The file pw1118.exe contains Win32s v1.30c with OLE.

We recommend all Microsoft Windows 3.1x and Windows for Workgroup 3.1x
users upgrade to this latest version.  If you are not sure which version 
of Win32s is installed on your system, the win32s.ini file in your 
/windows/system directory contains the version information.  Version 
1.30c is identified by the version number 1.30.172.

Installation and upgrading Win32s

1)  Download pw1118.exe to a temporary directory. (e.g.  c:\install)
2)  Execute pw1118.exe
3)  Close all windows applications
4)  From Program Manager's File menu select the "Run..." command.
5)  enter the path of the setup program. (e.g. c:\install\setup.exe)
6)  Follow the instructions from the installation program.