Chapter 50 - Silk, including yarns and woven fabric thereof
Chapter 51 - Wool & animal hair, including yarn & woven fabric
Chapter 52 - Cotton, including yarn and woven fabric thereof
Chapter 53 - Other vegetable textile fibers; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn
Chapter 54 - Manmade filaments, including yarns & woven fabrics
Chapter 55 - Manmade staple fibres, including yarns & woven fabrics
Chapter 56 - Wadding, felt and nonwovens; special yarns; twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles thereof
Chapter 57 - Carpets and other textile floor coverings
Chapter 58 - Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery
Chapter 59 - Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles for industrial use
Chapter 60 - Knitted or crocheted fabrics
Chapter 61 - Apparel articles and accessories, knitted or crocheted
Chapter 62 - Apparel articles and accessories, not knitted or crocheted
Chapter 63 - Other textile articles; needlecraft sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags
Chapter 50 - Silk, including yarns and woven fabric thereof
*5001 Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling
*500100 Silkworm cocoons suitable for reeling
*5002 Raw silk (not thrown)
*500200 Raw silk (not thrown)
*5003 Silk waste, including silk yarn waste etc.
*500310 Silk waste, not carded or combed
*500390 Slk wste inc cocoon nsut rel yrn wste garn stk oth
*5004 Silk yarn, not spun from waste, not retail packed
*500400 Slk yrn oth than spun fr slk wste nfor retail sale
*5005 Yarn spun from silk waste not put up retail sale
*500500 Yarn spun from silk waste not put up retail sale
*5006 Silk yarn & yarn from waste retail packaged; silkworm gut
*500600 Slk yrn & yrn sp sl wst rtl sale worm gut
*5007 Woven fabrics of silk or silk waste
*500710 Woven fabrics of silk or silk waste - noil silk
*500720 Wov fab ov 85% silk or silk waste except noil slk
*500790 Woven fabrics of silk or silk waste - other nesoi
Chapter 51 - Wool & animal hair, including yarn & woven fabric
*5101 Wool, not carded or combed
*510111 Wool, not carded or combed, greasy, shorn
*510119 Wool n crd/cmb grsy inc fleece-wshd wool other
*510121 Wool n crd/cmb degreased n carbonized, shorn
*510129 Wool not crd/cmb degreased not carbonized other
*510130 Wool, not carded or combed, carbonized
*5102 Fine or coarse animal hair, not carded or combed
*510210 Fine animal hair, not carded or combed
*510220 Fine or coarse animal hair not crd/cmb coarse hair
*5103 Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, including yarn waste not garnetted stock
*510310 Waste of wool noils of wool or of fine animal hair
*510320 Waste of wool or of fine animal, nesoi
*510330 Waste of coarse animal hair, including yarn waste
*5104 Garnetted stock of wool, fine or coarse animal hair
*510400 Garnetted stock of wool/fine or coarse animal hair
*5105 Wool & fine or coarse animal hair, carded & combed
*510510 Wool including combed wool in fragment carded wool
*510521 Wool, combed, in fragments
*510529 Wool tops and other combed wool: other
*510530 Fine animal hair, carded or combed
*510540 Coarse animal hair, carded or combed
*5106 Yarn of carded wool, not packed for retail sale
*510610 Yarn carded wool not retail sale > 85% by wt wool
*510620 Yarn, carded wool, not retail, under 85% wt wool
*5107 Yarn of combed wool, not packed for retail sale
*510710 Yarn, combed wool, not retail, not un 85% wt wool
*510720 Yarn combed wool not retail sale < 85% by wt wool
*5108 Yarn of fine animal hair, not packed for retail sale
*510810 Yrn fine animal hr n put up for rtl sale carded
*510820 Yarn, fine animal hair, combed, not retail pk
*5109 Yarn of wool or fine animal hair, for retail sale
*510910 Yarn & fine an hair, retail pk, not un 85% wl or h
*510990 Yarn of wl/fah put up for retail sale other
*5110 Yarn coarse animal hair, whether or for not retail sale
*511000 Yarn coarse animal hair put up or not retail sale
*5111 Woven fabrics of carded wool or fine animal hair
*511111 Wv fb crd wl/fah >=85% wl/fah weight <=300g/m2
*511119 Wov fab crd wl/fah >=85% wl/fah nesoi
*511120 Wov fab crded wool/fah oth mixed m/s man-made filt
*511130 Wov fab crded wool/fah oth mixed m/s man-made fibr
*511190 Woven fabrics carded wool/fine animal hair other
*5112 Woven fabrics of combed wool or fine animal hair
*511211 Wv fb cmb wl/fah >=85% wl/fah weight <=200g/m2
*511219 Woven fabrics of combed wool or fah >=85% wl/fah o
*511220 Woven fab comb mixed mm filaments wool/animal hair
*511230 Wov fab comb mixed mm staple fib wool/animal hair
*511290 Woven fabrics of cmbd wool/fine animal hair other
*5113 Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or horsehair
*511300 Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or horsehair
Chapter 52 - Cotton, including yarn and woven fabric thereof
*5201 Cotton, not carded or combed
*520100 Cotton, not carded or combed
*5202 Cotton waste (including yarn & garnetted stock)
*520210 Cotton yarn waste (including thread waste)
*520291 Cotton waste: garnetted stock other than yarn wast
*520299 Cotton waste, nesoi
*5203 Cotton, carded or combed
*520300 Cotton, carded or combed
*5204 Cotton sewing thread, retail packed or not
*520411 Cot sew thrd n retail 85% or more wgt of cotton
*520419 Cot sewing thrd n retail 85% or more wgt of cotton
*520420 Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale
*5205 Cotton yarn (not sewing thread) 85% or more cotton, not retail
*520511 Cot yarn, 85% cot, not retail, not over 14 nm, su
*520512 Cot yarn, 85% cot, no retail, ov 14nm not ov 43nm
*520513 Cot yarn, 85% cot, no retail, ov 43nm not ov 52nm
*520514 Cot yarn, 85% cot, no retail, ov 52nm not ov 80 nm
*520515 Cot yarn, 85% cot, not retail, over 80 nm
*520521 Cot yrn n swg thrd > 85% wgt cot sngl yrn cmb <14n
*520522 Cot yrn n swg thd > 85% wt cot sng yr cm >14nm <43
*520523 Cot yrn n swg thd > 85% wgt cot sng yr cm >43nm <5
*520524 Cot yrn n swg thd > 85% wt cot sng yr cm >52nm <80
*520525 Cot yrn n swg thd > 85% wgt cot sng yrn cmbd > 80n
*520531 Cot yrn n swg thd > 85% wgt cot mlt/cbl yrn n >14n
*520532 Cot yrn n sw to > 85% wt ct ml/cb yr n >14nm & n>1
*520533 Cot yrn n sw td > 85% wt ct ml/cb yr >43nm <52nm
*520534 Cot yrn n sw td > 85% wt ct ml/cb yr > 52nm & n >8
*520535 Cot yrn n swg thd > 85% wt cot ml/cb yrn > 80nm
*520541 Cot yrn n swg thd >85% wt ct ml/cb yr cm n > 14nm
*520542 Ct yr n sw td > 85% wt ct ml/cb cmb > 14nm & n > 4
*520543 Ct yr n sw td > 85% wt ct ml/cb cmb > 43nm & n > 5
*520544 Ct yr n sw td > 85% wt ct ml/cb cmb > 52nm & n > 8
*520545 Cot yrn n swg thd > 85% wt ct ml/cb cmb > 80nm
*5206 Cotton yarn (not sewing thread) less than 85%cotton, not retail
*520611 Cot yrn n swh thd <85% c nrs sng yr u f <=14nm
*520612 3Ot yrn n sg t < 85% cot nrs sg yrn u f >14nm <=43
*520613 Cot yrn n sg t <85% cot nrs sg yrn u f > 43nm <=52
*520614 Cot yrn n sg t <85% cot nrs sg yrn u f >__52nm<=80
*520615 Cot yrn n sg t <85% cot nrs sg yrn u f > 80nm
*520621 Cot yrn n sg t < 85% cot nrs sg yrn c f < 14nm
*520622 Cot yrn n sg t < 85% cot nrs sg yrn c f > 14nm<=43
*520623 Cot yrn n sg t < 85% cot nrs sg yrn c f <43nm <=52
*520624 Cot yrn n sg t < 85% cot nrs sg yrn c f> 52nm <=80
*520625 Cot yrn n sg t < 85% cot nrs sg yrn c f > 80nm
*520631 Cot yrn sg t<85% cot nrs multi yrn uc f<14nm/s yrn
*520632 Cot yrn n sg t<85% cot nrs multi yrn uc f>14nm<=43
