"SLC6X: applications/multimedia: graphviz

graphviz - Graph Visualization Tools

Website: http://www.graphviz.org/
License: CPL
Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
A collection of tools for the manipulation and layout of graphs (as in nodes
and edges, not as in barcharts).


graphviz-2.26.0-10.el6.src [16.1 MiB] Changelog by Jaroslav Ĺ karvada (2012-08-17):
- Fixed post/postuns for plugins
  Resolves: rhbz#849134
graphviz-2.26.0-7.el6.src [16.1 MiB] Changelog by Jaroslav Ĺ karvada (2011-07-07):
- Added gd as devel requirement

Listing created by repoview