-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Welcome to the Toronto OS/2 User's Group Newsletter! [*][IMAGE]"volume 1, issue 5 " - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMAGE] - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Return to TO/2 Homepage - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMAGE][*]Introduction/ Administrivia From the Warped Mind of the Editor Meeting Schedules Meeting Map - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMAGE][*]News of the Month Group Announcements Latest News from Vendors Shareware/Freeware Information Products in Review Classified Advertisements - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMAGE][*]Tools, Tips and Tricks Tips for Users New and Old Vital OS/2 Tools and Utilities Fixes, Patches and CSD's - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMAGE][*]OS/2 Information OS/2 BBS List OS/2 Echoes and Mailing Lists OS/2 Vendors OS/2 Books Team OS/2 - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMAGE][*]Details and Legals This Month's Contributors Request for Contributors Request for Sponsors/Advertising Disclaimer/Copyrights - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMAGE][*] [IMAGE][IMAGE] - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMAGE] [*]Introduction and Administration [IMAGE][*]From the Warped Mind of the Editor [IMAGE][*]Membership Information [IMAGE][*]Meeting Schedules [IMAGE][*]Meeting Map [IMAGE] - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Return to Table of Contents - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]From the Warped Mind of the Editor Well, now, here's a dilema. I sit at my 486, Eddie, literally on the Eve of the release of Windows 95. And I actually have nothing to say. I am filled with loathing, fear, dread, excitement (that it may bomb as did NT initially), and anticipation. Not only is Windows 95 being touted in the market, but the amount of advertising Microsoft is going to do is even making the press. They just have to threaten a media blitz, and one happens. That may be because the world is still enamoured with Bill Gates, the 'nerd' who made it big. Or because MS is now one of the largest companies in the world, and Bill G. is the richest man in the U.S. Or because anyone that spends half a billion dollars must be important. It doesn't matter - what's at issue here is not MS, but rather the buying public. If I recall, an upgrade to Win '95 will cost roughly $199.99. This will likely brought down to as low as $149.99 on the street. Will the average Windows user follow like a lemming and buy this stuff? Maybe. BUT they will then want to/have to (because the market tells them to) upgrade their present applications to (presently non-existent) Windows '95 apps. Funny, but remember a while back when you could upgrade from one company's app to another's for about $50.00? Gone are the days. MS's backwards compatibility with 16 bit Win apps is a nice touch, but really pinches the performance gains that would be achieved through using 32-bit apps due to Win '95's insistence on running in the lowest common denominator, ie Window's 3.1 16 bit co-operatively multitasked environment. All this could add up to a really expensive upgrade to Windows '95, especially for corporate users. Rumour has it that lasts month's editorial was slightly off track. IBM purchased Star Writer and Star Math from a German manufacturer just prior to purchasing Lotus. Now, it seems, the former two products will be shelved indefinitely, possibly to have chunks of them turn up in future versions of SmartSuite applications. If there is something you would like to see in the NL, just drop me a note: [*][IMAGE]Martin Moran, Editor "The opinions expressed in this editorial are only those of the editor, and do not reflect any opinions at IBM or with the Toronto OS/2 User's Group" - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Membership Information Presently, membership in TO/2 requires only that you show up at the monthly meetings. Normally, we have a crowd of roughly 70 people attend, but this swells and dips on a regular basis. Please ensure that, should you attend to the meeting, you sign the Sign-In sheets, so that we can properly account for you as a member. Presently there is no membership fee for TO/2, and the Executive is currently debating this. Until such time as a decision has been made, all TO/2 meetings and events are free of charge. For more information about Membership, please contact [*]Kevin Quinn, Membership Co-ordinator by e-mail. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Meeting Schedules All TO/2 meetings take place on the second Thursday in the month, in the Auditorium of 3600 Steeles Avenue East, Markham. Meetings begin with a half hour question and answer period with the New User SIG at 7:00 in room D109, and then presentations start at 7:30 with the group news. The main presenter appears from 7:45-8:45, and then we have a 15 minute break. A number of smaller presenters, including members of TO/2 and the Executive, will take us to conclusion at 10:00pm. The September meeting will take place on Thursday, September 14, 1995. The October meeting will take place on Thursday, October 12, 1995. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Meeting Map [IMAGE] - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]News of the Month [IMAGE][*]Group Announcements [IMAGE][*]Latest News From Vendors [IMAGE][*]Shareware/Freeware Information [IMAGE][*]Products in Review [IMAGE][*]Classified Advertisements [IMAGE] - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Return to Table of Contents - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Group Announcements - - ------------------------------ PREFORMATTED ------------------------------- First meeting of the Programming SIG Wednesday, September 12th. 7:00PM The IBM Canada Ltd. Building 3600 Steeles Avenue East Room D109 Note: Regular TO/2 meeting is still Thursday evening. This meeting is for the programming SIG. Speakers will include: TO/2 Information Continuing updates from the TO/2 Executive Committee & SIG executive. Any Requests? - Who would you like to see come and talk/demo/etc. Meeting Night - Are Back to Back meetings a problem... Guest Speaker/Demo Roger Pett - From the Toronto Lab will be with us to demonstrate the latest VisualAge C++ products, integrated development environment, and latest goodies, etc. (approximately 1-2 hours including question and answer period). Overview: 1. What's changed since C Set++ V2.1 for OS/2 2. Demonstration of VAC++, with emphasis on: - Data Access Builder - Visual Builder - Workframe/2 V3.0 - LPEX Editor - Class Browser 3. Discussion of other major new functionality - C++ Direct to SOM - New linker - New heap manager 4. A Q&A session We may also have an additional presenter, details are being worked out. You never know who might decided to 'pop' in. FREE ADMISSION FOR EVERYONE! . . . New, Old, Future OS/2 users! Norval Oswald, Toronto OS/2 UG Programs Coordinator norvco@ibm.net http://www.teamos2.org/~norvco - - ---------------------------- END PREFORMATTED ----------------------------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Latest News from Vendors - - ------------------------------ PREFORMATTED ------------------------------- PowerQuest is EXTENDING the $20 offer for PartitionMagic. Because of a lack of communication on our end and difficultly getting the news out we have decided to extend the deadline on our orginal offer until September 15, 1995 to all those who were registered team members before July 31, 1995. Original Offer: >Dear OS/2 Team Members, >PowerQuest Corporation, the makers of PartitionMagic, is extending >a special product offer to all OS/2 Team Members. You can purchase >PartitionMagic for $20 (international add $10 for shipping). This >offer was originally extended at Spring Comdex by Eric Ruff, >president of PowerQuest, to say thanks for all the great volunteer >efforts being made by team members. We would like to continue this >offer until July 31, 1995. Please help your fellow teamers by getting the word out. There will be no exeptions made after the expiration date of September 15, 1995. For those of you who don't know about PartitionMagic, let me take a few lines to describe the product. PartitionMagic is the world's only software that lets you dynamically shrink, expand, and move hard disk partitions without destroying data. You can also convert FAT formatted partitions to HPFS. Several-hour projects (backup drive, run FDISK, reformat, and reinstall) are now reduced to a simple point-and-click operation that takes only minutes. PartitionMagic makes installing Warp and Boot Manager a simple task. PartitionMagic is non-destructive and was designed with your data's safety in mind. Check out our Home Page on the Internet at http://www.powerquest.com for more information. To order a copy of PartitionMagic contact PowerQuest Corporation: PowerQuest Corporation P.O. Box 1911 Orem, UT 84059-1911 Toll Free in US: (800)379-2566 Outside US:(801)226-8977 Fax: (801)226-8941 Email: magic@powerquest.com Homepage:http://www.powerquest.com Regards, Steve Fairbanks (Marketing Manager) P.S. A very special thanks to Janet Gobeille who is posting this message for all to see. Janet Gobeille - IBM PSP - Team OS/2 Support Programs (Austin,Texas) janetg@teamos2.org - - ---------------------------- END PREFORMATTED ----------------------------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Shareware and Freeware Information The last two editions of the Toronto OS/2 User's Group Newsletter were written entirely with The Semware Editor/Jr. (TSE/J) for OS/2 from The SemWare