This diagram illustrates a possible rendering by a desktop graphical browser of an multi-dimensional example table. The example markup before the table in the document illustrates the use of the "axis" attribute in HTML 4.0.
The caption centered above the table reads "Travel Expense Report".
The axes of the table are:
The first row of the table contains these headers in a serif font: "Meals", "Hotels", "Transport", and "subtotals". The first row group shows expenses in San Jose for those categories on 25 and 26 August 1997. Below that row group, the subtotals of all expenses in San Jose are listed.
The second row group presents similar data for expenses incurred in Seattle on 27 and 28 August. That group is followed by a row of subtitles as well.
The final row of the table presents totaled expenses (for all dates and cities) for "Meals", "Hotels", and "Transport".
Borders separate all cells, header or data.