DeskMenu 1.0 by BlipSoft

Author: Dan Cederholm
Release: 1.0 (November 16, 1999)
Compatibility: BeOS R4.5 for x86
Location: contrib/util
Be Dev. ID: 17756


The DeskMenu folder and its contents must reside in /boot/apps


DeskMenu is a simple desktop launching menu that you create and customize.  Put the DeskMenu folder in /boot/apps.  Drag symlinks to your favorite apps or preferences to the Menu Items folder.  Launch DeskMenu to create the window.  Resize the window to fit the number of items by dragging the bottom right corner.  You can drag the window anywhere by any of its edges. Double click the menu item to launch it. 

Right clicking the menu accesses the popup menu where you can auto-size the width to fit only the icons, change the menu color **won't save the color after restart yet**, see the About box or quit the app.

DeskMenu will remember your window settings (size and location on the desktop), so adding it to your UserBootscript is handy -- that way DeskMenu will always be there after every boot!


Based on code from EZLauncher by Robert Polic

MANY thanks to Robert, Ed Musgrove (BColorControl) and Jonas Sundstrom (window settings)!


This is currently a Freeware application.  You assume ALL responsibility or consequences associated with it.  If you like it, and use it, feel free to send $5 or beer to us at:

34 Rowland St.
Marblehead, MA  01945
