Chapter 71 - Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semiprecious stones, precious metals and metals clad therewith and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin
*7101 Pearls, natural or cultured, not strung, mounted or set; ungraded pearls, natural or cultured (strung for transport)
*710110 Natural pearls, not mounted or set, incl tmp strng
*710121 Cultured pearls, unworked
*710122 Cultured pearls, worked, not set
*7102 Diamonds, worked or not, not mounted or set
*710210 Diamonds, unsorted
*710221 Indusrrl diamonds unwrkd or sawn, clvd or brutd
*710229 Industrial diamonds, worked
*710231 Diam ex ind unwkd or smpl swn clvd or bruted
*710239 Diamonds, nonindustrial, worked
*7103 Precious & semiprecious stones, ( not diamonds ), not strung, mounted or set; ungraded precious or semiprecious stones (strung for transport)
*710310 Prec nesoi & semiprec stones, unwork, sim sawn etc
*710391 Rubies, sapphires and emeralds, otherwise worked
*710399 Semiprecious stones, otherwise worked
*7104 Synthetic or reconstructed precious or semiprecious stones etc, not strung, mounted or set; ungraded precious or semiprecious stones (strung for transport)
*710410 Piezo-electric quartz not mounted or set
*710420 Synthc or recnstrctd gemstones unworked
*710490 Syn or reconst prec or semiprec stones nesoi, wrkd
*7105 Dust & powder of natural or synthetic precious or semiprecious stones
*710510 Diamond (natural & synthetic) dust & powder
*710590 Dust a pwder of nat or syn stones, nesoi
*7106 Silver (including plated with gold, platinum), unwrought or in semimanufactured or powder form
*710610 Silver powder
*710691 Silver, unwrought nesoi
*710692 Silver, semimanufactured
*7107 Base metals clad with silver not further worked than semimanufactured
*710700 Base mtls cld w silvr nt frth wkd thn smmnfctrd
*7108 Gold (including gold plated with platinum), unwrought or semimanufactured or powder
*710811 Gold powder, nonmonetary
*710812 Gold, nonmonetary, unwrought nesoi
*710813 Gold, nonmonetary, semimanufactured forms nesoi
*7109 Base metals or silver clad with gold not further worked than semimanufactured
*710900 Bs mtl or slr cld w gld nt frtr wkd th smmnfctrd
*7110 Platinum, unwrought, semimanufactured or powder form
*711011 Platinum, unwrought or powder
*711019 Platinum metal semimanufactured
*711021 Palladium, unwrought or in powder form
*711029 Palladium, semimanufactured
*711031 Rhodium, unwrought or in powder form
*711039 Rhodium, semimanufactured
*711041 Iridium, osmium and ruthenium, unwrought or powder
*711049 Iridium, osmium and ruthenium, semimanufactured
*7111 Base metals, silver, gold..clad with platinum, not further worked than semifinished
*711100 Bs mtl a slv a gld cld w plat nt fr wkd th smnfctd
*7112 Waste & scrap of precious metal or metal clad with precious metal
*711210 Waste & scrap gold excl swpngs cntng oth prec mtls
*711220 Plat wst a scrp nt cntng oth prec mtls
*711290 Precious metal nesoi waste and scrap
*7113 Articles of jewelry & parts..of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
*711311 Jewelry and parts thereof, of silver
*711319 Jewelry and parts thereof, of oth precious metal
*711320 Jewelry and parts, base metal clad w prec metal
*7114 Articles of goldsmiths'/silversmiths' wares and parts thereof..of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
*711411 Silver articles (not jewelry), plated etc or not
*711419 Artls of gld or plat nesoi
*711420 Gold/silver -smiths' artcls a prts, bs mtl cl w pm
*7115 Other articles of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal
*711510 Catlysts plat wire cloth or grill form
*711590 Oth prec metl artcls or artcls clad w pm, nesoi
*7116 Articles of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semiprecious stones (natural, synthetic or reconstructed )
*711610 Articles of natural or cultured pearls
*711620 Articles of prec or semiprec stones (nat, syn etc)
*7117 Imitation jewelry
*711711 Cff lnks a stds bs mtl whthr or nt pltd w prc mtl
*711719 Oth imitation jewelry, base metal, inc pr mtl pltd
*711790 Imitation jewelry not of base metal
*7118 Coin
*711810 Coin (excpt gold coin) not being legal tender
*711890 Coin, nesoi