*520633 3Ot yrn n sg t<85% cot nrs multi yrn uc f>43nm<=52
*520634 Cot yrn n sg t<85% cot nrs multi yrn uc f>52nm<=80
*520635 Cot yrn n sg t <85% cot nrs multi yrn uc >80nm
*520641 Cot yrn n sg t<85% cot nrs multi yrn c f<14nm/s yn
*520642 Cot yrn n sg t <85% cot nrs multi yrn c f>14nm/s y
*520643 Cot yrn n sg t <85% cot nrs multi yrn c f>43nm<=52
*520644 Cot yrn n sg t <85% cot nrs multi yrn c f>52nm<=80
*520645 Cot yrn n sg t <85% cot nrs multi yrn comb f >80nm
*5207 Cotton yarn (not sewing thread) retail packed
*520710 Cotton yarn (n swg thd) retail sale 85% or > wt co
*520790 Cot yrn n swg thd rtl sale oth 85% or > wgt cotton
*5208 Woven cotton fabrics, 85% or more cotton, weight less than 200 g/m2
*520811 Wov cot fab, unbl pl wv nun 85% cot nov 100 g/m2
*520812 Wov cot fab, unbl pl wv nun 85%cot ov100nov200g/m2
*520813 Wov fab cot con >85% wgt <200g/m2 3-4twl unbleachd
*520819 Wov cot fab, unbl wea nesoi nun 85% cot nov200g/m2
*520821 Wov cot fab, bl pl wov nun 85% cot nov 100 g/m2
*520822 Wov cot fab, bl pl nu 85% cot ov100g/m2 nov200g/m2
*520823 Wov fab cot con >85% wgt <200g/m2 3-4twl bleached
*520829 Wov cot fab, bl wea nesoi nu 85% cot nov 200 g/m2
*520831 Wov cot fab, dye pl wv nun 85% cot nov 100 g/m2
*520832 Wov cot fab, dye pl w nun 85% cot ov100nov200g/m2
*520833 Wov fab cot con >85% wgt >100g/m2 3-4twl dyed
*520839 Wov cot fab, dye wea nesoi nu 85% cot nov 200 g/m2
*520841 Wov cot fab, d col yn pl wv nun 85% cot nov100g/m2
*520842 Wov cot fab, dc yn pl wv nun85%cot ov100nov200g/m2
*520843 Wov fab cot wgt <=200g/m2 3-4 thrd twl yr df cl
*520849 Wov cot fab, dcy wea nesoi nu 85% cot nov 200 g/m2
*520851 Wov cot fab, pr pl wv nun 85% cot nov 100 g/m2
*520852 Wov cot fab, pr pl wv nun 85% cot ov100nov200g/m2
*520853 Wov fab cot con >85% wgt <200g/m2 3-4twl printed
*520859 Wov cot fab, pr wea nesoi nun 85% cot nov 200 g/m2
*5209 Woven cotton fabrics, 85% or more cotton, weight more than 200 g/m2
*520911 Wov cot fab, unbl pl wv nun 85% cot ov 200 g/m2
*520912 Wov cot fab, 85% cot, unb 3-or4-th twill ov200g/m2
*520919 Wov cot fab, unbl wea nesoi nu 85% cot ov 200 g/m2
*520921 Wov cot fab, bl pl wv nun 85% cot ov 200 g/m2
*520922 Wov cot fab, 85% cot, bl 3-or4-th twill ov 200g/m2
*520929 Wov cot fab, bl wea nesoi nun 85% cot ov 200 g/m2
*520931 Wov cot fab, dye pl wv nun 85% cot ov 200 g/m2
*520932 Wov cot fab, 85% cot, dy 3-or4-th twill ov 200g/m2
*520939 Wov cot fab, dye wea nesoi nun 85% cot ov 200 g/m2
*520941 Wov cot fab, dif col yn pl wv nu 85% cot ov200g/m2
*520942 Wov cot fab, blue denim nun 85% cot ov 200 g/m2
*520943 Wov cot fab, 85% cot, yn dy 3-04-th twil ov200g/m2
*520949 Wov cot fab >85% cot yn dy >200 g/m2 oth fabrics
*520951 Wov cot fab, pr pl wv nun 85% cot ov 200 g/m2
*520952 Wov cot fab, 85% cot, pr 3-or4-th twill ov 200g/m2
*520959 Wov cot fab, pr wea nesoi nun 85% cot ov 200 g/m2
*5210 Woven cotton fabrics, less than 85% cotton, mixed with or solely manmade fibers, weight less than 200g/m2
*521011 Wov cot fab, unbl pl wv un85%cot mmf nov200g/m2
*521012 Wov fab cot con <85% wgt <200g/m2 3-4twl ubleched
*521019 Wov cot fab, unbl wea nesoi un85%cot mmf no200g/m2
*521021 Wov cot fab, bl pl wv un85%cot mmf nov200g/m2
*521022 Wov fab cot con <85% wgt <200g/m2 3-4 twl bleached
*521029 Wov cot fab, bl wea nesoi un85%cot mmf nov200g/m2
*521031 Wov cot fab, dye pl wv un85%cot mmf nov200g/m2
*521032 Wov fab cot con <85% wgt <200g/m2 3-4twl dyed
*521039 Wov cot fab, dy wea nesoi un85%cot mmf nov200g/m2
*521041 Wov cot fab un85% cotmmf yndyed plwv nov 200 g/m2
*521042 Wov fab cot <85% cot mx mmf <=200g/m2 ydc 3-4th tw
*521049 Wov cot fab, dc wea nesoi un85%cot mmf nov200g/m2
*521051 Wov cot fab, pr pl wv un85%cot mmf nov200g/m2
*521052 Wov fab cot con <85% wgt <200g/m2 3-4twl prtd
*521059 Wov cot fab, pr wea nesoi un85%cot mmf nov200g/m2
*5211 Woven cotton fabrics, less than 85% cotton, mixed with or solely manmade fibers, weight more than 200g/m2
*521111 Wov cot fab, unbl pl wv un85%cot mmf ov200g/m2
*521112 Wov cot fab un85% cotmmf unb 3-or4-th tw ov200g/m2
*521119 Wov cot fab, unbl wea nesoi un85%cot mmf ov200g/m2
*521121 Wov cot fab, bl pl wv un85%cot mmf ov200g/m2
*521122 Wov cot fab un85% cotmmf bl 3-or4-th tw ov200g/m2
*521129 Wov cot fab, bl wea nesoi un85%cot mmf ov200g/m2
*521131 Wov cot fab, dye pl wv un85%cot mmf ov200g/m2
*521132 Wov cot fab un85% cotmmf dy 3-or4-th tw ov200g/m2
*521139 Wov cot fab, dye wea nesoi un85%cot mmf ov200g/m2
*521141 Wov cot fab <85% cot mixd mmf yn dy pl wv >200g/m2
*521142 Wov cot fab, blue denim un85%cot mmf ov200g/m2
*521143 Wov cot fab un85% cotmmf yn dy3-or4-thtw ov200g/m2
*521149 Wov cot fab <85% cot m mmf ydc >200g/m2 ot fabrics
*521151 Wov cot fab, pr pl wv un85% cot mmf ov200 g/m2
*521152 Wov cot fab un85% cotmmf pr 3-or4-th tw ov200g/m2
*521159 Wov cot fab, pr wea nesoi un85% cot mmf ov200g/m2
*5212 Other woven cotton fabrics
*521211 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, unbl nov 200 g/m2
*521212 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, bl nov 200 g/m2
*521213 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, dyed nov 200 g/m2
*521214 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, yn dy nov 200 g/m2
*521215 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, print, nov 200 g/m2
*521221 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, unbl ov 200 g/m2
*521222 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, bl ov 200 g/m2
*521223 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, dyed ov 200 g/m2
*521224 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, yn dy ov 200 g/m2
*521225 Wov cot fab un85% cot nesoi, print ov 200 g/m2
Chapter 53 - Other vegetable textile fibers; paper yarn and woven fabrics of paper yarn
*5301 Flax, raw, processed, not spun; flax tow and waste (including yarn waste & garnetted stock)
*530110 Flax, raw or retted
*530121 Flax, broken, scutched, hackled other proc n spun
*530129 Flax, hackled etc., not spun
*530130 Flax tow and waste yarn waste and garnetted stock
*5302 True hemp, raw, processed, not spun; tow and waste of true hemp
*530210 True hemp raw/process nt spun; tow & wste raw/rett
*530290 True hemp processed not spun, tow & yarn waste
*5303 Jute & other textile bast fibers (not flax, true hemp, ramie), raw, processed, not spun; tow & waste of these fibers (including yarn waste & garnetted stock)
*530310 Jute other textile bast fib ex flx hem raw retted
*530390 Jute other tex bast fib tow wast proc nt sp other
*5304 Sisal & other agave textile fibers, raw, processed, not spun; tow & waste of these fibers (including yarn waste & garnetted stock)
*530410 Sisal other textile fibers of the genus agave raw
*530490 Sisal oth text fib gen agave tow waste nt sp other
*5305 Coconut, abaca, ramie & other vegetable fibers, raw, processed, not spun; tow, noils & waste of these fibers (including yarn waste & garnetted stock)
*530511 Coconut textile fibers, raw
*530519 Coconut, tow, noils and yarn waste garnt stk other
*530521 Abaca textile fibers, raw
*530529 Abaca, tow, noils and yarn waste garnett stk other
*530591 Ramie & other vegetable textile fibers nesoi, raw
*530599 Ramie oth veg fib tow yn wast ex coco abaca, other
*5306 Flax yarn
*530610 Flax yarn, single
*530620 Flax yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled
*5307 Yarn of jute & other textile bast fibers of 5303
*530710 Yarn of jute oth tex bast fib ex fl hp ram single
