09 April 2002

Appendix A: IDL Definitions

This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL [OMG IDL] for the Level 3 Document Object Model Abstract Schemas and Load and Save definitions.

The IDL files are also available as: http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-DOM-Level-3-ASLS-20020409/idl.zip


// File: as.idl

#ifndef _AS_IDL_
#define _AS_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"
#include "ls.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module as

  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom::Document Document;
  typedef dom::Element Element;
  typedef dom::Attr Attr;
  typedef dom::Entity Entity;
  typedef dom::Notation Notation;
  typedef dom::DOMImplementation DOMImplementation;
  typedef dom::Node Node;
  typedef dom::NodeList NodeList;
  typedef dom::DOMOutputStream DOMOutputStream;

  interface ASModel;
  interface ASElementDecl;
  interface ASAttributeDecl;
  interface ASEntityDecl;
  interface ASNotationDecl;
  interface ASWElementDecl;
  interface ASWAttributeDecl;
  interface ASWNotationDecl;
  interface ASWEntityDecl;
  interface ASWContentModel;
  interface NodeEditAS;

  exception ASException {
    unsigned short   code;
  // ASExceptionCode
  const unsigned short      DUPLICATE_NAME_ERR             = 1;
  const unsigned short      TYPE_ERR                       = 2;
  const unsigned short      NO_AS_AVAILABLE                = 3;
  const unsigned short      WRONG_MIME_TYPE_ERR            = 4;
  const unsigned short      INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR          = 5;
  const unsigned short      VALIDATION_ERR                 = 6;
  const unsigned short      ACTIVEAS_DELETION_ERR          = 7;

  interface ASConstants {

    // ASObject Types
    const unsigned short      ELEMENT_DECLARATION            = 1;
    const unsigned short      ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION          = 2;
    const unsigned short      NOTATION_DECLARATION           = 3;
    const unsigned short      ENTITY_DECLARATION             = 4;
    const unsigned short      CONTENT_MODEL                  = 5;
    const unsigned short      SCHEMA_MODEL                   = 6;

    // Schema Model types
    const unsigned short      INTERNAL_SUBSET                = 30;
    const unsigned short      EXTERNAL_SUBSET                = 31;
    const unsigned short      NOT_USED                       = 32;

    // Entity Types
    const unsigned short      INTERNAL_ENTITY                = 33;
    const unsigned short      EXTERNAL_ENTITY                = 34;

    // Content Model Types
    const unsigned short      EMPTY_CONTENTTYPE              = 40;
    const unsigned short      SIMPLE_CONTENTTYPE             = 41;
    const unsigned short      ELEMENT_CONTENTTYPE            = 42;
    const unsigned short      MIXED_CONTENTTYPE              = 43;
    const unsigned short      ANY_CONTENTTYPE                = 44;

    // Content model compositors
    const unsigned short      SEQUENCE_CM                    = 50;
    const unsigned short      CHOICE_CM                      = 51;
    const unsigned short      ALL_CM                         = 52;
    const unsigned short      UNDEFINED_CM                   = 53;
    const unsigned short      ATOMIC_CM                      = 54;

    // Value Constraint
    const unsigned short      NONE_VC                        = 0;
    const unsigned short      DEFAULT_VC                     = 60;
    const unsigned short      FIXED_VC                       = 61;
    const unsigned short      REQUIRED_VC                    = 62;

    // Definition of unbounded
    const unsigned long       UNBOUNDED                      = MAX_VALUE;

  interface ASObject {
    readonly attribute unsigned short  objectType;
    readonly attribute ASModel         ownerModel;
    readonly attribute DOMString       rawname;
    readonly attribute DOMString       name;
    readonly attribute DOMString       namespace;
    ASObject           cloneASObject(in boolean deep)

  interface ASDataType {
    readonly attribute unsigned short  dataType;

