ao w cr pl 3mm or mr thck
*720912 Fr hi-str st 600mm w om c-r cls npld ov1-un3mm thk
*720913 Fr hi-str st 600mm w om c-r cls npld 0.05-1mm thck
*720914 F-r hi-str stl 600mm w om c-r cls npld un.5mm thck
*720921 Fr ios na cl 600mm ao w cr pl 3mm ao th nt hi-stre
*720922 Fr ios na cl 600mm ao w cr p ov 1mm un 3mm th n hi
*720923 Fr ios na cl 600mm ao w cr p 0.5mm ao nov 1mm th n
*720924 Oth fr ir/nas 600mm w om c-rld, cls nplt un .5mm t
*720931 Fr hs ios na ncl 600mm ao w cr pl 3mm ao thck
*720932 Fr hs ios na ncl 600mm ao w cr p ov1mm un3mm thck
*720933 Fr hs ios na nc 600mm ao w cr p 0.5mm ao nov 1mm t
*720934 Fr hs ios na ncl 600mm ao w cr pl un 0.5mm thck
*720941 Fr ios na ncl 600mm ao w cr pl 3mm ao thck nt hi-s
*720942 Fr ios na nc 600mm ao w cr p ov 1mm un 3mm th n h-
*720943 Fr ios na nc 600mm ao w cr p ov 0.5mm nov 1mm th
*720944 Fr ios na ncld 600mm ao w cr pl un 0.5mm thck nh-s
*720990 Fr ios na cls or nt 600mm ao w cr pl nesoi
*7210 Flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel..width 600mm or more, clad, plated, coated
*721011 Fr ios na 600mm ao w tin coatd or pltd 0.5mm ao th
*721012 Fr ios nal 600mm ao w tin ctd or pltd undr 0.5mm t
*721020 Fr ios na 600mm ao w lead ctd or pltd (ternplate)
*721031 Fr hs ios na 600mm ao w electlytc ctd o pltd zinc
*721039 Fr ios na 600mm ao w electlytc ctd o pltd zinc
*721041 Fr ios na 600mm ao w zinc ctd o pltd nt elctc corr
*721049 Fr ir/nas ctd/pltd w zinc nt elec nt corr 600mm om
*721050 Fr ios na 600mm ao w ctd/pltd w cro or cr and cro
*721060 Fr ios na 600mm ao w, pltd/ctd w aluminum
*721070 Fr ir/nas 600mm w om, painted, varnished, plastic
*721090 Flat-roll iron or nonalloy steel nu600mmclad nesoi
*7211 Flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel..width less than 600mm, not clad, plated, coated
*721111 Fr hs ios na un600mm w hr pl unvrsl mllplte
*721112 Fr hs ios na un600mm w hr pl 4.75mm ao thck
*721119 Oth fr hi-str st un 600mm w npld un4.75mm thck
*721121 Fr ios na un 600mm w hr pl unvsl mllplt nt hi-str
*721122 Oth fr ir/nas un 600mm w npltd 4.75 om thck nesoi
*721129 Oth fr irn/nas un 600mm w npltd un 4.75mm thk neso
*721130 F-r hi-str st un 600mm w, npltd, cld-rld
*721141 Oth f-r ir/nas un 600mm w nt pltd, cld-rld un.25p
*721149 Oth f-r ir/nas un 600mm w npltd, cld-rld .25pc c o
*721190 Fr ios na un 600mm w, nesoi mr thn c-r
*7212 Flat-rolled products of iron or nonalloy steel..width less than 600mm, clad, plated, coated
*721210 Fr ios na undr 600mm wide tin coatd o plated
*721221 Fr hs ios na un 600mm w elec pld o ctd w zinc
*721229 Fr ios na un 600mm w elec pld o ctd w zinc, oth
*721230 Flat-rld ir/nas un 600mm w pltd/ctd w zinc nt elec
*721240 Flat-rld ir/nas un 600mm w pntd/varnshd/plstc ctd
*721250 Fr ios na undr 600mm wide pltd or coatd, nesoi
*721260 Fr ios un 600mm wd clad nesoi
*7213 Bars & rods, of iron or nonalloy in irregularly wound coils
*721310 Bars and rods irregular coils concrete reinforcing
*721320 Brs rods hot-rlld irreg coils free-cuttng steel
*721331 Oth brs/rds ir/nas hr cl u.25p cbn circ cs u14mm d
*721339 Oth brs/rds ir/nas hr irr cls un .25pc crbn, nesoi
*721341 Brs rds ir/nas hr cl .25-un .6 pct crb ccs u14mm d
*721349 Oth brs rds i/nas hr cl .25-un .6pct crbn, nesoi
*721350 Oth brs rds ir/nas hr cls .6 pct om crbn
*7214 Bars & rods, of iron or nonalloy steel(not 7213)..not further worked than forged, hot-rolled/drawn/extruded including those twisted after rolling
*721410 Other bars and rods iron or nonalloy steel, forged
*721420 Oth brs rds ios na hot-wrkd, conc reinfrcng
*721430 Other bars and rods free-cutting steel, hot-worked
*721440 Oth brs rds ir/nas hot/wrkd un .25pct crbn
*721450 Oth brs rds ir/nas hot-wrkd .25-un.6 pct crbn
*721460 Oth brs rods ir/nas hot/wrkd 0.6pct crbn
*7215 Bars & rods, of iron or nonalloy steel..of free-cutting steel, not further worked than cold-formed/finished
*721510 Oth brs and rds free-cttng stl cold-fmd or fnshd
*721520 Oth brs rds ios na cold-fmd o fnshd un.25pct crbn
*721530 Oth brs rds is na cold-fmd/fnshd .25-un.6pct crbn
*721540 Oth brs rds ios na cold-fmd/fnshd 0.6pct ao crbn
*721590 Other bars and rods iron or nonalloy steel, nesoi
*7216 Angles, shapes & sections of iron or nonalloy steel
*721610 U-i-h-sections ir/nas hot/wrkd ls thn 80mm high
*721621 L sec ios na hot-wkd lss th 80mm high
*721622 T sec ios na hot-wkd lss th 80mm high
*721631 U sec ios na hot-wkd 80mm or more high
*721632 I sec ios na hot-wkd 80mm ao high (standard beams)
*721633 H sections irn/nas, hot-wrkd, 80mm hi or more
*721640 L or t sections ir/nas hot-wrkd, 80mm hi or more
*721650 Oth angls shps sec ios na hot-wkd
*721660 Angls shps sec ios na cold-formed or cold-finished
*721690 Angls shps sec ios na nesoi
*7217 Wire of iron or nonalloy steel
*721711 Wire, irn/nas und .25 pct crbn nt pltd/ctd pol/not
*721712 Wire irn/nas und .25pct crbn, pltd/ctd w zinc
*721713 Wire ir/nas un0.25pct crbn ctd/plt w bs metl nt zn
*721719 Oth wire ir/nas ls thn .25pct crbn, nesoi
*721721 Wire ir/nas .25-un.6 pct crb nt plt/ctd, pol or nt
