Complete Assembly '94 results:

  PC Demo Competition

  1. 901 points,  Verses               by  Electromotive Force
  2. 726 points,  Holistic             by  Cascada VR-section
  3. 413 points,  Heartquake           by  Iguana
  4. 363 points,  Warp                 by  Legend Design
  5. 233 points,  Images               by  Epical
  6. 230 points,  The Real Thing       by  Capacala
  7. 154 points,  Catch Up             by  Grif
  8. 149 points,  Silence              by  Hysteria
  9. 144 points,  Cosmic Brothers      by  Complex
 10. 135 points,  2 cents              by  Mental Design
 11. 128 points,  The Final Option     by  Phantom Design
 12. 117 points,  Tempesta             by  Soft One Productions
 13. 115 points,  Trekmo               by  Patrick Aalto
 14. 96 points,   Uneatable            by  TC
 15. 91 points,   Visions of Light     by  Valhalla
 16. 74 points,   Fly                  by  Anjovis
 17. 61 points,   Meltdown             by  SPA
 18. 50 points,   Fairy Tale           by  Styx
 19. 49 points,   Accident             by  Axidental
 20. 24 points,   Dawn                 by  Tai
 21. 11 points,   The Mo               by  Demons

  PC 64KB Intro Competition

  1. 1075 points, AirFrame             by  Prime
  2. 586 points,  Space Jam            by  Fascination
  3. 426 points,  Fyvush               by  Jamm
  4. 425 points,  Placebo              by  Complex
  5. 284 points,  Psychic Flight       by  Spirit
  6. 282 points,  The Magic Circle     by  TET
  7. 277 points,  Peace & Honey        by  MindProbe
  8. 275 points,  Passion              by  Doomsday Productions
  9. 229 points,  Dash                 by  Paragon
 10. 225 points,  4Kings               by  Orange

  PC 4KB Intro Competition

  1. 810 points,  Stoned               by  Dust
  2. 666 points,  Spam4kb              by  xToto/Valhalla
  3. 617 points,  Optimize             by  Feenix/Epical
  4. 518 points,  Fractals             by  Schwarz
  5. 469 points,  Move                 by  Chicken/SP!
  6. 370 points,  Fractal Dreams       by  Wizard/Mental Design
  7. 244 points,  '3940'               by
  8. 239 points,  Virtuosys            by  Sb/Remal
  9. 173 points,  JustdoIt             by  Megaduo/Grif
 10. 137 points,  Happi Happi Joy Joy  by  P-nut/Darkzone
 11. 79 points,   Plasmatic            by  Zden

  4 Channel Music Competition

  1. 1031 points,  Compulsion to Obey    by  Lizardking/Razor1911
  2. 572 points,   Blue shoe Blues       by  Petroff/Absolute
  3. 536 points,   Tappajakotka & pupu   by  Yolk/Parallax
  4. 469 points,   Blue Progression      by  Buzzer/Zenon & Yzi/Fit
  5. 468 points,   Alnite Groove         by  Dizzy/Cncd
  6. 449 points,   Vote4me               by  Leinad/Avalanche
  7. 408 points,   Thunderball           by  Dime/Decnite
  8. 365 points,   Sensitivity           by  Light
  9. 358 points,   Berrycape.bu1         by  Nutcase/Balance
 10. 333 points,   Happypaskamies        by  Moby/Sanity

  32 Channel Music Competition

  1. 840 points,   Walkaway               by  Stargazer/Sonic
  2. 650 points,   Journey                by  Cube/Aggression
  3. 520 points,   Klaustrophobia         by  Lizardking/Triton
  4. 447 points,   When The Heavens Fall  by  Purple Motion/Future Crew
  5. 440 points,   Infinity               by  Khyron/Acid
  6. 429 points,   Empty Mind             by  Edge/EMF
  7. 429 points,   Lil'funk Machine       by  Vinyl/Mind Probe
  8. 305 points,   Artificial Inteligence by  Prism/EMF
  9. 293 points,   Nobody Dreaming        by  Dune/Sonic PC
 10. 241 points,   Lovesong               by  Chanel5/Flatline

  Amiga Demo Competition

  1. Mindflow by Stellar
  2. Breathtaker by Virtual Dreams - Fairlight
  3. Drool This by Parallax

  Graphics Competition

  1. Destrop/CNCD
  2. R.W.O & Zinko
  3. Louie/Insane

  C64 Demo Competition

  1. ?/Beyond Force
  2. ?/Byterapers
  3. ?/Trinomic

  C64 Music Competition

  1. Genius/Palace
  2. Thor/Extended
  3. Agemixer/Astral

  C64 Graphics Competition

  1. Electrix/Extended
  2. Mire/Panic
  3. Mr.Sex/Byterapers