Subject: NA Digest, V. 16, # 19
NA Digest Monday, May 09, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 19
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
Today's Topics:
Strang and Moler Video Course on Differential Equations
Chebfun v5.4.0 Released
Finite element modeling using FEniCS, USA, Jun 2016
Moving Mesh Methods, UK, Jun 2016
Distance Geometry: Theory and Applications, USA, Jul 2016
SIAM Annual Meeting (AN16), USA, Jul 2016
PhD Position, Hamburg Univ of Technology (TUHH)
PhD Positions, Norwegian Univ of Science and Technology
Contents, J Numer Anal Approx Theory, 44 (2)
Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 67 (3)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Cleve Moler
Date: May 06, 2016
Subject: Strang and Moler Video Course on Differential Equations
Gil Strang's videos for 18.06, the MIT course on Linear Algebra helped
launch the MOOC revolution in higher education. Now he has made a
MOOC-style video course about differential equations based on his new
book, "Differential Equations and Linear Algebra", There are 55 videos, averaging 15
minutes each. Here are the chapters.
- Introduction
- First Order Equations
- Second Order Equations
- Graphical and Numerical Methods
- Vector Spaces and Subspaces
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Applied Mathematics and ATA
- Fourier and Laplace Transforms
I have added a dozen videos, also averaging 15 minutes, about "Solving
Here is the link to the home page for the project at the MathWorks.
Here is the link on MIT OpenCoureWare.
See the MIT site for links on YouTube, iTunes and Internet Archive.
From: Anthony Austin
Date: May 07, 2016
Subject: Chebfun v5.4.0 Released
The Chebfun team is pleased to announce the release of Chebfun v5.4.0.
This version comes with two major new features:
- Spherefun for computing with functions on the unit sphere. (Written
by Alex Townsend, Heather Wilber, and Grady Wright.)
- New SPIN/SPIN2 codes for solving stiff time-dependent PDEs in 1D and
2D using exponential integrators. (Written by Hadrien Montanelli.)
For further information, see the release notes at In the coming weeks, we expect to release
Chebfun3 for computing with functions in 3D.
From: Ridgway Scott
Date: May 06, 2016
Subject: Finite element modeling using FEniCS, USA, Jun 2016
Announcing a course
Solving PDEs with the FEniCS Project software
20-24 June 2016, University of Chicago
Lecturers: L. Ridgway Scott (Chicago), Patrick E. Farrell (Oxford)
In this course, students will learn the basic concepts of modeling
physical phenomena using partial differential equations, and how to
easily implement fast finite element solvers for these equations with
the software provided by the FEniCS Project.
The course is aimed at those wanting to improve their skills in
modeling using PDEs, and it is ideal for industrial engineers and
advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
There are reduced registration fees for academics and students
attending this course.
For more information, go to
From: Andrew McRae
Date: May 05, 2016
Subject: Moving Mesh Methods, UK, Jun 2016
We are holding a workshop at the University of Bath, from 13-16 June,
on moving mesh methods for PDEs and related problems. Confirmed
plenary speakers include JĂśrn Behrens (Hamburg), Brittany Froese
(NJIT), Ron Haynes (Memorial) and Weizhang Huang (Kansas).
If you are interested in attending, please contact us directly. There
is no registration fee, but we ask that you arrange and fund your own
travel and accommodation. We hope to partially or fully reimburse
students and early-career researchers, but cannot provide any
guarantees at this stage.
More details can be found at
From: Leo Liberti
Date: May 07, 2016
Subject: Distance Geometry: Theory and Applications, USA, Jul 2016
DIMACS Workshop on Distance Geometry: Theory and Applications
26-29 July 2016 at DIMACS, Rutgers University, NJ, USA
Distance Geometry (DG) is a field of geometry which focuses on
defining and working with geometrical objects using distances between
points rather than the points themselves. From classical results such
as Heron's theorem, Euler's conjecture on the rigidity of polyhedra,
Maxwell's forces diagrams, and the link to positive semidefinite
matrices, DG has seen a veritable "engineering renaissance" in the XX
century. DG is used in architecture (rigidity of structures), spatial
conformation of molecules from inter-atomic distances, localization of
mobile sensors in communication networks, control of unmanned
underwater vehicles, control of robotic arms, solution of problems in
spatial logic, and more.
