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Syracuse NY: December 22, 2006
Wrapping the Winter Solstice:
Syracuse Hip Hop
- Realz
- Spear Hand
- Worm
- Ses
- Elm
- Cahbasm
- devowski
- Sosa100
- Tsar
- Mega
- H2k
- chem
- now
- End
- jherk
- kid 40
1005 E. Fayette St.
Syracuse, NY 13210
around 7:00
5 to get in with beer included
San Francisco CA: December 21, 2006
collaborative art transformation
reception :
Thursday December 21st
7-10pm at crucible steel gallery
2050 bryant st (between 18th and 19th
San Francisco, CA
- Ezra Li Eismont
- Scatha G. Allison
- Nome Edonna
- Ricardo Richie
- Sirron Norris
- Crayone
- Sundance
- Picasso
- Tip
- Nate Erlin
- Joe Ader
- Mark Wagner
- Seren Dune
- Ajene Moss
- Kelly Porter
- Constanza Blondet
- Susannah Israel
Photos of the installation
Video of its creation
Event photos
Os Gemeos, Mare 139, many others.
Cambridge MA: December 17, 2006
Rekloos Rocks your Toy Box (kid robot style show)
(5pm - 9pm) all ages
(9pm-1am) 21+ * Dec 17th - $10 door
* @ Red Line, 59 JFK St Cambridge MA
*50% of all toy sales going to the Charles River Skate Park. (each toy will be sold in silent auction style) *The Door will be split with the Charles River Skate park.
- Roy Barboza
- Jfuse
- DJ Chance
*Sket (kidrobot)
*Castro (LA toy maker)
Denver CO: December 16, 2006
Magnet Mafia
Andenken Gallery
2110 Market St
Denver, CO
The show features a giant
magnet which will be drawn on by any graff artist
at the show.
Tucson AZ: December 16, 2006
Chicago IL: December 14, 2006
Montpellier France: December 14 - 17, 2006
39 Steps
London UK: December 12 - 25, 2006
Cablestreet presents
"The Bad Note"
Cablestreet proudly present their annual group show upstairs at the Dragon Bar.
Featuring such esteemed artists as Showchicken, Luca Bratsi, Hicks,
Twiy, Guy Mckinley, Elph, Sumit Sarkar, Terratag, Whip Dxl, Dave the
Chimp, Pure, Jawa, Ebzke, Inkie, Replete, Tizer, Alex Martinez, Jinpow,
Zadok, InkFetish, Richt, Defacto, Muju, Duster, Xenz, Astek, Jae, and Will Barras.
Opening night party Tuesday 12th December
The Dragon Bar,
5 Leonard Street
Nearest Station
Old Street Tube
Opens 12th December 8:00.
Open daily 12:00 till 6:00.
New York: December 11, 12, 2006
Whole Train
This is not just another drama because the graffiti is real. Fresh out of Munich and Poland, with KRS-One.
Whole Train
KRS One and Special Guests
Mon Dec 11
8pm doors
8:30 film
show 10 pm
204 Varick St
at W. Houston
TUE., DEC. 12, 7:30 pm: "WHOLETRAIN" at THE IMAGINASIAN Movie Theater, 239 East 59th Street, NY, NY 10022, 212.371.6682, Subway Directions: F - to Lexington Avenue/ 63 Street, 4,5,6, N, R, W - to 59th St. / Lex., Bus Directions: M57 - E. 57 St / Lexington Avenue, M31 - 57 St. / 2 Avenue, Q32 - 60 St. / 2 Avenue, X63 - 57 St. / Park Avenue
For further information check: or
New York: December 9, 2006
Sat. Dec. 9th 7:00 PM...Original KR.ONE Art opening in Queens, New York City
San Francisco CA: December 9, 2006
at Cellspace
- the event is a celebration of living art
- live silkscreening
- live painting
- live clay sculpture
- fashion and anti-fashion
- live collaborative mural installation with members of AS, GM5, TWS, and the Gestalt collective
- a closing reception for the mural installation on December 21st.
Brindisi Italy: December 9 - 30, 2006
AleAndrew Show. Made in Brundisium
Dal 9 al 30 Dicembre a Brindisi
Via Provinciale per Lecce, 14
"AleAndrew Show. Made in Brundisium" is the first exposition-event, organized from the AleAndrew team, that it means to carry out an historical and evolution distance of phenomenon of the Graffiti and Urban Art, leaving from one photographic exposure of graffiti and personages who have made the history of this movement in the territory from 1983 till now, passing from the job on canvas of the Writers from Puglia, Italians and international.
Same name: Mr. WanyUes, Giose, Phen, Hunto, Shadow, Zenok, Ale! , Casrok (Belgium), Logan (Spain), Wert (Germany).
We will cross the phenomenon of the custom with "Pimp my Skull" that is skulls not only personalizes you from the greater exponents of the movement and, landing to vinil toys the object of cult by now much more all over the world. An event enriched from the outlandish personages and letters that will be designs to you on the external walls of the location during the inauguration that will keep 9 December from hour 10,00, than change in burlaps, toys and gadget, inside, becoming object of art and cult.
Between the partner of the event: Groove, Cantieri Ura, Prevenzione and Sicurezza, Valle Fiorita, Montana Cans, Shocking Latex Paint, Superfly, Atom Plastic and many more.
Nel 1983 due ragazzi si trasferirono dalle periferie di Parigi a Brindisi portando con loro le fondamenta della cultura hip hop.
Si generò da subito un forte fermento che incuriosì i giovani e li avvicinò a questa nuovo movimento artistico che influenzò e continua ad influenzare tutt’oggi le nuove generazioni.
Il precoce input e l’ampia adesione di ragazzi talentuosi fece di Brindisi, negli anni, uno dei centri più attivi e prestigiosi di questa cultura, nello scenario italiano ed internazionale.
Ora alcuni di loro lavorano nel campo dell’arte, della grafica pubblicitaria e del design in Italia e nel mondo. Quel seme piantato 23 anni fa e ormai un albero robusto pronto a fiorire.
AleAndrew Show. Made in Brundisium è la prima mostra-evento, organizzata dal team AleAndrew (costituito da Andrea Sergio in arte Wanyues e Alessandra Sardano), che si propone di effettuare un percorso storico ed evoluzionistico del fenomeno del Graffitismo e Urban Art, esordendo con un’esposizione fotografica di graffiti e personaggi che hanno fatto la storia di questo movimento nel territorio dal 1983 fino ad oggi, transitando attraverso in lavoro su tela dei Writers pugliesi, italiani e internazionali fra i quali: Mr. WanyUes, Giose, Phen, Hunto, Shadow, Zenok, Ale!, Casrok (Belgio), Logan (Spagna), Wert (Germania).
Attraversando il fenomeno della customizzazione con “Pimp my Skull” ossia teschi personalizzati dai maggiori esponenti della corrente artistica in questione ma non solo, approdando al vinil toys oggetto di culto ormai tanto rinomato in tutto il mondo.
Un evento arricchito dalla performance sui muri esterni della location durante l’happening che si terrà il 9 dicembre dalle ore 10.00, per poi continuare con l’innagurazione della mostra alle 21:00 le tele, toys e gadget che divengono oggetto d’arte di culto e feticismo.