    const unsigned short      STRING_DATATYPE                = 1;
    const unsigned short      NOTATION_DATATYPE              = 10;
    const unsigned short      ID_DATATYPE                    = 11;
    const unsigned short      IDREF_DATATYPE                 = 12;
    const unsigned short      IDREFS_DATATYPE                = 13;
    const unsigned short      ENTITY_DATATYPE                = 14;
    const unsigned short      ENTITIES_DATATYPE              = 15;
    const unsigned short      NMTOKEN_DATATYPE               = 16;
    const unsigned short      NMTOKENS_DATATYPE              = 17;
    const unsigned short      BOOLEAN_DATATYPE               = 100;
    const unsigned short      FLOAT_DATATYPE                 = 101;
    const unsigned short      DOUBLE_DATATYPE                = 102;
    const unsigned short      DECIMAL_DATATYPE               = 103;
    const unsigned short      HEXBINARY_DATATYPE             = 104;
    const unsigned short      BASE64BINARY_DATATYPE          = 105;
    const unsigned short      ANYURI_DATATYPE                = 106;
    const unsigned short      QNAME_DATATYPE                 = 107;
    const unsigned short      DURATION_DATATYPE              = 108;
    const unsigned short      DATETIME_DATATYPE              = 109;
    const unsigned short      DATE_DATATYPE                  = 110;
    const unsigned short      TIME_DATATYPE                  = 111;
    const unsigned short      GYEARMONTH_DATATYPE            = 112;
    const unsigned short      GYEAR_DATATYPE                 = 113;
    const unsigned short      GMONTHDAY_DATATYPE             = 114;
    const unsigned short      GDAY_DATATYPE                  = 115;
    const unsigned short      GMONTH_DATATYPE                = 116;
    const unsigned short      INTEGER                        = 117;
    const unsigned short      NAME_DATATYPE                  = 200;
    const unsigned short      NCNAME_DATATYPE                = 201;
    const unsigned short      NORMALIZEDSTRING_DATATYPE      = 202;
    const unsigned short      TOKEN_DATATYPE                 = 203;
    const unsigned short      LANGUAGE_DATATYPE              = 204;
    const unsigned short      NONPOSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE    = 205;
    const unsigned short      NEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE       = 206;
    const unsigned short      LONG_DATATYPE                  = 207;
    const unsigned short      INT_DATATYPE                   = 208;
    const unsigned short      SHORT_DATATYPE                 = 209;
    const unsigned short      BYTE_DATATYPE                  = 210;
    const unsigned short      NONNEGATIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE    = 211;
    const unsigned short      UNSIGNEDLONG_DATATYPE          = 212;
    const unsigned short      UNSIGNEDINT_DATATYPE           = 213;
    const unsigned short      UNSIGNEDSHORT_DATATYPE         = 214;
    const unsigned short      UNSIGNEDBYTE_DATATYPE          = 215;
    const unsigned short      POSITIVEINTEGER_DATATYPE       = 216;
    const unsigned short      ANYSIMPLETYPE_DATATYPE         = 216;
    const unsigned short      ANYTYPE_DATATYPE               = 216;

  interface ASObjectList {
    readonly attribute unsigned long   length;
    ASObject           item(in unsigned long index);

  interface ASNamedObjectMap {
    readonly attribute unsigned long   length;
    ASObject           item(in unsigned long index);
    ASObject           getNamedItem(in DOMString name);
    ASObject           getNamedItemNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, 
                                      in DOMString localName);

  interface ASModel : ASObject {
    readonly attribute boolean         namespaceAware;
    readonly attribute unsigned short  usage;
    readonly attribute DOMString       location;
    readonly attribute DOMString       hint;
    readonly attribute boolean         container;
    ASNamedObjectMap   getComponents(in unsigned short objectType);