*530720 Yarn of jute oth tex bast fibr multiple or cabled
*5308 Yarn of other vegetable textile fibers; paper yarn
*530810 Yarn of other vegetable textile fibers; coir yarn
*530820 Yarn of true hemp
*530830 Yarn of other textile fibers; paper yarn
*530890 Yarn of vegetable textile fibers nesoi
*5309 Woven fabrics of flax
*530911 Wov fab >=85% flax unbleached or bleached
*530919 Woven fabrics >=85% by weight of flax other
*530921 Woven fabrics <85% by weight of flax unbl/bleached
*530929 Woven fabrics <85% by weight of flax other
*5310 Woven fabrics of jute or other text bast fiber of 5303
*531010 Wov fb jute/o tx bast f ex flx tr hmp & r rw/pns u
*531090 Wov fab jute oth textile bast fiber exc ubl nesoi
*5311 Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers; woven fabrics of paper yarn
*531100 Wov fab of ot veg textile fib wov fab of ppr yarn
Chapter 54 - Manmade filaments, including yarns & woven fabrics
*5401 Sewing thread of manmade filaments, retail or not
*540110 Sewing thread synthetic filaments, for retail sale
*540120 Sewing thread artificial filaments, retail or not
*5402 Synthetic filament yarn (no sewing thread), no retail
*540210 Syn fil yarn ex sewing no retail, nylon etc
*540220 Syn fil yarn ex sewing no retail, polyester
*540231 Syn fil yn exsew no rt tx nylon yn nov 500 decitex
*540232 Syn fil yn exsew no rt tx nylon yn ov 500 decitex
*540233 Syn fil yn exsew no rt tx polyester
*540239 Syn fil yn exsew no rt text nesoi
*540241 Syn fil yn, nosew noret oth sing nov50t nylon etc
*540242 Polyester part orient untwst/twst yn nt>50 turns/m
*540243 Syn fil yn, nosew noret othsing nov50t polyest etc
*540249 Syn fil yn, nosew noret othsing nov50t yarn nesoi
*540251 Nylon filament yn twist >50 turns/m nt retail sale
*540252 Polyester fila yn twist >50 turns/m nt retail sale
*540259 Syn fila yarn exc nylon/polyester twst >50 turns/m
*540261 Nylon filament yarn multiple/cabled nt retail sale
*540262 Polyesters filmt yn multiple/cabled nt retail sale
*540269 Syn fila yn exc nylon/polyesters multiple/cabled
*5403 Artificial filament yarn (no sewing thread), no retail
*540310 Art fil yn ex sew no ret hi ten visc rayon
*540320 Art fil yarn exc sew no retail, text yarn
*540331 Art fil yarn exc sew no retail sing visc rayon
*540332 Viscose rayon twist >120 turns/m yn nt retail sale
*540333 Art fil yarn exc sew no retail sing cell acetate
*540339 Art fil yn exc sew no ret single yn nesoi
*540341 Viscose rayon multiple/cabled not for retail sale
*540342 Cellulose acetate multiple/cabled not retail sale
*540349 Art fila exp viscose rayon/acetate multiple/cabled
*5404 Synthetic monofilament, 67 decitex or more, no cross-section more than 1mm; synthetic textile material strips not more than 5mm
*540410 Syn monofil, nun 67 dec cr sect nov 1 mm
*540490 Synthetic strip width not > 5mm
*5405 Artificial monofilament, 67 decitex or more, no cross-section more than 1mm; synthetic textile material strips not more than 5mm
*540500 Art monof, nun67dec crsnov1mm, strip etc nov5mm wd
*5406 Man-made filament yarn (no sewing thread), for retail
*540610 Syn fil yn, exc sew thread, for retail sale
*540620 Artificial filament yarn put up for retail sale
*5407 Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, including woven fabrics from 5404
*540710 Wov fab syn fil hi ten nylon etc and polyester
*540720 Synthetic filament yarn fabric from the strip
*540730 Wov fab syn fil yn spec bonded in layers
*540741 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% nylon unbl and bleach
*540742 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% nylon etc dyed
*540743 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% nylon etc yarn dyed
*540744 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% nylon etc printed
*540751 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% tex polyest bl unbl
*540752 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% tex polyester dyed
*540753 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% tex polyster yn dyed
*540754 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% tex polyster printed
*540760 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% nontex polyester
*540771 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% syn fil nesoi unbl bl
*540772 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% syn fil nesoi dyed
*540773 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% syn fil nesoi yn dyed
*540774 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi 85% syn fil nesoi printed
*540781 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi un85% syn fil cot unbl bl
*540782 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi un85% syn fil cot dyed
*540783 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi un85% syn fil cot yn dyed
*540784 Wov fab syn fil yn nesoi un85% syn fil cot printed
*540791 Wov fabric synth filament yarn nesoi unbl bleached
*540792 Wov fabric synth filament yarn nesoi dyed
*540793 Wov fabric synth filament yarn nesoi yarn dyed
*540794 Wov fabric synth filament yarn nesoi printed
*5408 Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, including woven fabrics from 5405
*540810 Woven fab of viscose rayon, high tenacity yarn
*540821 Wov fab art fil ex ra 85% art fil unbl bl
*540822 Wov fab art fil ex ra 85% art fil dyed
*540823 Wov fab art fil ex ra 85% art fil yn dyed
*540824 Wov fab art fil ex ra 85% art fil printed
*540831 Wov fab art fil ex ra 85% art fil nesoi unbl bl
*540832 Wov fab art fil ex ra nesoi, dyed
*540833 Wov fab art fil ex ra 85% art fil nesoi yn dyed
*540834 Wov fab art fil ex ra nesoi, printed
Chapter 55 - Manmade staple fibres, including yarns & woven fabrics
*5501 Synthetic filament tow
*550110 Synthetic filament tow of nylon or other polyamide
*550120 Synthetic filament tow of polyesters
*550130 Synthetic filament tow acrylic or modacrylic
*550190 Synthetic filament tow, nesoi
*5502 Artificial filament tow
*550200 Artificial filament tow
*5503 Synthetic staple fibers, not carded, combed or processed for spinning
*550310 Syn stp fib nt crd, cmb or prsd spng, nyl/ ot plym
*550320 Syn stp fib nt crd, cmb or prsd spng: of polyester
*550330 Syn stp fib nt crd, cmb or prsd spng, acry/modacry
*550340 Syn stp fib nt crd, cmb or prsd spng: polyproplene
*550390 Syn stp fib not card, cmb or prsd spng, nesoi
*5504 Artificial staple fibers, not carded, combed or processed for spinning
*550410 Artif stp fib nt crd, cmb or prsd spng, vis rayon
*550490 Art stp fib not crd, cmb or prsd spng: oth vis ryn
*5505 Waste of manmade fibers (including noils, yarn waste & garnetted stock)
*550510 Waste of synthetic fibers
*550520 Waste of artificial fibers
*5506 Synthetic staple fibers, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
*550610 Syn stp fib crd cmb or prs spng nyl or oth plyamd
*550620 Syn stpl fib crd cmb or prcd spng of polyester
*550630 Syn stp fib crd cmb or prcd spng acrylic/mdacrylc
*550690 Synt stp fib card comb or otrws prsd spng nesoi
*5507 Artificial staple fibers, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
*550700 Artific stpl fiber crd cmb or othws prcd for spng
*5508 Sewing thread of manmade staple fibers, retail or not
*550810 Sew thd mmf stpl fib wth nt retail sale syn stp fb
*550820 Sew thd art stpl fiber, retail or not
*5509 Yarn (not sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers, no retail
