// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/rtrmgr/op_commands.hh,v 1.19 2004/06/12 01:34:11 atanu Exp $ #ifndef __RTRMGR_OP_COMMAND_HH__ #define __RTRMGR_OP_COMMAND_HH__ #include <list> #include <set> #include "libxorp/asyncio.hh" #include "cli.hh" #include "rtrmgr_error.hh" class ConfigTree; class OpCommand; class TemplateTree; class OpInstance { public: OpInstance(EventLoop* eventloop, const string& executable_filename, const string& command_arguments, RouterCLI::OpModePrintCallback print_cb, RouterCLI::OpModeDoneCallback done_cb, OpCommand* op_command); OpInstance(const OpInstance& orig); ~OpInstance(); void append_data(AsyncFileOperator::Event e, const uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_bytes, size_t offset); void done(bool success); bool operator<(const OpInstance& them) const; /** * Terminate this command */ void terminate(); private: static const size_t OP_BUF_SIZE = 8192; string _executable_filename; string _command_arguments; OpCommand* _op_command; AsyncFileReader* _stdout_file_reader; AsyncFileReader* _stderr_file_reader; pid_t _pid; FILE *_out_stream; FILE *_err_stream; char _outbuffer[OP_BUF_SIZE]; char _errbuffer[OP_BUF_SIZE]; bool _error; string _error_msg; size_t _last_offset; RouterCLI::OpModePrintCallback _print_callback; RouterCLI::OpModeDoneCallback _done_callback; }; class OpCommand { public: OpCommand(const list<string>& command_parts); const list<string>& command_parts() const { return _command_parts; } const string& command_name() const { return _command_name; } const string& help_string() const { return _help_string; } const string& module() const { return _module; } const string& command_action() const { return _command_action; } void set_help_string(const string& v) { _help_string = v; } void set_module(const string& v) { _module = v; } void set_command_action(const string& v) { _command_action = v; } void set_command_action_filename(const string& v) { _command_action_filename = v; } void set_command_action_arguments(const list<string>& v) { _command_action_arguments = v; } void set_command_executable_filename(const string& v) { _command_executable_filename = v; } bool is_executable() const { return (! _command_action.empty()); } void add_opt_param(const string& opt_param, const string& opt_param_help); bool has_opt_param(const string& opt_param) const; string str() const; static string command_parts2command_name(const list<string>& command_parts); /** * Select a positional argument. * * @param arguments the list with the arguments. * @param position the positional argument (e.g., "$0" specifies all * arguments, "$1" is the first argument, "$2" the second argument, etc.) * @param error_msg the error message (if error). * @return if @ref position is valid, then the string with the selected * argument, or an empty string if an error. */ static string select_positional_argument(const list<string>& arguments, const string& position, string& error_msg); /** * Execute an operational mode command. * * @param eventloop * @param command_line command to execute and arguments * @param print_cb callback to be invoked with output from command. * @param done_cb callback to invoke when the command terminates. * * @return a pointer to the command instance on success. */ OpInstance *execute(EventLoop* eventloop, const list<string>& command_line, RouterCLI::OpModePrintCallback print_cb, RouterCLI::OpModeDoneCallback done_cb); bool command_match(const list<string>& path_parts, SlaveConfigTree* sct, bool exact_match) const; void get_matches(size_t wordnum, SlaveConfigTree* sct, map<string, string>& return_matches, bool& is_executable, bool& can_pipe) const; void remove_instance(OpInstance* instance); private: list<string> _command_parts; string _command_name; string _help_string; string _module; string _command_action; string _command_action_filename; list<string> _command_action_arguments; string _command_executable_filename; map<string, string> _opt_params; // Optional parameters and the CLI help set<OpInstance*> _instances; }; class OpCommandList { public: OpCommandList(const string& config_template_dir, const TemplateTree* tt) throw (InitError); ~OpCommandList(); void set_config_tree(SlaveConfigTree* sct) { _conf_tree = sct; } bool check_variable_name(const string& variable_name) const; OpCommand* find_op_command(const list<string>& command_parts); OpCommand* add_op_command(const OpCommand& op_command); bool command_match(const list<string>& command_parts, bool exact_match) const; OpInstance *execute(EventLoop* eventloop, const list<string>& command_parts, RouterCLI::OpModePrintCallback print_cb, RouterCLI::OpModeDoneCallback done_cb) const; map<string, string> top_level_commands() const; map<string, string> childlist(const string& path, bool& is_executable, bool& can_pipe) const; bool find_executable_filename(const string& command_filename, string& executable_filename) const; private: list<OpCommand*> _op_commands; // Below here is temporary storage for use in parsing list<string> _path_segments; OpCommand* _current_command; const TemplateTree* _template_tree; SlaveConfigTree* _conf_tree; }; #endif // __RTRMGR_OP_COMMAND_HH__