Chapter 6 - Live trees, plants; bulbs, roots; cut flowers & ornamental foliage
*0601 Bulbs, tubers; chicory plants & roots | corms, crowns & rhizomes
*060110 Bulbs, tubers, corms, crowns & rhizoms etc dormant
*060120 Bulbs, etc in growth or flower; chicory
*0602 Other live plants (including roots), cuttings & slips; mushroom spawn
*060210 Live plant cuttings and slips, unrooted
*060220 Edible fruit or nut trees, shrubs and bushes
*060230 Rhododendrons and azaleas, grafted or not
*060240 Roses, grafted or not
*060291 Mushroom spawn
*060299 Live plants (including their roots) etc, nesoi
*0603 Cut flowers & buds for bouquets or ornaments;prepared, fresh, dried, bleached,
*060310 Cut flowers and flower buds, fresh
*060390 Cut flowers/buds dried, dyed or otherwise prepared
*0604 Foliage without flowers or buds, grasses, mosses, lichens for bouquets, prepared,
fresh, dried, bleached, impregnated
*060410 Mosses, lichens fresh dried etc otherwise prepared
*060491 Foliage, branches etc, fresh
*060499 Foliages, branches etc drid/dyed/blachd/impreg etc
Chapter 7 - Edible vegetables & certain roots & Tubers
*0701 Potatoes (not sweet potatoes), fresh or chilled
*070110 Potatoes, seed, fresh or chilled
*070190 Potatoes, except seed, fresh or chilled, nesoi
*0702 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled
*070200 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled
*0703 Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks & other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled
*070310 Onions and shallots, fresh or chilled
*070320 Garlic, fresh or chilled
*070390 Leeks & other alliaceous vegetables, fresh, chilld
*0704 Cabbages, cauliflower, kohlrabi, kale & similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled broccoli, brussels sprouts
*070410 Cauliflower and headed broccoli, fresh or chilled
*070420 Brussels sprouts, fresh or chilled
*070490 Edible brassicas (cabbages etc) nesoi, fr or chill
*0705 Lettuce and chicory, fresh or chilled
*070511 Head lettuce (cabbage lettuce), fresh or chilled
*070519 Lettuce, except head lettuce, fresh or chilled
*070521 Witloof chicory, fresh or chilled
*070529 Chicory, except witloof, fresh or chilled
*0706 Carrots, turnips & other edible roots, frozen, chilled beetroot, salsify, celeriac, radishes
*070610 Carrots and turnips, fresh or chilled
*070690 Salad beets, radishes, etc nesoi, fresh or chilled
*0707 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled
*070700 Cucmbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled
*0708 Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils
*070810 Peas (pisum sativum), fresh or chilled
*070820 Beans (vigna spp., phaseolus spp.) fresh or chilld
*070890 Leguminous vegetables, nesoi, fresh or chilled
*0709 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled artichokes, asparagus, aubergines, mushrooms, chili, spinach, pumpkins, squash, olives, sweet corn
*070910 Globe artichokes, fresh or chilled
*070920 Asparagus, fresh or chilled
*070930 Eggplants (aubergines), fresh or chilled
*070940 Celery other than celeriac, fresh or chilled
*070951 Mushrooms, fresh or chilled
*070952 Truffles, fresh or chilled
*070960 Fruits of genus capsicum or pimenta, fresh/chilled
*070970 Spinach, new zealand & orache (garden), frsh/chld
*070990 Vegetables, nesoi, fresh or chilled
*0710 Vegetables, steamed, boiled, frozen potatoes, leguminous (peas etc), spinach, sweet corn, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, tomatoes, mixtures of vegetables
*071010 Potatoes uncookd/cooked by boiling in water, frozn
*071021 Peas, raw cooked in boiling water, frozen
