Subject: NA Digest, V. 16, # 08

NA Digest Monday, February 22, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 08

Today's Editor:

  Daniel M. Dunlavy
  Sandia National Labs

Today's Topics:

Blaze 2.6 Released
FEATool Multiphysics v1.4, FEM Toolbox for Matlab and Octave
X-ray Tomography, Bulgaria, Apr 2016
REU on HPC, USA, Jun-Aug 2016
European Study Group with Industry, Ireland, Jul 2016
IMA PI Summer Graduate Student Program, USA, Jul-Aug 2016
Computational Mathematics and Inverse Problems, USA, Aug 2016
IEEE CSE 2016, France, Aug 2016
Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, UK, Sep 2016
Scientific Programmer Position, Univ of Exeter, UK
Professor Position, KIT, Germany
Lecturer Position, Univ Strathclyde, UK
Postdoc Position, City Analytics
Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Reading
Postdoc Position, Optimal Control for Nuclear Fusion, INRIA, France
Postdoc Position, Optimization
PhD Position, Bayesian Analysis of Engineering Models, TU Muenchen
PhD Positions, Max-Planck-Institut fĂźr Informatik, SaarbrĂźcken, Germany
Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 15 (1)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Klaus Iglberger
Date: February 18, 2016
Subject: Blaze 2.6 Released

Release 2.6 represents a major step in the history of the Blaze
library. Within the last four and a half month we have implemented
and brought to perfection several major features that have been on the
wishlist of many Blaze users. Among these features are the
LAPACK-based LU, Cholesky, QR, RQ, QL, and LQ decomposition of dense
matrices as well as the inversion of dense matrices. Along with these
come a large number of LAPACK wrapper functions that considerably
simplify the use of LAPACK. Furthermore, the introduction of
CustomVector and CustomMatrix now enables custom memory management for
both dense vector and matrices and allows to represent manually
acquired memory as native Blaze data structure.

Blaze 2.6 is now available for download at


From: J.S. Hysing
Date: February 15, 2016
Subject: FEATool Multiphysics v1.4, FEM Toolbox for Matlab and Octave

Precise Simulation announces version 1.4 of FEATool, A Fully
Integrated and Easy to Use FEM Multiphysics Toolbox for Matlab and
Octave, which brings the following major features and improvements

Import, export, and convert between Feat(Flow), GiD, GMV (General Mesh
Viewer), Gmsh, and Triangle grid and postprocessing formats.

New physics mode features:
- Natural convection and radiation boundary conditions for heat
transfer physics modes
- Temperature stress-strain couplings in structural mechanics
physics modes
- Artificial and anisotropic streamline diffusion options for
stabilization of convection dominated high Re/Pe flows
- Slip boundary conditions for the Navier-Stokes equations

New postprocessing features:
- Data export in General Mesh Viewer format
- Save and export plots to image files
- 2D surface height plot option
- Max and min boundary and subdomain evaluation functions
- GUI option to evaluate general expressions on points and lines
- Option to set colorbar min and max limits, and plot titles

Define general points, and point sources and constraints.

Many new models and examples, and solver, core, and grid generation
fixes and enhancements.

Please visit for more information.


From: Ivan Georgiev
Date: February 19, 2016
Subject: X-ray Tomography, Bulgaria, Apr 2016

From 20 to 22 of April we are organizing a "Workshop on
Characterization of Material Properties based on X-ray Tomography"
which will be held in Panagyurishte, Bulgaria.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers interested in
tomography, image processing and numerical simulations. Supercomputer
applications related to advanced techniques for reconstruction,
segmentation and processing of CT data also will be a topic of

Deadline for registration is March 31, 2106. Further information on
the workshop can be found here:


From: Matthias Gobbert
Date: February 19, 2016
Subject: REU on HPC, USA, Jun-Aug 2016

We are very excited to announce the 2016 edition of our REU Site on
High Performance Computing with interdisciplinary application projects
of mathematics and statistics. We highly appreciate your forwarding of
this announcement to your undergraduate students with an interest in
scientific, statistical, or parallel computing!

The program is conducted in 8 weeks from June 20 to August 12, 2016.
For all information and to apply, please visit

All activities are conducted in teams, each supported by dedicated
graduate assistants and faculty mentors. The instruction includes
lectures and hands-on computer labs on C, MPI, Matlab/Octave, R,
Linux, and LaTeX, using the state-of-art cluster maya with more than
300 nodes in the UMBC High Performance Computing Facility
( The research projects using scientific, statistical,
and parallel computing are posed by application researchers from
industry and government agencies.