Happening dalle ore 10.00 del 9 Dicembre (Live performance sui muri esterni della location).
Inaugurazione esposizione dalle ore 21.00 del 9 Dicembre.
Festa di chiusura dalle ore 19.00 del 30 Dicembre.
Tra i partner dell’evento: Groove, Cantieri Ura, Prevenzione & Sicurezza, Valle Fiorita, Montana Cans, Shocking Latex Paint, Superfly, Atom Plastic and many more.
Per maggiori info:
Milano Italy: December 8 - 12, 2006
"Collegare" is a group of ten young international artists who dedicated their work to the topic of “Connection”.
Artist information and some artwork at the link above.
Santa Clara CA: December 8, 2006
Pacific Art Collective's
777 Lawrence Expressway, SANTA CLARA, CA
(Corner of Homestead Road & Lawrence Expressway)
8:00pm - 2:00am Live Art + Performances
$15 All Night
777 Lawrence Expressway
(Corner of Homestead Road & Lawrence Expressway)
Pacific Art Collective presents COLLABO™ Who's down?
TRIKK BABY East Palo Alto
FTB San Jose
PACO San Jose
DOC! San Jose
TBA (This lineup is just getting started!)
New York: December 8, 2006
frank cole jr
Fri Dec 8th 8 To 11 Pm
66 Kenmare St.
Btwn Mott/Mulberry
Series Of Oil On Canvas
The Urban Landscape
With Focus On Graffiti
Miami FL: December 8, 2006
On December 8th, 2006 Scion will auction off all the
artwork from Installation
3 at The Savoy Hotel. The show will be on display starting at 12pm
EST. The auction will begin at 3pm EST. Buyers can purchase artwork from
the show on-site, online, or via telephone. All money raised in the
auction will go to ArtCenter & Legal Art in Miami.
Artwork from the following artists will be auctioned
off: Tracy 168, Ara Peterson, Blaine Fontana, Books IIII, Crash, Daim, Darvin Vida,
Dalek, Mr. Cartoon, Coro, David Choe, Devil Robots, Dez Einswell,
FriendsWithYou, losefatu Sua, Jeremy Fish, Joshua Mays, Keen One, Kenton
Parker, Kofie, Mad, Matthew Rodriguez, Mike Giant, Misaki Kawai,
MumbleBoy, PaperRad, RammellZee, Dr. Revolt, Ron English, Rostarr, Ricky
Powell, Sage Vaughn, Seak, Sever, Stay High 149, Tindei Michi and
WeAreSupervision. Most of the artists will be present.
Photos from the show
Philadelphia PA: December 15, 2006
Space 1026 Annual Art Auction
FRIDAY December 15th
6:30pm doors
9:00pm auction
Space 1026 will be holding its annual art auction on FRIDAY December 15th concurrently with the opening of the "Flipbook Festival" - a touring show of flipbooks from around the world. The doors will open at 6:30pm at which time participants can bid on work laid out around the gallery in a silent auction and get a sneak peak at the work which will be sold in the more competitive vocal auction, which begins at 9:00pm.
This year the auction is being coordinated by the awesome local curator/artist Damian Weinkrantz.
Todd Kimmel is back this year as auctioneer.
The auction, which helps insure that the collectively run gallery/studio space will exist another year, will feature donated artwork from members and a wide range of friends. Past donations have come from art-stars such as: Barry McGee, Shepard Fairey, Steve "ESPO" Powers, Paper Rad, Brian Chippendale, Clare Rojas, Judith Schaector, and many others. You will also find many locals donating goods and services such as free video rentals, massages, websites, recording studio time, and much more.
To make a donation to the auction please email Damian Weinkrantz or send to:
Space 1026
ATTN: Damian Weinkrantz
1026 Arch St. 2nd floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Damian Weinkrantz
Please include two copies of a sheet with:
Name, contact info, title of work, suggested opening bid, and bio of yourself (so we can brag about you).
SPACE 1026
1026 Arch Street, 2nd Floor
Space 1026 is a group run gallery and artist collective in the heart of Chinatown, in downtown Philadelphia. They show both emerging and established artists from Philadelphia and across the globe, and strive to create an open minded gallery space that allows artists to create and install their art without restrictions.
The International Flipbook Festival 2006
The opening reception will coicide with the Space 1026 Annual Art Auction:
Friday December 15, 6:30PM to 11PM.
The show runs until December 29.
The International Flipbook Festival is a celebration of hand-powered cinema. This exhibition presents over one hundred flipbooks made by contemporary artists throughout Europe and North America.
Devised four years ago by artist Andrew Jeffrey Wright as a film festival without the film, each of the flipbooks have been submitted into one of four categories: Live Action, Animation, Experimental, and Documentary.
The International Flipbook Festival will be touring to Space 1026 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Little Cakes Gallery in New York City; Western Front Gallery in Vancouver, Canada and has already made a stop at Reg Vardy Gallery in Sunderland, UK.
contact Andrew Jeffrey Wright:
Los Angeles CA: December 14, 2006
Release party for ostrich head
3387 motor st
8pm at the Palmer Room
Porto Portugal: December 9, 2006
Graffiti Edition
Edição Limitada Eastpak "Graffiti Edition" no El Corte Inglés
A EASTPAK vai apresentar no EL CORTE INGLÉS uma colecção limitada de 150 malas exclusivas customizadas pelos artistas RAM, MAR, VHILS e HBSR.
Esta colecção especial vai ser apresentada pelos próprios artistas, que farão uma exibição de graffiti ao vivo e customização de algumas malas.
El Corte Inglés Gaia Porto: 09 de Dezembro (15-20h)
Miami FL: December 7 - 10, 2006
New Image Art
Santiago Chile: December 7, 2006
Fiesta: Influencias Urbanas
Lyon France: December 7 - 30, 2006
Le Jeudi 7 Décembre, venez assister au vernissage de RockYourWorld à la
Galerie N2O, au 2, rue Romarin dans le premier à Lyon.
RockYourWorld est l’alliance de Marianne, peintre et illustratrice et de
Nesta, graffeur depuis une quinzaine d’années.
Ensembles, ils expérimentent leur identité sur de multiples supports :
Mur, toiles ou créations numériques sont autant d’espaces que le duo
s’autorise à coloniser.
Fervents défenseurs d’un graphisme très vectoriel, mixant leurs styles,
RockYourWorld nous propose un univers au bon goût de glace pistache sous
un arc-en-ciel autrichien
Galerie N2O
2, rue Romarin 69001 LYON
Contact :
Ouvert du mercredi au samedi
De 13h à 19h30 (sauf soirs de vernissage)
Vernissage de l'exposition le Jeudi 7 Décembre 2006
Exposition jusqu'au 30 Décembre 2006
Miami FL: December 6, 2006
Spoonfed is proud to present Miami native, New York based artist Jose
Parla for his Miami solo debut and book launch (pre-opening) December
6th, 2006 and reception Dec, 8th at Mitchell Rubenstein's Park Avenue
Loft located in the middle of South Beach and the Art Deco District one
block from the Bass Museum of Art:
Mitchell Rubenstein's
2228 Park Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
tel: 305.637.3750.
