Chapter 25 - Salt; sulfur; earth & stone; lime & cement plaster
*2501 Salt including table & denatured, pure sodium chloride; sea water
*250100 Salt incl tabl a dentrd, pure sodm chlor
*2502 Unroasted iron pyrites
*250200 Unroasted iron pyrites
*2503 Sulfur of all kinds, other than sublimed, precipitated or colloidal sulfur
*250310 Sulfur, crude or unrefined
*250390 Sulfur, refined, nt sublimed, preciptd or colloidl
*2504 Natural graphite
*250410 Natural graphite in powder or in flakes
*250490 Natural graphite except powder or flakes
*2505 Natural sands of all kinds, except metal-bearing
*250510 Silica sands and quartz sands, natural
*250590 Sands, natural, nesoi
*2506 Quartz (other than natural sands); quartzite
*250610 Quartz (other than natural sands)
*250621 Quartzite, crude or roughly trimmed
*250629 Quartzite, other, not crude or roughly trimmed
*2507 Kaolin and other kaolinic clays
*250700 Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, incl calcined
*2508 Other clays, andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite; mullite, chamotte or dinas earths
*250810 Bentonite, including calcined
*250820 Decolorizing earths and fuller's earth incl calcnd
*250830 Fire clay including calcined
*250840 Clays nesoi, including ball clays, incl calcined
*250850 Andalucite, kyanite and sillimanite
*250860 Mullite
*250870 Chamotte or dinas earth
*2509 Chalk
*250900 Chalk
*2510 Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminum calcium phosphates & phosphatic chalk
*251010 Ungrnd nat cal phsph, alum cal phos a phos chalk
*251020 Nat cal phos, nat al cal phos a phos chlk, ground
*2511 Natural barium sulfate; natural barium carbonate not barium oxide barytes, witherite
*251110 Natural barium sulfate (barytes)
*251120 Natural barium carbonate (witherite)
*2512 Siliceous fossil meals & similar siliceous earths of specific gravity of 1 or less kieselguhr, tripolite, diatomite
*251200 Siliceous fssl mls a erths w spec grav of 1 o lss
*2513 Pumice; emery; natural corundum and garnet & other natural abrasives
*251311 Pumice, crude or in irreg pcs incl crushed (abrsve
*251319 Pumice, nesoi
*251321 Nat abrsvs nesoi crude or in irreg pieces
*251329 Nat abrasives excpt pumice, refined
*2514 Slate, crude or roughly trimmed
*251400 Slate, crude or roughly trimmed
*2515 Marble, travertine & other calcareous monumental or building stone of specific gravity of 2.5 or more; alabaster
*251511 Marble and travertine, crude or roughly trimmed
*251512 Marble and travertine cut in blocks or slabs
*251520 Calcrs mnmtl or bldg stone nesoi; alabaster
*2516 Granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone & other monumental or building stone, crude or cut etc.
*251611 Granite, crude or roughly trimmed
*251612 Granite, cut into blocks or slabs
*251621 Sandstone, crude or roughly trimmed
*251622 Sandstone, cut into blocks or slabs
*251690 Basalt, porphyry and other mnmntl or bldg stone
*2517 Pebbles, gravel, brocken or crushed stone; macadam of slag, dross or similar waste
*251710 Pebbles, gravel etc. for concrete aggregates etc.
*251720 Macadam of slag, dross or similar ind waste
*251730 Tarred macadam
*251741 Marble granules, chippings and powder
*251749 Stone granules, chippings a pwdrs (ex mrbl) nesoi
*2518 Dolomite, calcined or not, roughly trimmed etc.
