bita -- BInary Typed Arrays (for Tcl/Tk) (C) 1995, 1996 (Harald Kirsch) What is bita? --- An excerpt from the manual page: The Tcl/Tk-extension Bita implements binary typed arrays with dynamic length. Access to and handling of Bitas is quite similar to the handling of widgets in Tk. The new Tcl-commands Short, UShort, Int, Unsigned, Float and Dou- ble create for each of their name-arguments a binary array with the obvious type and bind it to name. [...] Bitas are designed to efficiently store and manipulate large numbers of binary values of a given type. Initially, a Bita contains no values and has length zero. As values are added or deleted, the length varies accordingly. Currently, every bita understands the following sub-commands: copy, get, insert, length, pop, push, read, remove, set, trunc, type and write What is contained in this package? With the source code in this package, the following files can be generated and installed. o tclbsh: The tclsh linked with the bita-extension. o bwish: The wish linked with the bita-extension. o libbita.a: A library to enable you to extend your favorite tclsh with bitas o bita.n: manual page for the commands added to tcl by the bita-extension o bita.3: manual page describing how to add bitas to your favorite tclsh. o t2a: A tclbsh-script which uses bita-features to convert our favorite binary data format to ascii. What else do you need? o TCL-7.4 and TK-4.0 HOW TO INSTALL: I recently started to use autoconf, so the typical procedure is: 1a) Run configure: ./configure 1b) touch .depend 2) Check the top of Makefile to see, if configure was good enough in guessing parameters. Edit, if necessary. *** In particular check prefix, because I use it a bit differently *** than usual. 3) Create dependencies: make depend 4) Compile the software: make 5) Install the software. (Tell me what you think about the LROOT-feature in Makefile.) make install There is a rather incomplete set of tests in the test-subdirectory which can be ran by 'make test'. Until now I was only able to test the software on Solaris 2.4 and Linux, which means that the configure script might err on other machines. Comments and bug reports to P.S.: Please include the VERSION of bita in bug reports. It can be found with grep VERSION.=