Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #377
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 02 Dec 99       Volume 16 : Issue 377

Today's Topics:

      (Q) req: answering machine s/w
      [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.5.4
      [*] MacTypingTutor 4.7.3
      [*] Meta Tag Manager version 2.0.1
      [*] Polish Nouns 1.3.2 - foreign language learning
      [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.4
      [*] SwitchRes 2.3J - Japanese Version
      [*] Tell Me-MRJ
      [*] Udana 1.0.1 
      [Q] StuffIt Deluxe vs. Expander and DropStuff
      Video on a PowerBook 3400?
      VRML on the Macintosh

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the
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Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 10:52:31 -0500 (EST)
From: Norman Friedman <>

x-Also Etta, Morris, Ken and Ira
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 10:53:46 -0400
From: "Norman R. Friedman" <>
Subject: Busy signal with modem

Using a Performa with internal 28K modem. I had the Mac connected directly
to my telephone line which is not a dedicated line, just my home telephone
line. We have call waiting, but I have included in my IP telephone number
the *70 which cuts off the call waiting. Everything was working fine until
we had to move the Mac with all its attachments to our new home. Now when I
plug the Mac into our phone line (which is working fine), I continuously
get a busy signal with the recording, "If you want to make a call---). I
have called the 800 number directly by phone and do get the connection
noises that are associated with modem connections.  Everything, printers,
etc. are working fine. Suggestions please  and thanks to all in advance.


Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 11:12:28 -0800
From: Richard Glover <>
Subject: (Q) req: answering machine s/w

Can anyone recommend a shareware app that my 603e machine can run 
with my USR 33.6 sportster voice modem to act as a simple telephone 
answering machine?
+-------------------- R i c h a r d  G l o v e r --------------------+        
     "FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. It comes bundled with the software."


Date: 2 Dec 1999
From: Bruce Grubb <>
Subject: [*] Mac-FTP-list, Version 4.5.4

The Mac-FTP-list lists over 150 mac anonymous ftp sites (some with notes),
over 110 Mac web pages, and contains some instructions on how to use anonymous
ftp and find files as well a format chart showing which programs decompress
and decode which files.  Also there is a section on how to use certain files.

This Stuffit Deluxe 5.0 archive contains both the text and html versions of
the Mac-FTP-list.

To ensure that the columns in the Format Chart section line up correctly the
document's text must be in a monospaced font such as Courier 10pt, Monaco 9pt,
or a PC equivalent.

Permission is given for this program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.

Changes: Format chart updated;

Added sites/URLs: None;

Defunct sites/URLs: None;

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mac-ftp-list-454.hqx; 71 K]


Date: 2 Dec 1999
From: "Wm. Rogers" <>
Subject: [*] MacTypingTutor 4.7.3

Registered version can now be delivered by regular mail, or by e-mail at no
extra charge.

MacTypingTutor4.7.3, for PowerMacs only, replaces versions '4.6' to '4.7.21
(but not earlier versions for regular Macs).

MacTypingTutor is a great program for beginning typing students. It uses
five integrated work areas that together teach correct finger placement and
memorization of the keyboard keys. Practice exercises focus on single
letters, letter and number sequences, words, sentences,m paragraphs, and
free typing. The program offers a spelling checker, user-defined speed
goals, score sheets, time tracking with rest signals, and many other
helpful features.  MacTypingTutor can be used for regular typing or Dvorak
typing. The program also now offers "spoken prompts" and "talking keys" as
an option. There also are one hand versions for left- or right-handed

MacTypingTutor4.7.1 is for Power Macs only; download MacTypingTutor4.3 or
earlier for use on regular Macs.

Ask for details about all program versions at or visit site
at  (PC Windows version now available: write

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/mac-typing-tutor-473.hqx; 468 K]


Date: 1 Dec 1999
From: Christopher Yavelow <>
Subject: [*] Meta Tag Manager version 2.0.1

Meta Tag Manager is the first and only software of its kind for the
Macintosh. Meta Tag Manager is the ultimate tool for fine-tuning and
optimizing a document's meta tags. This process can enhance a page's search
engine relevancy ranking and assure that queries that should find a
particular page, do in fact find that page. Anyone creating webpages should
be using Meta Tag Manager.

Version 2.0 sports a new interface, OS9 compatibility, and new defaults.
Support for more file types, more meta tags, drag-and-drop, and several new
menus have been added. All user requests have been addressed. The
restrictions for unregistered copies of the program have been somewhat
relaxed. The key restriction is that unregistered users cannot use the
batch-processing features.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/html/meta-tag-manager-201-ppc.hqx; 1711 K]


Date: 2 Dec 1999
From: Jacek Iwanski <>
Subject: [*] Polish Nouns 1.3.2 - foreign language learning

'Polish Nouns' is a module for the 'Verbs & Nouns' and 'V&N Lookup'
programs. It will be useful to English speakers who are learning Polish.
You can use it for looking up words, practising vocabulary, and declension
of nouns. It consists of more than 13,000 fully inflected nouns. I am
continually improving and enlarging this dictionary. The unregistered
version has limitations.

