H O T F I X 3 F O R A M U 3 . 1 0 B Installationprerequisite : AMU 3.10B Related ticket : - ET0000043948 Contents of the fix : krnlstep.dll 758.623 17.02.2000 krnphys.dll 231.512 21.03.2000 arcsqle.dll 253.891 24.02.2000 arcbsql.bnd 13.111 24.02.2000 arcsqle.bnd 76.208 24.02.2000 arcsqlen.bnd 2.352 24.02.2000 Hotfix 3 contains any older Hotfixes for AMU 3.10B Installation : - End AMU Software - End DAS Software, if installed - Save the existing original file(s) - Open a OS/2 Window - Change to the C:\AMU\DLL directory - Rename the original file(s) Example: [C:\amu\dll] rename krnlstep.dll krnlstep.org [C:\amu\dll] rename krnphys.dll krnphys.org [C:\amu\dll] rename arcsqle.dll arcsqle.org - Change to the C:\AMU directory - Rename the original file(s) Example: [C:\amu] rename arcbsql.bnd arcbsql.org [C:\amu] rename arcsqle.bnd arcsqle.org [C:\amu] rename arcsqlen.bnd arcsqlen.org - Install the Fix - Extract the Hotfixfile in c:\amu\temp - copy c:\amu\temp\krnlstep.dll c:\amu\dll - copy c:\amu\temp\krnphys.dll c:\amu\dll - copy c:\amu\temp\arcsqle.dll c:\amu\dll - copy c:\amu\temp\arcbsql.bnd c:\amu - copy c:\amu\temp\arcsqle.bnd c:\amu - copy c:\amu\temp\arcsqlen.bnd c:\amu - Rebind Database ABBA - Change to the C:\AMU directory and call arcbndit [C:\amu] arcbndit.cmd - During the bindings the system askes for Logon USER ID: AMUADMIN PASSWORD: RASPUTIN is the standard password Description -krnlsetp.dll : Corrected switch normal if no or only one host are configured. -krnphys.dll : Affected systems are AML/2 and AML/E with Drive Control Interface (DCI) Corrected problems with RC 0420 'cartridge not ejected' In different situations following could happen - wrong database rollback - cartridge was moved to a wrong homeposition -arcsqle.dll : Corrected following situation 000000 <01052> "The module ARC ended normally" in case of commands which are working with AMU poolnames. -arcbsql.bnd : Bind files for database arcsqle.bnd arcsqlen.bnd ADIC-Grau Storage Systems, 24.03.2000