*071022 Beans, raw cooked in boiling water, frozen
*071029 Leguminous veg raw/cooked by boiling, frozen nesoi
*071030 Spinach raw/cooked by steaming/boiling in water fz
*071040 Sweet corn raw/cooked by steam/boiling in water fz
*071080 Vegetables, nesoi raw/cooked by boiling, frozen
*071090 Vegetables mixtures, raw/cooked by boiling, frozen
*0711 Vegetables, temporarily preserved, not now edible onions, olives, capers, cucumbers, gherkins, mixtures of vegetables
*071110 Onions, provisionally preserved, inedible
*071120 Olives, provisionally preserved, inedible
*071130 Capers, provisionally preserved, inedible
*071140 Cucumbers/gherkins provisionally pres, inedible
*071190 Veg nesoi, veg mix, provisionally pres, inedible
*0712 Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken, powder not further prepared
*071210 Potatoes, dried whether or not cut or sliced
*071220 Onions, dried (powder etc), not further prepared
*071230 Mushrooms & truffles, dried, whole, cut, slicd etc
*071290 Vegetables nesoi & mixtures, dried, no furth prep
*0713 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled
*071310 Peas, dried shelled, including seed
*071320 Chickpeas (garbanzos), dried shelled, include seed
*071331 Beans (vigna mungo (l.) hepper etc), dried shelled
*071332 Beans, small red (adzuki), dried shelled, inc seed
*071333 Kidney beans & white pea beans, dri shel, inc seed
*071339 Beans nesoi, dried shelled, including seed
*071340 Lentils, dried shelled, including seed
*071350 Broad beans & horse beans, dried shelled, inc seed
*071390 Leguminous vegetables nesoi, dried shell, inc seed
*0714 Sweet potatoes, cassava, arrowroot, salep, artichokes, high starch or inulin roots & tubers, fresh, dried, sliced, pellets; sago pith
*071410 Cassava (manioc) fresh or dried, w/nt pellet
*071420 Sweet potatoes, fresh or dried, whether/nt pellets
*071490 Roots & tubers neso, fresh or dried; sago pitch
Chapter 8 - Edible fruit & nuts; citrus fruit or melon peel
*0801 Coconuts, brazil nuts & cashew nuts, fresh or dried
*080110 Coconuts, fresh or dried, whether or not shelled
*080120 Brazil nuts, fresh or dried, whether/not shelled
*080130 Cashew nuts, frsh or dried, whether/not shelled
*0802 Other nuts, fresh or dried | almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, chestnuts, pecan, macadamia
*080211 Almonds, fresh or dried, in shell
*080212 Almonds, fresh or dried, shelled
*080221 Hazelnuts or filberts, fresh or dried, in shell
*080222 Hazelnuts or filberts, fresh or dried, shelled
*080231 Walnuts, fresh or dried, in shell
*080232 Walnuts, fresh or dried, shelled
*080240 Chestnuts, frsh or dried, w/nt shelled or peeled
*080250 Pistachios, shelled or not, fresh or dried
*080290 Nuts nesoi, fresh or dried, shelled or not
*0803 Bananas and plantains, fresh or dried
*080300 Bananas and plantains, fresh or dried
*0804 Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes, fresh or dried
*080410 Dates, fresh or dried
*080420 Figs, fresh or dried
*080430 Pineapples, fresh or dried
*080440 Avocados, fresh or dried
*080450 Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried
*0805 Citrus fruit, fresh or dried | oranges, mandarins, lemons, grapefruit
*080510 Oranges, fresh
*080520 Mandarins (inc tanger etc) & citrus hybr fr or dri
*080530 Lemons and limes, fresh or dried
*080540 Grapefruit, fresh or dried
*080590 Citrus fruits, inc kumquats, nesoi, fresh or dried
*0806 Grapes, fresh or dried | raisins
*080610 Grapes, fresh
*080620 Grapes, dried (including raisins)
*0807 Melons and papayas, fresh | cantaloupes, watermelons, papaws
*080710 Melons, including cataloupes & watermelons, fresh