Corporation. This powerful little text editor, with it's blinding speed and seemingly unfillable memory, is one of the best products I've ever used. TSE/J was formerly known as Qedit. Admittedly, I had tried Qedit back in it's version 2.15 for DOS, and loved it. It was completely configurable in every way. TSE/J did not let me down - you can choose the colours, macros, how the keys respond - even personalized help menus! This product is a knockout, especially for long documents and off-line mail. This shareware product, valued at $99.99 US, is great for editing everything from your CONFIG.SYS file to... well, to this newsletter. It has a fully developed macro language that is simple for a beginner to understand (it uses plain english!), but powerful enough to program complex document merges. For example, the lines below: @o MacroBegin Return 'Martin Moran' Return 'Team OS/2' Return 'Editor, Toronto OS/2 Users Group Newsletter' Return GExit Return would print the following on the screen when I pressed ATL+O: - - ------------------------------ PREFORMATTED ------------------------------- Martin Moran Team OS/2 Editor, Toronto OS/2 Users Group Newsletter - - ---------------------------- END PREFORMATTED ----------------------------- then it would save the file as edited and exit the editor. If TSE/J is no enough for you, then you can always step up to the more advanced editor, The Semware Editor. With TSE, the macro language is enhanced, and it falls into the lines of a full-blown word processor. You can contact SemWare on CompuServe at [*]75300,2710 or in the PCVEN* forums, at (404) 640-6213 (phone) , or on their BBS at (404) 641-8968. They can be reached on the 'net at com. All in all, the best text editor I have ever used! - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Products in Review - - ------------------------------ PREFORMATTED ------------------------------- A short review of some aspects of Partition Magic. Having been fortunate enough to win a copy of Partition Magic as a door prize at the July Toronto OS/2 Users Group meeting I could hardly wait to try it out. However prudence prevailed and a back up was made of the system and the manual read ! (really) before starting. My experiences with Novaback whilst doing this, a native OS/2 tape backup product, would fill a small book! Partition Magic may be run from DOS or OS/2, different programs are on the disk for this so you get both together. As you will read I used only some portions of the OS/2 version so far. I should also state I ran OS/2 version 3 or Warp as it is more popularly known and Partition Magic itself was version 1.04. My system was a 386DX with 8MB and two hard drives. The larger drive had 130 Mb as c: and 110 Mb as e:, both being FAT and f: was 155Mb HPFS as the OS/2 system drive. The rest of the drive is Linux and takes 107 Mb. The second hard drive is d: and is FAT, mainly used for the SWAPPER and some odd files. After making backups of the two diskettes which comprise Partition Magic I did an install from a: and away we went, finishing up with a colourful Partition Magic Icon. I clicked on it and a map of my drive appeared in colour, showing the various types of partitions and their sizes. It was very easy to read due to the colour display and clearly showed if a partition was FAT, HPFS, Boot manager or Linux. Partition Magic won't handle Linux at present but does show you that it is there and it's capacity. I had decided to free up 10 Mb or so of c: at this time, the intention being to make a maintenance partition out of it. Having selected c: I asked for a check on it (Partition Magic checks all partitions rigorously before allowing a modification to commence). It soon came up with an error 1002 - orphaned EA. This was not a big surprise as I had a chkdsk fail a few weeks before and thought, I'll fix it one of these days! Now was the time, you can't modify unless you fix first, a good feature. I exited Partition Magic and ran a chkdsk, requesting things to be fixed. After this was completed I ran Partition Magic again, this time the check worked fine and now I selected the resize option. I was rewarded with a simple display of c: and was able to slide a divider across the partition until I had an appropriate amount on one side to remain as c: and on the other side the piece which was to become my new small partition. I told it to go ahead and very soon had my new partition and a slightly smaller c:. If the modified partition is accessed via Boot Manager as mine is it is necessary to use OS/2 fdisk to reenter the Boot Manager info. It should also be noted that since Partition Magic can't work on a partition with open files it is necessary to boot from floppy if you wish to modify the boot partition itself, (or work from a maintenance partition [G]). Apart from resizing and checking partitions