The program's webpage offers a detailed schedule and a comprehensive
description of the activities from a student viewpoint. For specific
questions, please e-mail

Matthias K. Gobbert and Bradford E. Peercy, Mathematics
Nagaraj K. Neerchal and Kofi P. Adragni, Statistics


From: Eugene Kashdan
Date: February 16, 2016
Subject: European Study Group with Industry, Ireland, Jul 2016

The 118th European Study Group with Industry (ESGI) workshop will be
hosted by the University College Dublin, Ireland, 4-8 July 2016. The
online registration is open on the workshop website:

ESGI are week-long problem-solving workshops, which provide a unique
opportunity for interaction between mathematicians, statisticians,
applied and computational scientists and industry. They bring together
leading scientists from a wide range of backgrounds to work
intensively on real world problems. We expect to be able to
accommodate 4-8 industry problems, which will be tackled by 60-80
academics ranging from PhD students to professors. Originating in
Oxford in 1968, ESGI have since been held several times a year across

The format of the workshop is as follows:
Day 1: Industry representatives present their problems to the
academics and students.
Days 1 - 4: Academics and students work with industry representatives
to solve the problems.
Day 5: Academics present their final results.

Company representatives, academics and students interested in
participating or receiving further information are invited to visit our
ESGI-118 web page:
Email address for inquires:


From: Rebecca Malkovich
Date: February 17, 2016
Subject: IMA PI Summer Graduate Student Program, USA, Jul-Aug 2016

The Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) is accepting
applications for its Participating Institution (PI) Summer Graduate
Student Program. The program, located at one of the PI campuses, will
take place at the University of Kansas on the topic of mathematics and

The purpose of this summer program is to introduce graduate students
to interactions between mathematics and climate science and build
toward current research problems. The program will focus on both
models and data and culminates in using data to parameterize models
using data assimilation techniques. The program will last three weeks
with both lectures and project and will have an interdisciplinary

The program is primarily for graduate students of IMA PIs, but there
is some funding available for graduate students of non-PIs.

More information and the online application are available at


From: Jiguang Sun
Date: February 15, 2016
Subject: Computational Mathematics and Inverse Problems, USA, Aug 2016

The International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Inverse
Problems intends to bring leading researchers to discuss the recent
developments on numerical analysis, scientific computing, and inverse
problems. The topics of the conference include, but not limited to,
finite element methods for eigenvalue problems, finite element methods
for Maxwell's equation, computational inverse problems, inverse
scattering problems.

The conference is dedicated to Prof. Peter Monk, who received the B.A.
degree from Cambridge University, U.K., in 1978 and the Ph.D. degree
from Rutgers University, USA in 1983. Since 1982 he has been on the
faculty of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University
of Delaware in the USA. He was appointed Unidel Professor in 2000.
His research interests include applications of finite element methods
for Maxwell's equations and inverse electromagnetic scattering. He is
the author of roughly 130 papers and a book on "Finite Element
Methods for Maxwell's Equations".

The conference will be held Aug. 15-19, 2016 at Michigan Technological
University. The university is located in Houghton, Michigan, on the
Keweenaw Peninsula, which has a history as rich as its native copper
deposit, the largest in the world. Houghton's summer climate tends to
be especially pleasant, as hot temperatures are often moderated by the
cool waters of the nearby Lake Superior.

For more information on the conference, please visit


From: Christophe Guyeux
Date: February 16, 2016
Subject: IEEE CSE 2016, France, Aug 2016

IEEE CSE 2016, The 19th IEEE International Conference on Computational
Science and Engineering
Paris, France, August 24-26, 2016

Paper Submission Deadline: April 29, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: June 23, 2016
Camera-Ready Paper Due: July 15, 2016
Conference dates: August 24-26, 2016

The CSE 2016 will be held in Paris, France, on August 24-26, 2016.
Its objective is to provide a forum for engineers and scientists in
academia, industry, and government to address all challenges,
including technical, safety, social, and legal issues, that are
related to Computational Science and Engineering. CSE will offer
the oportunity to present and discuss ideas, results,
work-in-progress and experience on all aspects of Computational
Science and Engineering.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following
topics: Intelligent and Bio-inspired Computing; Distributed and
Parallel Computing; Database and Data Mining; Cluster, Grid, P2P, and
Cloud Computing; Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications; CSE
Education; Scientific and Engineering Computing; Embedded and
Ubiquitous Computing; Computational challenges in Uncertainty
Quantification; Advanced Networking and Applications; Security,
Privacy, and Trust; Service and Internet Computing; Dependable,
Reliable, and Autonomic Computing; CSE applications.