Invited speakers: Amir Ali Ahmadi (Princeton Univ.); Abdo Alfakih
(Univ. Windsor, Canada); Simon Billinge (Columbia Univ.); Bob Connelly
(Cornell Univ.); Marcia Fampa (Federal Univ. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil);
Hamza Fawzi (MIT); Douglas Goncalves (Federal Univ. Santa Catalina,
Brazil); Steven Gortler (Harvard Univ.); Georgina Hall (Princeton
Univ.); Bill Jackson (Queen Mary, Univ. of London, UK); Tibor Jordan
(Eotvos Lorand Univ., Budapest, Hungary); Bahman Kalantari (Rutgers
Univ.); Yuehaw Khoo (Princeton Univ.); Nathan Krislock (Northern
Illnois Univ.); Carlile Lavor (Univ. of Campinas, Brazil); Jon Lee
(Univ. of Michigan); Theres Malliavin (CNRS &Institut Pasteur, Paris,
France); Onur Ozyesil (Princeton Univ.); Pablo Parrilo (MIT); Frank
Permenter (MIT); Amit Singer (Princeton Univ.); Meera Sitharam
(Univ. of Florida at Gainesville); Anthony Man-Cho So (Chinese
Univ. of Hong Kong); Ileana Streinu (Smith College); Jayme Swarczfiter
(Federal Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Shin-Ichi Tanigawa (Kyoto
Univ., Japan); Antonios Varvitsiotis (NTU, Singapore); Martin Vetterli
(EPFL, Switzerland); Henry Wolkowicz (Univ. Waterloo, Canada)
We are currently calling for posters. Please write to Leo Liberti if
you're interested in presenting a poster. A special issue of Discrete
Applied Mathematics, dedicated to the topic of this workshop, will be
guest edited by the co-chairs.
From: Adrianne Ali
Date: May 02, 2016
Subject: SIAM Annual Meeting (AN16), USA, Jul 2016
Conference Name: 2016 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN16)
The Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
July 11-15, 2016
Invited Speakers: Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf, University of Illinois at
Chicago; Freddy Bouchet, ENS de Lyon and CNRS; Lia Bronsard, McMaster
University; Vittoria Colizza, Inserm, Paris; Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft
Research; Mark Embree, Virginia Tech; Gary Froyland, University of New
South Wales; Nigel Goldenfeld, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign; Bryan Grenfell, Princeton University; Yann LeCun,
New York University; Pablo A. Parrilo, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; Matthew Salganik, Princeton University; Karen Saxe,
Macalester College; Victoria Stodden, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign; Bernd Sturmfels, University of California Berkeley;
Marc Teboulle, Tel-Aviv University; Stefan Wild, Argonne National
Registration and the conference program are now posted at
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMAN16
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department at
From: Sabine Le Borne
Date: May 03, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Hamburg Univ of Technology (TUHH)
Applications are invited for a PhD position (four years) in the field
of Numerical PDEs/Numerical Linear Algebra. The position includes
teaching duties in the mathematics education of engineering and
mathematics students. Applicants must be able to teach in German.
Please see
for additional information.
From: Ulrik Skre Fjordholm
Date: May 04, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Norwegian Univ of Science and Technology
As part of the research project Waves and Nonlinear Phenomena (WaNP)
we announce two positions as PhD candidates available from August 1,
2016. The project is funded by the "Toppforsk" program of the Research
Council of Norway.
The main goal of WaNP ( is basic
research in nonlinear and nonlocal partial differential
equations. More specifically, the aim is to analyze the interplay of
singularities and nonlocal effects in a class of carefully selected
wave equations. As singularities appear, our tools to understand their
behavior break down; and as nonlocal effects come into play, the study
of essentially local singularities requires a global understanding of
the problem. As part of our program we shall furthermore study both
deterministic equations and equations with uncertainties. The research
team involved in the current project comprises 6 faculty members and
approximately 10 PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows.
Qualifications: The applicants should have a MSc-degree in mathematics
with special focus in mathematical analysis or partial differential
equations, or comparable competence. Candidates completing their
MSc-degree in the spring 2016 are encouraged to apply.
Applications are to be submitted electronically through For further information, see
stillinger/stilling/125388/2-phd-positions-in-mathematics, or contact
Professor Helge Holden by email .
Deadline: May 31, 2016.