CITYSCAPES marks Parla's first Miami solo exhibition. Jose Parla's
paintings are immediately powerful with a swaying rhythm and an unruly
soulfulness that embraces rather than overwhelms; at once balanced and
complex, both mysterious and deeply lyrical, abstract and intensely
literal. His images occupy vast spaces filled with windswept clouds,
commercial poster fragments, and remembered architecture while stylized
calligraphic writings introduce grace and tension as a distinctly human
The compositions are often mounted or executed directly on wood
panel, and the solidity of this foundation gives warmth and mass to the
paintings, upholding the illusion of the spaces they describe. Jose
works on a large scale using materials and methods of architectural
construction: cement, wood and vinyl; as well as traditional art
incorporating paper, paint, powdered dye, wax, and ink.
Parla's expert,
passionate brushwork and subtly shifting palettes resolve themselves
into walls, tags, skies and sidewalks, as seen through the veils of time
and memory. When discussing the work he often uses terms like synthetic
and segmented, referring to the world's cities as virtual palimpsests,
upon which are recorded in literal, figurative and ongoing layering
process of the personal histories of countless anonymous passersby.
Though still quite young, the conceptual passions that would become
the foundation of Parla's voice as an artist have been on his mind since
he was a child. Born in Miami into a family of Cuban exiles, Parla moved
to Puerto Rico at an early age before returning to Miami when he was
nine. He currently lives and works in New York, and only recently
traveled to Cuba for the first time. His life, like his work, is
therefore at once extremely particular and generally reflective of the
wanderings of today's urban populations. Moving was never a simple
question of packing his bags. Instead, he augmented his aesthetic
observations with an analytical, almost sociological perspective on the
cities in which he lingered and through which he walked and continues to
Parla was awarded the Francis McCommon Scholarship to the Savannah
College of Art and Design, Georgia in 1989. At New World School of the
Arts he studied Advanced Painting with Mel Alexemberg. He has exhibited
locally and internationally from Miami, Los Angeles, New York to Paris
and Tokyo. His work is featured in the collections of Agnes B., Tom
Ford, Katy Barker, and has been published in various publications such
as Tokion, Booth Clibborn's 718 Brooklyn Style, Juxtapoz, BLK/MRKT's One
(Die Gestalten) and The Atlanta Journal Constitution. Parla was selected
by Manon Slome to exhibit his work with Mimmo Rotella at the Chelsea Art
Museum in New York in 2004. Jose was recently invited to exhibit his
work and lecture on painting and printmaking classes at Whitworth
College and MAC Museum in Spokane, Washington.
CITYSCAPES is an exhibition you won't want to miss for Art Basel 2006.
For additional information please visit
or contact us via
Barcelona Spain: December 3, 2006
Freelifesession Underground
Weil am Rhein, Germany: December 2, 2006
Santa Rosa CA: December 1 - 10, 2006
Not My Government
Not My Government, aka Ryan J. Saari, has been producing
and distributing seditious images since 1996. I started printing and
handing out stickers calling attention to police repression. I've given
away thousands of hand cut stickers at every major march and rally in
Northern California since.
Over the years I've expanded subjects to
include the whole gamut of anti-authoritarian causes with images on
formats ranging from vinyl stickers to fine art silk screens to buttons,
t-shirts and several fanzines. I'm happy to announce the first show of
my fine art screen prints.
The show opens on Friday December 1st. Please
join me for a reception from 7-11pm at
Free Mind Media, 546 Pacific Ave,
Santa Rosa, CA.
Previews of the prints are posted
Call for participation: Deadline December 8, 2006
International Mural Festival and Symposium
Deadline for first stage applications: Friday, December 8, 2006
Graffiti Art Programming Inc. is proud of the success of the inaugural International Mural Festival and Symposium, held in the summer of 2006, and we want to do it again in 2007!
Mural artists are invited to enter a two-stage mural art competition. Artists will be selected by a jury to reproduce their own designs, at 1000 square feet, at various prominent downtown locations. Artists who are chosen to participate will be paid $8,000 to create their mural. Travel and accommodations for out-of-town artists will be paid for.
This year's Festival, will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in July 2007.
We hope to raise significant interest in public art and its effect in the city. It's also an opportunity to make a range of art styles accessible to everyone, without the barriers of operating hours and admission fees. The Festival will also have a Symposium component, to further the discussion about art in the public realm and the mural industry.
Please visit to download the Project Brief.
Pass on this information to anyone who might be interested!
For more information, contact: Erin Nuttall
Mural Festival Coordinator
Graffiti Art Programming Inc
Montreuil France: November 25, 2006 - December 10, 2006
Vernissage "exposition shuck" sam 25 nov à partir de 17h 00
Guernsey UK: November 24, 2006 - January 12, 2007
My Paint Tin Weighs a Ton
An exhibition of work by some of the worlds most respected street artists
The Greenhouse
Guernsey Information Centre (GIC)
North Esplanade
St Peter Port
Channel Islands
United Kingdom
Nov 24 - Jan 12
Readerswives Collective present Wall paintings by Mysterious Al and
Matt Sewell with additional work added throughout the duration of
the exhibition from
a private collection featuring works by Banksy, Mr Jago, Phil
Frost, Mysterious Al, D*Face, Clare Rojas, Blade, Bast, Mudwig,
Shepard Fairey, Dave Kinsey,
Faile, Miss Van, Futura, Dave Ellis, Doze Green, Jeff Soto, Ryan
Smith, Daniel Chang and Swifty. Expect some special guests and
work by local artists too.
Check out or for locations and
Cheap flights to Guernsey from the UK are available from: and or you can take the ferry
Culver City CA: November 18 - December 16, 2006
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, November 18th, 6-10pm
We are proud to welcome esteemed artist Jeff Soto
back to L.A. for his second solo at BLK/MRKT, marking our fifth year
anniversary exhibition.
Featuring a new series of paintings on canvas, panel and
paper, Cold Ice Age continues Soto's intrepid exploration of his private
imaginary world but with a twist - the amplified conscience of a new
parent; the show's title refers to his intensifying apprehension about
the future of the world on behalf of the next generation.
New York: November 16 - December 16, 2006
Invisible NYC is proud to host a solo-exhibit by Croatian artist, Lunar. His art is fueled by his own graffiti as well as the graffiti of others, such as CMP and Mode2. Lunar's graffiti work has been immortalized in publications such as Nicholas Ganz's "Street Art: Graffiti From Five Continents".
Lunar is responsible for co-founding Croatia's first graffiti crew, YCP, in 1992. He has since been commissioned by numerous city councilors across Croatia to add his unique, illustrative style of graffiti on community walls through out his country; and is one of the head creative forces who turned blank and barren walls specifically throughout his home of Zagreb, Croatia into renewed and vibrant, works of public art. One cannot go even a few blocks in Zagreb without coming across Lunar's art either on a small scale, as in his 2-dimansional dogs placed in the grass of neighborhood parks, or his large wall murals on the sides buildings. Lunar has also created work for major advertising companies such as Coca-Cola, Nissan, and Sony Playstation. His work tends to be optimistic and technically flawless in execution.