*721722 Wire ir/nas .25-un.6 pct crbn, pltd/ctd w zinc
*721723 Wire ir/nas .25-un.6 pct crb plt/ctd bs metl nt zn
*721729 Oth wire irn/nal stl 0.25-un 0.6pct crbn, nesoi
*721731 Wire irn/nal stl .6pct or mr crb nt plt/ctd pol/nt
*721732 Wire irn/nal stl 0.6pct or more carbn plt/ctd w zn
*721733 Wire ir/nas 0.6pct om crbn ctd/plt w bs metl nt zn
*721739 Oth wire .6 pct om crbn, nesoi
*7218 Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semifinished products of stainless steel
*721810 Stainless steel ingots and other primary forms
*721890 Semifinished products of stainless steel
*7219 Flat-rolled stainless steel products..width 600mm or more
*721911 Fr ss 600mm ao w hr cls ov 10mm thck
*721912 Fr ss 600mm ao w hr cls 4.75-nov 10mm thck
*721913 Fr ss 600mm ao w hr cls 3-un 4.75mm thck
*721914 Fr ss 600mm ao w hr cls un 3mm thck
*721921 Fr ss 600mm ao w hr nt cld ov 10mm thck
*721922 Fr ss 600mm ao w hr nt cld 4.75-nov 10mm thck
*721923 Fr ss 600mm ao w hr nt cld 3-un 4.75mm thck
*721924 Fr ss 600mm ao w hr nt cld undr 3mm thck
*721931 Flt-rld stnls stl 600mm om w cld/rld 4.75mm om thk
*721932 Flt-rld stnls stl 600mm om w cld-rld 3-un4.75mm th
*721933 Fl-rld stnls stl 600mm om w c-r ov 1mm un3mm thk
*721934 Flt-rld stnls stl 600mm om w cld-rld .5-1 mm thck
*721935 Flt-rld stnls stl 600mm om w cld-rld un.5 mm thick
*721990 Flt-rld stnls stl 600mm ao wide, nesoi
*7220 Flat-rolled stainless steel products..width less than 600mm
*722011 Fr ss undr 600mm w hr 4.75mm ao thck
*722012 Flt-rld stnls stl un 600mm wide ht-rld un4.75mm th
*722020 Flat-rolled stnls stl und 600mm wide, cld-rld
*722090 Fl-rld stnls stl un 600mm wde, nesoi
*7221 Bars and rods of stainless in irregularly wound coils
*722100 Bars and rods, stnls stl, ht-rld, irreg coils
*7222 Bars and rods of stainless steel (not 7221); angles, shapes and sections
*722210 Other bars and rods stainless steel hot-worked
*722220 Oth bars a rods, stnls stl, nt fur th cld-frm/fnsh
*722230 Other bars and rods stainless steel, nesoi
*722240 Angles, shapes and sections of stainless steel
*7223 Wire of stainless steel
*722300 Wire of stainless steel
*7224 Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms; semifinished products of other alloy steel high-nickel alloy steel, tool steel
*722410 Ingots and other primary forms alloy stl nt stnlss
*722490 Semifinished products of alloy steel not stainless
*7225 Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel..width 600mm or more silicon electrical steel, high speed steel, ball-bearing steel, high-nickel alloy steel
*722510 Flat-rolled silicon electrical steel 600mm wde ao
*722520 Flat-rolled high-speed steel 600mm wide or more
*722530 Flt-rld oth alloy stl 600mm om w, ht-rld, coils
*722540 Flt-rld oth alloy stl 600mm om w, ht-rld nt coils
*722550 Flt-rld oth alloy stl 600mm om w, cld-rld
*722590 Flt-rlld alloy stl nt stnls 600mm w ao nesoi
*7226 Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel..width less than 600mm silicon electrical steel, high speed steel, ball-bearing steel, high-nickel alloy steel
*722610 Flat-rolled silicon electrical steel un 600mm wide
*722620 Flat-rolled high-speed steel under 600mm wide
*722691 Flat-rolled oth alloy stl un 600mm w ht-rld
*722692 Flt-rld oth alloy stl un 600mm w, cld-rld
*722699 Flat-rolled other alloy steel un 600mm w nesoi
*7227 Bars & rods of other alloy in irregularly wound coils high-speed steel, silico-manganese steel, tool steel, ball-bearing steel
*722710 Brs a rds hspd stl irrg coils hot-rolld
*722720 Brs a rds slco-mn stl irrg coils hot-rolld
*722790 Bars and rods oth alloy stl, hot-rld, irreg coils
*7228 Other bars & rods of other alloy steel; angles, shapes, sections, hollow drilled bars & rods of alloy or nonalloy steel high-speed steel, silico-manganese steel, ball-bearing steel, chipper knife steel, high-nickel alloy steel
*722810 Other bars and rods of high-speed steel
*722820 Other bars and rods of silico-manganese steel
*722830 Oth brs a rods oth aly stl nt fur th ht-rld/drn/ex
*722840 Oth brs rds oth alloy stl nt frthr wrkd thn forged
*722850 Oth brs a rods oth aly stl nt fur th cld-frmd/fnsh
*722860 Other bars and rods of other alloy steel, nesoi
*722870 Angles, shapes and sections of other alloy steel
*722880 Hollow drill bars and rods, ios, nesoi
*7229 Wire of other alloy steel high-speed steel, silico-manganese steel
*722910 Wire of high-speed steel
*722920 Wire of silico-manganese steel
*722990 Wire of other alloy steel, nesoi
Chapter 73 - Articles of iron or steel
*7301 Sheet piling of iron or steel; welded angles, shapes, sections of iron or steel
*730110 Sheet piling of iron or steel
*730120 Welded angles, shapes and sections, iron or steel
*7302 Railway or tramway track construction material of iron & steel rails, check-rails, rack rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods, crossing pieces, sleepers, fish-plates, etc
*730210 Railway or tramway rails of iron or steel
*730220 Sleepers (cross-ties) of iron or steel
*730230 Swtchblds, x-ing frgs, pt rds and oth ios xing pcs
