From: (Robin D.H. Walker) Subject: Extension-to-Type mappings To: macgifts@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU Date: Sun, 22 Jan 1995 16:44:47 +0000 (GMT) Last updated: 1995 Jan 22 Revision 3 Extension to Type Mappings There are many circumstances where files from alien (non-Mac) file systems are imported onto a Mac. Usually it is desirable to assign a Mac file "Type" and "Creator" code to such files, so that they can be operated upon, or merely viewed, by an appropriate Mac application. Unless you are prepared to inspect the contents of the file itself and deduce an appropriate Mac type/creator, the only evidence for the type of the file is the "filename extension" commonly used in DOS, OS/2, Unix and other systems. With certain Mac applications, automatic mapping of filename extensions to Mac type/creator codes can be achieved. A list of suggested mappings follows. The applications which can take advantage of extension-to-type mappings are (amongst others): Netware 4 (on the fileserver) IBM LAN Server for Mac (on the fileserver) PC Exchange (reading MS-DOS diskettes) Fetch and Anarchie (File Transfer) Binary Pump (post-download processing) Unzip (de-archiving ZIPped files) Stuffit Engine (de-archiving many formats) MacGzip (de-archiving GZ files) uuUndo (decoding UU-encoded files) Internet Config (unified configuration) Regrettably, each of those applications uses a different mechanism for recording the extension-to-type mappings, so for consistency you might have to establish the mapping list many times over. Internet Config is supposed to put a stop to this repetition, but I can't see PC Exchange ever joining that club. A suggested mapping list follows. Before acting on anything in the list, please read the notes at the end. I shall welcome further contributions to this list. Please e-mail to quoting "Extension mappings" in the subject line. Here's the list: Suggested ... DOS/Unix file type Extn Type Creator Mac application ------------------ ---- ---- ------- --------------- README.1ST files .1ST TEXT ttxt SimpleText Amiga 8SVC sound .8svc 8SVC SCPL SoundApp Assembler source .A TEXT MPS MPW shell AIFF sound .AIF AIFF SNDM SoundMachine AIFF SCPL SoundApp ALAW sound .AL ALAW SNDM SoundMachine ALAW SCPL SoundApp Animated NeoChrome .ANI ANIi GKON GraphicConverter Text with Layout ??? .ANS (Claris converter exists) Aldus Printer Descript .APD TEXT ALD3 Aldus PageMaker ARC archives .ARC mArc arc* ArcMac mArc SITx Stuffit Expander with DSEE ARJ archives .ARJ ???? DArj DeArj ASCII text file .ASC TEXT ttxt SimpleText Assembler source .ASM TEXT R*ch BBEdit mu-law audio file .AU ULAW SNDM SoundMachine ULAW SCPL SoundApp AVI movie .AVI BINA AVIC AVI-to-QT utility Unix BAR archive .BAR BARF S691 Suntar BASIC source .BAS TEXT R*ch BBEdit DOS batch script .BAT TEXT ttxt SimpleText OS/2 bitmap (=.BMP) .BGA BMPp JVWR JPEGView (see .BMP for alts) BibTex bibliography .BIB TEXT *TEX Textures MacBinary .BIN TEXT GJBU MacBinary II BINA MB2P MacBinary II+ BINA SITx Stuffit Expander Windows, OS/2 bitmap .BMP BMPp JVWR JPEGView BMPp GKON GraphicConverter BOO-encoded .BOO TEXT R*ch (no Mac BOO decoder) BibTex style .BST TEXT *TEX Textures SGI image .BW SGI GKON GraphicConverter C source .C TEXT KAHL or your favourite C compiler TEXT MMCC Metrowerks C Computer Graphics meta .CGM CGMm GKON GraphicConverter OS/2 batch script .CMD TEXT ttxt SimpleText MS-DOS executable .COM PCFA PCXT SoftPC BINA mdos (for a generic DOS icon) C++ source .CP TEXT (see .C) C++ source .CPP TEXT (see .C) CompactPro archives .CPT PACT CPCT CptExpand PACT SITx Stuffit Expander Comma-separated