For his first exhibit in the U.S., Lunar will recreate on large canvases his inquisitive and odd-shaped animal and bug inspired creatures that have become his signature icon throughout the streets of Zagreb. The "beastz" are rendered in an organic red, black and white. By direct contrast, the "bugz" are solely in black and white. The deliberate use of a limited color palette coupled with a lively, electrifying background allows the characters to boldly address the viewer and present their individual personalities. This simplicity provides for an uplifting and dynamic exhibit of happy "beastz and bugz" frolicking on and redefining what are usually blank, white gallery walls. However, while the subject matter is light-hearted and almost child-like, the subtle details and unyielding execution, using only three colors (or non-colors), are testament to the larger social context of what's acceptable public art vs. graffiti (what some believe to be vandalism) in both Croatia and around the world.
The exhibit will run from November 16th - December 16th, Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 8:00 PM. The opening reception will be on Thursday, November 16th from 7:00-9:00 PM.
Invisible NYC
148 Orchard Street NYC 10002
lower east side 212.228.1358
Opening reception: Thursday, Nov. 16th, 7 - 9 p.m. Sergio Vega will deejay the reception. It's a party and an exhibit not to be missed!
Brussels Belgium: November 11 - December 11, 2006
EXHIBITION: Teenage Kicks
Rue de la madeleine 19 - 1000 Brussels
Work of art redrawing 6 years of common production of two atypical characters
of the Parisian graffiti scene, POCH and ROCK.
An artistic collaboration arisen from a desire to practise different painting combining graffiti and varied influences
(Illustrations of the fifties, logos and characters of advertisement of the sixties, propaganda posters, comics American vintage, prints rock n' roll)
breaking the codes of the hip hop traditional imag
Stemming from both universes of punk-rock and hip-hop,
constantly changing technique and medium (spraypaint, stencils, acrylic, posters, illustration, graphics)
and appropriating different aesthetics, they develop a self-confident and original style.
Rich in symbols and references, their productions allow a reading sometimes sensible, sometimes playful.
Signature of the book by the artists, only on the occasion of the opening.
Exhibition and presentation of the book « TEENAGE KICKS »
From 11 of November until 11 of December 2006
Vernissage (opening) Friday 10 of November 2006
Los Angeles: November 4 - Dec 3, 2006
Top Of The Dome II
Third annual Dia De Los Muertos Celebration exhibit.
Opening reception:
Saturday November 4,
5 pm to 9 pm
100 ceramic skulls (sculpted by Gregg Stone) and hand painted by many of today's finest artists.
Aside from the skull exhibit, a portion of the gallery will be converted into a Day of the Dead Ofrenda (Altar) by Master artist Ofelia Esparza. The theme of Mrs. Esparza's altar will pay homage to fallen graffiti artists from the Los Angeles area.
Participating artists:
Crol, Asylm, Dave Kawano, Man One, Erick Rodriguez, Liz McGrath,
Siloette, Delae, Scribe, Gregg Stone, Sophia Pottish, Emi, Germs, Vyal,
Evelina Sausina, Lesley Reppeteaux, Nathan Cartwright, OG Abel, John Gill,
Jason Brunson, Aaron Jasinski, Unit, Joel "Rage-One" Garcia, Damon Robinson,
Debbie De La Cruz, Claudia Galvan, Paulina Astete Granados, Patrick Martinez,
Surge, Sherm, Make One, Werc, Ofelia Esparza, and many others.
As part of this exhibition, Vyal One, will be painting LIVE some of his trademark skulls and skeletons on canvas during the Downtown Artwalk on Nov.9th from 5-9pm
Crewest Gallery
110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA
(213) 627-8272 ph
(213) 559-0525 fx
Gallery Hours:
Tu/We/Th: Noon - 7pm
Fr/Sa :Noon - 8pm
Su: Noon - 6pm
Mo: Closed
or by appointment.
Los Angeles CA: November 3 - December 3, 2006
The City of LA Cultural Affairs Department
Movement Hip Hop in LA

KGB Gallery
1640 N. Spring Street
Los Angeles CA 90012
RSVP for opening Reception (Nov. 3) by Oct 27- 213 202-5568
visit: for more details on this event
As part of this event
Arts and is organizing
Youth and Popular Culture Jam
December 2, 2006
12:00pm -4:00pm
An event that celebrates youth involvement
in Urban art and Hip Hop
with live performances vendors and workshops
For more information on this event
or if you would like to be a part of this
contact: John Zender: 323 353-9501
New York: October 19 - Dec 3, 2006
Hard Rockz 'N' Cotton Candy
a solo exhibit of abstract graffiti by Aaron Lazansky Oliva aka
Spaze Crafte One, opens Thursday, October 19, from 7-11 at
21 Essex Street
Lois Stavsky (curator)
Ingolstadt Germany: October 18 - December 20, 2006
Ausstellung im Diagonal
Days are passing by, it's getting dark earlier and green becomes
brown. Fall has arrived and matching the autumn mood, the Ingolstadter
Jazz Tage are pounding on the door. Enough reason for Daniel Lange,
artist and co-founder of xhoch4 design studio, to dedicate himself to
this theme. Starting October 18th, 2006, he shows his new work - which
is dealing with the giants of jazz, like Armstrong, Coltrane or Parker -
at the Diagonal Ingolstadt. The pure portraits are convincing mostly
because of the mixed media technique of acrylic and spray paint; raw but
detailed, anyway. Answering the question, why he works on this subject:
ìAlthough i'm listening to a lot of electronic music, jazz is the music
which touches the heart and pushes me forward while working. This is the
sound of our studio...
The exhibition is from the 10th Oct to the 20th Dec at the Diagonal,
Kreuzstrasse. Open at the usual times of the bar. More info at, and
Los Angeles CA: December 2, 2006
The City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
the Arts and Literacy After School Program
A Youth and Popular Culture Jam
 A free event for youth
It's part of The Movement Art Exhibition Hip Hop in L.A.
Saturday December 2nd 2006
12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
KGB Gallery, 1640 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Performing Live:
Guilty by Choice, Deleted, Highlife Kingz, Creators Of the Lost Arts Crew, MC Esher, MC Silence, Prolifik, Shorty Loka, Funny Bones, Rockbots, Soul 2 Soul, Whiz Kidz,
LA Breakers, Playboy Eddie and more.
Events include live painting demonstrations,
Community and urban art vendors:
Caiman fine Art, Crewest, Phat Caps, Flatblack Clothing, Maintain,
Eagle Rock underground, History of Los Angeles Graffiti Art and many more.
Free urban arts workshops, raffles and prizes.
Los Angeles CA: December 2, 2006
At the Ghetto Mansion
2225 Olive st.
LA, CA. 90007
Dec. 2nd 7-11pm
Art, stickers, music, taco truck, drinks etc...
Featured artists: Urban Medium, Persue, Man One, Justin Kees, Restitution Press, Conart, Seen, Robbie Conal and others with live art by: Mad One & DubStar3000
Call for participation: Deadline November 30, 2006
The site next will be updated...
The requirements are:
To send 10 or more photographies.