*730240 Fish plates and sole plates of iron or steel
*730290 Railway or tramway track constr matrl of ios nesoi
*7303 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of cast iron
*730300 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of cast iron
*7304 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless of iron (not cast iron) or steel
*730410 Line pipe for oil or gas lines nsm, ir nesoi steel
*730420 Casing etc for oil & gas drill, iron nesoi & steel
*730431 Oth ios na ps tb hlw pfl smls cir cs cold-wrkd
*730439 Oth ios na ps tb hlw pfl smls cir cs nt cld-wrkd
*730441 Oth ss tb ps hlw pfl smls circ cs cold-wrkd
*730449 Tubes, pipes etc nesoi, circ cr sect, stainless st
*730451 Oth tb ps hlw pfl aly stl nt ss smls circ cs cd-wk
*730459 Oth tb ps hp aly stl nt ss smls circ cs nt cld-wrk
*730490 Tubes, pipes etc, seamless nesoi, ir nesoi & steel
*7305 Other tubes & pipes of iron or steel..external diameter 406.4mm or more welded rivets
*730511 Pipe, oil line etc ov16in ir st, long sub arc weld
*730512 Pipe, oil line etc ov16in ir or st, longi wd nesoi
*730519 Pipe, oil line etc ov16in ir or steel, close nesoi
*730520 Casing, oil or gas drillng over16in, iron or steel
*730531 Pipe nesoi, ov16in iron or steel, longit welded
*730539 Pipe nesoi, ov16in iron or steel, welded nesoi
*730590 Pipe nesoi, ov16in iron or steel, closed nesoi
*7306 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles of iron or steel(not 7305)
*730610 Pipe for oil or gas pipelines iron or steel nesoi
*730620 Casing etc oil or gas drillng, iron or steel nesoi
*730630 Pipe etc nesoi, weld cir cr sect, iron or nonal st
*730640 Pipe etc nesoi, weld cir cr sect, stainless steel
*730650 Pipe etc nesoi, weld cir cr sec, alloy steel nesoi
*730660 Pipe etc nesoi, weld noncir cr sec, iron or steel
*730690 Pipes etc nesoi, riveted etc, of iron or steel
*7307 Tube or pipe fittings, of iron or steel couplings, elbows, sleeves, flanges
*730711 Cast pipe fittings, nonmalleable cast iron
*730719 Cast pipe fittings, iron nesoi or steel
*730721 Pipe or tube fittings nesoi, st steel flanges
*730722 Pipe fittings nesoi, stainless steel thr elbow etc
*730723 Stainless steel tube or pipe butt welding fittings
*730729 Stainless steel tube or pipe fittings nesoi
*730791 Pipe fittings nesoi, iron or nonst steel flanges
*730792 Pipe fittings nesoi, ir or nonst st thr elbows etc
*730793 Pipe fittings nesoi, ir or nonst st, butt weld fit
*730799 Pipe fittings nesoi, of iron or nonst steel nesoi
*7308 Structures & parts thereof of iron or steel (not 906) bridges & sections, lock gates, towers, roofs, doors, windows, balustrades, pillars
*730810 Bridges and bridge sections of iron or steel
*730820 Towers and lattice masts of iron or steel
*730830 Drs, wndws a frms a thrshlds fr drs, iron or steel
*730840 Props and sim equip irn/stl for scafldng shtrng et
*730890 Structures and parts nesoi of iron or steel
*7309 Containers of iron or steel..over 300 liter capacity (not with mechanical or thermal equipment & not for compressed or liquified gas) reservoirs, tanks, vats
*730900 Tanks etc, over 300 liter capacity, iron or steel
*7310 Containers of iron or steel..300 or less liter capacity (not with mechanical or thermal equipment & not for compressed or liquified gas) reservoirs, tanks, vats
*731010 Tanks etc, capacity notun50notov300 liter, ir & st
*731021 Cans to be soldered/crimped closed ir/st un 50 ltr
*731029 Tanks csks drms cns bxs etc ios nesoi und 50 ltr
*7311 Containers of iron or steel..for compressed or liquified gas
*731100 Contnrs fr cmprssd o lqfd gas of iron o steel
*7312 Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands of iron or steel (not electrically insulated)
*731210 Stranded wire, rope etc, no elect insul, ir or st
*731290 Plaited bands, slings etc, iron or steel nesoi
*7313 Barbed wire and twisted wire for fencing of iron or steel
*731300 Barbed wire and twisted wire for fencing, iron/stl
*7314 Cloth, grill, netting, fencing of iron or steel wire; expanded metal of iron or steel
*731411 Prdcts woven stnls stl cloth inc endlss bnds
*731419 Woven products of stainless steel wires, nesoi
*731420 Grill netting fencing wld ir/st wr 3mmcs 100cm2msh
*731430 Oth grll nttng a fncng wldd at intrsct irn o steel
*731441 Oth grill, nettg fncg ios ctd/pl w zn nesoi nt wld
*731442 Grill netting fencing, plastic coated ios wr nesoi
*731449 Oth grill, nttng or fncng nesoi of iron or steel
*731450 Expanded metal, iron or steel
*7315 Chain & parts thereof, of iron or steel
*731511 Roller chain of iron or steel
*731512 Artcltd lnk chain nt rllr chain, iron or steel
*731519 Parts of articulated link chain of iron or steel
*731520 Skid chain of iron or steel
*731581 Stud link chain of iron or steel
*731582 Chain nesoi, welded link of iron or steel
*731589 Oth chain nt wldd lnk nesoi iron or steel
*731590 Parts of irn/stl chain nesoi
*7316 Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron or steel
*731600 Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron/steel
