This perfmeter for Sybase requires the VUW widgets enhancement for Tk. Included in this directory is the vuw-widgets source and some diffs for hacked Tk sourcefiles (I chose to splice them directly into Tk rather than build them like an extension. You may choose otherwise). You need Tcl (at least 7.5) Tk (at least 4.1) TclX (at least 7.5a) sybtcl (at least 2.3) vuw widgets (included) to make this tool work. The file is a PostScript dump of the running perfmeter, so that you can see how it will look after you get it working (so you can tell whether you think it's worth the effort :-) ) I find this tool very useful, and I hope you will also. There are other free sybase perfmeters, an ascii one like netstat called sysbtat, and its X11 cousin called xsybmon. xsybmon requires Motif libraries, so I haven't built it. I wrote syperf in a day and a half instead. (Most of which was spent tweaking and tweaking the fine positions of the widgets in the frame and fooling about with the minima and maxima of the meters). You may want to get into the code and change those mins and maxes, by the way. Your server will not look the same as my server. -- de