GTransferManager allows the user to retrieve multiple files from the internet. These files can be retrieved in multiple parts and each part retrieved on a separate session that the user is connected to the internet. This is most useful to users with dialup connections. The program performs these tasks using wget, which supports HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, as its back-end.
The program supports CORBA. This makes it easy for other programs to use GTransferManager to handle the transfer of files from the internet.
The program also has an applet that communicates with the program using CORBA. The applet can launch the program, request a new download or accept drops of URLs from a web browser and give these URLs to GTM.
To run GTransferManager, select GTransferManager from the Internet submenu of the Main Menu, or type gtm on the command line.
This document describes version 0.4.11 of GTransferManager.
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