// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/rtrmgr/xrl_rtrmgr_interface.hh,v 1.13 2004/06/10 22:41:56 hodson Exp $ #ifndef __RTRMGR_XRL_RTRMGR_INTERFACE_HH__ #define __RTRMGR_XRL_RTRMGR_INTERFACE_HH__ #include "libxorp/timer.hh" #include "xrl/targets/rtrmgr_base.hh" #include "xrl/interfaces/rtrmgr_client_xif.hh" #define CNAMELEN 40 class MasterConfigTree; class RandomGen; class User; class UserDB; class UserInstance; class Rtrmgr; class XrlRtrmgrInterface : public XrlRtrmgrTargetBase { typedef XorpCallback2<void, bool, string>::RefPtr CallBack; public: XrlRtrmgrInterface(XrlRouter& r, UserDB& db, EventLoop& eventloop, RandomGen& randgen, Rtrmgr& rtrmgr); ~XrlRtrmgrInterface(); void set_conf_tree(MasterConfigTree* v) { _conf_tree = v; } XrlCmdError common_0_1_get_target_name(// Output values, string& name); XrlCmdError common_0_1_get_version(// Output values, string& version); /** * Get status from Xrl Target */ XrlCmdError common_0_1_get_status(// Output values, uint32_t& status, string& reason); /** * Request clean shutdown. */ XrlCmdError common_0_1_shutdown(); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_get_pid( // Output values, uint32_t& pid); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_register_client( // Input values, const uint32_t& user_id, const string& clientname, // Output values, string& filename, uint32_t& pid); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_unregister_client( // Input values const string& token); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_authenticate_client( // Input values, const uint32_t& user_id, const string& clientname, const string& token); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_enter_config_mode( // Input values, const string& token, const bool& exclusive); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_leave_config_mode( // Input values, const string& token); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_get_config_users( // Input values, const string& token, // Output values, XrlAtomList& users); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_get_running_config( // Input values, const string& token, // Output values, bool& ready, string& config); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_apply_config_change( // Input values, const string& token, const string& target, const string& deltas, const string& deletions); void apply_config_change_done(bool success, string errmsg, uid_t user_id, string target, string deltas, string deletions); void apply_config_change_done_cb(const XrlError&); void client_updated(const XrlError& e, uid_t user_id, UserInstance* user); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_lock_config( // Input values, const string& token, const uint32_t& timeout, // Output values, bool& success, uint32_t& holder); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_unlock_config( // Input values, const string& token); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_lock_node( // Input values, const string& token, const string& node, const uint32_t& timeout, // Output values, bool& success, uint32_t& holder); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_unlock_node( // Input values, const string& token, const string& node); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_save_config( // Input values, const string& token, const string& filename); XrlCmdError rtrmgr_0_1_load_config( // Input values, const string& token, const string& target, const string& filename); private: typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr GENERIC_CALLBACK; UserInstance* find_user_instance(uint32_t user_id, const string& clientname); string generate_auth_token(const uint32_t& user_id, const string& clientname); bool verify_token(const string& token) const; uint32_t get_user_id_from_token(const string& token) const; void lock_timeout(); XrlRtrmgrClientV0p1Client _client_interface; multimap<uint32_t, UserInstance*> _users; multimap<uint32_t, UserInstance*> _config_users; UserDB& _userdb; MasterConfigTree* _conf_tree; EventLoop& _eventloop; RandomGen& _randgen; Rtrmgr& _rtrmgr; bool _exclusive; // Indicates only one user allowed in config mode // Variables to implement global lock on config changes bool _config_locked; uint32_t _lock_holder; XorpTimer _lock_timer; bool _verbose; // Set to true if output is verbose }; #endif // __RTRMGR_XRL_RTRMGR_INTERFACE_HH__