Art Crimes: When did you start
writing? How did you get started? Kaws: My first interest
in graffitti came when I was in grammar school, around '87 or '88 I was about
twelve years old. I did not know much about writing, I just knew that I liked to
write my name everywhere I could in my neighborhood. At that time I knew nothing
about the world of graff that was happening in New York. I just knew the few
names I saw around my area. Later on, around '91. I started getting into bombing
on a more serious level,trying to cover larger areas of Jersey and Manhattan,
especially Soho. From there I got interested in piecing and doing large walls.
As soon as I did my first piece I was hooked. I just started painting as much
as possible,wherever I could. I was a fiend and still am to this
day. | |
Art Crimes: What crews are you in or
have you been down with? Kaws: I have been down with a
number of crews since I started writing. The only ones I represent today are DF,
FC and TC5.
Art Crimes: Who influenced you in the beginning?
Do you count anyone as an influence on your current
work? Kaws: In the beginning my influences were just local
kids. They were all I knew of. The first person who brought me out painting was
T.DEE. We did alot of bombing and piecing then and he is still one of my closest
partners. My influences today are mostly the people I paint with and my teachers
at school. I find that aside from painting alone it is most rewarding to
paint with the people you respect and whose work you
admire. | |