*550911 Yrn n swg td sy st fb n rtl sl >=85% st f n/p sg y
*550912 Yrn n swg td sy st fb n rtl sl>=85% st f n/p m/c y
*550921 Yrn syn s fib nt for r s >85% wgt poly s fib s yrn
*550922 Yrn n swg td sy st fb n rtl sl >=85% p st f m/c yr
*550931 Yrn n swg td sy st fb n rtl sl >=85% ac/mac sfsy
*550932 Yrn n swg td sy st fb n rtl sl >=85% a/mc s f m/c
*550941 Yrn n swg td sy st fb n rtl sl >=85% o yr sy sf sy
*550942 Yrn n swg td sy st fb n rt sl >=85% ot sy sf m/c y
*550951 Yr n sw thd syn st fb n rt sl ply s f mix m/s art
*550952 Yrn n swg thd syn st fb mx mnly/sly wl or fn an hr
*550953 Yrn n sw th syn st fb n rt sl ply s f mix m/s cotn
*550959 Yrn n sw td sy st f n rtl sl ot yr poly st f nesoi
*550961 Yr n swg th syn st fb n rt sl o y ac/mac m w/fah
*550962 Yr n swg th syn st fb n rt sl o y ac/mac mx cotton
*550969 Yrn n sw th syn stp fib n rt sl ac/ma stp fib othr
*550991 Yrn n swg th syn stp fb n rtl sl oth yrn mx wl/fah
*550992 Yrn n swg th syn stp fb n rtl sl oth yrn mx cotton
*550999 Yrn n sw th syn stp fib n rt sl ot yrns oth-nesoi
*5510 Yarn (not sewing thread), of artificial staple fibers, no retail
*551011 Yrn n swg th art st fb n rt sl >=85% art s fb sn y
*551012 Yrn n swg th art st f n rt sl >=85% art s f m/c yr
*551020 Yrn n swg th art st f n rt sl ot yr m/s wool or fa
*551030 Yrn n swg thd art stp fb n rt sl ot yrn m/s cotton
*551090 Yrn nt swg thd art stp fib nt rtl sl ot yrn nesoi
*5511 Yarn (no sewing thread), man-made staple fiber, for retail
*551110 Yrn n sw th mm st fib rt sl syn stp fib >=85% s fb
*551120 Yrn n swg th mmf st fb rt sl syn s f <85% wgt fib
*551130 Yrn nt swg th mmf__stp fib pt up rt sl art stp fib
*5512 Woven fabric of synthetic staple fibers, 85% or more by weight of such fibers
*551211 Wv fb syn s f >=85% syn st fb >=85% ply sf ubl/blc
*551219 Wov fab >=85% synth st fb poly stp fiber other
*551221 Wov fab >=85% syn st fb >=85% acr/macr s f ubl/blc
*551229 Wov fab >=85% syn st fib >=85% acr/mac s f other
*551291 Wov fab >=85% syn st fib other unbleach/bleached
*551299 Wov fab >=85% synthetic stp fib oth nesoi
*5513 Woven fabric of synthetic staple fibers, less than 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly with cotton with weight not more than 170g/m2
*551311 Wov fab pol st fb <85% sf m m/s c wt<170g/m2 u/b p
*551312 Wov fb syn s f <85% mx ct <=170g/m2 ub/bl 3-4 t tw
*551313 Wv fb pol s f <85% sf m cot wt<170g/m2 u/b owfpsf
*551319 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m cot wt<170g/m2 u/b ot wv f
*551321 Wv fb pol sf <85% s f m cot wt<170g/m2 dy py sf pw
*551322 Wov fb syn f <85% mx ct <=170g/m2 dyed__3-4 t tw
*551323 Wv fb pol sf <85% s f m cot wt<170g/m2 dy owf p sf
*551329 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m cot wt<170g/m2 dy ot wv fb
*551331 Wv fb pol s f <85% mx ct <=170g/m2 ydf py st fb pw
*551332 Wv fb syn s f <85% mx ct <=170g/m2 3-4twl ply st f
*551333 Wv f pol sf <85% s f m m/s cot <=170g/m2 ydc owfps
*551339 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m m/s cot <=170g/m2 ydc ow f
*551341 Wv fb pol sf <85% s f m m/s cot <=170g/m2 prt psfp
*551342 Wov fb syn s f <85% mx ct <=170g/m2 prntd 3-4 t tw
*551343 Wv f pol sf <85% s f m m/s ct <=170g/m2 pr owfpsf
*551349 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m m/s ct <=170g/m2 prt ot wf
*5514 Woven fabric of synthetic staple fibers, less than 85% by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly with cotton with weight more than 170g/m2
*551411 Wov fab syn st fb <85% sf m m/s c wt>170g/m2 u/b p
*551412 Wv fb pl sf <85% m ct >170g/m2 ub/bl 3-4td tl psf
*551413 Wv fb syn s f <85% sf m cot wt>170g/m2 u/b owfpsf
*551419 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m cot wt>170g/m2 u/b ot wv f
*551421 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m cot wt>170g/m2 dy py sf pw
*551422 Wv fb pl sf <85% m ct >170g/m2 dyed 3-4td tl psf
*551423 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m cot wt>170g/m2 dy owf p sf
*551429 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m cot wt>170g/m2 dy ot wv fb
*551431 Wv fb syn sf <85% mx ct >170g/m2 ydc py sf pln wv
*551432 Wv fb pol sf <85% s f m/ms ct >170g/m2 ydf 3-4t ps
*551433 Wv f syn sf <85% s f m m/s cot > 170g/m2 ydc owfps
*551439 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m m/s cot > 170g/m2 ydc ow f
*551441 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m m/s cot > 170g/m2 prt psfp
*551442 Wv fb pl sf <85% m ct >170g/m2 prntd 3-4td tl psf
*551443 Wv f syn sf <85% s f m m/s ct > 170g/m2 pr owfpsf
*551449 Wv fb syn sf <85% s f m m/s ct > 170g/m2 prt ot wf
*5515 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers
*551511 Oth wv fab syn ply st fb mx m/s vis ray staple fib
*551512 Oth wov fab syn poly st fb mix m/s mnm filaments
*551513 Oth wov fab syn poly stp fib mix m/s wl/fn anml hr
*551519 Oth wov fab of syn poly stpl fibr other nesoi
*551521 Oth wov fab syn acr/macr st fb mixed m/s mnm filmt
*551522 Oth wov fab syn acr/macr st fb mix m/s wl/fn an hr
*551529 Oth wov fab syn acr/macr staple fibers othr-nesoi
*551591 Oth wov fab syn staple fib oth mix m/s mnm filmnts
*551592 Oth wov fab syn stpl fib oth mix m/s wl or fn an h
*551599 Other wov fab of synthetic stpl fibers other-nesoi
*5516 Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers
*551611 Unblch/blch wov fabrc, artifcl stpl fbr>85% by wght
*551612 Dyed wovn fabric, artificial stple fibr>85% by wght
*551613 Wov fabrc, artfcl stapl fbr, yrn dif colr>85% by wgt
*551614 Printed wovn fabric artifcial stpl fibr>85% by wgt
*551621 Unbl/blch wv fab, artf stpl fbr<85%a-s-f;mx wth mmf
*551622 Dyed wov fabrc, artf stpl fbr<85%a-s-f;mix with mmf
*551623 Wv fab, art stpl fbr, yrn dif colr;<85%asf;mix w/mmf
*551624 Prntd wv fabrc, artf stpl fbr<85%a-s-f;mix with mmf
*551631 Unbl/blch wv fab, artf stpl fb<85%asf;wool/f-a hair
*551632 Dyed wov fab, art stpl fbr<85%asf;mix wool/f-a hair
*551633 Wv fab, art stpl fbr, yrn df colr;<85%asf;mix w/wool
*551634 Prnt wov fab, art stpl fbr<85%asf;mix wool/f-a hair
*551641 Unbl/blch wv fab, artf stpl fbr<85%asf;mix w/cotton
*551642 Dyed wov fabrc, artf stpl fbr <85% asf;mix w/cotton
*551643 Wv fab, art stpl fbr, yrn dif colr;<85%asf;mix w/cot
*551644 Prntd wov fabrc, artf stpl fbr<85%asf;mixd w/cotton
*551691 Other unblch/blch wov fabrc, artf staple fibr, nesoi
*551692 Other dyed woven fabrics, artifcl staple fibr, nesoi
*551693 Othr wov fabrc, artf stpl fibr, yrns diff colr, nesoi
*551694 Other prntd wovn fabrics, artifcl staple fibr, nesoi
Chapter 56 - Wadding, felt and nonwovens; special yarns; twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles thereof
*5601 Text wadding & articles; text fibers not more than 5 mm in length, textile dust & mill neps
*560110 Sanitary nap & tamp, diap & liner & simi arti wad
*560121 Wadding; other articles of wadding of cotton
*560122 Wadding; other articles of wadding of manmade fib
*560129 Wadding; other articles of wadding, nesoi
*560130 Wad of tex mat & art thereof:tex flo dust mill nep
*5602 Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
*560210 Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fiber fabrics
*560221 Oth felt nt impreg, coat, cov/lam wool/f anim hair
*560229 Oth felt nt impreg coated cov o lam o oth tex mat
*560290 Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated etc nesoi
*5603 Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