*251810 Dolomite not calcined
*251820 Calcined dolomite
*251830 Agglomerated dolomite (including tarred dolomite)
*2519 Natural magnesium carbonate; fused magnesia; dead-burned magnesia; other magnesium oxide magnesite
*251910 Natural magnesium carbonate
*251990 Fused magnesia; dead-burn magnesia; magnesia nesoi
*2520 Gypsum; anhydrite; plasters (consisting of calcium gypsum or sulfate)
*252010 Gypsum; anhydrite
*252020 Plasters constng of calcnd gypsum or calcm sulfate
*2521 Limestone flux; limestone & other calcareous stone used for manufacture of lime & cement
*252100 Lmestn flux; lmstn a oth cal sto usd mfr lime, cmt
*2522 Quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime
*252210 Quicklime
*252220 Slaked lime
*252230 Hydraulic lime
*2523 Cements..portland, aluminous, slag, supersulfate & similar hydraulic cements
*252310 Cement clinkers
*252321 White portland cement whthr or nt art colored
*252329 Portland cement except white portland cement
*252330 Aluminous cement
*252390 Hydraulic cement, other, nesoi
*2524 Asbestos
*252400 Asbestos
*2525 Mica, including splittings; mica waste
*252510 Crude mica and mica rifted into sheets or splttngs
*252520 Mica powder
*252530 Mica waste
*2526 Natural steatite, roughly trimmed or not; talc
*252610 Natural steatite and talc, nt crshd, nt pwdrd
*252620 Natural steatite and talc, crushed or powdered
*2527 Natural cryolite; natural chiolite
*252700 Natural cryolite; natural chiolite
*2528 Natural borates & concentrates; natural boric acid not more than 85% h3bo3 on dry weight
*252810 Natural sodium borates
*252890 Natural borates and natural boric acid nesoi
*2529 Feldspar; leucite; nepheline, nepheline syenite; fluorspar
*252910 Feldspar
*252921 Fluorspar contng by wght 97% or under calcm fluord
*252922 Fluorspar ov 97 pc calcm fluord by wght
*252930 Leucite; nepheline and nepheline syenite
*2530 Other mineral substances not specified vermiculite, perlite, chlorites, kieserite, epsom salts, celestite
*253010 Vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded
*253020 Kieserite, epsom salts (natural magnesium sulfate)
*253030 Earth colors
*253040 Natural micaceous iron oxides
*253090 Mineral substances nesoi
Chapter 26 - Ores, slag and ash
*2601 Iron ores & concentrates, including roasted iron pyrites
*260111 Iron ore concen nesoi & non-agglomerated iron ores
*260112 Agglomerated iron ores
*260120 Roasted iron pyrites
*2602 Manganese ores a concentrates including manganiferous iron ores
*260200 Manganese ores a concntrts inc mangnfrs iron ores
*2603 Copper ores and concentrates
*260300 Copper ores and concentrates
*2604 Nickel ores and concentrates
*260400 Nickel ores and concentrates
*2605 Cobalt ores and concentrates
*260500 Cobalt ores and concentrates
*2606 Aluminum ores and concentrates
*260600 Aluminum ores and concentrates
*2607 Lead ores and concentrates
*260700 Lead ores and concentrates
*2608 Zinc ores and concentrates
*260800 Zinc ores and concentrates
*2609 Tin ores and concentrates
*260900 Tin ores and concentrates
*2610 Chromium ores and concentrates
*261000 Chromium ores and concentrates
*2611 Tungsten ores and concentrates
*261100 Tungsten ores and concentrates
*2612 Uranium or thorium ores and concentrates
*261210 Uranium ores and concentrates
*261220 Thorium ores and concentrates
*2613 Molybdenum ores and concentrates
*261310 Molybdenum ores and concentrates roasted
*261390 Molybdenum ores and concentrates not roasted
*2614 Titanium ores and concentrates
*261400 Titanium ores and concentrates
*2615 Niobium, tantalum, vanadium & zirconium ores & concentrates columbium
*261510 Zirconium ores and concentrates
*261590 Niobium, tantalum & vanadium ores & concentrates
*2616 Precious metal ores and concentrates
*261610 Silver ores and concentrates
*261690 Precious metal ores & concentrates, except silver
*2617 Other ores and concentrates antimony, beryllium
*261710 Antimony ores and concentrates
