Installation: Change "wishx" to "wish" in case you don't have "wishx". Set "MAILER" to your preferred email program (in UNIX). Start the program. Select something that contains URL's/email address and mouse over "A". You can mouse over "E" to type something. If you want to activate by binding it to a key in your window manager (unix) then type csplit -k -f hotkey detectors.tcl '%HOTKEY%+1' /^}/ Bind a key binding to "hotkey00" (file extracted above). What is it? Are you tired of slicing/dicing and trigger programs based on the text you cut? Tired to cutting URLS and pasting them in a web browser? Tired of doing nslookup on an IP address? And then telneting to that address Cuting an email address and then pasting it in an email program? Then you need...... Detectors: A cool gadget to trigger actions based on the selection/CLIPBOARD How does it work? Say you highlight some text in UNIX or Windows (hit Copy/Cut). You move over the detector gadget and it will parse the selection in the clipboard using the various detectors. Any detector that triggers will build a button with the "trigger" text and map it to an appropriate action. The user now has the option to click on the button and launch the action. You can dynamically enable/disable a detector based on the work you are performing at that time. Platforms/Requirements? Unix/Windows Wish 8.0.x (Wishx preferred) (Mac users check out Bundled Detectors? Detector: IP Regex: IP (Match an IP address.) Action: Launch "telnet IPaddress" Detector: Hostname Regex: *.com (Match a hostname) Action: Lauch "telnet hostname" Detector: Email Regex: (Match an email address) Action: Launch "MAILER address" Detector: WWW Regex: https?/www* (Match simple web address) Action: Launch web browser Detector: corpid Regex: our company specific employee identifier Action: Launch web browser to get employee info Detector: TEMPLATE A template to build future detectors Future Detectors? I don't have a need for these but if someone writes them, I will bundle them: SSN: If you have to deal with social security numbers, and do lookups Zipcode City, State: Get the map from yahoo/mapquest Telephone: Call someone Use POOL package to look for URL'S. My thoughts? We have been using this for a while in my group and its helped speed up our daily work. I got the idea for this from Apple Computers, Inc Comments, question, send email to Ashish Desai May 28,1999