You can download the latest versions of the 'Verbs & Nouns' and 'V&N
Lookup' applications from the WWW page:
<> or from the Info-Mac mirror

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/polish-nouns-132.hqx; 1803 K]


Date: 1 Dec 1999
From: DXoft Technical Support <>
Subject: [*] Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.4

Software & Hardware Tracker 3.3.4
by DXoft <>

A CNET/ "Premiere" and "Top Pick" and a BizProWeb "Pick of the
Day", Software & Hardware Tracker is a collection of FileMaker Pro 3.0/4.0
relational databases which will help you collect, store and organize useful
information (such as registration codes, serial numbers, product notes,
etc.) about all your computer products (hardware and software). Relying on
the standard Internet Config system, Software & Hardware Tracker is
perfectly integrated with your other Internet software. It also keeps track
of all your contact information for software and hardware developers,
distributors and places of purchase, turning it into a powerful contact and
Internet bookmark manager.

Software & Hardware Tracker is compatible with FileMaker Pro 5 once
converted to the new version's file format. The conversion happens
automatically when one opens Software & Hardware Tracker using FileMaker Pro
5 or later.

Software & Hardware Tracker is being distributed as shareware. Several
registration and upgrade options are available. Registrations are handled by
Kagi Shareware.

For the latest versions of DXoft shareware, visit our home page located at

Thanks for supporting shareware!

[Archived as /info-mac/data/soft-hard-tracker-334.hqx; 2699 K]


Date: 2 Dec 1999
Subject: [*] SwitchRes 2.3J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the SwitchRes package.

Rated 5 Cows (highest rating) by Tucows:

SwitchRes is a little utility that will allow you to switch the
resolution of all your monitors. You can access to all the resolutions
of all your displays in a simple, customizable menu. SwitchRes
incorporates features from the Monitor Resolution, Monitor BitDepth, and
Video Mirroring Control Strip Modules bundled with your system. You can
use its menu in the Menu Bar, use its provided Control Strip Module, or
click on the Finder Desktop with its Contextual Menu Plugin.

SwitchRes has an extensive list of features:

*You can show and use all available resolutions of your video card, 
not just those limited by your monitor. For example, 20 video modes 
are available on my PowerMac 7300 internal video board. Enjoy your 
Apple 15" monitor in 1024 x 768, or 640 x 480 in 120Hz ! 
*SwitchRes is totally configurable. You can define which resolutions 
are really accessible, and which will require a confirmation. 
*You can also create display sets which will allow you to change the 
resolution and the depth of all your monitors with just one mouse 
click, or just one key. With this new version, you can add scripts to 
display sets. That gives SwitchRes the ability to launch a script with
just one key, or when an application is launched... 
*You can save the position of the icons on your desktop, independently
from one resolution to the other, unlike the Finder. The position of 
the icons is restored at startup. 
*You can assign a specific set to an application, so that every time 
you use this application, your Mac will automatically switch to your 
predefined resolutions. You will find this extremely useful for most 
*You can script SwitchRes for resolutions and color depth changes. 
SwitchRes is even recordable: When SwitchRes is running, every 
resolution change is automatically recorded in the script editor 

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/switch-res-23-jp.hqx; 672 K]


Date: 2 Dec 1999
From: "Stephen J. Wright" <>
Subject: [*] Tell Me-MRJ

Tell Me-MRJ: a free AppleScript utility. Great for your Automated
Tasks folder.

An AppleScript script application that tells what version of the
file "MRJLib" is resident on your startup disk.

Compatibility (as-is) with MacOS versions later than 8.1 is
unknown.  If the path searched by the script is incorrect, feel
free to edit this as appropriate.

Thanks for downloading

Steve Wright.

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/osa/tell-me-mrj.hqx; 4 K]


Date: 1 Dec 1999
From: Brian Kelley 
Subject: [*] Udana 1.0.1 


Exclamations of Buddha The Udana is a collection of short sutras,
each culminating in a short verse uttered by the Buddha. "Udana --
Exclamations of Buddha" randomly generates one of those verses each time
it is opened, making it a nice addition to the Startup Items folder.
Additionally, clicking on the quotation will generate a new verse. The
verses can be saved as text files, and printed from the "File" menu.
"Udana -- Exclamations of Buddha" is made available for free, as a gift
of Dharma. 

Brian Kelley 

[Archived as /info-mac/app/udana-101.hqx; 843 K]


Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 00:20:12 -0500
From: Ken Laskey <>
Subject: [Q] StuffIt Deluxe vs. Expander and DropStuff

I'm considering getting StuffIt Deluxe but what I have been unable to 
find is a concise description of what I get in Deluxe that I don't 
get in Expander + DropStuff.  I use ZipIt to deal with creating and 
expanding zip archives, so that isn't compelling.  What is?

Ken Laskey


Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 21:39:54 -0200
From: "Joao C. Portinari" <>
Subject: Video on a PowerBook 3400?

I would be grateful if any of you Mac gurus would advise me on how to 
capture, edit and present video on a PowerBook 3400c/240.

I need to produce multimedia presentations that would show video 
clips made from existing material on analog sources such as VHS tapes.

What would be, in your opinion, the best hw/sw choice for this purpose?

Thanks in advance,



Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 18:13:32 +0100
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: VRML on the Macintosh

A friend of mine gave me a set of VRML files made on Windows machine.
Which is the best application or Netscape plug-in for viewing VRML files?
I found CosmoPlayer, but it's still beta release, and would like to find
something more.

**   Arch. Paolo Bartoli
**   (



End of Info-Mac Digest