*261790 Ores and concentrates, nesoi
*2618 Granulated slag from iron or steel manufacture slag sand
*261800 Granulated slag fr iron or steel manufacture
*2619 Slag, dross, scalings & other waste from manufacture of iron or steel
*261900 Slag, dross, scalings a oth waste frm manu irn/stl
*2620 Ash & residues (not from iron or steel manufacture) with metal content
*262011 Hard zinc spelter
*262019 Ash and residues, mainly zinc exc hard zinc splter
*262020 Ash and residues nesoi, containing mainly lead
*262030 Ash and residues containing mainly copper
*262040 Ash and residues nesoi, containing mainly aluminum
*262050 Ash and residues not ios mnfr, mainly vanadium
*262090 Ash and residues nesoi, containing metals nesoi
*2621 Other ash & slag, including seaweed ash (kelp)
*262100 Ash and slag nesoi, including seaweed ash (kelp)
Chapter 27 - Mineral fuels, mineral oils & products of their distillation; bitumin substances; mineral wax
*2701 Coal; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal
*270111 Anthracite coal, not agglomerated
*270112 Bituminous coal, not agglomerated
*270119 Other coal, not agglomerated
*270120 Briquettes, ovoids, similar solid fuels from coal
*2702 Lignite, agglomerated or not, excluding jet
*270210 Lignite, not agglomerated, excluding jet
*270220 Agglomerated lignite, excluding jet
*2703 Peat (including peat litter), agglomerated or not
*270300 Peat (including peat litter), incl agglomrtd
*2704 Coke & semicoke of..coal, lignite, peat, agglomerated or not; retort carbon
*270400 Coke etc of coal, lignite or peat; retort carbon
*2705 Coal gas, water gas, producer gas & similar gases, not petroleum gases & other gaseous hydrocarbons
*270500 Coal gs, wtr gs, prdcr gs etc, ex pet gs a oth gs h
*2706 Mineral tars, including reconstituted tars
*270600 Mineral tars, including reconstituted tars
*2707 Oils & other products from distillation of high temp coal tar; similar products where aromatic exceeds nonaromatic constituents benzene, toluene, xylenes, naphthalene, phenols
*270710 Benzene
*270720 Toluene
*270730 Xylenes
*270740 Naphthalene
*270750 Oth arom hydcns 65pct ao dstls a 250dc astm d 86
*270760 Phenols
*270791 Creosote oils
*270799 Oils & products nesoi as coal tar distillates etc
*2708 Pitch & pitch coke from coal tar or other mineral tars
*270810 Pitch from coal and other mineral tars
*270820 Pitch coke from coal and other mineral tars
*2709 Crude oil from petroleum and bituminous minerals
*270900 Crude oil from petroleum and bituminous minerals
*2710 Oil (not crude) from petrol & bituminous minerals etc.
*271000 Oil (not crude) from petrol & bitum mineral etc.
*2711 Petroleum gases & other gaseous hydrocarbons propane, butane, ethylene
*271111 Natural gas, liquefied
*271112 Propane, liquefied
*271113 Butanes, liquefied
*271114 Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene liqifi
*271119 Petroleum gases etc., liquified, nesoi
*271121 Natural gas, gaseous
*271129 Petroleum gases etc., in gaseous state, nesoi
*2712 Petroleum jelly; mineral waxes & similar products
*271210 Petroleum jelly
*271220 Paraffin wax less than 0.75% oil by weight
*271290 Other mineral waxes, nesoi
*2713 Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen & other residues of petroleum oils or oils from bituminous minerals
*271311 Petroleum coke, not calcined
*271312 Petroleum coke, calcined
*271320 Petroleum bitumen
*271390 Residue of pet oils or bitumin oils nesoi
*2714 Bitumen & asphalt, natural; shale & tar sands; asphaltites & asphaltic rocks
*271410 Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands
*271490 Bitumen a asphalt, asphaltites and asphaltic rocks
*2715 Bituminous mixtures from..natural asphalt, natural & petroleum bitumen, mineral tar, mineral tar pitch bituminous mastics, cut-backs
*271500 Bit mix fr nat asph, nat bit, pet bit, min tar or pt
*2716 Electrical energy
*271600 Electrical energy