Kaws Interview


Art Crimes: What do you think of the way graffiti has been documented?
Kaws: It's ok, could be better. I would like to see a more rounded view of the artists. Things like what their habits of painting are, what they do on paper or canvas and what preparations they take before painting. Most documenting of graffiti is just picture books.

Art Crimes: When did you get on the internet and what do you think of documenting graffiti on the internet?
Kaws: I got on the internet just recently (1996). I didn't get on sooner because I thought I might get sidetracked from doing my work. Sure enough, here I am.
Documenting graff on the internet is ok, but I think it's a little lacking because not that many writers have access to a computer and the internet. There are people trying to make things happen, such as ART CRIMES, which seems to be a well put together site. Also, ON THE GO magazine has a chat room on AOL. The more people you can reach the more power to you. If we all start getting arrested my opinion will change.

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