TKSQL : ALPHA V0.0.0 -------------------- What ? browser Oracle database Need ? Unix (Tcl 7.5/Tk 4.1 minimum) OraTcl Where ? France,Paris, at GTIE IGL By ? Regis d'Aubarede at GTIE-IGL When ? by night, when raining... License ? :) Install ------- nothing ( tksql.tcl in directory in PATH) First line to modify : #!/... Loggin ----- when connect for the first time to a base , tksql create at $HOME a file .initsql_ . This is do for don't consult view user_objects at each time (very slow on my machine). If your base is modify (create/drop table) , you chould destroy .inisql_??? Configure --------- for consult, nothing : tksql consult USER_OBJECT and USER_TAB_COLUMNS for working basicely. For navigate from table to table , you should create the file $HOME/.init_tksql_ for specifiate relation beetwin table : >file dept "Salary of dept" EMP {deptno=:depno} To Do ----- Many I think the more originale is made and is working well. All the kitchen is to do fore to have better then DISCOVERY 2000 I would like generate "automatiquely" the description of association by consult CONSTRAINTE and/or a export from AMC/DESIGNOR Help ---- I need a good course of english (as you can see) I need oratcl on WINNT, and i have'nt C Compiler Future ------ Raining while stopp perhaps. So i am not sure to developpe more