Date: May 07, 2016
Subject: Contents, J Numer Anal Approx Theory, 44 (2)
G.A. Anastassiou, I.K. Argyros: Semilocal convegence of Newton-like
methods under general conditions with applications in fractional
D. Apetrei, O. Nevanlinna: Multicentric calculus and the Riesz
I.K. Argyros, H. Ren: A simplified proof of the Kantorovich theorem
for solving equations using telescopic series
I. Cherevko, A. Dorosh: Existence and approximation of a solution of
boundary value problems for delay integro-differential equations
M. Heilmann: Commutativity and Spectral Properties of Genuine
Baskakov-Durrmeyer Type Operators and their k-th order Kantorovich
X.Z. Krasniqi: Further results on L1-convergence of some modified
complex trigonometric sums
From: Chi-Wang Shu
Date: May 08, 2016
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 67 (3)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 67, Number 3, June 2016
A Fast Sweeping Method for Eikonal Equations on Implicit Surfaces,
Tony Wong and Shingyu Leung, pp.837-859.
Two-Level Space-Time Domain Decomposition Methods for
Three-Dimensional Unsteady Inverse Source Problems, Xiaomao Deng,
Xiao-Chuan Cai and Jun Zou, pp.860-882.
Babich's Expansion and High-Order Eulerian Asymptotics for
Point-Source Helmholtz Equations, Jianliang Qian, Lijun Yuan, Yuan
Liu, Songting Luo and Robert Burridge, pp.883-908.
An Immersed Boundary Method for a Contractile Elastic Ring in a
Three-Dimensional Newtonian Fluid, Seunggyu Lee, Darae Jeong, Wanho
Lee and Junseok Kim, pp.909-925.
Landmark-Matching Transformation with Large Deformation Via
n-dimensional Quasi-conformal Maps, Yin Tat Lee, Ka Chun Lam and Lok
Ming Lui, pp.926-954.
Stochastic C-Stability and B-Consistency of Explicit and Implicit
Euler-Type Schemes, Wolf-Jurgen Beyn, Elena Isaak and Raphael Kruse,
Numerical Study of SUPG and LPS Methods Combined with Higher Order
Variational Time Discretization Schemes Applied to Time-Dependent
Linear, Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations Naveed Ahmed and Gunar
Matthies, pp.988-1018.
Construction of Additive Semi-Implicit RungeâKutta Methods with
Low-Storage Requirements, Inmaculada Higueras and Teo Roldan,
Fast High-Order Compact Exponential Time Differencing Runge-Kutta
Methods for Second-Order Semilinear Parabolic Equations, Liyong Zhu,
Lili Ju and Weidong Zhao, pp.1043-1065.
Parametrized Positivity Preserving Flux Limiters for the High Order
Finite Difference WENO Scheme Solving Compressible Euler Equations,
Tao Xiong, Jing-Mei Qiu and Zhengfu Xu, pp.1066-1088.
Preconditioning for Radial Basis Function Partition of Unity Methods,
Alfa Heryudono, Elisabeth Larsson, Alison Ramage and Lina von Sydow,
Legendre Spectral Collocation Methods for Volterra
Delay-Integro-Differential Equations, Jingjun Zhao, Yang Cao and Yang
Xu, pp.1110-1133.
GePUP: Generic Projection and Unconstrained PPE for Fourth-Order
Solutions of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with No-Slip
Boundary Conditions, Qinghai Zhang, pp.1134-1180.
Guaranteed Lower Bounds for Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators, Jun Hu,
Yunqing Huang and Rui Ma, pp.1181-1197.
A Well-Balanced Stochastic Galerkin Method for Scalar Hyperbolic
Balance Laws with Random Inputs, Shi Jin, Dongbin Xiu and Xueyu Zhu,
On the Accuracy of WENO and CWENO Reconstructions of Third Order on
Nonuniform Meshes, I. Cravero and M. Semplice, pp.1219-1246.
A Spectral Method for Fourth-Order Mixed Inhomogeneous Boundary Value
Problem in Three Dimensions, Tian-jun Wang, pp.1247-1271.
On the Connections Between Discontinuous Galerkin and Flux
Reconstruction Schemes: Extension to Curvilinear Meshes, G. Mengaldo,
D. De Grazia, P.E. Vincent and S.J. Sherwin, pp.1272-1292.
End of Digest
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