vars .CSV TEXT XCEL MS Excel Mac Scitex-CT .CT ..CT GKON GraphicConverter ..CT 8BIM PhotoShop Dr Halo image .CUT Halo GKON GraphicConverter Canvas .CVS drw2 DAD2 Canvas dBASE database file .DBF COMP FOX+ FoxBase+ Mac Some PCX images .DCX DCXx GKON GraphicConverter Data Interchange Format .DIF TEXT XCEL MS Excel Mac BBS description text .DIZ TEXT R*ch BBEdit DL animation .DL DLdl GKON GraphicConverter DL AnVw Mac Anim Viewer DL BGDL DL player Win dynamic link lib .DLL PCFL PCXT SoftPC MS Word DOS / Word Win .DOC WDBN MSWD Microsoft Word for Mac Word-for-Win template .DOT sDBN MSWD Microsoft Word for Mac MultiMate 4.0 .DOX (Claris converter exists) TeX DVI .DVI ODVI OTEX OzTex DVI2 *TEX Textures AutoCAD 3D data .DXF TEXT SWVL ?? Encapsulated Postscript .EPS EPSF vgrd (icon from LaserWriter driver) EPSF GKON GraphicConverter EPSF 8BIM PhotoShop Setext .ETX TEXT R*ch BBEdit Envoy document .EVY ENVD ENVY Envoy MS-DOS executable .EXE PCFA PCXT SoftPC BINA mdos (for a generic DOS icon) FAQ text file .FAQ TEXT R*ch BBEdit Flexible Img Trnspt Sys .FIT FITS GKON GraphicConverter Animator Pro FLIC file .FLC FLI GKON GraphicConverter FLI AnVw Mac Anim Viewer Animator FLIC file .FLI FLI GKON GraphicConverter FLI AnVw Mac Anim Viewer pFLI FLI FileMaker .FM FMPR FMPR FileMaker Pro FORTRAN source .FOR TEXT R*ch BBEdit TEXT CFRT MacTRAN Plus Flexible Img Trnspt Sys .FTS FITS GKON GraphicConverter GEM metafile .GEM GEM- GKON GraphicConverter Graphics Interchange .GIF GIFf JVWR JPEGView GIFf GKON GraphicConverter GIFf 8BIM PhotoShop GL (GRASP) animation .GL GL AnVw Mac Anim Viewer GRP image .GRP GRPp GKON GraphicConverter Gzip archive .GZ Gzip Gzip MacGzip Gzip SITx Stuffit Expander with DSEE C header .H TEXT KAHL or your favourite C compiler TEXT MMCC Metrowerks C C++ header .HP TEXT (see .H) HP-GL/2 .hpgl HPGL GKON GraphicConverter C++ header .HPP TEXT (see .H) BinHex encoded .HQX TEXT SITx Stuffit Expander BnHq Binhex 4 Hypertext markup .HTM TEXT MOS! NCSA Mosaic TEXT MWEB MacWeb .html (see .HTM) Modula3 interface .I3 TEXT R*ch BBEdit Atari Imagic .IC1 IMAG GKON GraphicConverter .IC2 IMAG GKON GraphicConverter .IC3 IMAG GKON GraphicConverter Windows icon .ICN ICO GKON GraphicConverter Windows icon .ICO ICO GKON GraphicConverter Amiga IFF image .IFF ILBM GKON GraphicConverter ILBM 8BIM PhotoShop Amiga ILBM .ilbm ILBM (see .IFF) Apple diskette image .image dImg dCpy DiskCopy GEM bit image/XIMG .IMG IMGg GKON GraphicConverter KONTRON image .IMG KONT GKON GraphicConverter Windows INI text .INI TEXT ttxt SimpleText JPEG image .jfif JFIF JVWR JPEGView JFIF GKON GraphicConverter JPEG image .JPE JPEG JVWR JPEGView (see .JPG for alts) JPEG image .jpeg JPEG JVWR JPEGView (see .JPG for alts) JPEG image .JPG JPEG JVWR JPEGView JPEG GKON GraphicConverter JPEG 8BIM PhotoShop Amiga IFF image .LBM ILBM GKON GraphicConverter LHarc archive .LHA LHA LARC MacLHA LHarc archive .LZH LHA LARC MacLHA .M TEXT OMEG MPEG2 movie .M2V MPG2 MPG2 MPEG2decoder Modula 3 source .M3 TEXT R*ch BBEdit Mac PICT image .MAC PICT dPro MacDraw Pro MacPaint B&W .MAC PNTG GKON GraphicConverter Make text file .MAK TEXT R*ch BBEdit MS Word for Mac .MCW WDBN MSWD MS Word for Mac READ.ME text files .ME TEXT ttxt SimpleText Amiga MED sound .MED STrk SCPL SoundApp MIDI music file .MID Midi ttxt SimpleText, Quicktime trans. FrameMaker file .MIF TEXT Fram FrameMaker Metafont .MF TEXT *MF* Metafont ML source .ML TEXT R*ch BBEdit Amiga MOD soundtrack .MOD STrk SCPL SoundApp QuickTime movie .moov MooV TVOD SimplePlayer/MoviePlayer MooV ttxt SimpleText QuickTime movie .MOV MooV TVOD SimplePlayer/MoviePlayer MooV ttxt SimpleText MultiPlan .MP (Claris converter exists) MPEG movie .MPE MPEG mMPG (see .MPG) MPEG movie .mpeg MPEG mMPG Sparkle MPEG movie .MPG MPEG mMPG Sparkle Microsoft Paint .MSP MSPp GKON GraphicConverter MacWrite document .MW WORD MWII MacWrite II Atari NeoChrome .NEO NeoC GKON GraphicConverter MS-DOS object file .OBJ PCFL PCXT Soft PC BINA mdos (for generic DOS icon) ODA document .ODA ODIF ODA MacODA XTND translator text output file .OUT TEXT R*ch BBEdit MS-DOS overlay file .OVL PCFL PCXT SoftPC BINA mdos (for generic DOS icon) Pascal source .P TEXT MPS MPW shell TEXT MWPS Metrowerks Pascal TEXT PJMM THINK Pascal Atari STAD .PAC STAD GKON GraphicConverter Pascal source .PAS TEXT (see .P) Portable bit-map .PBM PPGM GKON GraphicConverter Atari Degas .PC1 Dega GKON Graphicconverter .PC2 Dega GKON GraphicConverter .PC3 Dega GKON GraphicConverter Animated PICTs .PCS PICS GKON GraphicConverter Mac PICT .PCT PICT ttxt SimpleText PICT JVWR JPEGView PICT 8BIM Photoshop PC PaintBrush .PCX PCXx GKON GraphicConverter Portable Doc Format .PDF PDF CARO Adobe Acrobat Reader Printer Description .PDX TEXT ALD4 Aldus PageMaker Portable bit-map .PGM PPGM GKON GraphicConverter Atari Degas .PI1 Dega GKON GraphicConverter .PI2 Dega GKON GraphicConverter .PI3 Dega GKON GraphicConverter Mac PICT .PIC PICT ttxt SimpleText PICT JVWR JPEGView PICT GKON GraphicConverter PICT 8BIM PhotoShop IBM PIC image .PIC IPIC GKON GraphicConverter Lotus PIC image .PIC LPIC GKON GraphicConverter PC Paint image .PIC PC p GKON GraphicConverter Atari screen-shot .PIC PICc GKON GraphicConverter Mac PICT .pict (see .PIC, first) Packit archive .PIT PIT UPIT Unpackit PIT SITx Stuffit Expander with DSEE AppleLink package .PKG GEOL HBSF AppleLink GEOL SITx Stuffit Expander with DSEE Perl source .PL TEXT McPL MacPERL HP-GL/2 .PLT HPGL GKON GraphicConverter Bit-map from xv .PM PMpm GKON GraphicConverter PageMaker 3 document .PM3 ALB3 ALD3 Aldus PageMaker 3 PageMaker 4 document .PM4 ALB4 ALD4 Aldus PageMaker 4 PageMaker 5 document .PM5 ALB5 ALD5 Aldus PageMaker 5 Superpaint painting .pntg PNTG SPNT Superpaint Postscript Printer Desc .PPD TEXT ALD4 Aldus PageMaker TEXT ttxt SimpleText Portable bit-map .PPM PPGM GKON GraphicConverter Printer output file .PRN TEXT R*ch BBEdit PostScript file .PS TEXT vgrd (icon from LaserWriter driver) PhotoShop 2.5 Document .PSD 8BPS 8BIM PhotoShop 8BPS GKON GraphicConverter PageMaker 4 template .PT4 ALT4 ALD4 Aldus PageMaker 4 PageMaker 5 template .PT5 ALT5 ALD5 Aldus PageMaker 5 Pixar image .PXR PXR 8BIM PhotoShop QuickTime movie .QT MooV TVOD SimplePlayer QuarkXpress document .QXD XDOC XPR3 QuarkXpress QuarkXpress template .QXT XTMP XPR3 QuarkXpress PhotoShop raw image .RAW ???? 8BIM PhotoShop Read-me text file .readme TEXT R*ch BBEdit DCA Revisable Form Text .RFT (Claris converter exists) SGI image .RGB SGI GKON GraphicConverter .rgba (see .RGB) Renderman 3D data .RIB TEXT RINI Renderman RIFF graphic .RIF RIFF GKON GraphicConverter Utah raster graphic .RLE RLE GKON GraphicConverter Read-me text file .RME TEXT R*ch BBEdit Replica document .RPL FRL! REP! Replica ResEdit resource file .RSC rsrc RSED ResEdit ResEdit resource file .rsrc rsrc RSED ResEdit Rich Text Format .RTF TEXT MSWD MS Word for Mac Rich Text .RTX TEXT R*ch BBEdit ColoRIX .SCG RIX3 GKON GraphicConverter ColoRIX .SCI RIX3 GKON GraphicConverter ColoRIX .SCP RIX3 GKON GraphicConverter PC Paintbrush .SCR (see .PCX) ColoRIX .SCR RIX3 GKON GraphicConverter ColoRIX .SCU RIX3 GKON GraphicConverter Self-extracting archive .SEA APPL ???? IRCAM sound file .SF IRCM SDHK SGI image .SGI SGI GKON GraphicConverter Unix Shell archive .SHA TEXT UnSh UnShar .shar TEXT UnSh UnShar Printmaster icon libr .SHP SHPp GKON GraphicConverter Stuffit archive .SIT SIT! SITx Stuffit Expander Stuffit Deluxe archive SITD SITx Stuffit Expander Stuffit/HQX encoded .sithqx TEXT SITx Stuffit Expander Symbolic Link format .SLK TEXT XCEL MS Excel Mac Atari Spectrum 512 .SPC Spec GKON GraphicConverter Sun raster image .SR SUNn GKON GraphicConverter TeX style .STY TEXT *TEX Textures Sun raster image .SUN SUNn GKON GraphicConverter StartupScreen .SUP SCRN GKON GraphicConverter SCRN 8BIM PhotoShop Amiga IFF sound .SVX 8SVX SCPL SoundApp Symbolic Link format .SYK TEXT XCEL MS Excel Mac Symbolic Link format .sylk (see .SLK/.SYK) Unix Tape archive .TAR TARF TAR Tar TARF S691 SunTar Truevision image .targa (see .TGA) Compressed TAR file .TAZ ZIVU Gzip MacGzip ZIVU LZIV MacCompress ZIVU SITx Stuffit Expander with DSEE TEX document .TEX TEXT R*ch BBEdit TEXT OTEX OzTex TEXT *TEX Textures Truevision image .TGA TPIC 8BIM PhotoShop TARG GKON GraphicConverter GZipped TAR file .TGZ Gzip Gzip MacGzip Gzip SITx Stuffit Expander with DSEE TIFF image .TIF TIFF JVWR JPEGView TIFF GKON GraphicConverter TIFF 8BIM PhotoShop TIFF image .tiff (see .TIF) Atari TINY bitmap .TNY TINY GKON GraphicConverter Tab-separated values .TSV TEXT R*ch BBEdit 8-bit ASCII text .TX8 TEXT R*ch BBEdit ASCII text .TXT TEXT R*ch BBEdit Uniform Rsrce Locator .URL AURL Arch Anarchie UU encoded .UU TEXT KAIU UUwrench TEXT uuUN uuUndo UU encoded .UUE (see .UU) DESR VFF greyscale .VFF VFFf GKON GraphicConverter OS/2 bitmap (=.BMP) .VGA BMPp JVWR JPEGView (see .BMP for alts) SoundBlaster VOC sound .VOC VOC SCPL SoundApp WordPerfect PC 5.1 .W51 (see .WP5) Windows sound file .WAV WAVE SCPL SoundApp Lotus worksheet rel 2 .WK1 XLBN XCEL MS Excel Mac Lotus worksheet rel 3 .WK3 XLBN XCEL MS Excel Mac Lotus worksheet rel 1 .WKS WKS L123 Lotus 123 XLBN XCEL MS Excel Mac Windows metafile .WMF WMF GKON GraphicConverter WordPerfect PC 4.2 .WP WPPC SSIW WordPerfect Mac 1.0.2 WordPerfect PC 5 .WP5 .WP5 WPC2 WordPerfect Mac 2 WPPC WPC3 WordPerfect Mac 3 WordPerfect graphic .WPG WPGf GKON GraphicConverter WordPerfect Mac .WPM WPD1 WPC2 WordPerfect Mac MS Works DOS w-p doc .WPS MS Write for Windows .WRI WDBN MSWD MS Word for Mac MS Works DOS w-p doc .WWP (Claris converter exists) X-windows dump .X10 XWDd GKON GrpahicConverter X-windows dump .X11 XWDd GKON GraphicConverter X11 bitmap .XBM XBM GKON GraphicConverter MS Excel worksheet .XL XLS XCEL MS Excel Mac MS Excel chart .XLC XLC XCEL MS Excel Mac MS Excel macro .XLM XLM XCEL MS Excel Mac MS Excel worksheet .XLS XLS XCEL MS Excel Mac MS Excel workspace .XLW XLW XCEL MS Excel Mac ASCII bitmap .XPM XPM GKON GraphicConverter X-windows dump .XWD XWDd GKON GraphicConverter Unix compressed file .Z ZIVU LZIV MacCompress ZIVU Gzip MacGzip ZIVU SITx Stuffit Expander with DSEE Unix Gzip-ed(early use) .z Gzip Gzip MacGzip (see .GZ for alts) PKzip archive .ZIP pZIP pZIP Unzip pZIP Gzip MacGzip pZIP SITx Stuffit Expander with DSEE ZIP ZIP ZipIt Zoo archive .ZOO Zoo Booz Booz Default BINA mdos DOS binary icon Notes: 1. This list is not intended to be definitive. It is a set of suggestions, some of which are my personal preferences. On your system, other mappings might be appropriate. 2. For some extensions (e.g. .PIC mapping to type PICT) any one of a number of possible creator codes might be appropriate. Take your pick! 3. This list is not intended to be a list of Mac file Type and Creator codes. Such a list would be very much longer. 4. This list is not intended to be a list of all possible DOS/Unix file extensions. There is no point, for instance, in listing extensions which identify binary formats for which there is no appropriate Mac application. On the other hand, it *is* worth listing all extensions which identify text formats, so that they can be mapped to some text viewer or editor. (This is because most automatic mapping applications give a default mapping to BINA if the extension is not recognised). It is also worth listing extensions identifying binary formats which can be read by a Mac application, or automatically converted into a Mac format. 5. The mapping I give for most TEXT types is arbitrary in two senses: a. If the extension normally identifies small files (e.g. .BAT), I have suggested creator ttxt, because SimpleText/TeachText is present on most systems. b. If the extension can identify long files, something more capable than SimpleText is required. I have arbitrarily used R*ch for BBEdit Lite, because that is readily available. I am not inferring anything special about BBEdit, nor anything adverse about the many other excellent editors around. Tell me the appropriate extensions for other editors, and I might include them in the next edition of this list. 6. The DOS and OS/2 FAT file system has upper-case-only names. The OS/2 HPFS file system is case-preserving, but not distinguishing. The Mac file system is case-preserving, but not distinguishing. The Unix file system is case-distinguishing. If your mapping application is case-distinguishing, you might need to define multiple extensions in different cases mapping to the same Mac file type. [Binary Pump is case-distinguishing]. The case of the extensions shown in the list above is arbitrary. For a short period, Unix systems used the extensions .Z and .z to mean different things (Compress and Gzip respectively), before Gzip changed to using .gz. If your mapping application is not case distinguishing, you are not going to be able to tell these apart. I believe Gzip can handle both types of compressed file, so a Gzip creator mapping might be safe for both .Z and .z. 7. The DOS and OS/2 FAT file system has a maximum extension length of 3. The OS/2 HPFS, Unix, and Mac file systems have extension lengths limited only by the maximum length of a file name. It is not uncommon in Unix to have file extensions longer than 3 characters. Some of these are shown in the list above. Long extensions are arbitrarily shown in lower case, and indeed this is often the case in which they are found. 8. Legal stuff: - If I've used any proprietary names or registered trademarks, sorry. - the mention of a product name does not imply that you are necessarily entitled to use it. - the mention of a product name does not constitute an endorsement. - inappropriate mappings can result in loss of data. Take care. 9. This compilation is Copyright (C) R.D.H. Walker 1994, 1995 Reproduction and widespread dissemination is encouraged, provided the list is copied complete with all numbered notes, including this one. 10. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed. Please e-mail to with Subject: Extension mappings. 11. Thanks to: - the authors of many fine programs whose bundles I have raided. - the authors of many fine programs which support automatic mapping. 12. Version history: v2: 1994 Jun 29: added .APD, .PPD, .PDX v3: 1995 Jan 22: added .PT5, .QXT, corrected .QXD (thanks to Gerald Pfeifer); corrected .DL, .WPG filetypes for GKON; corrected UnShar; extensive revisions, too numerous to list, esp for GKON; incorporated some mappings from Internet Config. -- Robin Walker (Network Admin), Queens' College, Cambridge, CB3 9ET, GB IBMmail:i1006437 Tel:+44 1223 335528 Fax:+44 1223 335566