*080720 Papayas (papaws), fresh
*0808 Apples, pears, quinces, fresh
*080810 Apples, fresh
*080820 Pears and quinces, fresh
*0809 Apricots, cherries, peaches, plums & sloes, fresh
*080910 Apricots, fresh
*080920 Cherries, sweet or tart, fresh
*080930 Peaches, including nectarines, fresh
*080940 Plums, prune plums and sloes, fresh
*0810 Other fruit, fresh strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, mulberry, loganberry, gooseberry, berries, kiwi fruit
*081010 Strawberries, fresh
*081020 Raspberries/blckberries/mulberries/loganberrs frsh
*081030 Currants, blck, white/red & gooseberries ex kiwi, f
*081040 Cranberries, blueberries, etc, fresh
*081090 Fruit nesoi, fresh
*0811 Fruit & nuts, steamed, boiled, frozen
*081110 Strawberries, uncooked/cooked by water, frozen
*081120 Raspberries/blckberries/etc uncookd/cookd water fz
*081190 Fruit nesoi & nuts, sweetened etc or not, frozen
*0812 Fruit & nuts, temporarily preserved, not now edible
*081210 Cherries, provisionally preserved, inedible
*081220 Strawberries, provisionally preserved, inedible
*081290 Fruit & nuts provisionally preserved inedible neso
*0813 Other fruit dried; mixtures of nuts or dried fruit apricots, prunes, apples, papayas, berries, cherries, peaches, tamarinds
*081310 Apricots, dried
*081320 Prunes, dried
*081330 Apples, dried
*081340 Fruit, dried, nesoi, ex that of heading 0801-0806
*081350 Mixtures of dried fruits, nuts, or fruits and nuts
*0814 Peel of citrus or melon, fresh, frozen, dried, in brine, sulfur water
*081400 Peel, citrus or melon, frsh/frzn/dried/provsl pres
Chapter 9 - Coffee, tea, mate & spices
*0901 Coffee; coffee husks & skins; substitutes containing coffee
*090111 Coffee, not roasted, not decaffeinated
*090112 Coffee, not roasted, decaffeinated
*090121 Coffee, roasted, not decaffeinated
*090122 Coffee, roasted, decaffeinated
*090130 Coffee husks and skins
*090140 Coffee substitutes containing coffee
*0902 Tea
*090210 Green tea nt fermtd in immed packg content nov 3kg
*090220 Green tea (not fermented) nesoi
*090230 Black tea fermtd & partly fermtd tea, packg nov 3kg
*090240 Black tea fermdt & other partly fermentd tea nesoi
*0903 Mate
*090300 Mate
*0904 Pepper, genus piper; genus capsicum or pimenta
*090411 Pepper of genus piper, neither crushed nor ground
*090412 Pepper of the genus piper, crushed or ground
*090420 Fruits of genus capsicum or pimenta, drd/crsh/grnd
*0905 Vanilla beans
*090500 Vanilla beans
*0906 Cinnamon and cinnamon-tree flowers
*090610 Cinnamon & cinnamon-tree flowers, nt crushd/ground
*090620 Cinnamon & cinnamon-tree flowers, crushd or ground
*0907 Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems)
*090700 Cloves (whole fruit, cloves and stems)
*0908 Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms
*090810 Nutmeg
*090820 Mace
*090830 Cardamoms
*0909 Seeds, anise, badian, fennel, coriander, cumin, caraway, juniper
*090910 Seeds of anise or badian
*090920 Seeds of coriander
*090930 Seeds of cumin
*090940 Seeds of caraway
*090950 Seeds of fennel or juniper
*0910 Ginger, saffron, turmeric, thyme, bay leaves, curry, origanum, dill & other spices
*091010 Ginger
*091020 Saffron
*091030 Tumeric (curcuma)
*091040 Thyme; bay leaves
*091050 Curry
*091091 Mixtures of spices referred to in note 1(b) chap 9
*091099 Spices, nesoi
Chapter 10 - Cereals
*1001 Wheat and meslin
*100110 Durum wheat
*100190 Wheat (other than durum wheat), and meslin
*1002 Rye in the grain
*100200 Rye in the grain
*1003 Barley
*100300 Barley
*1004 Oats
*100400 Oats
*1005 Corn (maize)
*100510 Corn (maize) seed, certified, excluding sweet corn