From: Michal Kocvara
Date: February 16, 2016
Subject: Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization, UK, Sep 2016

University of Birmingham, UK, 7-9 September 2016

The IMA and the University of Birmingham are pleased to announce the
Fifth Biennial IMA Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and
Optimization. The meeting is co-sponsored by SIAM, whose members will
receive the IMA members' registration rate. Conference topics include
any subject that could be of interest to both communities, such as:
Direct and iterative methods for large sparse linear systems;
Eigenvalue computation and optimization; Large-scale nonlinear and
semidefinite programming; Effect of round-off errors, stopping
criteria, embedded iterative procedures; Optimization issues for
matrix polynomials; Fast matrix computations; Compressed/sparse
sensing; PDE-constrained optimization; Distributed computing and
optimization; Applications and real time optimization

Invited plenary speakers: Tim Davis (Texas A&M University); Anders
Forsgren (KTH Stockholm); Andreas Frommer (University of Wuppertal);
Jacek Gondzio (University of Edinburgh); Laura Grigori (INRIA
Paris-Rocquencourt); Jennifer Scott (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory);
Lieven Vandenberghe (UCLA)

Mini-symposia proposals: 31 March 2016
Notification of acceptance of mini-symposia: 11 April 2016
Abstract submission: 30 April 2016
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 31 May 2016


From: Yasunori Aoki
Date: February 16, 2016
Subject: Scientific Programmer Position, Univ of Exeter, UK

The role is designed to support the translation of research activities
emerging from the recently funded EPSRC Centre for Predictive
Modelling in Healthcare.

The primary aim for the successful candidate is to translate research
quality codes into working prototypes suitable for use by end-users in
healthcare (e.g. GPs, Clinicians and industry). In this regard, there
is the need to communicate with both technical researchers and
non-technical end-users, and to develop back-end HPC codes, as well as
user-centric front-end GUIs. The successful applicant will have
significant opportunities to identify the precise areas for
exploration and development as the role evolves, with initial projects
focussing on the development of a prototype decision support tool for
use by neurologists seeking to diagnose epilepsy, and the design of a
dynamic infusion pump, where hormone secretion is determined by the
output of a mathematical model. The successful applicant will be
expected to work both independently and with other members of the
Centre, under the guidance of Professors John Terry and Peter
Challenor. The role is available from 01 July 2016 until 31 December
2019 in the first instance.

For further information please contact the Centre Director Professor
John Terry, telephone (01392) 725274 or email or
Professor Peter Challenor, telephone (01392) 726634 or email


From: Christian Wieners
Date: February 18, 2016
Subject: Professor Position, KIT, Germany

The Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) and the Departement of
Mathematics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is currently
seeking a suitable candidate to fill a Professorship (W3) of
"Computational Science and Mathematical Methods" as member of the SCC
Board of Directors. Outstanding internationally acknowledged
applicants in the field of "computational science and engineering
(CSE)" are invited to submit their applications. Professorial tasks
include supporting collaborative and integrative research between the
natural sciences, engineering sciences, mathematics and computational
sciences in large-scale numerical simulations with high and massive

For detailed information, please visit:


From: Des Higham
Date: February 18, 2016
Subject: Lecturer Position, Univ Strathclyde, UK

Applications are invited for the permanent post of Lecturer (=
Assistant Prof) in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the
University of Strathclyde. The successful applicant will strengthen
one or more of our research interests, which include numerical
analysis, scientific computing and applications in industry and

Further details at:


From: Des Higham
Date: February 19, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, City Analytics

A three year EPSRC-funded Research Associate position is available in
the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of
Strathclyde. In addition to advancing fundamental research in
computational mathematics, the "Data Analytics for Future Cities"
project targets impact through interactions with a range of
stakeholders and external partners, notably through the Institute for
Future Cities at the University of Strathclyde. Experience and strong
research potential in one or more of the following research areas is
essential: numerical analysis, dynamical systems, network science,
matrix computation, statistical inference.

Further details at


From: Andrea Moiola
Date: February 20, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Reading

A post-doctoral research assistant position is available in Reading as
part of the EPSRC grant EP/N019407/1. Research will focus on the
design, implementation and analysis of new finite element-type
discretisations for high-frequency wave propagation problems. Closing
date is 18th March 2016.

For details see:


From: Holger Heumann
Date: February 20, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimal Control for Nuclear Fusion, INRIA, France

Applications are invited for a joint PostDoc position with the CASTOR
project (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis) and Jean-Charles Gilbert (INRIA
Paris). The position involves numerical methods for PDEs and
optimization algorithms for applications in nuclear fusion
science. The official announcement with details of the position and
requirements can be found here:

The CASTOR project gathers a team of experts in mathematical modeling
and computational methods for plasmas in tokamaks. The main areas of
interest are the simulation of complex fluid models for plasmas and
computational methods for various control problems and inverse
problems related to experimental fusion devices.

