Numeric-Tools version 1.0 (c) 1999 Masayu Leylia Khodra ( and Yudi Wibisono ( Web Site: Numeric-Tools is Delphi Components that solve mathematical problems numerically. See user guide about installation and detailed information. Numeric-Tools components can solve these problems: 1. Numerical Integration: Methods: - Strip - Newton-Cotes Rule - Romberg - Gauss-Legendre rules 2. Numerical Differentiation Involving Estimating Derivatives: Case 1: if points (x,y) is known Case 2: if derived function (func) and distance inter x (h) is known Methods: - Forward difference approximation - Backward difference approximation - Central difference approximation 3. Interpolating Polynomial Numerically: Case 1 : If some points (x,y) is known, solve by using : - Lagrangian polynomials - Newton polynomials - Newton Gregory polynomials/Difference methods: Case 2 : If a approximated function, interval, and distance of points is known, solve by using method Approximationorward-Backward Newton Gregory 4. Linear Algebraic Equations: Methods : - Gauss elimination - Gauss Jordan Elimination - Inverse Matrix - LU Factorization - Gauss Seidel Iteration - Jacobi Iteration 5. Non-linear Equation: Methods: - Bolzano, also known as method of bisection - Regula Falsi, also known as false position method - Fixed Point - Newton Raphson - Secant Numeric-Tools is shareware (trial version will work when Delphi's IDE is running). Its cost is 20 US$. Registered user will get full source code. For registering this, come to our home page, or see user guide. Numeric-Tools is available for Delphi 2, Delphi 3, Delphi 4 and Delphi 5. Question? Comments?, Suggestion?, Just say hi? Don't hesitate to contact us at or Enjoy! Lia & yw.