*7317 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples (not 8305) and similar of iron or steel (not heads of copper)
*731700 Nails, tacks, drawing pins etc of iron or steel
*7318 Screws, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, cotter pins and similar, of iron or steel or steel
*731811 Coach screws, threaded, of iron or steel
*731812 Other wood screws of iron or steel, threaded
*731813 Screw hooks and screw rings of iron or steel
*731814 Self-tapping screws of iron or steel
*731815 Threaded screws and bolts nesoi of iron or steel
*731816 Nuts of iron or steel
*731819 Threaded articles of iron or steel, nesoi
*731821 Spring washers and oth lock washers, iron or steel
*731822 Washers other than lock washers, iron or steel
*731823 Rivets of iron or steel
*731824 Cotters and cotter pins, of iron or steel
*731829 Oth non-threaded articles (fastnrs) irn/stl nesoi
*7319 Needles, sewing & knitting, bodkins, crochet hooks and similar, safety pins & other pins etc, of iron or steel
*731910 Sewing, darning or embroidery needles, iron or stl
*731920 Safety pins of iron or steel
*731930 Pins of iron or steel nesoi
*731990 Knitting needles and similar articles, irn/stl nes
*7320 Springs & leaves for springs, of iron or steel
*732010 Leaf springs and leaves therefor, of iron or steel
*732020 Helical springs of iron or steel
*732090 Springs nesoi of iron or steel
*7321 Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers, barbecues, gas rings, plate warmers and similar domestic appliances (non electrical), of iron or steel
*732111 Cooking appliances etc for gas fuel, iron or steel
*732112 Cookng applncs and plt wrmrs, irn/stl for liq fuel
*732113 Cooking appliances etc for solid fuel, ir or steel
*732181 Nonelc dom appl nesoi ios gas or gas a oth fuel
*732182 Nonelc dom appl nesoi ios liquid fuel
*732183 Nonelc dom appl nesoi ios solid fuel
*732190 Parts of nonelec domest cooking appl, iron & steel
*7322 Radiators for central heating, air heaters and distributors (not electrically heated), of iron or steel
*732211 Radiators for centrl htng and parts, cast iron
*732219 Radiators for cntrl htng and parts, ios exc cstirn
*732290 Air htrs a hot air dist nt elec htd wfan, prts ios
*7323 Household articles & parts thereof, of iron or steel iron or steel wool, teakettles, cooking ware, kitchen ware, tinplate, gloves
*732310 Ios wool, scouring pads, gloves etc, iron or steel
*732391 Tbl ktchn oth hh artcls a pts cst irn nt enmld
*732392 Oth tbl, kitch, hshld artic, enam cst irn a parts
*732393 Table, kitchen etc articles & pts, stainless steel
*732394 Hh artcs a pts nesoi enmld irn nt cst stl nt stnls
*732399 Hh artcs/pts nesoi nt enmld irn nt cst stl nt stls
*7324 Sanitary ware & parts thereof, of iron or steel sinks, wash basins, baths
*732410 Sinks and wash basins of stainless steel
*732421 Cast iron baths enameled or not
*732429 Baths of iron or steel, other than cast iron
*732490 Other sanitary ware, including parts, irn/st nesoi
*7325 Other cast articles of iron or steel manhole covers, grinding balls
*732510 Cast articles nesoi of nonmalleable cast iron
*732591 Grinding balls a sim artic for mills, cst, ios nes
*732599 Cast articles of iron or steel nesoi
*7326 Other articles of iron or steel grinding balls, belting, horse shoes, hangers, ladders
*732611 Grndng bls a sim artic fr mills frgd/stmpd of ios
*732619 Oth artic ios frgd or stmpd, nt furth wrkd, nesoi
*732620 Articles of iron or steel wire nesoi
*732690 Articles of iron or steel nesoi
Chapter 74 - Copper and articles thereof
*7401 Copper mattes; cement copper precipitated copper
*740110 Copper mattes
*740120 Cement copper (precipitated copper)
*7402 Unrefined copper; copper anodes for electrolytic refining
*740200 Unrefnd cppr; cppr anods f elctroltc refining
*7403 Refined copper & copper alloys (no mast alloy of 7405), unwrought
*740311 Refined copper cathodes and sections of cathodes
*740312 Refined copper wire bars, unwrought
*740313 Billets, refined copper, unwrought
*740319 Unwrought refined copper nesoi
*740321 Unwrought copper-zinc based alloys (brass)
*740322 Unwrought copper-tin based alloys (bronze)
*740323 Unwrought nickel silver a cupro-nickel base alloys
*740329 Unwrought copper alloys, nesoi
*7404 Copper waste and scrap
*740400 Copper waste and scrap
*7405 Master alloys of copper
*740500 Master alloys of copper
*7406 Copper powders and flakes
*740610 Copper powders of non-lamellar structure
*740620 Copper powders of lamellar structure; flakes
*7407 Copper bars, rods and profiles
*740710 Bars, rods and profiles of refined copper
*740721 Bars, rods and profiles of brass (cu-zn base alys)
*740722 Bars rods profiles of cupro-nickel or nickel-silvr
*740729 Bars rods profiles of other copper alloys, nesoi
*7408 Copper wire
*740811 Copper wire, refined copper over 6mm max cr-sec dm
*740819 Ref cu wire w max crs-sctn under 6 mm
*740821 Wire of copper-zinc base alloys (brass)
*740822 Wire of cupro-nickel or nickel-silver base alloys
*740829 Wire of other copper alloys, nesoi