The application deadline is April 1st 2016, and starting date is
November 1st 2016.

Holger Heumann (


From: Coralia Cartis
Date: February 18, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Optimisation
Grade 7: Salary ÂŁ30,738 - ÂŁ37,768 p.a.

We invite applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate, funded
by Emirates under the agreement for the Oxford-Emirates Data Science
Lab, to work with Professors Raphael Hauser, Coralia Cartis and Jared
Tanner at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford. This is a
three-year fixed term position and is available from 11th March 2016
(or as soon as possible thereafter).

The appointee will spend approximately 50% of their time working on
Emirates-focused revenue management research, while the remaining 50%
will be spent on personal research in collaboration with the above
named faculty members. There is also a requirement to teach up to four
sets of undergraduate or graduate classes per year, determined by the
demand for classes in specific areas. The Emirates driven part of the
research will focus on time-dependent seat pricing problems initially,
and more general inference, forecasting, and optimisation challenges
relevant to the commercial aviation sector. The remaining 50% of the
appointee's time will be focused on collaborative research within the
Numerical Analysis Group of the Oxford Mathematical Institute, where
the post is based. While there is some flexibility in the choice of
research topic, it is expected that it aligns with the research
interests of Professors Hauser, Cartis and Tanner, in particular on
optimisation methods for big data problems. The focus will be on the
theoretical analysis and computational implementation of algorithms
rather than on the design of heuristics. Applicants should have a PhD
in mathematics, operations research, statistics or a related area,
awarded or submitted at the time of taking up the position, a strong
record in research and publications commensurate with their career
stage, as well as an excellent background in more than one area
relevant to the project focus. Please direct informal enquiries to
cartis, hauser, . Applicants should read the job
description before writing their application. You will be required to
upload a letter setting out how you meet the selection criteria, a
curriculum vitae including full list of publications, a statement of
research interests and the contact details of two referees as part of
your online application. (NOTE: Applicants are responsible for
contacting their referees and making sure that their letters are
received by the closing date). Applications for this vacancy are to
be made online. To apply for this post and for further details,
including the job description and selection criteria, please click on
the link below

Only applications received before 12:00 noon UK time on Friday 11th
March 2016 can be considered.


From: Elisabeth Ullmann
Date: February 19, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Bayesian Analysis of Engineering Models, TU Muenchen

We invite applications for a PhD position within the project BAYES
(Bayesian Analysis of Engineering Models with Spatially Variable
Properties) funded by the International Graduate School of Science and
Engineering (IGSSE) of TUM.

For details see


From: Rhaleb Zayer
Date: February 17, 2016
Subject: PhD Positions, Max-Planck-Institut fĂźr Informatik, SaarbrĂźcken, Germany

Seeking highly motivated candidates to carry out research at the
intersection of geometry processing, numerical optimization, and high
performance computing. In particular, the focus is on developing
shape representations and geometry processing algorithms which are
scalable to large volumes of data, and adaptable to high performance
computing environments.

The successful candidate will have
- Master's degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Mathematics,
Physics, or Engineering.
- Proficiency in programming and experience in at least one of these
subject: differential geometry, numerical optimization,
ordinary/partial differential equations.
- Solid academic record and excellent oral and written communication
- Familiarity with discretization and simulation techniques (e.g.
meshing, finite element method) is an advantage.

Learn more about this offer and find out how to apply at:


From: Fikret Aliev
Date: February 19, 2016
Subject: Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 15 (1)

Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Vol.15, No.1, February 2016


A primer on monotone operator methods (Survey), Ernest K. Ryu, Stephen

Arq analytical model, Kovkov D., Khafizov F.

Three-layer factorized difference schemes and parallel algorithms for
solving the system of linear parabolic equations with mixed
derivatives and variable coefficients, Criado-Aldeanueva F.,
Davitashvili T., Meladze H., Tsereteli P., Sanchez J.M.

Approximate determination of polynomial roots, Pakdemirli M., Sari G.,
Elmas N.

Optimal control with feedback of some class of nonlinear systems via
quadratic criteria, Afanas'ev A.P., Dzyuba S.M., Emelyanova I.I.,
Ramazanov A.B.

Periodic and hyperbolic solutions of nonlinear fractional differential
equations, Ahmet Bekir, Ozkan Guner, Esin Aksoy

Trigonometric b-spline collocation algorithm for solving the RLW
equation, Dag I., Irk D., Kacmaz O, Adar N.

A generalization of Gershgorin circles, Mao-Ting Chien, Ssu-Ting Fang,
Yu-Xuan Su

Vladimir Larin - 80, Larin V.B.

TAMER BASAR - 70, Basar T.

End of Digest
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