another very good feature is to allow a FAT partition to be converted to HPFS on the fly, it's data being retained in the process. This is something I may be doing to e: when a few family use DOS\Windows items are rearranged. This product proved both easy to use and informative, the manual is a goldmine of information about primary and extended partitions, FAT and HPFS etc. It is most professionally produced and I look forward to a version to handle my Linux partition as well in future, the company have it on their list of possibles at this time. Partition Magic is a product of Power Quest Corporation and I believe it's Canadian price to be about $130. This may be a bit expensive for a lot of us but it certainly performs well and saves a great deal of time, if you can afford it, buy it. - - ---------------------------- END PREFORMATTED ----------------------------- "Ed note: please see the[*]'Latest News from Vendors' for a special price on Partition Magic for members of Team OS/2." Mike Fisher [*]mfisher@interlog.com - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Classified Advertisements We have no classified ads for you this month. If you wish to submit anything for this section, including job postings and special events, please e-mail the editor at [*]Tools, Tips and Tricks [IMAGE][*]Tips for Users New and Old [IMAGE][*]Vital OS/2 Tools and Utilities [IMAGE][*]Fixes, Patches and CDS's [IMAGE] - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Return to Table of Contents - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Tips for Users New and Old This month's tips: [*]How to tip... [WPS] Submitted by[*]Kevin Linfield [*]How to tip... [IAK] Submitted by[*]Terry Hamilton [*]How to tip... [CLI] Submitted by[*]Norval Oswald - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]How to tip... [WPS] To save space on your desktop, use small icons. Open your desktop settings by clicking the second mouse button while on a blank spot on the desktop. Then select settings, then for all three pages of view select small. This way, you can fit more icons on your desktop saving yourself valuable room. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]How to tip... [IAK] - - ------------------------------ PREFORMATTED ------------------------------- How about this tip: Just for the sake of speed I use the command line version of FTP since it is faster than waiting for FTP-PM to react to mouse clicks. Just type FTP ftp.site.address from the command line and you log onto the ftp site. Some of the basic command's you'll need: close - logoff of this site but stay in "FTP" open - logon a connection to another site - "open ftp.io.org" bye - logoff / exit ftp help - ? dir - list files in this directory (almost same as DOS/OS2 cmd line) cd - just like you are used to but be sure to put a space after ie: cd .. not cd.. bin - set transfer type as BINary (ie: zip and exe files) ascii - set transfer type as ASCII (ie: txt or doc files) get - download the file - "get pmmail.zip" put - upload the file - "put myfile.zip" mget - download a number of files - "mget p*.zip" mput - upload a number of files - "mput my*.txt" Things to remember: FTP is almost always case-sensitive. Make sure you type the exact name. (commands are lower case) Remember to set the proper transfer type before get/put. Extra Hint: Setup a file in your ETC directory (ETC should be an Environment variable set in CONFIG.SYS) called "netrc". The netrc file configures how you log onto a specific host so with the file below, when I type "FTP hobbes.nmsu.edu" FTP will automagically log me in as "anonymous" and type my password for me. The "boris.infomagic.com" example also defines a macro command. When I type "go" from ftp while on "boris" it automatically changes directories for me, and gets the index file and log's off. Macro's can be any standard ftp commands. - - -----netrc--------------------- machine hobbes.nmsu.edu login anonymous password tch@io.org machine ftp-os2.cdrom.com login anonymous password tch@io.org machine boris.infomagic.com login anonymous password tch@io.org macdef go cd pub/mirrors/Hobbes/incoming ascii get 00Index.txt bye - - -------end netrc------------------ - - ---------------------------- END PREFORMATTED ----------------------------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]How to tip... [CLI] - - ------------------------------ PREFORMATTED ------------------------------- Changing the "DIR" Commands default behaviour.. Normally the DIR command displays files in the order the files appear in the directory. You can change the default behaviour by using the environment variable DIRCMD. If you put the changes in CONFIG.SYS, every OS/2 command line session will use the new defaults. Of course you can also change the settings for individual command-line sessions. The following are a few examples (you can use any combination of the valid parameters for the DIR command): SET DIRCMD=/ON /P To produce a directory sorted by filename and pause after each screen, use this command SET DIRCMD=/N To produce a directory on HPFS format, use this command SET DIRCMD=/a-d To produce a directory of files only (without any directories in the resulting output) *- also has a side affect of displaying hidden files - - ---------------------------- END PREFORMATTED ----------------------------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Vital OS/2 Tools and Utilities We have no submissions this month for tools and utilities. Check here in the future for more info! - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Fixes, Patches and CSD's There is an update to the WebExplorer, beta 0814. This beta now supports wrap around in-line graphics, tables, and backgrounds. Be forewarned, though, that it is not as stable as WE 1.02 (it is a beta, after all), and runs at the speed that 1.01 did, meaning that it's not as fast as 1.02. It is available from com . [*]OS/2 Information [IMAGE][*]OS/2 BBS List [IMAGE][*]OS/2 Echoes and Mailing Lists [IMAGE][*]Vendors [IMAGE][*]Books [IMAGE][*]Team OS/2 [IMAGE] - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Return to Table of Contents - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]OS/2 BBS List Local BBS' for OS/2 Users: IBM BBS 905-316-4255 ONE LESS CAR 416-480-0147 Detached Process 416-447-9260 ATI Technologies 905-764-9404 World's Biggest Bookstore 416-240-8056 - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]OS/2 Echoes and Mailing Lists Echoes and Mailing lists: - - ------------------------------ PREFORMATTED ------------------------------- BBS: FIDONET: OS2 ; OS2GAMES ; TOROS2 ; TEAMOS2 NANET: OS2 ; IBM ibmNET: OS2SIG ; OS2SE ; IBMGENERAL USENET: comp.os.os2.* MAILING LISTS: If you don't know how to subscribe to a list, send a message to the addresses below with the text 'help' (no quotes) as the body of the message. TEAMOS2-L - subscribe via LISTSERV@hearn.nic.surfnet.nl TEAMOS2HELP-L - subscribe via LISTSERV@hearn.nic.surfnet.nl WWW: TeamOS/2 Toronto: Home Page http://www.teamos2.org/ Computer Paper http://www.wimsey.com/tcp TORONTO COMPUTES! http://www.io.org/~tcbang International Business Machines http://www.ibm.com/ WATCHCAT program info http://www.uni-passau.de/~normann/watchcat.html OS/2 Northwest UG http://www.halcyon.com/os2_northwest/os2nw.html PNWOS/2UG: (Maintained by Ward Kaatz) http://www.halcyon.com/pnwos2ug/pnwos2ug.html Stupid OS/2 Tricks, release #4 http://index.almaden.ibm.com/nonibm/tricks/tricks.html One Less Car - Cycling the Web http://www.ismcan.com/ U.S.S. Voyager: Sickbay http://voyager.paramount.com/ Novell Inc. World Wide Web Homepage http://www.novell.com/ The OS/2 Shareware BBS http://www.os2bbs.com/ Mid-Atlantic OS/2 User Group, Va Beach, VA http://www.pinn.net/~reaper/maos2ug.html OS/2 Northwest BBS Home Page http://www.os2nw.inetnw.com/ OS/2 WarpFlash Archives http://www.iceonline.com/home/duncans/warpflash.html NetWarp http://www.iceonline.com/home/duncans/default.html PSM EMEA Device Driver Repository Description http://www.europe.ibm.com/getdoc/psmemea/progserv/device/ Below Zero/2 http://www.wimsey.com/PacificaBlue/belowzero/index.html Internet Direct's *official* WWW Server http://www.indirect.com/ World Wide Web FAQ http://sunsite.unc.edu/boutell/faq/www_faq.html The Berkeley OS/2 Users' Group Home Page http://warp.eecs.berkeley.edu/os2 Inside OS/2 - January 1995 http://www.cobb.ziff.com/~cobb/os2/ Raj's OS/2 Urbana-Champaign AREA HOME PAGE http://www.teamos2.org/~rsingh IBM BookManager BookServer Library http://books.ibmlink.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr/bookmgr.cmd/library The Kawartha Computer Club http://knet.flemingc.on.ca/~csilvest/the-kcc.html IBM Education & Training home page http://www.edu.ibm.com/canada - - ---------------------------- END PREFORMATTED ----------------------------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]OS/2 Vendors We a presently working on a local OS/2 Vendor list, which should be available in a future newsletter. In the meantime, you can contact[*] House of Technology, who are still dealing directly with consumers. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]OS/2 Books As with the vendors, we are trying to come up with a list and brief review of the books available for OS/2, and especially Warp. Please watch this page for more info. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Team OS/2 - - ------------------------------ PREFORMATTED ------------------------------- A day with Team OS/2 at Comdex Canada 95 "After a series of victories on the road at the regional Computerfests our local team arrived at the SkyDome ready to battle. The line-up has been fortified with a couple of all-stars from the various farm teams and the "Pink Ninja's" are really looking Good! Biff." "Right you are! Way up here at the Top of the SkyDome it's plain to see the Ninja's have a lot of ground to cover ... the Microsoft pavilion in Windows World appears to be like a huge octopus with tentacles reaching every-where?" "Yep, It's going to be a tough job for the Ninja s to battle the Evil Empires Win-Ever Vaporware out here but they appear to be winning at the Comdex and LAN Expo shows..." "... Trust the Force Luke..." All kidding aside - Comdex Canada 95/Windows World/LAN Expo was a BLAST! It's one of the bigger challenges that TEAM OS/2 faces up here in the great white north and one I wouldn't miss! Trying to coordinate that many Teamers for the best part of a week on two sites covering several square miles is a little intimidating ... But, Arylnn with the help of a small committee of Teamers planned ahead and with a lot of Team-work things started to take shape quickly. I must say that it sure appeared to be well organized and running smoothly when I arrived early the morning Comdex opened ... but I quickly learned the truth, Ha! ;-) This year the Team OS/2 HQ at Comdex was two adjacent (plushly appointed) Sky-Boxes (WAY TO GO ARYLNN!) that overlooked the whole SkyDome. Balconies - what a view ... "Those Microsoft guys look like ants from up here..." Teamers had a place to get organized, relax, socialize, coordinate activities, etc. Much better then last year when we tried to do it from the SkyDome floor behind the IBM booth... (The best part about the Sky Boxes by far, special near the end of a long day, was that you could take the elevator to the SkyDome floor and back instead of marching up and down miles of ramps...) Inside the HQ we had a technical wonderland ... several PS/2 and Value Points, modems, scanners, tape drives, CD-ROMS, Video equipment, and a Thinkpad or two all hooked together with Lan Server 4.0 (love the new interface) and Warp Connect. We also had a Lotus Notes Server and a couple of clients running (keeping track of all of the players, equipment, etc.) and someone who's "job" it was to greet Teamers at the door, assit them in signing in or out, hand out goodies and feed us JOLT Cola - what a job... After signing in I wandered around the rooms. Said Hi to Janet (MOM), Arylnn, etc. I then tried to find something useful to do ... everyone seemed busy so I moseyed over to the busiest place and stuck my hand in ... YEOWW! Didn't know Jim Elliott was hungry... (kidding). The Dispatch and Help Desk area was a hot bed of activity ... coordinating the various teams of Teamers kept us pretty busy. Each team of Teamers had a radio, clipboards, nap-sacks, a portable parallel port double speed CD-ROM (not sure who supplied these but they were GREAT!), and of course, a copy of Warp. Having advertised the phone number for Team OS/2 HQ we were starting to receive calls from various vendors regarding OS/2 as well as calls from Teamers who had approached vendors and asked if they wanted Warp installed. There were also a few "continuing" installs from the previous days activity. The calls ranged from installation/driver problems to configuration inquires, training, and requests for more ... more EVERYTHING!... Getting specific device drivers for the more exotic network and Video cards made life interesting ... We also had a WebMaster for keeping our friends on the Internet posted and updating the www.teamos2.org site - FTPing to various places for drivers and patches for the more exotic peripherals... plus logging into the various OS/2 BBS s for additional utilities, games, etc. Interestingly enough we were able to get some additional corporate sponsors (other then IBM) this year ... HOT (House of Technology - an OS/2 Software Distributor) and JOLT Cola for example ... speaking of which, we had several Teamers volunteer for the prestigious "JOLT MASTER" or "KEEPER OF THE COLA" position this year... who's job is to drink all of the, um, I mean guard all of the, um, I mean to distribute the JOLT Cola... ah that's it. Unfortunately, the SkyDome has a contract with some food company so all food and JOLT had to be removed from the Sky Boxes... too bad ... save it for the Picnic or Party Arylnn... Most of the HQ hardware and software installation and set-up was done the day before by various Teamers ... so after Lunch I went down to the floor to check out our booth - which was beside IBM in the Toronto Convention Centre this year. We appeared to have a sizable crowd when I arrived ... two-three deep all around the machines... Brian and Kevin we demonstrating the IAK and WebExplorer... They had a TELNET session, several FTP sessions and several WebExplorer sessions going on a single 14.4 kbps modem with respectable response times. After several hours of answering questions about Warp, Team