UserMaint - A utility for user account maintenance. (Version 1.0, Mar 8, 1993) Charles A. Eads ( Computer Science Division-EECS, University of California at Berkeley This directory contains UserMaint, a user account maintenance package written in Tcl/Tk which provides a generic and highly modifiable graphical interface between the system administrator and the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files. INSTALLATION: After unarchiving UserMaint, you must edit the usermaint-config file and set the environment variable 'USERMAINT' to the directory where the usermaint program files are stored. (You may also run usermaint in an _unconfigured_ manner by simply logging in as root, changing to the directory that contains the usermaint script and executing the program.) The usermaint-config file is a tcl file that is 'sourced' by the usermaint.tcl program that provides the UserMaint system with necessary parameters. This config file is self explanatory, but should be read and modified as required. REQUIREMENTS: UserMaint was developed using Tcl Version 6.7/Tk Version 3.2 and requires perl for the purpose of generating random numbers and encrypting passwords. OPERATION: ADD The 'ADD' button or menu option brings up a window that allows for the creation of new accounts. Upon creation these entries get placed at the bottom of the user list in the password file, unless a password entry was selected from the list of users that comes up when the usermaint program is first run in which case the entry is placed after the selected entry. EDIT The 'EDIT' button or menu option or double clicking on an account entry beings up a window that allows for editing account information. DELETE The 'DELETE' button or menu option deletes the password entries selected from the list of users. UP The 'UP' button or menu option moves the set of password entries that are selected up one line. DOWN The 'DOWN' button or menu option moves the set of password entries that are selected down one line. SORT The 'SORT' button or menu option sorts the set of selected password entries. APPLY CHANGES The 'APPLY CHANGES' button or menu option currently saves and distributes the '/etc/passwd' and '/etc/group' to the locations specified in the usermaint-config file, asks if you would like to delete the directories of deleted users, asks if you would like to create directories for new user, and asks if you would like to initialize these directories from a skeleton directory upon their creation. See the section entitled HOOKS. CANCEL The 'CANCEL button or menu option cancels all editing that has taken place and exits the application. CUSTOMIZATION: The 'usermaint-hooks' file allows the system administrator to customize what the Usermaint system does after the 'APPLY CHANGES' option has been selected, and allows for the addition of other UID lookup methods. The current usermaint-hooks allow for the deletion and creation of user directories as described in the APPLY CHANGES section, and the verification and selection of unique UID's. For how to create new hooks, see the 'usermaint-hooks' file.