The Olympic Victors

With the Victors Map Tool, you can discover who won a game in a particular year, and the city from which they came, and you can see a graphical representation of the winners' cities. Help for using this page is available below.

Clickable Timeline Map


Results for an Era

Archaic Era
776 BC - 480 BC

Classical Era
480 BC - 323 BC

Hellenistic Era
323 BC - 186 BC

Roman Era
186 BC - AD 276

Help for using the Victors Map Tool

With the Victors Map Tool, you can discover who won a game in a particular year, and the city from which they came, and you can see a graphical representation of the winners' cities.

There are two ways to view the victors. The first is to click on any one of the four images of the different eras of the games. For example, click on the Classical icon to see the winners of the Classical period.

The second way to view the victors is to choose a particular year by clicking the desired year on the time line below. The red tick marks indicate a year that the game occurred and the color of the bars indicate the era.

Below the timeline is the list of all the various sports in which the athletes competed. Click on the option box to choose which sport at which you would like to look. The default is set to show all the sports.


Story of a Victor | Famous Victors