*100590 Corn (maize), other than seed corn
*1006 Rice
*100610 Rice in the husk (paddy or rough)
*100620 Rice, husked (brown)
*100630 Rice, semi- or wholly milled, polished etc or not
*100640 Rice, broken
*1007 Grain sorghum
*100700 Grain sorghum
*1008 Buckwheat, millet & canary seed; other cereals | wild rice
*100810 Buckwheat
*100820 Millet
*100830 Canary seed
*100890 Cereals nesoi, including wild rice
Chapter 11 - Milling products; malt; starch; inulin; wheat gluten
*1101 Wheat or meslin flour
*110100 Wheat or meslin flour
*1102 Cereal flours, except of wheat or of meslin
*110210 Rye flour
*110220 Corn (maize) flour
*110230 Rice flour
*110290 Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin, nesoi
*1103 Cereal groats, meal and pellets
*110311 Groats and meal of wheat
*110312 Groats and meal of oats
*110313 Groats and meal of corn (maize)
*110314 Groats and meal of rice
*110319 Groats and meal of cereal, nesoi
*110321 Pellets of wheat
*110329 Pellets of cereal, nesoi
*1104 Cereal grains, worked, (hulled, rolled, flaked, pearled, sliced, kibbled); cereal germs,
*110411 Grains, rolled or flaked, of barley
*110412 Grains, rolled or flaked, of oats
*110419 Grains rolld/flakd of cereal ex rice of 1006, nesoi
*110421 Grains workd (hulld pearld sliced kibld) of barley
*110422 Grains worked (hulld pearld sliced kibbld) of oats
*110423 Grains worked (hulld pearld sliced kibbld) of corn
*110429 Grains worked etc, of cereal ex rice of 1006 nesoi
*110430 Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground
*1105 Flour, meal and flakes of potatoes
*110510 Flour and meal of potatoes
*110520 Flakes of potatoes
*1106 Flour & meal of..dry leguminous vegetables, sago, roots or tubers, fruit
*110610 Flour & meal of dried leguminous vegetbles of 0713
*110620 Flour & meal of sago, roots/tubers of heading 0714
*110630 Flour, meal & powder of the products of chapter 8
*1107 Malt, whether or not roasted
*110710 Malt, not roasted
*110720 Malt, roasted
*1108 Starches; inulin
*110811 Starch, wheat
*110812 Starch, corn (maize)
*110813 Starch, potato
*110814 Starch, cassava (manioc)
*110819 Starches, nesoi
*110820 Inulin
*1109 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried
*110900 Wheat gluten, whether or not dried
Chapter 12 - Oil seeds & oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds & fruit; industrial or medicinal plants; straw & fodder
*1201 Soybeans, whether or not broken
*120100 Soybeans, whether or not broken
*1202 Peanuts (ground-nuts), not roasted or cooked
*120210 Peanuts (ground-nuts) raw, in shell
*120220 Peanuts (ground-nuts), raw, shelled, broken or not
*1203 Copra
*120300 Copra
*1204 Flaxseed (linseed), whether or not broken
*120400 Flaxseed (linseed), whether or not broken
*1205 Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken
*120500 Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken
*1206 Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken
*120600 Sunflower seeds, whether or not broken
*1207 Other oil seeds & oleaginous fruits, whether or not broken
*120710 Palm nuts and kernels, whether or not broken
*120720 Cotton seeds, whether or not broken
*120730 Castor beans, whether or not broken
*120740 Sesame seeds, whether or not broken
*120750 Mustard seeds, whether or not broken
*120760 Safflower seeds, whether or not broken
*120791 Poppy seeds, whether or not broken
*120792 Shea nuts (karite nuts), whether or not broken
*120799 Oil seeds & oleaginous fruits w/nt broken, nesoi
*1208 Flour & meal of oil seed & oleaginous fruit (not mustard)
*120810 Flours and meals of soybeans
*120890 Flour & meal oil seed/oleaginous frt ex mstd nesoi