* 400 Píxeles of height - hi-res.
* To send it at the end of November.
New York: November 18, 2006
Graffiti Women Panel Discussion
Brooklyn Museum
November 18, 2006 2PM
On Saturday, November 18 at 2 pm the Brooklyn Museum will host a Graffiti Women panel discussion that will provide a special opportunity to hear from the graffiti writers/artists themselves. Artists Lady Pink, Toofly and Lady k fever will be the panelists.
Graffiti Women: Street Art from Five Continents
by Nicholas Ganz
Female writers have always been in the vanguard of the graffiti movement, though often shunted to the sidelines by their male counterparts. With the publication of GRAFFITI WOMEN: Street Art From Five Continents (November; $29.95; Abrams: ISBN 0-8109-5747-7) for the first time a lavishly illustrated in depth book places them front and center of this evolving art form..
Featuring 1,000 full-color illustrations from some of the world's most prominent graffiti and street artists, including Americans Lady Pink, Swoon, and Miss 17, Brazil's Nina, Japan's Sasu, and Mexico's Peste, this first-ever comprehensive book includes two eight-page fold-out collages, a fold-out poster jacket, and an authoritative text.
American graffiti artists/writers that are highlighted in the book include: Aiko (NY), Are2, Cade (NY), Che Jen (NY), Claw and Misssl7 (NY), Constance Brady (NY), Diva (NY), Dona (NY), Eroticaa67 (NY), Femme9 (Kansas), Fever (NY), Maya Hayuk (NY), Horsie (Pittsburgh), Jakee (NY), Jel (LA), Jen Props (NY), Jerk (LA), Lady Pink (NY), Luna (LA), Melina (NY), Muck, Queen Andrea (NY), RB827 (NY), Reminisce (San Francisco), Ropas (NY), Sherm (LA), Siloette (Phoenix), Solovei, Swoon (NY), Thundercut (NY), Toofly (NY), Tribe (LA), T.W. (San Francisco).
buy the book
San Francisco CA: November 18, 2006
Pacific Art Collective's COLLABO
Saturday, Nov 18th - 8pm-2am (ALL AGES)
Canvas Gallery, 1200 9th Ave, SF
PRICE: $15
RAGS Oakland
Boston MA: November 18, 2006
Boston Baha'i Center
595 Albany Street
Boston, MA 02118
Saturday 7:00 PM
November 18, 2006
Front Room Gallery
Featuring Visual Artist
Boston's "A.L.A. Crew"
African Latino Alliance
Witness graffiti murals painted in Boston and all over the U.S by the
A.L.A Crew. Also original paintings and prints by A.L.A crew members,
and photography by J.Brewer and Ernesto Morales.
Bostons "A.L.A Crew"
Zone, Kwest, Klue, Deme5, Problak, Ferb, Marka27, Bamboo2, Biz20, Dew,
Astro, Nekro, Swat. and collaborations with other graffiti crews.
Special Feature, the release of "Trubizzness Instrumentals" Produced
by; Biz20 and Truknowledge.
Curated by Marka27
New Brunswick NJ: November 18 - 19, 2006
Street Art Film Festival
screenings start at 7pm and are in auditorium #123 in Scott Hall on Rutgers University Campus. The address is Scott Hall #123, 43 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ (for directions visit the festival website)
Street Art Film Festival is two-day event in New Brunswick, New Jersey, featuring excellent films about graffiti, street art and made by some of the greatest contemporary street artists. The event will include discussions with the film-makers and artists and other related art events. This festival is a part of NJ Film Festival
( and the featured movies include:
Saturday November 18 7pm @ Scott Hall
Quality of Life (2004; 85 min; San Francisco) directed by Benjamin Morgan
Sunday November 19 7pm @ Scott Hall
- My Street Journal (2005; 18 min; France) artwork and directed by JR
- Embeds (2006; 10 min, Washington DC) artwork and directed by Mark Jenkins
- Tyger (2006; 5 min; Brazil) artwork and directed by Guiherme Marcondes
- Graffiti Research Lab (2005; 10 min; New York City) artwork and directed by Evan Roth and James Powderly
- What is it to be like... (2006, 3 min; New Brunswick) directed by Reid Bingham
- St. Louis Centre (2006; 4 min; St. Louis) directed by Bill Streeter
- Albino Alley Cat (2005, 3 min; St. Louis) artwork and directed by Peat Wollaeger
- Albus Cavus Video Magazine (2006; 30 min., New Brunswick) directed by Nicole Wines
- Elefantos (2005; 10 min; The Netherlands) directed by Wayne Horse
Sponsors and Media Partners: Albus Cavus, Rutgers Film Co-Op, Jinxed Clothing, Liquitex Paint, Rarebreed, Day in the Lyfe, Robots Will Kill, Wooster Collective, Artcrimes, Ekosystem
for more info and trailers visit
New York: November 17, 2006
Party: Bowery Tattoo on Friday Nov 17th 7-9pm in NYC
334 Bowery between Great Jones & Bond
A sequel to the best-selling BROKEN WINDOWS: GRAFFITI NYC, BURNING NEW YORK: GRAFFITI NYC is sure to please an eager audience clamoring for more. New York is the undisputed graffiti capital of the world, the epicenter of a vibrant international scene that attracts artists from all over the globe. Some make the pilgrimage to study old school forms, others to make their own individual contribution to the evolution of the craft. All leave their mark. Burning New York features the latest and most exciting graffiti art being created today. In the same vein as Broken Windows it is a collection of interviews, intimate portraits of the artists working in the streets and hundreds of stunning large scale paintings. Burning New York features contemporary works by genre defying graffiti writers, an interesting combination of those who are just beginning to achieve prominence and others who have been honing their skills for decades.
"From the ashes of the 60s to the dust of Ground Zero, New York graffiti has magnetized and polarized, rocked and shocked. When the hot-eyed and restless ride the city's edge to turn dead walls into worlds of color, motion, and passion, Jim and Karla Murray capture their visions and voices with a fire to match. Don't blink."
Jeff Chang, author of Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation
BURNING NEW YORK by James And Karla Murray will be available
through GINGKO PRESS and
HARDCOVER 208 Pages November 2006
ISBN: 1-58423-173-4
Gingko Press
ISBN: 1-58423-173-4 $39.95
and Amazon
"From the ashes of the 60s to the dust of Ground Zero, New York graffiti has magnetized and polarized, rocked and shocked. When the hot-eyed and restless ride the city's edge to turn dead walls into worlds of color, motion, and passion, Jim and Karla Murray capture their visions and voices with a fire to match. Don't blink."
Jeff Chang, author of Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History of the Hip-Hop Generation
Hermosa Beach CA: November 16, 2006
Shoes for the Cure
Boston MA: November 16, 2006
"Exposed" November 16, 7pm to 11pm
Artists For Humanity/100 West Second St/South Boston, MA/02127
Phone: 617.268.7620 Fax: 617.268.7358
Painting, Photography, Multimedia Installations at Artist for Humanity.
Live Graffiti painting by: Problak, Marka27, Bamboo2, Biz20, Swat.