*560300 Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, coated etc
*5604 Rubber thread & cord, textile covered; textile yarn, strip etc of 5404, 5405..impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics
*560410 Rub thread and cord tex covered
*560420 Rub thr & crd, hgh ten yrn poly nyln etc impreg
*560490 Rub thr & crd, nesoi
*5605 Metalized yarn whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip etc., of 504, 5405 combined with metal in the form of thread, strip, powder or covered with metal
*560500 Metal yrn whet o nt gimp tex yrn o strip w/metal
*5606 Gimped yarn & strip etc of 5404, 5405; gimped not 5605 & horsehair yarn, chenille yarn, loop wale-yarn
*560600 Gimp yrn & strip, 5404/5405 chen yrn loop wale-yrn
*5607 Twine, cordage, rope & cables, whether or not plaited, braided, (impregnated, coated, covered or sheathed with rubber or plastic)
*560710 Twine cord rope & cable of jute or other tex bast
*560721 Twine cord rope cable o sisal binder o baler twine
*560729 Twine, cord, rope & cable, of sisal fibers, nesoi
*560730 Twine whet/nt plait/impreg w/rub abaca/oth hrd fib
*560741 Twine whet/nt plait/impreg w/rub polyeth bndr twne
*560749 Twine whet/nt plait/impreg w/rub polyethylen nesoi
*560750 Twine, cord whet/nt plait impreg w/rub oth syn fib
*560790 Twine, cord whet/nt plait impreg w/rub/plast nesoi
*5608 Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; nets & fishing nets of textile material
*560811 Knotted nett of twine, made up fish net, m-mde mat
*560819 Knot net of twne mde-up fish net tex mat mmf nesoi
*560890 Knot net of twine made-up fish net tex mat nesoi
*5609 Articles of yarn, strip etc. of 5404, 5405, twine, cordage, rope or cables, nesoi (not elsewhere specified or included)
*560900 Art o yrn like of head 5404/5405 twine o cable nes
Chapter 57 - Carpets and other textile floor coverings
*5701 Carpets & other textile floor coverings, knotted
*570110 Carpets&oth tex floor covr, wool/fine anml hr, knotd
*570190 Carpets&oth tex floor covr, oth tex materials, knotd
*5702 Carpets & other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted, flocked kelem, schumacks, karamanie, hand-woven rugs
*570210 Kelem, schumacks, karamanie, &similar hand-woven rugs
*570220 Floor coverings of coconut fibers (coir), woven
*570231 Carpets, etc of wool/fine animal hr, pile, nt made-up
*570232 Carpets, etc of mmf textl material, pile, not made-up
*570239 Carpets, etc of other textl materl, pile, not made-up
*570241 Carpets, etc of wool/fine animal hair, pile, made-up
*570242 Carpets, etc of mmf textile materialss, pile, made-u
*570249 Carpets, etc othr tex matrl, pile, made-up, not tufted
*570251 Carpets, etc wool/fine anml hr, wovn, not pile/mde-up
*570252 Textile carpets, wov no pile, mmf, not made up
*570259 Carpets, etc othr tex mat, wov, not pile/made-up/tuft
*570291 Carpets, etc wool/fine anml hr, wovn, made-up, nt pile
*570292 Textile carpets, wov no pile, mmf, made up
*570299 Carpets, etc othr tex mat, wov, made-up, notpile/tuft
*5703 Carpets & other textile floor coverings, tufted
*570310 Textile carpets, tufted, of wool
*570320 Carpets, etc, nylon/othr polyamides, tuftd, w/n mde-up
*570330 Textile carpets, tufted, mmf except nylon etc
*570390 Textile carpets, tufted, textile materials nesoi
*5704 Carpets & other textile floor coverings, felt, not tufted, flocked
*570410 Textile carpets, felt, no tuft, tiles sur nov .3m2
*570490 Textile carpets, felt, not tufted etc. nesoi
*5705 Other carpets & other textile floor coverings
*570500 Othr carpets&othr tex floor cov, whethr/not made-up
Chapter 58 - Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery
*5801 Woven pile fabrics & chenille fabrics (not 5802,5806)
*580110 Wov pile & chenille fabrics of wool/fine anim hair
*580121 Wov fabric of cot uncut weft pile
*580122 Woven pile & chenille fabric of cut corduroy
*580123 Wov fabric of cot, cut other weft pile
*580124 Wov pile & chenille fab of cut warp epingle uncut
*580125 Wov fab cot warp pile fab, cut
*580126 Wov pile fab & chenille fab cot chenille fabrics
*580131 Wov fab of m-made fiber uncut pile
*580132 Wov pile & chenille fab of m-made fib cut corduroy
*580133 Woven fab of m-made fibers, other weft pile
*580134 Wov pile & chenille warp pile fab epingle (uncut)
*580135 Wov fab of m-made faber, cut warp pile
*580136 Wov pile fab & chenille fab mmf chenille fabrics
*580190 Wov pile fab & chenille fab other textile material
*5802 Woven terry fabrics & toweling (not narrow of 5806); tufted textile fabric (not 5703)
*580211 Terry towel & similar wov fab nt narrow cot unblch
*580219 Terry towel & similar wov fab nt narrow cot, other
*580220 Terry towel & sim wov terry fab oth tex ov 30 cm
*580230 Tufted textile fab, oth than products of head 5703
*5803 Gauze (other than narrow fabrics of 5806)
*580310 Gauze, nt narrow fabrics of heading 5806: of cot
*580390 Gauze, over 30 cm wide, textile materials nesoi
*5804 Tulles & other net fabrics (not woven, knitted or crocheted); lace in the piece, strips, motifs
*580410 Tulles & oth net fab nt inc wov, knt or crohet fab
*580421 Lace in pce, strip, motif mechanical made mmf
*580429 Lace in piece, strips/motifs mech mde oth tex mat
*580430 Lace in the piece, in strips/motifs handmade lace
*5805 Hand-woven & needle-worked tapestries gobelins, flanders, aubusson, beauvais, petit point, cross stitch
*580500 Hand-wov tapestries wall hang use only>$251/sq mtr
*5806 Narrow woven fabrics (not 5807, labels etc); warp without weft assembled with adhesive
*580610 Wov pile fab (inc terry towel & sim) & chenile fab
*580620 Nar wov fab nesoi >5% elastomeric yrn/rubber thrd
*580631 Narrow woven fabrics, nesoi, of cotton
*580632 Narrow woven fabrics, nesoi, of manmade fibers
*580639 Other woven fabrics of nesoi textile materials
*580640 Nar fab warp w/o weft assembled with an adhesive
*5807 Labels, badges etc of textiles, in the piece, strips, cut to shape/size (not embroidered)
*580710 Textile labels, badges etc, not embroidered, woven
*580790 Textile labels, badges etc, not embroid, not woven
*5808 Braids in the piece; ornamental trimmings in the piece (not embroidery or knitted or crocheted);tassels, pompons and similar
*580810 Braid in piece w/o embroid oth than knit/crocheted
*580890 Orn trim pc w/o embroid n/kt croc, tasel, pom, etc
*5809 Woven fabrics of metal thread & metalized yarn of 5605, used in..apparel, furnishing fabric or similar
*580900 Woven fabrics of metal thread & metalized yarn nec
*5810 Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs
*581010 Embroidery without visible ground
*581091 Embroid in pe, strip or motifs: oth embroid of cot
*581092 Embroid in pc, strip or motifs of mmf
*581099 Embroid pe, strp/motif: oth embroid nesoi tex mat
*5811 Quilted textile products in the piece, with 1 or more layers of textile material assembled with padding (not embroidery of 5810)
*581100 Quilt tex prod pe 1> layr w/pad stch n/embr h 5810
Chapter 59 - Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles for industrial use
*5901 Textile book covering fabric; tracing cloth; paint canvas; buckram & similar stiffened textile fabric (hat foundations)
*590110 Textl fabrc, coatd w-gum/amylc, outer cover of books
*590190 Tracing cloth;preprd paintg canvas;buckram-hat fnd
*5902 Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarn, nylon, other polyamides, viscose rayon
*590210 Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarn, nylon etc