*7409 Copper plates, sheets & strip, over 0.15mm thick
*740911 Plts sheets strp refnd coppr ov.15mm thck, coils
*740919 Plates sheets strp refind coppr ov.15mm th nt coil
*740921 Plates sheets strip of brass ov.15mm thck in coils
*740929 Plates sheets strip of brass ov.15mm thck nt coils
*740931 Plates sheets strp, bronze, ov .15mm thck, coils
*740939 Plates sheets strip, bronze ov .15mm th nt coils
*740940 Pl sh str of cupro-nckl or nickel silver
*740990 Plates sheets strip oth copper alloys ov .15mm thk
*7410 Copper foil (backed or not), 0.15mm or less thick (excluding backing)
*741011 Copper foil, not backed, of refined copper
*741012 Copper alloy foil, not backed, not over 0.15mm thk
*741021 Copper foil, nov.15mm thick, backed, refin copper
*741022 Copper foil, backed, of copper alloys
*7411 Copper tubes and pipes
*741110 Tubes & pipes of refined copper
*741121 Copper tubes & pipes; of brass (copper alloy)
*741122 Tubes a pips of cupro-nikl or nickel-silver
*741129 Copper tubes & pipes, of copper alloys nesoi
*7412 Copper tube or pipe fittings couplings, sleeves, elbows
*741210 Fittings, pipe and tube of refined copper
*741220 Copper alloy tube or pipe fittings
*7413 Stranded wire cables, plaited bands, slings and similar articles of copper (not electrically insulated)
*741300 Stranded wire, cable etc of copper, not elec insul
*7414 Cloth & endless bands, grill & net of copper wire; expanded metal of copper
*741410 Endless bands of copper wire (cloth) for machinery
*741490 Clth grll a nettg o cu wire; expnded metal of copr
*7415 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, staples, (not 8305) and similar of..copper, iron, steel with copper heads screws, bolts, nuts, rivets, washers, cotter pins
*741510 Cu nls tcks drw pns staples a sim art or w cu hds
*741521 Copper washers including spring washers
*741529 Cu scrws nts blts rvts oth fstnrs not threaded
*741531 Threaded copper screws for wood
*741532 Other copper screws (not for wood) bolts and nuts
*741539 Other threaded fasteners nesoi of copper
*7416 Copper springs
*741600 Copper springs
*7417 Copper cooking or heating apparatus for domestic uses (non-electric) and parts thereof
*741700 Cookng a heatng ap domst n-elctrc a pts thf copper
*7418 Copper household articles & parts pot scourers, polishing pads, gloves
*741810 Copper tbl/kitchn/hshld artic, prts, scrng pds etc
*741820 Sanitary ware and parts thereof, of copper
*7419 Other articles of copper chain, containers, brass plumbing goods
*741910 Copper chain and parts thereof
*741991 Articles of copper nesoi, cast, molded etc
*741999 Articles of copper nesoi
Chapter 75 - Nickel and articles thereof
*7501 Nickle mattes, nickle oxide sinters, other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy
*750110 Nickel mattes
*750120 Ni ox sntrs a oth int prds of ni mtllrgy
*7502 Nickle, unwrought
*750210 Nickel, unwrought, not alloyed
*750220 Unwrought nickel alloys
*7503 Nickel waste and scrap
*750300 Nickel waste and scrap
*7504 Nickel powders and flakes
*750400 Nickel powders and flakes
*7505 Nickel bars, rods, profiles and wire
*750511 Nickel bars, rods and profiles, not alloyed
*750512 Bars, rods and profiles of nickel alloys
*750521 Wire of nickel, not alloyed
*750522 Wire of nickel alloys
*7506 Nickle plates, sheets, strip and foil
*750610 Nickle plates, sheets, strip and foil, not alloyed
*750620 Nickle plates, sheets, strip and foil, alloyed
*7507 Nickle tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings
*750711 Tubes and pipes of nickel, not alloyed
*750712 Pipes and tubes of nickel alloys
*750720 Tube or pipe fittings of nickel
*7508 Other articles of nickel stranded wire
*750800 Articles of nickel, nesoi
Chapter 76 - Aluminum and articles thereof
*7601 Aluminum, unwrought
*760110 Unwrought aluminum, not alloyed
*760120 Unwrought aluminum alloys
*7602 Aluminum waste and scrap
*760200 Aluminum waste and scrap
*7603 Aluminum powders and flakes
*760310 Aluminum powders of non-lamellar structure
*760320 Aluminum powders of lamellar structure, flakes
*7604 Aluminum bars, rods and profiles
*760410 Aluminum bars, rods and profiles, not alloyed
*760421 Aluminum alloy hollow profiles
*760429 Aluminum alloy profiles nesoi
*7605 Aluminum wire
*760511 Aluminum nonalloy wire, over 7mm crsect max dimen
*760519 Al wir nt aly of whi th max c-s dim is 7mm or less
*760521 Aluminum alloy wire, over 7mm cross sect max dimen
*760529 Al wir nt aly of whi th max c-s dim is 7mm or lss
*7606 Aluminum plates, sheets & strip over 0.2mm thick
*760611 Aluminum nonalloy rect plates etc, over .2mm thick
*760612 Aluminum alloy rect plates etc, over .2 mm thick
*760691 Aluminum nonalloy plates etc, ov .2mm thick, nesoi
*760692 Aluminum alloy plates etc, over .2 mm thick, nesoi
*7607 Aluminum foil (backed or not) not over 0.2mm thick (excluding backing)
*760711 Aluminum foil, nov .2mm th, no back, rolled only
*760719 Aluminum foil not backed not ovr .2mm thck, nesoi
*760720 Aluminum foil not over 0.2mm thick, backed
*7608 Aluminum tubes and pipes
*760810 Aluminum nonalloy tubes and pipes
