The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
Bibliography for Ramon (Ray) E. Moore
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Number of references: 67 Last update: November 17, 2007 Number of online publications: 47 Supported: Unknown Most recent reference: 2007
Info: Version 0.03
Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe at math . utah . edu, beebe at acm . org, beebe at computer . org> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA
This is a bibliography of publications of Ramon (Ray) E. Moore.
BibNet Project; BibTeX; bibliography; interval analysis; interval arithmetic; reliable computing
Author Comments:
At version 0.03, the year coverage looked like this: 1959 ( 2) 1976 ( 1) 1993 ( 1) 1960 ( 1) 1977 ( 2) 1994 ( 1) 1961 ( 0) 1978 ( 2) 1995 ( 1) 1962 ( 1) 1979 ( 3) 1996 ( 0) 1963 ( 2) 1980 ( 6) 1997 ( 0) 1964 ( 1) 1981 ( 0) 1998 ( 0) 1965 ( 8) 1982 ( 3) 1999 ( 1) 1966 ( 1) 1983 ( 1) 2000 ( 0) 1967 ( 1) 1984 ( 2) 2001 ( 1) 1968 ( 2) 1985 ( 1) 2002 ( 1) 1969 ( 4) 1986 ( 0) 2003 ( 1) 1970 ( 2) 1987 ( 0) 2004 ( 0) 1971 ( 0) 1988 ( 3) 2005 ( 2) 1972 ( 1) 1989 ( 0) 2006 ( 0) 1973 ( 0) 1990 ( 0) 2007 ( 1) 1974 ( 0) 1991 ( 4) 1975 ( 1) 1992 ( 2) Article: 22 Book: 13 InCollection: 6 InProceedings: 6 Misc: 1 PhdThesis: 1 Proceedings: 7 TechReport: 11 Total entries: 67 This file is available as part of the BibNet Project. The master copy is available for public access at It is mirrored to The data in this bibliography were collected from many sources, including the MathSciNet database, the JSTOR database, the European Mathematical Society database, the bibliography archives of the BibNet Project, the TeX User Group, and the University of Karlsruhe Computer Science Department, as well as
article(22), book(13), techreport(11), proceedings(7),
incollection(6), inproceedings(6), misc(1),
phdthesis(1) Fields:
title(67), year(67), acknowledgement(61), bibdate(61),
author(56), pages(54), address(42), publisher(32),
number(31), volume(29), keywords(26), zmnumber(23),
journal(22), booktitle(21), issn(21), classmath(20),
coden(20), editor(20), isbn(20), isbn-13(20),
mrclass(20), mrnumber(20), mrnumber-url(19), url(19),
lccn(15), note(12), series(12), type(12),
institution(11), abstract(10), month(8), mrreviewer(8),
fjournal(5), affiliation(4), classification(4),
reviewer(4), language(3), xxnote(3), bookpages(2),
chapter(2), journalabr(2), price(2), pubcountry(2),
referred(2), remark(2), thesaurus(2), description(1),
doi(1), doi-url(1), edition(1), howpublished(1),
key(1), school(1), subject(1), tableofcontents(1),
xxauthor(1) Distribution of publication dates: