1. Document Object Model Requirements

1.6 Stylesheet Object Model [After Level 1]

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is one model for manipulating the style of the document. The Stylesheet Object Model exposes the ability to create, modify, and associate CSS style sheets with the document. The stylesheet model will be extensible to other stylesheet formats in the future.

  1. All style sheets will be represented in the object model.
  2. There will be a CSS stylesheet model. The CSS object model will be defined as part of a stylesheet embedding model, where the core part of the model may be applicable to other style languages.
  3. Selectors, rules and properties of individual style sheets can be added, removed and changed.
  4. All elements of a CSS style can be added, removed, and changed in the object model. This includes but is not limited to:
    1. linked style sheets
    2. imported style sheets
    3. alternative style sheets
    4. CSS pseudo-classes and CSS pseudo-elements
    5. contextual selectors
    6. inline styles
    7. All properties as defined in the CSS specification, including but not limited to font properties, colors, backgrounds, and box properties.