    // Convenience method to retrive named top-level declarations

    ASElementDecl      getElementDecl(in DOMString name, 
                                      in DOMString targetNamespace);
    ASAttributeDecl    getAttributeDecl(in DOMString name, 
                                        in DOMString targetNamespace);
    ASEntityDecl       getEntityDecl(in DOMString name);
    ASNotationDecl     getNotationDecl(in DOMString name, 
                                       in DOMString targetNamespace);

  interface ASContentModel : ASObject {
    readonly attribute unsigned short  contentModelType;
    readonly attribute unsigned long   minOccurs;
    readonly attribute unsigned long   maxOccurs;
    readonly attribute ASObjectList    subModels;

  interface ASElementDecl : ASObject {
    readonly attribute ASDataType      type;
    readonly attribute unsigned short  contentType;
    readonly attribute boolean         strictMixedContent;
    readonly attribute ASContentModel  contentModel;
    readonly attribute boolean         isPCDataOnly;
    readonly attribute ASNamedObjectMap attributeDecls;
    ASAttributeDecl    getAttributeDecl(in DOMString name, 
                                        in DOMString targetNamespace);

  interface ASAttributeDecl : ASObject {
    readonly attribute ASDataType      type;
    readonly attribute DOMString       enumAttr;
    readonly attribute ASObjectList    ownerElementDeclarations;
    readonly attribute unsigned short  defaultType;
    readonly attribute DOMString       value;

  interface ASEntityDecl : ASObject {
    readonly attribute unsigned short  entityType;
    readonly attribute DOMString       entityValue;
    readonly attribute DOMString       systemId;
    readonly attribute DOMString       publicId;

  interface ASNotationDecl : ASObject {
    readonly attribute DOMString       systemId;
    readonly attribute DOMString       publicId;

  interface ASWModel : ASModel {
    void               setLocation(in DOMString location);
    void               setHint(in DOMString hint);
    void               addComponent(in ASObject declaration);
    void               removeComponent(in ASObject declaration);
    void               addASModel(in ASModel declaration);
    void               removeASModel(in ASModel declaration);
    ASObjectList       getASModels();
    ASObject           importASObject(in ASObject asobject);
    void               insertASObject(in ASObject asobject);
    boolean            validate();
    ASWElementDecl     createASWElementDecl(in DOMString namespaceURI, 
                                            in DOMString name)
    ASWAttributeDecl   createASWAttributeDecl(in DOMString namespaceURI, 
                                              in DOMString name)
    ASWNotationDecl    createASWNotationDecl(in DOMString namespaceURI, 
                                             in DOMString name, 
                                             in DOMString systemId, 
                                             in DOMString publicId)
    ASWEntityDecl      createASWEntityDecl(in DOMString name)
    ASWContentModel    createASWContentModel(in DOMString name, 
                                             in DOMString namespaceURI, 
                                             in unsigned long minOccurs, 
                                             in unsigned long maxOccurs, 
                                             in unsigned short operator)

  interface ASWNamedObjectMap : ASNamedObjectMap {
    ASObject           removeNamedItem(in DOMString name)
    ASObject           setNamedItem(in ASObject newASObject)
    ASObject           setNamedItemNS(in ASObject arg)
    ASObject           removeNamedItemNS(in DOMString namespaceURI, 
                                         in DOMString localName)

  interface ASWElementDecl : ASElementDecl {
    void               setRawname(in DOMString rawname);
    void               setName(in DOMString name);
    void               setNamespace(in DOMString namespaceURI);
    void               setStrictMixedContent(in boolean mixedContent);
    void               setType(in ASDataType type);
    void               setContentType(in unsigned short contentType);
    void               setContentModel(in ASWContentModel contentModel);
    void               addAttributeDecl(in ASWAttributeDecl attributeDecl);
    ASWAttributeDecl   removeAttributeDecl(in ASWAttributeDecl attributeDecl);

  interface ASWContentModel : ASContentModel {
    void               setName(in DOMString name);
    void               setNamespaceURI(in DOMString namespaceURI);
    void               setContentModelType(in unsigned short operator);
    void               setMinOccurs(in unsigned long minOccurs);
    void               setMaxOccurs(in unsigned long maxOccurs);
    void               removeSubModel(in ASObject oldObject);
    ASObject           insertBeforeSubModel(in ASObject newObject, 
                                            in ASObject refObject)
    unsigned long      appendSubModel(in ASObject newObject)

  interface ASWAttributeDecl : ASAttributeDecl {
    void               setRawname(in DOMString rawname);
    void               setName(in DOMString name);
    void               setNamespaceURI(in DOMString namespaceURI);
    void               setType(in ASDataType type);
    void               setValue(in DOMString value);
    void               setEnumAttr(in DOMString enumeration);
    void               setDefaultType(in unsigned short constraint);

