Dare, page 23 - RIP

Artwork is © copyright 2010 the artists. See Dare's site at www.dare.ch and vonkoeding.ch and his original pages on Art Crimes starting here. Please send corrections and additions to info@graffiti.org .

Photos thanks to Daim, in Hamburg, Germany:
07081_uf_dare_x.jpg 07082_uf_dare_x.jpg dai01797_dare_x.jpg mrf07315_dare_x.jpg mrf17366_dare_x.jpg

dareecb_85x53.5_2003_dare_x.jpg with ecb 02852_dare_x.jpg with Reso

02857_dare_x.jpg with Dream 04728b_dare_x.jpg with ecb and Reso

07083_uf_dare_x.jpg with Swet

07084_uf_dare_x.jpg with Swet

dai02353_dare_x.jpg with ? and Daim

swetdare01872_dare_x.jpg with Swet

youoweusnothinginreturn04653_dare_x.jpg with Reso, "You Owe Us Nothing In Return"

More of Dare's art can be found in the incredible Urban Discipline show catalogs. These books are out of print but available for free viewing online:

Urban Discipline 2002 - http://issuu.com/getting-up/docs/urban-discipline-2002/16
Urban Discipline 2001 - http://issuu.com/getting-up/docs/urban-discipline-2001/80
Urban Discipline 2000 - http://issuu.com/getting-up/docs/urban-discipline-2000/64

Thanks to Daim and Getting Up for making these available.


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