6 January 1997 Changes from DocBook V2.4.1 to DocBook V3.0: Markup: - Added optional Dedication element after BookInfo. - Added optional Sect<n>Info elements at the beginnings of Sect<n> and optional RefSect<n>Info and RefSynopsisDivInfo elements at the beginnings of their respective container elements. These all contain a free mixture of metadata-related elements. Where IndexTerm was excluded before, this exclusion was removed, since IndexTerm can now legitimately appear inside the new IndexTermSet. - Added several CALS-based presentational attributes to Graphic and InlineGraphic. - Added an "SGML" notation. - Broadened the content of BiblioEntry, DocInfo, BookInfo, and SetInfo (allowing a mixture of any of the bibliographic identifiers and, a new addition, the person.ident.mix elements), changed the way BiblioMisc is to be used, added an intermediate BiblioSet container element, and added the BiblioMixed and BiblioMSet elements for "cooked" entries. Added Relation attribute to BiblioSet and BiblioMSet. - Removed #PCDATA from SetInfo in the process of updating it to the new bibliographic model (bug fix; backwards-incompatible). - Defined KeywordSet, ITermSet (index term set), and SubjectSet elements and added them to the bibliographic information elements. - Added Linkend attribute to ToCfront and ToCback. - Added Status attribute to Set, Book, Dedication, Appendix, Chapter, Part, Preface, Reference, Sect<n>, Bibliography, BiblioDiv, Glossary, GlossDiv, RefEntry, RefSect<n>, and Article. - Added ErrorCode, Prompt, and EnVar elements. - Added Label attribute back to Footnote (bug fix). - Made FootnoteRef EMPTY and changed its Mark attribute to Label (backwards-incompatible; previously announced). - Added Pagenum attribute to ToC. - Added Acronym to word.char.mix and the content of SystemItem, and excluded it from itself (because Acronym contains word.char.mix). - Changed Revision* to Revision+ in RevHistory (backwards-incompatible; previously announced). - Renamed SpanEnd attribute on IndexTerm to StartRef (backwards-incompatible; previously announced). Added Class attribute. - Added optional FuncSynopsisInfo at the end of FuncSynopsis. - Added Conformance effectivity attribute. - Added Alt element to Equation, InformalEquation, and InlineEquation. - Added NumCharRef token to Class attribute of SGMLtag. - Broadened the Article content model and added a Class attribute. - Added Emphasis to the content model of Superscript and Subscript (bug fix; accidentally removed in V2.4). Other: - Defined most of the *Info elements in one fell swoop using a new otherinfo.class parameter entity. - Moved entities that define xxx.module and xxx.content.module marked-section status keywords to be near the actual marked sections. - Removed citerefentry.content.module because its subelements weren't unique only to CiteRefEntry. - Moved some ELEMENT/ATTLIST declaration pairs out of the "words" section and into the "computer terms" section. - Added FUTURE USE comments explaining what backwards-incompatible changes are planned for V4.0. - Added parameterization that allows individual elements' Role attributes to be easily customized or removed. - Added reference to local.shortcut.attrib entity in Shortcut (bug fix; it was missing). - Changed over to the SGML Open full CALS table module. This should not result in any markup model changes. - Alphabetized the contents of the word.char.class entity. - Updated Terry Allen's contact info and copyright statement in comments in the files. - Added bibliocomponent.mix entity to help manage bibliographic information and reorganized the title/bibliographic section into three sections: titles, bibliographic, and subject set etc. - Changed the FPI keyword for dbgenent.mod to ENTITIES from ELEMENTS (bug fix). - Made an entity for the semi-common Width attribute and referenced the entity from the objects that have Width. - Added a version number to the dbgenent.mod module, its FPI in the catalog, and its FPI reference in docbook.dtd. - Changed the names of some parameter entities: from [local.]cptr.char.class to [local.]tech.char.class, and from [local.]word.char.class to [local.]gen.char.class. - Removed the SGMLDECL entry from the docbook.cat file because the DocBook SGML declaration may not be appropriate for other SGML applications. - General coding and comment cleanup.