  interface ASWEntityDecl : ASEntityDecl {
    void               setRawname(in DOMString rawname);
    void               setEntityType(in unsigned short type);
    void               setEntityValue(in DOMString value);
    void               setSystemId(in DOMString systemId);
    void               setPublicId(in DOMString publicId);

  interface ASWNotationDecl : ASNotationDecl {
    void               setRawname(in DOMString rawname);
    void               setName(in DOMString name);
    void               setNamespaceURI(in DOMString namespaceURI);
    void               setSystemId(in DOMString systemId);
    void               setPublicId(in DOMString publicId);

  interface DocumentAS : Document {
             attribute ASModel         activeASModel;
             attribute ASObjectList    boundASModels;
    ASModel            getInternalAS();
    void               setInternalAS(in ASModel as)
    void               addAS(in ASModel as);
    void               removeAS(in ASModel as)
    ASElementDecl      getElementDecl(in Element node)
    ASAttributeDecl    getAttributeDecl(in Attr node)
    ASEntityDecl       getEntityDecl(in Entity node)
    ASNotationDecl     getNotationDecl(in Notation node)
    void               validate()

  interface DOMImplementationAS : DOMImplementation {
    ASWModel           createASWModel(in boolean isNamespaceAware, 
                                      in boolean container, 
                                      in DOMString schemaType);

  interface DocumentEditAS : NodeEditAS {
             attribute boolean         continuousValidityChecking;

  interface NodeEditAS : Node {

    // ASCheckType
    const unsigned short      WF_CHECK                       = 1;
    const unsigned short      NS_WF_CHECK                    = 2;
    const unsigned short      PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK         = 3;
    const unsigned short      STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK          = 4;

    boolean            canInsertBefore(in Node newChild, 
                                       in Node refChild);
    boolean            canRemoveChild(in Node oldChild);
    boolean            canReplaceChild(in Node newChild, 
                                       in Node oldChild);
    boolean            canAppendChild(in Node newChild);
    boolean            isNodeValid(in boolean deep, 
                                   in unsigned short wFValidityCheckLevel)

  interface ElementEditAS : NodeEditAS {
    readonly attribute NodeList        definedElementTypes;
    unsigned short     contentType();
    boolean            canSetAttribute(in DOMString attrname, 
                                       in DOMString attrval);
    boolean            canSetAttributeNode(in Attr attrNode);
    boolean            canSetAttributeNS(in DOMString name, 
                                         in DOMString attrval, 
                                         in DOMString namespaceURI);
    boolean            canRemoveAttribute(in DOMString attrname);
    boolean            canRemoveAttributeNS(in DOMString attrname, 
                                            in DOMString namespaceURI);
    boolean            canRemoveAttributeNode(in Node attrNode);
    NodeList           getChildElements();
    NodeList           getParentElements();
    NodeList           getAttributeList();
    boolean            isElementDefined(in DOMString elemTypeName);
    boolean            isElementDefinedNS(in DOMString elemTypeName, 
                                          in DOMString namespaceURI, 
                                          in DOMString name);

  interface CharacterDataEditAS : NodeEditAS {
    readonly attribute boolean         isWhitespaceOnly;
    boolean            canSetData(in unsigned long offset, 
                                  in unsigned long count);
    boolean            canAppendData(in DOMString arg);
    boolean            canReplaceData(in unsigned long offset, 
                                      in unsigned long count, 
                                      in DOMString arg);
    boolean            canInsertData(in unsigned long offset, 
                                     in DOMString arg);
    boolean            canDeleteData(in unsigned long offset, 
                                     in unsigned long count);

  interface ASDOMBuilder : ls::DOMBuilder {
             attribute ASWModel        abstractSchema;
    ASWModel           parseASURI(in DOMString uri, 
                                  in DOMString schemaType)
    ASWModel           parseASInputSource(in ls::DOMInputSource is, 
                                          in DOMString schemaType)

  interface ASDOMWriter : ls::DOMWriter {
    void               writeASModel(in DOMOutputStream destination, 
                                    in ASModel model)

#endif // _AS_IDL_


// File: ls.idl

#ifndef _LS_IDL_
#define _LS_IDL_

#include "dom.idl"
#include "events.idl"
#include "traversal.idl"

#pragma prefix "dom.w3c.org"
module ls

  typedef dom::DOMString DOMString;
  typedef dom::Node Node;
  typedef dom::DOMInputStream DOMInputStream;
  typedef dom::DOMReader DOMReader;
  typedef dom::DOMErrorHandler DOMErrorHandler;
  typedef dom::Document Document;
  typedef dom::DOMOutputStream DOMOutputStream;
  typedef dom::DOMError DOMError;

  interface DOMBuilder;
  interface DOMWriter;
  interface DOMInputSource;
  interface DOMWriterFilter;

  interface DOMImplementationLS {

    // DOMIMplementationLSMode
    const unsigned short      MODE_SYNCHRONOUS               = 1;
    const unsigned short      MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS              = 2;

    DOMBuilder         createDOMBuilder(in unsigned short mode, 
                                        in DOMString schemaType)
    DOMWriter          createDOMWriter();
    DOMInputSource     createDOMInputSource();

  interface DocumentLS {
             attribute boolean         async;
                                        // raises(dom::DOMException) on setting

    void               abort();
    boolean            load(in DOMString uri);
    boolean            loadXML(in DOMString source);
    DOMString          saveXML(in Node snode)

  interface DOMInputSource {
             attribute DOMInputStream  byteStream;
             attribute DOMReader       characterStream;
             attribute DOMString       stringData;
             attribute DOMString       encoding;
             attribute DOMString       publicId;
             attribute DOMString       systemId;
             attribute DOMString       baseURI;

  interface DOMEntityResolver {
    DOMInputSource     resolveEntity(in DOMString publicId, 
                                     in DOMString systemId, 
                                     in DOMString baseURI)

  interface DOMBuilderFilter {
    const unsigned short      FILTER_INTERRUPT               = 4;
    unsigned short     startContainer(in Node snode);
    unsigned short     acceptNode(in Node enode);
    readonly attribute unsigned long   whatToShow;

  interface DOMBuilder {
             attribute DOMEntityResolver entityResolver;
             attribute DOMErrorHandler errorHandler;
             attribute DOMBuilderFilter filter;
    void               setFeature(in DOMString name, 
                                  in boolean state)
    boolean            canSetFeature(in DOMString name, 
                                     in boolean state);
    boolean            getFeature(in DOMString name)
    Document           parseURI(in DOMString uri);
    Document           parse(in DOMInputSource is)

    const unsigned short      ACTION_REPLACE                 = 1;
    const unsigned short      ACTION_APPEND_AS_CHILDREN      = 2;
    const unsigned short      ACTION_INSERT_AFTER            = 3;
    const unsigned short      ACTION_INSERT_BEFORE           = 4;

    void               parseWithContext(in DOMInputSource is, 
                                        in Node cnode, 
                                        in unsigned short action)

  interface DOMWriter {
    void               setFeature(in DOMString name, 
                                  in boolean state)
    boolean            canSetFeature(in DOMString name, 
                                     in boolean state);
    boolean            getFeature(in DOMString name)
             attribute DOMString       encoding;
             attribute DOMString       newLine;
             attribute DOMWriterFilter filter;
             attribute DOMErrorHandler errorHandler;
    boolean            writeNode(in DOMOutputStream destination, 
                                 in Node wnode)
    DOMString          writeToString(in Node wnode)

  interface LSLoadEvent : events::Event {
    readonly attribute Document        newDocument;
    readonly attribute DOMInputSource  inputSource;

  interface LSProgressEvent : events::Event {
    readonly attribute DOMInputSource  inputSource;
    readonly attribute unsigned long   position;
    readonly attribute unsigned long   totalSize;

  interface ParseErrorEvent : events::Event {
    readonly attribute DOMError        error;

  interface DOMWriterFilter : traversal::NodeFilter {
    readonly attribute unsigned long   whatToShow;

#endif // _LS_IDL_