The ETO Intelligent Agent -IAgent-

The ETO Intelligent Agent includes a set of software tools required to search ETOs on the WWW and Gopher. The ETO IAgent offers powerfull search capabilities normally available of RDMS providing users with a easy to use interface to search ETOs on the GTPN. Presently over 3,000,000 ETOs are available at the Trade Points and UNTPDC servers, from this interface users are authorize to search and query ETOs and present the output of the serach on an EDIFACT message and text file, a report or a html file. ETO-IAgent is developed by the UNTPDC-RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) join research project.
Acces the ETO IAgent Server (Search Engines based on ETO specifications and format)

Registration to ETO-IAgent

Registration to ETO-IAgent is free , you will be authorized to receive ETOs via email every day and to access the ETO Services on the WWW including search tools, download software to create ETOs off-line, etc. To post ETOs to the GTPN you must contact a Trade Point or UNTPDC directly. Once register, you will be automatically added to the ETO-IAgent Mailing List and Forums.

Please enter your company information
Name of the organization (public/private and/or company) Contact Person Mailing Address Telephone Number Activity Fax number Exporter Importer Electronic Mail

Product Information

Please tick the service(s) and categorie(s) which you would like subscribe
      1. Receive ETO Weekly (Gopher)
      2. ETO Email
      3. ETO-Visual WWW
ETO categories presently covered by the ETO-Iagent
Special Ad        Section 1        Section 2         Section 3  
Individual          Garments &          Electronics &       Machinery &
Advertisement       Textiles            Electrical Parts    Equipment

Section 4         Section 5        Section 6         Section 7  
Metal Products,     Jewelry & Fashion   Handicrafts,        Bags & Rubber
Grinders &          Accessories         Toys & Dols         Products
Hand Tools

Section 8         Section 9        Section 10        Section 11 
Leisure &           Household           Furniture, Musical  Fishing Nets,
Sporting Goods      Goods &             Instruments &       Ropes, Plastic &
                    Kitchenware         Timepieces          PVC Products

Section 12        Section 13       Section 14        Section 15 
Foodstuffs &        Building Materials  Cosmetics &         Footwear &
Ginseng Products    & Agricultural      Cosmetics Brushes   Personal
                    Equipment                               Accessories          

Section 16        Section 17        
Stationary,         Chemical,               
Printing,           Pharmaceuticals,      
Packing & Office    Medical Supplies
Equipment           & Optical Goods

If you wish to subscribe to the ETO mailing list please tick the checbox

For futher information please mailto: