The files in this directory are there to build the 'Plcpp' package which loads into a Tcl interpreter (preferably Itcl) and requires the existence of the Cpptcl, Matrix and Pltk packages. You need to generate the Tcl-API; to do this, source 'genTclApi.tcl' into a Tcl shell, and then use the command 'generatePlapi'. This file is #include'd into '' for compilation. -- Vince. ===================================================================== Here is an example of how powerfully the Cpptcl package connects C++ objects to the Tcl language. 'pltcl' is a new Tcl command which creates a plplot stream, attached to the current plotting stream. It wraps pretty much the entire plplot API, and includes _automatic_ support for type-checking and help text. Here I've used the Cpptcl command 'documentObject' to list all commands of the given object, together with their help text. % pltcl pl pl % documentObject pl pl adv : Advance to subpage "page", or to the next one if "page" = 0. pl axes : This functions similarly to plbox() except that the origin of the axes is placed at the user-specified point (x0, y0). pl bin : Plot a histogram using x to store data values and y to store frequencies pl bop : Start new page. Should only be used with pleop(). pl box : This draws a box around the current viewport. pl box3 : This is the 3-d analogue of plbox(). pl col0 : Set color, map 0. Argument is integer between 0 and 15. pl col1 : Set color, map 1. Argument is a float between 0. and 1. pl cont : Draws a contour plot from data in f(nx,ny). pl did2pc : Converts input values from relative device coordinates to relative plot coordinates. pl dip2dc : Converts input values from relative plot coordinates to relative device coordinates. pl env : Simple interface for defining viewport and window. pl eop : End current page. Should only be used with plbop(). pl errx : Plot horizontal error bars (xmin(i),y(i)) to (xmax(i),y(i)) pl erry : Plot vertical error bars (x,ymin(i)) to (x(i),ymax(i)) pl famadv : Advance to the next family file on the next new page pl fill : Pattern fills the polygon bounded by the input points. pl font : Sets the global font flag to 'ifont'. pl fontld : Load specified font set. pl gchr : Get character default height and current (scaled) height. pl gcol0 : Returns 8 bit RGB values for given color from color map 0. pl gdev : Get the device (keyword) name pl gdidev : Retrieve current window into device space. pl gdiori : Get plot orientation . pl gdiplt : Retrieve current window into plot space. pl gesc : Get the escape character for text strings. pl gfam : Get family file parameters. pl gfnam : Get the output file name. pl glevel : Get the current run level. pl gpage : Get output device parameters. pl gra : Switches to graphics screen. pl gspa : Get subpage boundaries in absolute coordinates. pl gver : Get the current library version number. pl gxax : Get x axis labeling parameters. pl gyax : Get y axis labeling parameters. pl gzax : Get z axis labeling parameters. pl hist : Draws a histogram of n values of a variable in array data[0..n-1]. pltclgen not able to handle Tcl Matricies yet. pl hls : Set current color (map 0) by hue, lightness, and saturation. pl init : Initializes PLplot, using preset or default options. pl join : Draws a line segment from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). pl lab : Simple routine for labelling graphs. pl lightsource : sets the position of the light source pl line : Draws line segments connecting a series of points. pl line3 : Draws a line in 3 space. pltclgen... pl lsty : Set line style. pl mesh : Plots a mesh representation of the function z[x][y]. pl mtex : Prints out "text" at specified position relative to viewport. pl pat : Set fill pattern directly. pl plflush : Flushes the output stream. Use sparingly, if at all. pl plot3d : Plots a 3-d representation of the function z[x][y]. pl plotsh3d : Plots a surface shaded 3-d representation of the function z[x][y]. pl poin : Plots array y against x for n points using ASCII code "code". pl poin3 : Draws a series of points in 3 space. pl poly3 : Draws a polygon in 3 space. pl prec : Set the floating point precision (in number of places) in numeric labels. pl psty : Set fill pattern, using one of the predefined patterns. pl ptex : Prints out "text" at world cooordinate (x,y). pl rename : changes the Tcl command name of the object pl replot : Replays contents of plot buffer to current device/file. pl rgb : Set line color by red, green, blue from 0. to 1. pl rgb1 : Set line color by 8 bit RGB values. pl schr : Set character height. pl scmap0 : Set color map 0 colors by 8 bit RGB values. pl scmap0n : Set number of colors in cmap 0. pl scmap1 : Set color map 1 colors by 8 bit RGB values. pl scmap1l : Set color map 1 colors using a piece-wise linear relationship between intensity [0,1] (cmap 1 index) and position in HLS or RGB color space. pl scmap1n : Set number of colors in cmap 1. pl scol0 : Set a given color from color map 0 by 8 bit RGB value. pl scolbg : Set the background color by 8 bit RGB value. pl scolor : Used to globally turn color output on/off. pl sdev : Set the device (keyword) name pl sdidev : Set window into device space using margin, aspect ratio, and justification. pl sdimap : Set up transformation from metafile coordinates. pl sdiori : Set plot orientation, specifying rotation in units of pi/2. pl sdiplt : Set window into plot space. pl sdiplz : Set window into plot space incrementally (zoom). pl sesc : Set the escape character for text strings. pl setopt : Process input strings, treating them as an option and argument pair. pl sfam : Set family file parameters pl sfnam : Set the output file name. pl shade : Shade region. pl smaj : Set up lengths of major tick marks. pl smin : Set up lengths of minor tick marks. pl sori : Set orientation. Must be done before calling plinit. pl spage : Set output device parameters. Usually ignored by the driver. pl spause : Set the pause (on end-of-page) status. pl sstrm : Set stream number. pl ssub : Set the number of subwindows in x and y. pl ssym : Set symbol height. pl styl : Set up a new line style. pl svpa : Sets the edges of the viewport to the specified absolute coordinates. pl sxax : Set x axis labeling parameters. pl syax : Set y axis labeling parameters. pl sym : Plots array y against x for n points using Hershey symbol "code". pl szax : Set z axis labeling parameters. pl text : Switches to text screen. pl vasp : Sets the edges of the viewport with the given aspect ratio, leaving room for labels. pl vpas : Creates the largest viewport of the specified aspect ratio that fits within the specified normalized subpage coordinates. pl vpor : Creates a viewport with the specified normalized subpage coordinates. pl vsta : Defines a "standard" viewport with seven character heights for the left margin and four character heights everywhere else. pl w3d : Set up a window for three-dimensional plotting. pl wid : Set pen width. pl wind : Set up world coordinates of the viewport boundaries (2d plots).