international writing

a book about the graffiti scenes all around the world

by Nicholas Ganz aka Keinom


Since the early 70ties writers wrote their names on walls and trains in New York, meanwhile many hundred thousand of young people went out and did the same. Allover the world you can see all kinds of pieces and characters. Graffiti is one of the worldwide youthcultures.

And this evolution and wide range of Graffiti nowadays I wanna show in my book.



The book ‚international writing‘ (present working title) wants to give a view on the Graffiti scenes in the whole world. Each continent with its specific countries will be presented chapter by chapter.

At the beginning of the book will stand a small foreword by me or another respectful artist next to the usual summary of the content, followed by an introduction with a small presentation of the global situation as overview. Next to the texts many pictures of the various kinds of Graffiti-Art will be presented (like Hall of Fames, walls, trains, canvases, sketches, tags, bombings, stickers, designs, sculptures or whatever).

The countries will be announced by an introduction, where the development of the scene will be explained from the beginning to nowadays. And there will be a look on the actual scene with the most important writers.

At the same time I will describe the specific history of the country and the political situation, because in countries like Serbia, Croatia this has a great influence on the development of the scene. Other points are the special situation of spraying women, as well as the situation with police, music taste, drugs, commerzialisation of Graffiti and Graffiti in galleries.

In the following there will be displayed pictures of the respective countries and some blocks with texts about important cities or areas. Here I wanna put in some personal texts and interviews from writers or crews, who will write about their crew or themselfes or about Graffiti in their hometown, to get a personal view to the writers of the specific scene for the reader.

At the end of the book is planned to make an overview on excisting material, like worldwide magazines, books and internet adresses.

So I am also very interested to publish the book in different languages, first mainly the important languages like English, German, Spanish and Russian. I made some contacts with several publishers at the moment to make it possible.

Some publishers, who are very interested at the moment are: Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf (leading Graffiti book publisher from Berlin, Germany), the Graffiti-Edition of the Graffiti Institute in Vienna – Austria, Thames & Hudson (every writer will know them, i think – New York and London bureau), Trotzdem Press from Germany, Elèutheria from Italy as well as the True Stilo Magazine from Minsk – Belarus, Chronicle books - San Francisco.



A book about this big and complete project needs a deep research to give a good view on whats happening.

So it is only possible to show the most important writers of each respective country, who stay the longest time in the scene and who have got interesting styles and techniques.

Some countries, mainly Orient, where Graffiti is not so old or where it is difficult to get informations and stuff, I can´t present or just a little bit. One problem is, that I only can speak Englisch and German (maybe there is somebody, who can help me out here?!?), and we don’t have to forget, that it is a movement, which is working in great parts illegally.

The pictures in the book will come from writers all over the world.

My work and research is going as follows: the last four months I made myself a great overview on every country and I organised hundreds of contacts, and still have a lot of pictures and infos here, but I will work two or three month longer on it to give all good writers the possibility to send me stuff and to make a wide presentation.

This and the next month I will try to get sponsoring for travels, first to New York City to meet up the Oldschool guys and the maybe to Asia, where I got less contacts right now. This would be good to get in personal contact with the writers.

As a last step I collect all informations I can get from magazines, books or the Internet to write down all texts. And there I try to get sponsoring from big Hip-Hop Mailorders too.

I suppose to get 200 to 250 pages at the end with maybe 800 possible pictures.

I will be ready hopefully in summer 2002, that it could be published in at the end of summer or beginning of autumn. But this is not for sure. These are the main borders of my project.


about me

I am a artist, writer and musician. First I started with some Graffiti drawings and wrote with the spraycan on walls, but developed into realistic paintings and drawings with animals, human beings and landscape since some years. I am also writing poems and short stories. The german written brochure "Wozu denn noch Fernsehen???' is available since September 2001. I took part in some exhibitions with other arists and designed record cover for bands all over the world. Another authentic novel is planned for this year. And i am working more with the spraycan and try to connect different techiques.

Check out:



it would be worse to write down all writers here, so you get a list of countries.

countries at the moment are:

USA, Canada, México, Puerto Rico, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Iceland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Danmark, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Czech, Romania, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Thailand, Japan, China (Hong Kong), Phillipines, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia


deadline and stuff

The deadline to send me stuff will be the end of May or latest middle of June.

You can send me all kind of stuff, I prefer paperpictures to scan them in every size I like and not to see the pixels, but you can also send me scanned pictures on a CD with high resolution pictures ( 2 or 3 MB). And maybe size them in 200%. That would be best for me to handle and for a good printing result.

Nicholas Ganz
- keinom -
Falkstr. 9
D – 45147 Essen
Phone: ++49-(0)201-6156787