*760820 Aluminum alloy tubes and pipes
*7609 Aluminum tube or pipe fittings couplings, elbows, sleeves
*760900 Aluminum tube or pipe fittings
*7610 Aluminum structures (no prefabricated buildings of 9406) & parts thereof bridge, towers, roofs, doors, windows, balustrades
*761010 Alu dor win and their fra and thres for doors
*761090 Aluminum structures and parts, nesoi
*7611 Aluminum tanks, vats, reservoirs over 300 liter capacity (not for compressed or liquified gas & not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)
*761100 Tanks etc, over 300 liter capacity, aluminum
*7612 Aluminum containers, casks, drums, boxes, etc..not over 300 liter capacity (not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)
*761210 Aluminum collapsible tubular containers nt ov 300l
*761290 Casks etc, not over 300 liter cap nesoi, aluminum
*7613 Aluminum containers for compressed or liquefied gas
*761300 Aluminum containers for compressed or liquefid gas
*7614 Aluminum stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and similar (not electrically insulated)
*761410 Stranded wire etc of aluminum with steel core
*761490 Stranded wire etc, no elec insul nesoi, aluminum
*7615 Aluminum table, kitchen & household articles & parts thereof pot scourers, polishing pads, gloves
*761510 Table, kitchen & oth household art & pts, aluminum
*761520 Aluminum sanitary ware and parts thereof
*7616 Other articles of aluminum (not 8305) nails, tacks, staples, screws, bolts, nuts, rivets, cotter pins, washers
*761610 Nails, tacks, staples, screws, nuts etc, aluminum
*761690 Articles of aluminum nesoi
Chapter 78 - Lead and articles thereof
*7801 Unwrought lead
*780110 Refined lead, unwrought
*780191 Lead unwr cntg x wgt antmny as main othr elemnt
*780199 Unwrought lead, other than refined, nesoi
*7802 Lead waste and scrap
*780200 Lead waste and scrap
*7803 Lead bars rods profiles and wire
*780300 Lead bars, rods, profiles and wire
*7804 Lead plates, sheets, strip, foil, powder & flakes
*780411 Lead sheet, strip a foil nt ovr 0.2 mm thick
*780419 Lead pl sh str fl ovr 0.2 mm thick
*780420 Lead powders and flakes
*7805 Lead pipes, tubes & fittings couplings, elbows, sleeves
*780500 Lead pipes a tubes incl fittings therefor
*7806 Other articles of lead
*780600 Articles of lead, nesoi
Chapter 79 - Zinc and articles thereof
*7901 Zinc, unwrought
*790111 Zinc unwrt nt aly cnt wgt at lst 99.99 percnt zinc
*790112 Unwrought zinc, not alloyed, under 99.99 pct zinc
*790120 Zinc alloys, unwrought
*7902 Zinc waste and scrap
*790200 Zinc waste and scrap
*7903 Zinc dust, powders and flakes
*790310 Zinc dust
*790390 Zinc powders and flakes
*7904 Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire
*790400 Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire
*7905 Zinc plates, sheet, strip and foil
*790500 Zinc plates, sheet, strip and foil
*7906 Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings couplings, elbows, sleeves
*790600 Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings
*7907 Other articles of zinc gutters, roof capping
*790710 Zinc gtrs rf cpg a oth fabrctd bldg compnts
*790790 Articles of zinc, nesoi
Chapter 80 - Tin and articles thereof
*8001 Unwrought tin
*800110 Tin, unwrought, not alloyed
*800120 Unwrought tin alloys
*8002 Tin waste and scrap
*800200 Tin waste and scrap
*8003 Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire
*800300 Tin bars, rods, profiles and wire
*8004 Tin plates, sheet and strip over 0.2 mm thick
*800400 Tin plates, sheet and strip over 0.2 mm thick
*8005 Tin foil (backed or not) not over 0.2mm thick; tin powder & flakes
*800510 Tin foil not exceeding 0.2 mm thick (excldg backg)
*800520 Tin powders and flakes
*8006 Tin tubes, pipes & fittings couplings, elbows, sleeves
*800600 Tin tubes and pipes incldg pipe a tube fittings
*8007 Other articles of tin
*800700 Articles of tin, nesoi
Chapter 81 - Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof
*8101 Tungsten (wolfram) & articles, including waste & scrap
*810110 Tungsten (wolfram) powders
*810191 Tungsten, unwrought, and waste and scrap
*810192 Tungstn brs, rds (exc sintrd), profl plt sht stp fl
*810193 Tungsten wire
*810199 Tungsten, wrought, nesoi
*8102 Molybdenum & articles thereof, including waste & scrap
*810210 Molybdenum powders
*810291 Molybdenum, unwrought, and waste and scrap
*810292 Molybdm brs, rds exc sintred, profl plt sht stp fl
*810293 Molybdenum wire
*810299 Molybdenum, wrought
*8103 Tantalum & articles thereof, including waste & scrap
*810310 Unwrought tantalum; tantalum waste, scrap & powder
*810390 Tantalum and articles thereof, nesoi
*8104 Magnesium & articles thereof, including waste & scrap
*810411 Unwrght magsium cont 99.8 pct by wght of magsium
*810419 Magnesium, other, nesoi, unwrought
*810420 Magnesium waste and scrap
*810430 Magnsm rspgs, trngs a grnls, grd to sz; pwdrs
*810490 Magnesium and articles thereof, nesoi
*8105 Cobalt & articles thereof, including waste & scrap; cobalt mattes & other intermediate products of cobalt metallurgy
