"SLC6X: system environment/base: chkconfig

chkconfig - A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy

License: GPLv2
Vendor: Scientific Linux CERN, http://cern.ch/linux
Chkconfig is a basic system utility.  It updates and queries runlevel
information for system services.  Chkconfig manipulates the numerous
symbolic links in /etc/rc.d, to relieve system administrators of some
of the drudgery of manually editing the symbolic links.


chkconfig- [158 KiB] Changelog by Lukåť Nykrýn (2016-01-07):
- leveldb: suppress error messages when selinux is turned off
chkconfig- [157 KiB] Changelog by Lukåť Nykrýn (2016-01-07):
- leveldb: suppress error messages when selinux is turned off
chkconfig- [157 KiB] Changelog by Lukåť Nykrýn (2015-02-17):
- relabel xinetd.d files after change
chkconfig- [157 KiB] Changelog by Lukas Nykryn (2013-09-12):
- check readServices return value (#905555)
chkconfig- [157 KiB] Changelog by Bill Nottingham (2012-02-01):
- fix another regression, this one in 'install_initd' (#696305)
chkconfig- [157 KiB] Changelog by Bill Nottingham (2012-02-01):
- fix another regression, this one in 'install_initd' (#696305)

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