*590220 Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarn, polyesters
*590290 Tire cord fabric of high tenacity yarn, visc rayon
*5903 Textile fabrics (not 5902 tire cord), impregnated, coated, covered, laminated with plastics
*590310 Textile fabrics, impregnated etc nesoi with pvc
*590320 Textile fabrics, impregn etc nesoi, polyurethane
*590390 Textile fabrics, impregn etc nesoi, plastics nesoi
*5904 Linoleum; floor cover with coating, covering on a textile backing
*590410 Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape
*590491 Floor coverings coated etc on a non woven base
*590492 Floor covering coated etc on a nonwoven base nesoi
*5905 Textile wall coverings
*590500 Textile wall coverings
*5906 Rubberized textile fabrics,(not 5902 tire cord)
*590610 Adhesive tape not over 20 cm wide
*590691 Rubberized textile fabrics nesoi, knit or crochet
*590699 Rubberized text fabric nesoi, not knit or crochet
*5907 Textile fabrics impregnated, coated, covered; painted canvas theatrical scenery, studio back-cloths etc
*590700 Textl fabrc, coatd, etc, theatrcl scenery, back-cloths
*5908 Textile wicks, woven, plaited, knitted for..lamps, stoves, lighters, candles; incandescent gas mantles
*590800 Textile wicks for lamps etc and gas mantles etc
*5909 Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing
*590900 Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing
*5910 Transmission or conveyor belts, belting of textile material whether or not reinforced with metal or other material
*591000 Transmsn/convyr belts, tex matrl, whthr/not reinfrcd
*5911 Textile products for specific technical use bolting cloth, straining cloth, textile fabric reinforced with metal
*591110 Text fabric for card clothing & other tech uses
*591120 Bolting cloth, whether or not made-up
*591131 Textile fabrics etc, papermaking, under 650 g/m2
*591132 Textile fabrics etc, papermaking, 650 g/m2 or more
*591140 Textile straining cloth used in oil presses etc
*591190 Textile products etc for technical uses nesoi
Chapter 60 - Knitted or crocheted fabrics
*6001 Pile fabrics, knitted or crocheted (including long pile & terry fabrics)
*600110 Long pile fabrics, knitted or crocheted
*600121 Looped pile fabrics of cotton, knitted or crocheted
*600122 Looped pile fabrics man-made fiber, knit or crochet
*600129 Looped pile fabrics other tex mat, knit or crochet
*600191 Other pile fabrics of cotton, knitted or crocheted
*600192 Oth pile fabrics, man-made fibers, knitted/crocheted
*600199 Other pile fabric other textile matrl knit/crochet
*6002 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics
*600210 Knit or croch fab, nov30cm nun5% elast yn etc
*600220 Knit or crochet fabric nesoi, not over 30 cm wide
*600230 Othr knit/crchet fabrc >5% elastomrc yrn/rubr thrd
*600241 Other warp knit fabric of wool or fine animal hair
*600242 Other warp knit fabrics(includng galloon)of cotton
*600243 Other warp knit fabric(incl galloon)man-made fiber
*600249 Other warp knit fabrics (including galloon); other
*600291 Oth knit/crochet fabrc, wool/fine animal hair nesoi
*600292 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics of cotton, nesoi
*600293 Oth knit/croch fabric nesoi, manmade fibers
*600299 Oth knt/crochet fabric oth textile materials, nesoi
Chapter 61 - Apparel articles and accessories, knitted or crocheted
*6101 Men's or boys' coats, knitted or crocheted (not 6103) overcoats, carcoats, capes, cloaks, anoraks, ski-jackets, windbreakers
*610110 M/b overcoats, carcoats, etc of wool, knit
*610120 M/b overcoats carcoats & similar art cotton, knit
*610130 M/b overcoats carcoats & similar art mmf, knit
*610190 M/b overcoats carcoats & smlr art ot tex mat, knit
*6102 Women's or girls' coats, knitted or crocheted (not 6104) overcoats, carcoats, capes, cloaks, anoraks, ski-jackets, windbreakers
*610210 W/g overcoats, carcoats, etc of wool, knit
*610220 W/g overcoat carcoat & similar art cotton, knit
*610230 W/g overcoats carcoats & similar art mmf, knit
*610290 W/g overcoats carcoats & smlr art ot tex mtrl, knit
*6103 Men's or boys' trousers, jackets, shorts, knitted or chrocheted (not swimwear) suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, bib & brace overalls, breeches
*610311 Men's or boys' suits of wool, knit
*610312 Men's or boys' suits of synthetic fibers, knitted
*610319 Men's or boys' suits, knit etc, textile mat nesoi
*610321 M/b ensembles of wool, knit
*610322 Men's or boys' ensembles of cotton, knitted or cro
*610323 Men's or boys' ensembles of synthetic fibers, knit
*610329 Men's or boys' ensembles, knit etc, textiles nesoi
*610331 M/b suit-type jackets and blazers of wool, knit
*610332 M/b suit-type jackets and blazers of cotton, knit
*610333 M/b suit-type jacket & blazer synthetic fiber, knit
*610339 Men's or boys' suit-ty jac, knit etc, text nesoi
*610341 M/b trouser__overalls shorts etc wool, knit
*610342 M/b trousers overalls shorts etc cotton, knit
*610343 M/b trousers overalls shorts etc syn fibers, knit
*610349 Men's or boys' trousers etc, knit etc, text nesoi
*6104 Women's or girls' trousers, jackets, shorts, dresses, skirts, knitted or chrocheted (not swimwear) suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, bib & brace overalls, breeches
*610411 W/g suits of wool, knit
*610412 Women's or girls' suits of cotton, knitted or croc
*610413 Women's or girls' suits of synthetic fibers, knitt
*610419 Women's or girls' suits, knit etc, text mat nesoi
*610421 W/g ensembles of wool, knit
*610422 Women's or girls' ensembles of cotton, knitted or
*610423 W/g ensembles of synthetic fibers, knit
*610429 Women's or girls' ensembles, knit etc, text nesoi
*610431 W/g suit-type jackets and blazers of wool, knit
*610432 W/g suit-type jackets and blazers of cotton, knit
*610433 W/g suit-type jackets/blazers synthetic fiber, knit
*610439 Women's or girls' su-ty jac, knit etc, text nesoi
*610441 W/g dresses of wool, knit
*610442 Women's or girls' dresses of cotton, knitted or cr
*610443 Women's or girls' dresses synthetic fibers, knit
*610444 Women's or girls' dresses artificial fibers, knit
*610449 Women's or girls' dresses of text mtrl nesoi, knit
*610451 W/g skirts and divided skirts of wool, knit
*610452 W/g skirts and divided skirts of cotton, knit
*610453 W/g skirts & divided skirts of synthetic fib, knit
*610459 Women's or girls' skirts etc knit etc, text nesoi
*610461 W/g trousers overalls breeches shorts of wool, knit
*610462 W/g trousers overalls breeches shorts cotton, knit
*610463 W/g trouser overall breeches shorts syn fib, knit
*610469 Women's or girls' trousers etc knit etc, tex nesoi
*6105 Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted
*610510 Men's or boys' shirts of cotton, knitted or croche
*610520 Men's or boys' shirts of manmade fibers, knitted o
*610590 Men's/boys' shirts of textile material nesoi, knit
*6106 Women's or girls' blouses & shirts, knitted or crocheted
*610610 Women's or girls' blouses and shirts cotton, knit
*610620 Women's or girls' blouses/shirts manmade fib, knit
*610690 W/g blouses and shirts textile material nesoi, knit
*6107 Men's or boys' underpants, bathrobes, pajamas, knitted or crocheted briefs, nightshirts, dressing gowns
*610711 Men's or boys' underpants and briefs cotton, knit
*610712 Men's/boys' underpants & briefs manmade fiber, knit
*610719 Men's/boys' underpant, & briefs, text matl nesoi, kt
