1. Document Object Model Requirements

1.1 General Requirements

  1. References to XML and HTML documents generally denote the physical files that contain structural markup.
  2. Some requirements are not implemented in DOM Level 1. Those requirements are identified in this document with the notation [After Level 1].

Listed below are the general requirements of the Document Object Model.

  1. The Object Model is language neutral and platform independent.
  2. There will be a core DOM that is applicable to HTML, CSS and XML documents.
  3. The Object Model can be used to construct and deconstruct the document.
  4. The Object Model will not preclude use by either agents external to the document content, or scripts embedded within the document.
  5. Consistent naming conventions must be used through all levels of the Object Model.
  6. A visual UI component will not be required for a conforming implementation of the Object Model.
  7. The specific HTML, CSS or XML document object models will be driven by the underlying constructs of those languages.
  8. It must be possible to read in a document and write out a structurally isomorphic document.
  9. The Object Model will not expose the user to problems with security, validity, or privacy.
  10. The Object Model will not preclude other mechanisms for manipulating documents.