Support local artists that support Boston's youth. Artists for Humanity mentor
and teach visual arts to under-served youth.
with Stylus crew.....DJ Klues, DJ Sinclair and D.J T-Wrexx, spinning
Hiphop, Dub, Breakbeats, Funk, House and much more. please visit . For more info on the artist visit,
London UK: November 15, 2006
A visual clash of some of the UK and Oz's finest artists, upstairs at the Dragon Bar.
Featuring Goldtooth, Lister, Rinzen, James Alley,
Dscreet, Adam Neate, Cept, Paris Hair, Mysterious Al,
MuteID, Mjar , Showchicken and more to be confirmed.
Opening night party Wednesay 15th November with Live DJs
Everyone welcome.
The Dragon Bar, 5 Leonard Street, LONDON, EC2A 4AQ
Tel: 020 7490 7110
Nearest Transport
Old Street Tube
Cape Town: South Africa: November 12 - December 2, 2006
The Bin presents the second annual
100 Rand show
The Show provides a platform for new, up-and-coming and established
graphic designers; graffiti and street artists, illustrators and fine
artists to work within the limitations of producing work of a high
quality yet knowingly retail it for a minimal amount.
For more information contact:
021 465 8314
Boulogne, France: November 11, 2006
Aone Memorial Celebration
Anthony Clark:A ONE 1964-2001
Le 11 novembre 2001, il y a 5 ans, Aone figure emblematique du graffiti disparaissait. A cette occasion, nous vous invitons à lever un verre à sa mémoire, et partager une exposition de ses contemporains...
le samedi 11 novembre à partir de 20h00...
Studio Gallizia, 70 rue de la Belle-Feuille à Boulogne Billancourt, Métro Marcel-Sembat L9
Salem OR: November 11, 2006
Milano Italy: November 10 - 30, 2006
Abbot + Falko = Raus
La Biokip Gallery apre le sue porte dal 10-11 al 30-11 per ospitare i lavori di Fost e Abbominevole in una mostra di opere miste e visionarie che rispecchiano perfettamente la spontanea propensione dei due per la scelta di soggetti originali che hanno spesso e volentieri dell' assurdo.
Varie le tecniche utilizzate dall' Abominevole e Fost nel creare le proprie pazze opere, infatti è molto frequente che i due si servano del disegno in puro bianco e nero, del collage e della fotografia oltre a originali produzioni video nel concretizzare ogni malsana idea. Se non c'è limite all'assurdo allora non ci dev'essere nessun limite nel rappresentarlo, e questo i due artisti lo sanno bene.
The biokip gallery opens its doors from the 10/11 to the 30/11 to host the works of Fost and Abbominevole in an exhibition of mixed works and visions which reflect their spontanious choice of often absurd and original subjects.
Fost was born in Milan Ticenese where he meets and joins forces which Abbominevole, an instant collaboration sees them postering, stickering and colouring up the walls of Milan by night. Another of the many locations touched by Fosts creativity is the city of Berlin , the german capital is now home to him where he lives and studies and has collected three personal shows.His crazy characters crawl out from every angle , dominating the urban landscape.
When he is not seminating the streets of his native Milan , and many others with crazy creatures,
Abbominevole works in close contact with images, his truest passion, working with visuals as a vj in
electronic music events often organized by Fost.
Their weird and wackey characters fill up urban spaces without guilt.
Abbo + falco = Raus is the essence of their formula
created by the pair to capture the original sense of street culture interpreted in their unique
and personal styles .
The addition of the two elements results in a visual research on the themes of sexuality ,
law and the human being. The last being transforms itself into half man , half beast , un mitological psychedelic creatures of sorts.
The techniques employed by Abbominevole and Fost in creating their weird works are varied often from pure drawings in black and white to collage and photography and video production.
This solidafies their often unhealthy ideas .
If there is no limit to the unknown and undefined there can be no limit in representating it
a fact the two artist are well aware of.
Biokip Gallery @ RMX shop, via Della Pergola 3, Milano zona Isola 20159 tel: 02-36566988
Newark NJ: November 9 - 30, 2006
11-09-2006 at 6:00 pm
Reception for the artists, Friday November 10, 6-9 PM
After Party at 27 Mix
585 Broad Street
Newark New Jersey 07109
Phone: (973) 648 - 8275
New York: November 10, 2006
New artwork by LogikOne
The Thousand Faces of Spook Cornbread
Opening Reception: Friday, November 10th, 2006 from 7-10pm
The McCaig-Welles Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of new work by artist LogikOne. The exhibition will open on November 10th, 2006. With special guest DJ Kamikaze. Sponsored by Elemental magazine and Sierra Nevada. This exhibit will be on display until November 29th, 2006
McCaig-Welles Gallery
129 Roebling Street, Suite B
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Phone: 718.384.8729
Los Angeles CA: November 9, 2006
SLICK X STASH: "Rust In Piece"
collaborative art show at Melt Gallery in LA
on November 9. Curated by Supertouch, the show will feature individual and
collaborative works by the two legendary street art icons.
Paris, France: November 8 - December 2, 2006
5 masques / 5 villes
L'hydre métropolitaine déploie ses ramifications dans
toute l'Europe, pour autant chaque métro est
singulier, aux couleurs de sa ville (charte graphique,
type de rames...), 5 toiles pour créer une héraldique
monstrueuse : Berlin, Rotterdam, Moscou, Bucarest,
Une géographie de la conquête, quadrillage stratégique
des métros rituellement terrassés, défigurés et
symboliquement décapités.
Honet crée sa petite cosmogonie des forces
souterraines, Honet : la légende vivante, voudrait-il
devenir le héros de son mythe ?
En tout cas, les masques vous regardent, vous
dévisagent, voulez-vous entrer dans cette farandole
macabre ou rester médusé sur le seuil, peut-être à
jamais qui sait?
Texte par Cedric Gues, septembre 2006
4/6 rue du Perche
tel: (33) 01 42 77 60 99
Barcelona, Spain: November 5, 2006
Hiphop Session 3ªedicion
Después de la aceptación del freelife session 3, el pasado mes de julio en apolo.
hiphop collective presenta otros dos festivales:
hiphop session:
ROSTRO(pandemia,mollet),S+S (bcn) ,SAOT ST (desde canarias),
B boy junior y fallen angels (campeones battle of the year 2006 españa)
* Habrá: stands, tiendas y regalos *
El 5 de noviembre en sala apolo a las 17.00H
nou de la rambla 113
18 euros en takilla y de 15 anticipada ,
a partir del 20 de septiembre anticipadas en las tiendas: dos rombos (carrer del nord 68,local,terrassa)
bunker store (consell de cent 266,barcelona) , alls stars (tallers 6 y 78,comtal 25,barcelona) la calle (san benet 39 ,local 2, mataro )
3 De diciembre a las 17h. En apolo(nou de la rambla 113)
será un concurso, los mc,s o grupos participantes ,demostrarn su puesta en escena ,mientras que las bases ,las pondran los mismos dj,s participantes ,depende de las personas inscritas habra un tiempo.
mediante jurado se determinará los tres primeros mc's o grupos, y los tres primeros dj's .