*610721 Men's or boys' nightshirt and pajamas cotton, knit
*610722 Men's/boys' nightshirt and pajamas manmade fib, kt
*610729 M/b nightshirts & pajamas ot textile materials, kt
*610791 Men's or boys' bathrobes and similar art cotton, kt
*610792 M/b bathrobes and similar article manmade fib, kt
*610799 M/b bathrobes & similar art of text matl nesoi, kt
*6108 Women's or girls' panties, slips, bathrobes, pajamas, knitted or crocheted briefs, petticoats, nightdresses, dressing gowns, negligees
*610811 Women's/girls' slips & petticoats manmade fib, kt
*610819 W/g slips and petticoats ot textile materials, kt
*610821 Women's or girls' briefs and panties cotton, knit
*610822 Women's/girls' briefs & panties manmade fiber, kt
*610829 W/g briefs & panties of textile mat nesoi, knit
*610831 W/g nightdresses & pajamas of cotton, knit
*610832 W/g nightdresses & pajamas manmade fibers, knit
*610839 W/g nightdresses & pajamas ot textile material, kt
*610891 W/g negligees bathrobes & similar art cotton, knit
*610892 W/g negligees bathrobes & similar art mmf, knit
*610899 W/g negligees & similar art text matl nesoi, knit
*6109 T-shirts, singlets, tank tops etc, knitted or crocheted
*610910 T-shirts, singlets, tank tops etc, knit etc cotton
*610990 T-shirts, singlets etc, knit etc, textiles nesoi
*6110 Sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats, vests etc, knitted or crocheted
*611010 Sweaters, pullovers etc, knit etc, wool
*611020 Sweaters, pullovers etc, knit etc, cotton
*611030 Sweaters, pullovers etc, knit etc, manmade fibers
*611090 Sweaters, pullovers etc, knit etc, textiles nesoi
*6111 Babies' garments & clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted
*611110 Babies' garments & clthng access of wool, knit
*611120 Babies' garments & clthng access of cotton, knit
*611130 Babies' garments & clthng access syn fibers, knit
*611190 Babies' garments etc, knit etc, textiles nesoi
*6112 Track suits, ski-suits & swimwear, knitted or crocheted
*611211 Track & warm-up suits etc, knit etc, cotton
*611212 Track & warm-up suits etc, knit etc, synth fibers
*611219 Track & warm-up suits etc, knit etc, textile nesoi
*611220 Ski suits, knitted or crocheted
*611231 Men's or boys' swimwear of synthetic fibers, knitt
*611239 M/b swimwear of other textile materials, knit
*611241 Women's or girls' swimwear synthetic fibers, knit
*611249 W/g swimwear of other textile materials, knit
*6113 Garments of knitted or crocheted fabrics from ( 5903,5906,5907, coated etc rubber, plastic etc)
*611300 Garments, knit etc, coated etc rubber, plastic etc
*6114 Other garments, knitted or crocheted tops, jumpers, bodysuits, jumpsuits, sunsuits
*611410 Other garments of wool or fine animal hair, knitte
*611420 Other garments of cotton, knitted or crocheted
*611430 Other garments of manmade fibers, knitted or croch
*611490 Other garments of other textile materials, knitted
*6115 Hosiery including stockings for varicose veins, footwear without applied soles, knitted or crocheted pantyhose, tights, stockings, socks
*611511 Panty hose & tght syn fib meas <67 dctx/syn, knit
*611512 Panty hose & tght syn fib 67 dctx or more/syn, knit
*611519 Pantyhose & tights tex material ex synthetic, knit
*611520 Women's hosiery < 67 dctx/single yarn, knit
*611591 Socks & ot hosry & ftwr w/out appld sls wool, knit
*611592 Socks & other hosiery nesoi of cotton, knit
*611593 Socks & other hosiery nesoi of syn fibers, knit
*611599 Socks & other hosiery textile materials nesoi, kt
*6116 Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted
*611610 Gloves impreg ctd or cov w plas/rubber, knit
*611691 Mittens and mitts of wool, knitted
*611692 Gloves, mittens and mitts of cotton, knitted or cr
*611693 Gloves, mittens and mitts synthetic fibers, knit
*611699 Gloves, mittens & mitts other textile mtrl, knit
*6117 Other made-up clothing accessories, garment parts, knitted or crocheted shawls, scarves, mufflers, veils, ties, bow ties, cravats
*611710 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, veils & the like, knit
*611720 Ties, bow ties and cravats, knitted or crocheted
*611780 Other made-up clothing accessories, knitted or cro
*611790 Parts of garments or of clothing accessories, knit
Chapter 62 - Apparel articles and accessories, not knitted or crocheted
*6201 Men's or boys' coats, not knitted or crocheted (not 6203) overcoats, carcoats, capes, cloaks, anoraks, ski-jackets, windbreakers
*620111 M/b overcoats carcoats similar art wool, not knit
*620112 Men's or boys' overcoats etc, not knit, cotton
*620113 Men's or boys' overcoats etc, not knit, mnmd fiber
*620119 M/b overcoats carcoats smlr art ot tex mtrl, nt kt
*620191 M/b anoraks, ski jackets & smlr art wool, not knit
*620192 M/b anoraks, ski jackets & smlr art cotton, nt kt
*620193 M/b anoraks ski jackets & smlr art manmade fib, nkt
*620199 M/b anorak ski jacket & smlr art ot tex mtrl, n kt
*6202 Women's or girls' coats, not knitted or crocheted (not 6204) overcoats, carcoats, capes, cloaks, anoraks, ski-jackets, windbreakers
*620211 W/g overcoats raincoats & smlr article wool, n kt
*620212 Women's or girls' overcoats etc, not knit, cotton
*620213 Women's or girls' overcoats etc, not knit, mm fib
*620219 W/g overcoats & similar coats ot tex mtrl, n knit
*620291 W/g anoraks ski jackets & smlr articles wool, n kt
*620292 W/g anoraks ski jackets & smlr article cotton, n kt
*620293 W/g anoraks ski jackets & smlr articles mmf, n kt
*620299 W/g anoraks ski jacket & smlr art ot tex mtrl, n kt
*6203 Men's or boys'trousers, jackets, shorts, not knitted or chrocheted (not swimwear) suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, bib & brace overalls, breeches
*620311 Men's or boys' suits of wool, not knit
*620312 Men's or boys' suits of synthetic fibers, not knit
*620319 Men's or boys' suits of textile mat nesoi, n knit
*620321 Men's or boys' ensembles of wool, not knitted
*620322 Men's or boys' ensembles of cotton, not knitted or
*620323 Men's or boys' ensembles synthetic fibers, nt knit
*620329 Men's or boys' ensembles, not knit, textiles nesoi
*620331 M/b suit-type jackets and blazers of wool, nt knit
*620332 Men's/boys' suit-type jackets & blazers cot, n kt
*620333 M/b suit-type jackets & blazers synthetic fib, n kt
*620339 Men's or boys' suit-ty jac, not knit, text nesoi
*620341 M/b trouser overalls breeches shorts wool, nt knit
*620342 Men's or boys' trousers etc, not knit, cotton
*620343 Men's or boys' trousers etc, not knit, synth fiber
*620349 Men's or boys' trousers etc, not knit, text nesoi
*6204 Women's or girls' trousers, jackets, shorts, dresses, skirts, not knitted or chrocheted (not swimwear) suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, bib & brace overalls, breeches
*620411 W/g suits of wool, not knit
*620412 Women's or girls' suits of cotton, not knitted or
*620413 Women's or girls' suits synthetic fibers, not knit
*620419 Women's or girls' suits, not knit, textiles nesoi
*620421 Women's or girls' ensembles of wool, not knit
*620422 Women's or girls' ensembles of cotton, not knitted
*620423 Women's or girls' ensembles synthetic fibers, n kt
*620429 Women's or girls' ensembles, not knit, text nesoi
*620431 W/g suit-type jackets and blazers wool, not knit
*620432 W/g suit-type jackets and blazers cotton, not knit
*620433 W/g suit-type jackets & blazers syn fibers, n knit
*620439 Women's or girls' suit-ty jac, not knit, tex nesoi
