IDE TEMPLATES ============= V1.1 1 Jul 1996 IdeTemplates is a Delphi 2.0 Expert designed to save valuable time by automating mundane typing of common code constructs or standard comments. HOW IT WORKS ============ Any text which can be typed into the Delphi editor can be saved as a 'Template' (this is not to be confused with the template concept which is used for form re-use). These templates are assigned a short keyword which is used to expand the template into the editor. For example, 'tryf' may be assigned to the code try finally end; In this example, typing 'tryf' and selecting 'Expand Template' from the 'Edit' menu (or using the shortcut key - Ctrl+/) would expand the text and position the cursor in the correct position (on the next line and indented). CHANGES SINCE V1.0 ================== * Added customization for Shortcut Key. LICENCE ======= This product is available online as a shareware version with a nag- screen which appears randomly (20%) when a template is expanded. This should give the user a good feel for the usefulness of this product. I have tried to make pricing as low as possible to make it worthwhile for anyone using Delphi 2.0 to register. Registering the product will remove the nag-screen and qualify the user for the next two upgrades. See the Help file for the registration and pricing details. See the Licence.txt file for more licencing details. CONTENTS ======== This ZIP file contains a setup program and associated files. Once the Setup program is run, the following files will be added to your hard disk, in the directory specified during setup: IdeTemplates.dll - the Deplhi 2.0 Expert IdeTemplates.hlp IdeTemplates.cnt templates.dtf - an example template file readme.txt - this file licence.txt - licence information INSTALLATION ============ To install this Expert, extract the ZIP file into a temporary directory and run the Setup.exe file which is a part of this ZIP archive. The next time you run Delphi, the Expert will be loaded and can be accessed from the 'Edit' menu. SUPPORT ======= If you have any suggestions or find any bugs then you can contact me at the address below. I think that product is well documented enough and simple enough to use that there shouldn't be any need to ask "How do I.." type questions, but if you do have any questions or problems then I will attempt to solve them as quickly as possible (if you are registered). --------------------- David Wann Stamina Software E-mail: Compuserve: 100234,2021