*1209 Seeds, fruit and spores, for sowing
*120911 Sugar beet seed of a kind used for sowing
*120919 Beet seed used for sowing except sugar beet seed
*120921 Alfalfa (lucerne) seed for sowing
*120922 Clover (trifolium spp.) seed
*120923 Fescue seed for sowing
*120924 Kentucky blue grass (poa pratensis l.) sowing seed
*120925 Rye grass seed for sowing
*120926 Timothy grass seed for sowing
*120929 Seeds of forage plants for sowing, nesoi
*120930 Seeds herbaceous plants prncply flowers, for sowng
*120991 Vegetable seeds for sowing
*120999 Seeds, fruit and spores used for sowing, nesoi
*1210 Hop cones, fresh, dried, powdered, pellets; lupulin
*121010 Hop cones frsh/dried, not ground powdrd or pellets
*121020 Hop cones, ground, powdered or in pellets; lupulin
*1211 Plants and plant parts, perfumery, insecticides, fungicidal;fresh, dried, cut
or not, crushed, powdered | herbs, licorice, mint, ginseng
*121110 Licorice roots fresh/dried w/nt cut crushed/powdrd
*121120 Ginseng roots, fresh or dried
*121190 Plants & parts etc for medicaments etc nesoi
*1212 Locust beans, seaweed & other algae, sugar beet & sugar cane;fruits stones & kernels
*121210 Locust beans, locust bean seeds frsh/drd w/nt grnd
*121220 Seaweeds & other algae frsh or dried w/not ground
*121230 Apricot peach or plum stones/kernel, edible, nesoi
*121291 Sugar beet, fresh or dried, whether or not ground
*121292 Sugar cane, fresh or dried, whether or not ground
*121299 Vegetble prodcts (inc unrt chicory rt) edible neso
*1213 Cereal straw & husks unprepared, chopped or not, ground, pressed, pellets
*121300 Cereal straw & husks unprep w/n chop etc or pellet
*1214 Rutabagas, hay, clover & other forage products swedes, mangolds, fodder roots,
alfalfa, lucerne, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches
*121410 Alfalfa (lucerne) meal and pellets
*121490 Forage products nesoi (hay, clover, vetches, etc)
Chapter 13 - Lac; gums, resins & other vegetable sap & extracts
*1301 Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and balsams
*130110 Lac/shellac/stick lac/seed lac/button lac/othr lac
*130120 Gum arabic
*130190 Natural gums, gum resins, resins and balsams nesoi
*1302 Vegetable saps & extracts; pectates; agar-agar; mucilages & thickeners
*130211 Vegetable saps and extracts, opium
*130212 Vegetable saps and extracts of licorice
*130213 Vegetable saps and extracts of hops
*130214 Vegtbl sap & extract of pyrethrum/rts cnt rotenone
*130219 Vegetable saps and extracts, nesoi
*130220 Pectic substances, pectinates and pectates
*130231 Agar-agar
*130232 Mucilages/thicknrs frm locust bean/seed, guar seed
*130239 Mucilage & thickner w/n modified, frm veg prd nesoi
Chapter 14 - Vegetable plaiting materials & other vegetable products
*1401 Vegetable plaiting materials | bamboos, rattans, reeds, rushes, osier, raffia, cereal
straw, lime bark
*140110 Bamboos used primarily for plaiting
*140120 Rattans used primarily for plaiting
*140190 Vegetable materials primarily for plaiting, nesoi
*1402 Vegetable materials for stuffing or padding | kapok, vegetable hair, eel-grass
*140210 Kapok used primarily as stuffing or padding
*140291 Vegetable hair used primarily as stuffing or paddi
*140299 Vegetable materials for stuffing or padding, nesoi
*1403 Vegetable materials for brooms & brushes | broomcorn, piassava, couch grass, istle
*140310 Broomcorn used primarily in brooms or in brushes
*140390 Vegetable materials used in brooms & brushes nesoi
*1404 Other vegetable products | dyeing & tanning, cotton linters
*140410 Raw vegetble materials used in dyeing or tanning
*140420 Cotton linters
*140490 Vegetable products neosi