*620441 Women's or girls' dresses of wool, not knitted
*620442 Women's or girls' dresses of cotton, not knitted o
*620443 Women's or girls' dresses synthetic fibers, nt kt
*620444 Women's or girls' dresses artificial fibers, n kt
*620449 Women's or girls' dresses ot textile mtrl, nt knit
*620451 Women's/girls' skirts & divided skirts wool, nt kt
*620452 Women's/girls' skirts & divided skirts cotton, n kt
*620453 Women's/girls' skirts synthetic fibers, not knit
*620459 Women's or girls' skirts etc, not knit, text nesoi
*620461 W/g trousers overalls breeches shorts wool, nt knit
*620462 Women's or girls' trousers etc not knit, cotton
*620463 Women's or girls' trousers etc not knit, syn fiber
*620469 Women's or girls' trousers etc not knit, tex nesoi
*6205 Men's or boys' shirts, not knitted or crocheted
*620510 Men's or boys' shirts of wool, not knit
*620520 Men's or boys' shirts, not knit, of cotton
*620530 Men's or boys' shirts, not knit, manmade fibers
*620590 Men's or boys shirts ot textile materials, nt knit
*6206 Women's or girls' blouses, shirts, blouses not knitted or crocheted
*620610 W/g blouses, shirts and shirt blouses silk, nt kt
*620620 W/g blouses, shirts and shirt blouses wool, nt kt
*620630 W/g blouses shirts & shirt blouses cotton, not knit
*620640 W/g blouses, shirts & shirt blouses mmf, not knit
*620690 W/g blouses shirts etc ot textile materials, nt kt
*6207 Men's or boys' underpants, bathrobes, pajamas, not knitted or crocheted briefs, nightshirts, dressing gowns
*620711 M/b underpants and briefs of cotton, not knit
*620719 M/b underpants and briefs ot textile mtrl, not knit
*620721 M/b nightshirts and pajamas of cotton, not knit
*620722 M/b nightshirts & pajamas manmade fibers, not knit
*620729 M/b nightshirts & pajamas ot textile mtrl, nt knit
*620791 Men's or boys' singlets etc, not knit, of cotton
*620792 Men's or boys' singlets etc, not knit, mnmd fibers
*620799 Men's or boys' singlets etc, not knit, text nesoi
*6208 Women's or girls' panties, slips, bathrobes, pajamas, not knitted or crocheted briefs, petticoats, nightdresses, dressing gowns, negligees
*620811 W/g slips and petticoats manmade fibers, not knit
*620819 W/g slips & petticoats ot textile materials, n kt
*620821 W/g nightdresses and pajamas cotton, not knit
*620822 W/g nightdresses & pajamas manmade fibers, not kt
*620829 W/g nghtdress & pajamas ot tetile material, n knit
*620891 Women's or girls' undshirts etc, not knit, cotton
*620892 Women's or girls' undshirts etc, not knit, mm fibr
*620899 Women's or girls' undshirt etc, no knit, tex nesoi
*6209 Babies' garments & clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted
*620910 Babies' grmnt & clthng accessories wool, not knit
*620920 Babies' garments & clthng access cotton, not knit
*620930 Babies' garments/clthng access syn fibers, not knit
*620990 Babies' garments/clthng access ot tex mtrl, not kni
*6210 Garments of (5602, 5603, 5903, 5907, of felt or fabric impregnated etc)
*621010 Garments of fabric of felts/nonwoven
*621020 M/b overcoats etc felts nonwoven impreg tex f, n kt
*621030 W/g overcoat etc impregnated, rubberized etc. n kt
*621040 Men's or boys' garments, not knit, coated etc
*621050 Women's or girls' garments, not knit, coated etc
*6211 Track suits, ski-suits & swimwear, and other garments not knitted or crocheted tops, jumpers, bodysuits, jumpsuits, sunsuits
*621111 Men's or boys' swimwear, not knitted or crocheted
*621112 Women's or girls' swimwear, not knitted or crochet
*621120 Ski-suits, not knitted or crocheted
*621131 Men's or boys' other garments of wool, not knit
*621132 Men's or boys' other garments of cotton, not knitt
*621133 Men's or boys' other garments manmade fibers, n kt
*621139 Men's or boys' ot garments ot textile mtrl, n knit
*621141 Oth gar wom grls wol anml hr ex trk ski-suit smwr
*621142 Oth gar wom grls cotton ex track ski-suits swmwer
*621143 Oth gar wom grls mm fib ex track ski-suits swmwer
*621149 Oth gar wom grls oth tex mtrls ex wl aml hr ct mm
*6212 Brassieres, girdles, corsets, braces, suspenders, garters & similar whether or not knitted or crocheted
*621210 Brassieres, knit or crocheted or not
*621220 Girdles & panty girdles, knit or crocheted or not
*621230 Corsets, knitted or crocheted or not
*621290 Braces suspenders garters art parts kt o ct nesoi
*6213 Handkerchiefs of silk, cotton, other
*621310 Handkerchiefs, of silk or silk waste
*621320 Handkerchiefs, of cotton
*621390 Handkerchiefs, of other textile materials
*6214 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils etc., not knitted or crocheted
*621410 Shawls scarves mufflers mantillas silk silk waste
*621420 Shawls scarves and the like of wool, not knit
*621430 Shawls scarves and the like of synthetic fib, n kt
*621440 Shawls scarves and the like artificial fiber, n kt
*621490 Shawls scarves and the like textile mtrl nesoi, nkt
*6215 Ties, bow ties & cravats, not knitted or crocheted
*621510 Ties, bow ties and cravats, of silk or silk waste
*621520 Ties bow ties and cravats manmade fibers, nt knit
*621590 Ties, bow ties and cravats, of oth textile materl
*6216 Gloves, mittens and mitts, not knitted or crocheted
*621600 Gloves, mittens and mitts, not knit or crocheted
*6217 Other made-up clothing accessories, garment & accessory parts (not 6212)
*621710 Oth made-up clothing access part gar access nesoi
*621790 Parts of garments and clothing accessories, nesoi
Chapter 63 - Other textile articles; needlecraft sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags
*6301 Blankets and traveling rugs
*630110 Blankets and traveling rugs: electric blankets
*630120 Blankets (nt elec) & traveling rugs of wool hair
*630130 Blankets (nt elec) & traveling rugs of cotton
*630140 Blnket (nt elec) & traveling rugs of synthetic fib
*630190 Other blankets and traveling rugs
*6302 Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen & kitchen linen
*630210 Bed linen, knitted or crocheted
*630221 Bed linen, printed, of cotton, not knit or crochet
*630222 Bed linen, printed, of manmade fib, not knit etc
*630229 Oth bed linen, printed, of textile materials nesoi
*630231 Bed linen nesoi, of cotton, not knit or crocheted
*630232 Bed linen nesoi, of manmade fibers, not knit etc
*630239 Other bed linen: of nesoi textile materials
*630240 Table linen, knitted or crocheted
*630251 Table linen of cotton, not knitted or crocheted
*630252 Table linen of flax, not knitted or crocheted
*630253 Table linen of manmade fibers, not knit etc
*630259 Other table linen of textile materials nesoi
*630260 Toilet & kitchen linen of cotton terry fabrics
*630291 Toilet & kitchen linen of cotton fabric exc terry
*630292 Nesoi bed, table, toliet & kitchen linen of flax
*630293 Toilet & kitchen linen of manmade fibers
*630299 Nesoi bed, tble, tolet & kit lin of nesoi tex mat
*6303 Curtains & interior blinds; curtain & bed valances drapes
*630311 Curtain (drapes) & int blnds/bd val kt/crochet cot
*630312 Curtain (drape) & inter blnd/bd val kt/cro syn fib
*630319 Curt & intr blnd curt/bd val kt/croc nesoi tex mat
*630391 Curtain & interior blinds/bed valances, nesoi, cot
*630392 Curtain & inter blinds/bed valances, nesoi syn fib
*630399 Curt & int blnd curt/bd val nesoi tex mat nt kt/cr
*6304 Other furnishing articles of textile materials (not 9404)
*630411 Bedspreads, knitted or crocheted textiles
*630419 Oth furnishing arti exc heading 9404 bedsprd nesoi