jurado :ose(panzers),tito(falsalarma),dj gely y dj enzo(cuttinmonkeys)
el premio de los 3 finalistas de cada disciplina, es que se les grabara un compacto promocional (conjunto), en un estudio profesional. Los grupos y dj's recibiran 10 copias y las demas seran distribuidas a nivel nacional .
el primer premio sera participar como telonero del proximo evento organizado por hiphop colective.
el precio del concierto como publico es de 7 euros ,solo en takilla ,
requisitos del concurso
tener 16 años o más
Participación para el concurso -> 5 euros por persona inscrita que se abonaran el mismo dia
mandar por email los datos completos y dni a
imprescindible llevar dni
tiempo limite inscripcion 26 de noviembre,inclusive.
inscripciones freelife underground
poner asunto: "concurso"
grupo invitado freelifesession underground: L.O.P.(LA OTRA PARTE)
Próximamente mas detalles del festival en:
Amsterdam Holland: November 4, 2006
Art Beat Now
19:00H - 05:00H
- Boris Hoppek (D)
- Point (CZ)
- Keramik (A)
- Viagrafik (D)
- Akim One Machine (D)
- Nug (SE)
- Mind (CZ)
- Heiko Zahlmann (D)
- Super A (NL)
- Cream (D)
In the week preceding the event and during the night itself a giant
collective art-work will be produced live, highlighting the latest
developments in straat art like; 3D and architectural objects,
performance art, various new media and interactivity. The
work-in-progress will be captured in photographic animation film, which
will be shown during ArtBeat and of course afterwards on
and various popular street art sites.
The ArtBeat programm has a visual (Art) and musical (Beat) line up,
of which the 'Beat' part will of course steadily take over as the night
progresses. The 'Art' part on the other hand will start several days
beforehand in BG, a sizeable exhibition space on the ground floor of the
Post CS building, where the artists will start buidling their collective
'piece', while during the early hours of the ArtBeat night the project
will Concentrate on interactivity and spontaneous contributions by the
audience. All this will be registered by a battery of digital camera's
in a panoramic set up, creating a 'time lapse' animation film showing
every fragment in the progress of this project. The artists, each with
their own explicit style, technique and manifesto, are brought together
and put to work by two, in street art-circles celebrated guest curators;
Zedz (NL) ( and Esher (D) (, who also
proudly take the ArtBeat communication and webside design to their
account. Participating artists to date are:
In club/restaurant 11, on the top (11th) floor of the Post CS
building, the international computer art collective Neen will join in, a
debut for Amsterdam. Neen, a new art movement with a hard-to-describe
but all the more easy-to-experience artistic concept, has programmed an
evening filled with strange, interactive projections and performances
around a rather alienating dinner. (
The Beat programme shows a similarly cutting-edge and eclectic
line-up bringing new, international 'street-genres' together.
Downstairs at BG local DJ talents O'Boogie and King Toby will kick
off with a back to back set. There will be a live performance by Berlin
based act Jahcoozi ( or
Jahcoozi's Sri Lankan front woman could be described as a M.I.A. on
speed. Then there's a couple of dj-duo's lined up; the German
girl-dj-duo Sick Girls ( and the London
based, French-Swedish mix Radioclit ( Expect
a mash up of new hiphop flavors like grime, crunck, baile funk, booty,
breakcore mixed with dancehall, electro and 80's beats.
The climax at 11 will be the live show by London based Brazilians
Tetine ( This act has a more arty background,
but made quite a stir in the music and fashion scenes recently, with
their unique style best described as psychedelic subtropical rap. Known
as big promoters of the Rio de Janeiro rooted 'baile funk', a currently
massively popular Brazilian hiphop spin off. The art of beat will be
continued until near dawn with local star dj's Cinnaman and Tom Trago.
Phoenix AZ: November 3 - December 1, 2006
"Paintings of Mass Destruction"
12 Artists display 24 brand new paintings
done exclusively for this show.
The following artists have produced some of the most unique paintings seen on earth,
Serk, Fyse, Ekose22, Nekon, Woew, Dorms,
Talent, Aphen, Atore, Zoke, Oreo, and Dumper
Curated by; David Bart
Show runs @ Wet Paint Gallery
718 N. 4th St. Downtown Phoenix
Southwest corner of 4th & McKinley
Brisbane Australia: November 3 - 5, 2006
Adidas and Urban Store present
Darco Code Art - exhibition and book signing
Don't miss this rare opportunity to meet the French phenomenon in person.
Exhibition at Studio 454 -- book signing on Saturday afternoon at Universal Store
flyer - watch out for the limited open hours.
San Jose CA: November 3 - 25, 2006
FRICE by David Choe
a solo exhibit
Opening Reception: First Friday, November 3rd, 2006
8 p.m. 'til late - free and open to the public
David Choe is of Korean descent and was born and raised in Los Angeles.He dropped out of art school to become a wandering street/graffiti artist.He has traveled to some of the most dangerous places on earth (the Gaza Strip,Congo Central Africa,) as well as hitch-hiking and freight-hopping around the U.S.and Europe.
David returns to Anno Domini in his third exhibit with new works and stories from his recent travels.
Gallery Hours: Tues thru Sat., Noon - 8pm
Anno Domini // the second coming of Art & Design
366 South First Street
San Jose, CA 95113
t: 408.271.5155 / f: 408.271.5152
Tues - Sat, Noon til 8pm
First Fridays 8pm 'til late
Philadelphia PA: November 3 - 26, 2006
Juan Angel Chavez / Michael Genovese / Cody Hudson
Reception with the artists Friday, November 3 from 7-11 pm
SPACE 1026
1026 Arch Street, 2nd Floor
Juan Angel Chavez, Michael Genovese, and Cody Hudson have been collaborating as an un-official art crew on the streets of Chicago for years. Different than nighttime shadow skimmers whom seek street credibility by emblazing their names across a city; Chavez, Genovese, and Hudson create sensitive assemblages constructed of found objects. Each installation is pieced together randomly with no prior plan. Then the artists intuitively create a dialog of objects, deconstructed then reconstructed, inserting text patterns, and organic color fields forming a visual environment that symbiotically exists within the installations site-specific space.
IT'S A LONG WALK HOME is a journey that will start in Chicago and end in Philadelphia at Space 1026. Juan, Michael, and Cody will drive off the beaten path picking up pieces a long the way. A long the road the artist's will install and document mini installations during their travels, creating a trail marked with their touch. Their goal is to fill their van with enough accumulated material to build individual habitats inside the gallery and then live in them.
Collecting discarded material, once waste in the urban landscape Chavez, Genovese, and Hudson give life to remnants of times past. Weaving new memories out of past purposes; imposing fresh perspectives in vacant spaces. Blank walls that over time have been neglected, ignored backdrops in blighted areas are transformed into beautiful casts of playful energy. Old signage, fragmented information, abandoned mass surrounds an urban landscape. Articles of trash, unable to biodegrade accumulate in mounds, outline the periphery of our vision, and spill out of our habitats; stagnate. As a collective consciousness the artist/creator picks up those pieces, giving life to left over man-made relics.