*810510 Cobalt, unwrought, waste a scrp, pwdrs, mattes etc
*810590 Cobalt, wrought, and articles thereof
*8106 Bismuth & articles thereof, including waste and scrap
*810600 Bismuth an artls, incld waste and scrap
*8107 Cadmium & articles thereof, including waste & scrap
*810710 Unwrought cadmium; waste and scrap; powders
*810790 Cadmium and articles thereof, nesoi
*8108 Titanium & articles thereof, including waste & scrap
*810810 Unwrought titanium; waste and scrap; powders
*810890 Titanium and articles thereof nesoi
*8109 Zirconium & articles thereof, including waste & scrap
*810910 Unwrought zirconium, waste and scrap, powders
*810990 Zirconium and articles thereof nesoi
*8110 Antimony & articles thereof, including waste and scrap
*811000 Antimony and artcls throf incl waste and scrap
*8111 Manganese & articles thereof, including waste and scrap
*811100 Manganese and artcles thereof, inc waste and scrap
*8112 Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium(columbium), rhenium, thallium and articles thereof, including waste & scrap
*811211 Unwrought beryllium; waste and scrap; powders
*811219 Other beryllium, wrought, and articles, thereof ne
*811220 Chromium and articles thereof, inc waste and scrap
*811230 Germanium and articles thereof inc waste and scrap
*811240 Vanadium and articles thereof, inc waste and scrap
*811291 Other base metals, nesoi, unwrought wst a srp pwdr
*811299 Arts of ga haf ind niob rhen thall nesoi inc wrght
*8113 Cermets & articles thereof, including waste a scrap
*811300 Cermets and articles thereof, inc waste and scrap
Chapter 82 - Tools, implements, cutlery, spoons & forks of base metal & parts thereof
*8201 Handtools, tools & base metal parts thereof used in agriculture, horticulture, forestry spades, picks, hoes, forks, axe, secateurs, sickles, shears
*820110 Spades and shovels and parts thereof of base metal
*820120 Forks and parts bse mtl agric hortic forstry
*820130 Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes, a pts, of bse mtl
*820140 Axs bl hks smlr hwng tls a prts, bs mtl
*820150 One-handed secateurs and parts, base metal
*820160 Hdge shrs, 2-hnd shears a pts
*820190 Oth hndtls fr agric, frstry a prts, bs mtl
*8202 Handsaws & metal parts thereof saw blades
*820210 Handsaws and parts except blades, base metal
*820220 Bandsaw blades, and base metal parts thereof
*820231 Circ saw blds bse mtl w wrkng pt of steel
*820232 Circ saw blds bm w wrkng pt nt steel
*820240 Chn sw blds (lngths o ct to sz) a pts, bs mtl
*820291 Straight saw blades for working metal, bs mtl
*820299 Other saw blades and parts, base metal
*8203 Files, rasps, pliers, metal cutting shears, bolt cutters, punches and similar handtools
*820310 Files, rasps and similar tools, of base metal
*820320 Pliers, pincers, tweezers etc & pts, base metal
*820330 Metal cutting shears and similar tools, and parts
*820340 Pp cttrs blt cttrs perft pnchs smlr a pts, bs mtl
*8204 Hand-operated spanners, wrenches & base metal parts thereof torque meter wrenches, socket wrenches
*820411 Spanners and wrenches, hand-operated nonadj, parts
*820412 Hnd-op spnrs a wrnches adjustble, pts, bs mtl
*820420 Sckt wrnchs w/wo hndls, drvs, a extnsns, pts, bs mtl
*8205 Other handtools & base metal parts thereof (not parts/accessories of machine tools) blow torches; vises, clamps, anvils, portable forges, grinding wheels with frameworks
*820510 Drilling, threading or tapping tools a pts, bs mtl
*820520 Hammers a sledge hammers a parts, base metal
*820530 Plns chsls a smlr cttng tls fr wdwrkng, pts, bs mtl
*820540 Screwdrivers, and parts thereof, base metal
*820551 Household hand tools nesoi and parts, base metal
*820559 Handtools nesoi, and base metal parts thereof
*820560 Blow torches a smlr self-cntnd torches, parts
*820570 Vises, clamps and the like, and base metal parts
*820580 Anvs, pfrgs, hd/pd-op grnd whls w/frmwrk; bm pts thof
*820590 Sets of arts of 2 or more of forgo sbhdng hnd tls
*8206 Sets of tools (2 or more) of 8202 to 8205 for retail sale
*820600 Tools of 2 om of hdg 8202-8205, sts fr rtail sale
*8207 Interchangeable tools for handtools or machinetools for..pressing, stamping, punching, tapping, threading, drilling, boring, broaching, milling, screwdriving
*820711 Rck drl erth bor tls w wkg pt s m c pts
*820712 Rock drill or earth bore tools, work pt nesoi, pts
*820720 Dies drw o extr mtl a pts thrf
*820730 Tools for pressing, stamping or punching, b m pts
*820740 Tools for tapping or threading, pts, of bs mtl
*820750 Tools for drilling other than rock drill, b m pts
*820760 Tools for boring or broaching, and base metal pts
*820770 Tools for milling, and parts, base metal
*820780 Intrchg tls f hndtls f turning, bs mtl
*820790 Interchangeable tools nesoi, and parts, base mtl
*8208 Knives, blades for machines, appliances and base metal parts thereof
*820810 Knvs a cttng blds f mtl wrkng a prts
*820820 Knvs a cttng blds f wood wrkng a prts
*820830 Kns a cttng blds f ktchn appln o fd ind mach a pts
*820840 Knvs a cttng blds f agric o frstry mach, a pts