OS/2, Toronto, Canada, Life in General, and showing off Warp Connect - I headed back to HQ, Most of the Teamers were still there, time to socialize. I met many Teamers who I've only met electronically before but never face to face .... It s nice to have a face to go with all those poor E-Mail puns (right Denis?). Several of us tried to organize an executive meeting for TO/2 the Toronto OS/2 User s Group (as we were having a meeting the the following night up at 3600 Steeles). After several attempts we managed to cover the basics and since it was getting late I called it a night and signed out of the Notes database. Vowing to return - "I'll be Back" Don't want to miss that Team OS/2 party ... but that is another story entirely... PS - Next Computerfest is at the Automotive Building at the CNE September 14-17th if you d like to come out and help Team OS/2 at this event ... contact me at norvco@teamos2.org or telephone at (905) 316-1144. See you there ... - - ---------------------------- END PREFORMATTED ----------------------------- [*]Details and Legals [IMAGE][*]This Month's Contributors [IMAGE][*]Request for Contributors [IMAGE][*]Request for Sponsors/Advertising [IMAGE][*]Disclaimer/Copyrights [IMAGE] [*]Return to Table of Contents [*]This Month's Contributors This month we'd like to thank Norval Oswald for his [*]Comdex Review, Kevin Linfield, Norval Oswald, and Terry Hamilton for their[*]tips and tricks, and Mike Fisher for his[*]review of Partition Magic . We'd also like to thank the editor for his [*]review of The Semware Editor/Jr. for OS/2, and as always, for putting this document together. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Request for Contributors The TO/2 newsletter is always willing to accept contributions, especially from its own members. This newsletter can really take off with your help, and the Executive would really appreciate any contributions. If you wish to submit something, mail it to[*]Martin Moran, with 'Newsletter:' starting the subject line. This means anything, including product releases that you grab from the 'net to little reviews you do about a utility you find valuable. Remember, though, that the editor follows the Team OS/2 list, the OS/2 announce list, and been contacted by a few members who have prepared something for submission. Way to go, guys, and keep it coming. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Request for Sponsor/Advertising TO/2 is always looking for OS/2 centric companies to come and demonstrate their products. Any product demonstrated at TO/2 will have a review in the newsletter following the presentation. For more information, please contact[*]Terry Hamilton, TO/2 President. - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [*]Disclaimer/Copyrights All standard disclaimers apply. All products mentioned, with their accompanying symbols and trademarks, are the properties of their manufacturers. All trademarks are the property of the registered owners. The views of this newsletter in NO WAY reflect the views of IBM, unless otherwise stated. Any information about product releases and dates should be taken to be information released into the public domain. Any information that is provided here may have been obtained via the internet, and as such should not necessarily be taken as true and correct. This document is[IMAGE]The Toronto OS/2 User's group and Martin Moran. No reproduction, in any form, is allowed without express written consent. The Toronto OS/2 User's Group takes no responsibility for any information located in links to other HTML pages and/or other internet locations that some may find offensive. The Toronto OS/2 User's Group takes no responsibility for the length of this disclaimer. No MicroSoft employees were harmed during the creation of this document (we'll try harder next month. ) HTMLCon Statistics - - ------------------ HTML bytes processed : 36666 Output lines constructed : 897 Possible links encountered : 86 Images encountered : 40 - -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQCNAy/c0mIAAAEEAL0EWW7e++0noPUN/zuz1B8baP934K5ocsjpn5Uc4yPNd1NP N+98rTkvD/BrJDYI60AX3SwJfAcAKO0DEeEpxm4DSfPe7z4W/Ebn4h7gVKnfl6Kv nzfzGKhFKmCe6M4IANxHDNk7mYZNGb382Qg2mmBjnkXbWpQXu9DD3v73yD3RAAUR tENPLiBNYXJ0aW4gTW9yYW4gIDxzbm9va2VyQGludGVybG9nLmNvbSAgfCAgNzI3 MTMuNjNAY29tcHVzZXJ2ZS5jb20+iQCVAwUQL9zS7NDD3v73yD3RAQFtNgP8CssB faZAypzMUByEx2B6+F50e/25tQ7ALuKtACi1aBsLlTbXjXsZNfeVC6JMOM/m1yr1 d8mnOodyOZRUVHRUHBfumP0rU4Nc7riLmXKM5YCnZxnIxjj3YnZ85ccQhHm8b7AI ebkPonQwNnIXAOup+aamy4cBerS5/pdYU2qxG6w= =Z3/m - -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBMD9eQdDD3v73yD3RAQGjuAP/RyWTkXp1daI8SvSzUtsukuHsxbE8Po1X iycdJhqm5q9werWPE4hVxxQ7WfI/L3mriOijd6+2svJ4NtiTixQ5G0kxSp+s7nuv U4Ap3OQfw84TDGh4gLUSY+aDvZtNcgv1mKMc+dSufiVhqmbFgpx4Q9xWRLYQ0Oi9 LtciRzIr5Js= =g4lZ -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----