*820890 Oth knvs a cttng blds f mach or mech eqp, pts b mt
*8209 Plates, sticks, tips for tools (not mounted) of sintered metal carbides or cemets
*820900 Plts stcks tps etc f tls unmntd sntrd crbds/crmts
*8210 Hand-operated mechanical appliances weighing 10kg or less & base metal parts thereof for..preparing, conditioning, serving food or drink
*821000 Hnd-op mech appl 10kg or lss, fd/drk prp/con/srv pt
*8211 Knives with blades (not 8208), blades and other base metal parts thereof
*821110 Sts asstd knvs, blds a bm pts, nt knvs of 8208
*821191 Table knives having fixed blades and parts
*821192 Knvs hvg fxd blds exc tbl knvs, pts
*821193 Knvs hvg oth th fxd blds a pts exc blds
*821194 Blades for knives, nesoi
*8212 Razors, razor blades and base metal parts thereof
*821210 Razors
*821220 Safety razor blades and blade blanks in strips
*821290 Parts for razors exc blades
*8213 Scissors, tailors' shears & similar shears/blades and base metal parts thereof
*821300 Scssrs, tlrs a smlr shrs, blds a oth bs mtl pts
*8214 Other articles of cutlery; manicure or pedicure sets & instruments; base metal parts thereof hair clippers, butchers or kitchen cleavers, chopping knives, mincing knives, paper knives, nail files
*821410 Ppr knvs ltr opnrs ersng knvs pncl shpnrs, bm pts
*821420 Mncr or pdcr sts a instmnts inc nl fls a pts
*821490 Articles of cutlery nesoi a base metal parts
*8215 Tableware & kitchenware and base metal parts thereof spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers, cake-servers, fish-knives, butter-knives, sugar tongs
*821510 Sts asstd tblwr at lst 1 prec mtl pltd
*821520 Sets assrtd tblwr not prec mtl, inc bs mtl prts
*821591 Spns frks ldls etc, bs mtl pts, prc mtl pltd, nt st
*821599 Spns frks ldls etc, bs mtl pts, nt prc mtl plt, nt st
Chapter 83 - Miscellaneous articles of base metal
*8301 Padlocks, locks, keys & parts, of base metal clasps
*830110 Padlocks of base metal
*830120 Locks of a kind used on motor vehicles, base metal
*830130 Base metal locks of a kind used for furniture
*830140 Locks except motor vehicle or furniture, base metl
*830150 Clasps and frames w clasps, inc locks, base metal
*830160 Parts of locks, base metal
*830170 Keys, seperate (bse metl) for padlocks or locks
*8302 Base metal mountings, fittings, doors, windows, staircases, saddlery, trunks, caskets & similar; base metal hat racks, brackets, castors, door closers and similar and base metal parts
*830210 Hinges, and parts thereof, of base metal
*830220 Castors, and parts thereof, of base metal
*830230 Oth bs metl mountngs fttngs etc for motor vehicles
*830241 Mountings & smlr art & pts for buildings, base mtl
*830242 Oth base metl mountngs fttngs etc for furniture
*830249 Mountings & smlr art & parts of base metal, nesoi
*830250 Hat-racks hat pegs brckts etc parts, base metal
*830260 Base metal automatic door closers and parts
*8303 Safes, strong boxes and doors, cash or deed boxes, etc and parts thereof, of base metal
*830300 Safes, cash or deed boxes etc a prts, base metal
*8304 Office and desk equipment (not 9403) and parts, of base metal desk-top filing, card-index cabinets, paper or pen trays
*830400 Office and desk equip a prts, of base metal
*8305 Fittings for looseleaf binder or files & office articles and parts thereof of base metal letter clips/corners, paper clips, indexing tags, staples in strips
*830510 Base metal fittings for looseleaf binders or files
*830520 Staples in strips, of base metal
*830590 Bs metl lettr a paper clips oth offc artic a parts
*8306 Bells, gongs, etc (nonelectric); ornaments; photograph & picture frames; mirrors; parts thereof of base metal
*830610 Bells, gongs and the like, and parts, base metal
*830621 Statuettes a oth ornamnts a prts pltd w prec metal
*830629 Statuettes a oth ornmnts a prts, bs metl nt pm plt
*830630 Photo, pctr a sim frames, mirrors, prts, base metl
*8307 Flexible tubing of base metal
*830710 Flexible tubing of iron or steel
*830790 Flexible tubing of base metal not iron or steel
*8308 Clasps, buckles, hooks, eyelets and similar; tubular or bifurcated rivets; beads & spangles; of base metal
*830810 Hooks, eyes and eyelets, of base metal
*830820 Tubular or bifurcated rivets of base metal
*830890 Clasps, buckles etc and parts of base metal, nesoi
*8309 Stoppers, caps, lids, seals, bungs and parts thereof, of base metal
*830910 Crown corks inc seals and caps, a prts, base metal
*830990 Stoppers, caps, lids, seals etc nes, prts, bs metl
*8310 Sign, name, address & similar plates; numbers, letters, other symbols and parts thereof, of base metals (not 9405)
*831000 Sgn plts nos a smbls et bm excpt of hdg 9405
*8311 Wire, rods etc for soldering, brazing, welding etc or for metal spraying of..base metal, metal carbides, agglomerated base metal powder and base metal parts thereof
*831110 Coated electrodes, base metal, for elec arc-weldng
*831120 Cored wire of base metal, for electric arc-welding
*831130 Coat rods & cored wire, base mt, for soldering etc
*831190 Wire etc ctd/crd w flux fr wld etc a prts nesoi