Interested in assemblage dwellings, a habitat constructed entirely out of found materials, gathered in and around the area of installation became a focus for the artists. Making structures that re-connects the littered objects with a space synthesizing Genovese's hand written text patterning, Hudson's emotive shapes and colors, with Chavez's dimensional layered constructions.
Oakland CA: November 3, 2006
Oakland Graffiti Students Unmask the Fear Behind the Destruction of Habeas Corpus
OAKLAND, CA October 10, 2006. In response to the shocking and unprecedented abolishment of the Writ of Habeas Corpus, which was effected by Congress on September 28, 2006, Oakland students unveil a new series of thought provoking artwork at their second exhibit of the year: Terrorists, Aliens, and Criminals. This free, all ages multimedia event is put on by the Weekend Wake-Up, and features youth artwork, performance, and live music to bring attention to the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which assures the destruction of the 800+ year old legal protection that guaranteed all prisoners a right to a trial, legal counsel, and a right to see the evidence presented against them.
These profound works created by students examine the fear-based messages at the root of legal precedents such as this one, and the societal infrastructures that can disrupt or cultivate the cultural dialogues that build trust across communities. This new exhibit explores the public perceptions of people under covers and masks, from burkas to bandanas, as well as the proliferation of hidden identities in fear based climates.
On November 3, graffiti students from Oasis High School, Havenscourt Middle School, Coliseum College Prep Academy, Roots International, Berkeley High School, YEP Records and the Community Rejuvenation Project will premier their works as the visual exhibit accompanying, the Weekend Wake-Up, Oakland's best all-ages event. They will be accompanied by an impressive performance art component featuring Spoken Word Teatro from headRush, as well as live musical performances by the Brown Buffalo Project, youth emcees from YEP Records and special guest JB RAP all backed by the live funk instrumentals of Sidewalk Development. The event will be hosted by Wonway Posibul of the Secluded Journalists with DJ Agana spinning hip-hop all night and a special DJ showcase by DJ Twelvz. The artwork will remain on display until November 27.
WHERE: Café Prism
1918 Park Blvd, Oakland CA, 94601
WHEN: November 3, 2006 7 PM until 11:30 PST
Brown Buffalo Project
YEP Records
DJ Twelvz
DJ Agana
New York: November 3 - 4, 2006
Cannonball Press and Supreme Trading proudly present:
 The first ever annual vernacular printacular
brooklyn affordable print fair.
Supreme Trading
213 n 8th St. Williamsburg, Brooklyn 11211
Fri., Nov. 3rd 6-10pm Opening reception/party
Sat., Nov. 4th 12-6pm Fair is open all day
As part of New York Fine Art Print Week, Brooklyn's
own Cannonball Press has assembled an extraordinary
menagerie of graphic artists under one roof, who will
be present, displaying their prints, and selling them
for $50 or less for two days only.
Long-time champions of the affordable art cause,
Cannonball Press has brought together these great
artists so that New York can have a chance to see
first-hand the incredible resurgence in affordable
fine art printing that is happening across the
An entertaining sideshow will take place during the
fair, featuring metal music by DJ/MC master woodcutter
Tom Huck (St. Louis, MO), music by the Goddamn
Rattlesnake, an appearance by David Rees (author of
Get Your War On), the Sweet Action Roller-Skate club,
a performance by the Amazing Hancock Brothers, and
on-the-spot printing with Drive-By Press, which
operates a mobile press out of the back of their van.
Houston TX: November 3, 2006
Houston, are you board?
Friday, November 3, 7 pm-12 am
Houston, Texas
The biggest skateboard deck art show in Texas featuring local and
national artists.
All proceeds from art sales go to help PUSH Houston build the biggest
free skatepark in the nation.
Lyon France: November 2 - December 2, 2006
Vernissage de l'exposition le Jeudi 2 Novembre 2006
Exposition jusqu'au 2 Décembre 2006
L'hiver approche et le 2 Novembre à 19h, N2O accueille le vernissage d'une expo d'un grand nom du graff, Marko 93…
Marko 93 plonge en 1998 dans l'univers du hip-hop et plus particulièrement du graffiti.
Mais dès 1994, ce pionnier commence à mélanger des formes d'écritures arabes abstraites au graff et au tag. Cela donnera quelques années plus tard son style si particulier le « kalligraffism ».
A partir de 1999, il développe une technique la « kalligraffie lumineuse », il peint dans le noir des phrases graphiques éphémères avec de la lumière visible uniquement sur support photographique.
Cette même année, après avoir vu le film 'The Pillow Book », il expérimente la peinture sur corps au posca, le « body-paintz »…
Galerie N2O :
2, rue Romarin 69001 LYON
Contact :
Ouvert du mercredi au samedi
De 13h à 19h30 (sauf soirs de vernissage)
(Los Angeles) Pasadena CA: October 28, 2006
group show
opening reception
Saturday October 28, 2006
from 7 - 9pm
featuring works by
40 Mills Place
Pasadena, CA 91105
Every year, the Day of the Dead becomes more popular and influential, especially in the Los Angeles area. Unlike Halloween, the Day of the Dead does not avoid the subject of death through disguises and costumes, but it confronts it through direct interaction and thought-provoking laughter. Resurrecting positive memories of the deceased, The Day of the Dead (El Dia De Los Muertos) is a festive celebration rather than a mourning ceremony. This holiday, inspired by several distinct ancient Aztec cultures, was originally intended to commemorate and not antagonize the individual. As the holiday clashed with Christian and other Indigenous cultures it picked up new forms of expressions while losing some along the way.
The Day of the Dead is also an acknowledgement that death and birth are ultimately the same. Mendenhall Sobieski Gallery, brings together a diverse mix of young Latin artists that are producing contemporary work that deal with the subject matter in both a traditional and non-traditional manner. This "Day of the Dead" exhibition includes a range of multimedia talents. From artists where no introduction is necessary within the L.A. scene: Antonio Pelayo, hyper realist, Mister Cartoon, famed tattooist, Daniel Gonzalez, woodcut print master, Estevan Oriol, photographer, producer/director, Germs, painter, Joel Garcia, muertos maker, Melissa "Melly" Trochez, painter/muralist, The Street Phantom, Silhouette graff artist, and RETNA, graffiti artist/muralist/painter/designer.
New York: October 28 - December 2, 2006
[Derek Lerner, Doze, Rostarr, Mark Bode, Vaughn Bode,
Adrian Lee, David Ellis, Phil Frost, HR Giger,
Ron English, Rick Griffin ... too many others to list! See link above.]
Opening Reception: Saturday, October 28th, 7 to 10 pm
Fuse Gallery
93 2nd Avenue (between 5th & 6th Streets)
NYC, NY 10003
Subway: F train to 2nd Avenue
Fuse Gallery is adjacent to Lit Lounge.
During the run of each exhibition, Fuse Gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday, 3 to 8 pm.
General inquiries, or to inquire about purchasing works
To submit work for consideration [not for this show, but in general]:
We STRONGLY prefer that you email a link to your web site, or jpegs and a resume, to Erik Foss - .
If you really want to send print outs of your work, you can mail or drop off a package with print outs and a resume to Erik Foss at the address above.
Materials sent through the mail will not be returned, so please do not send slides or transparencies.
Car raffle
2006 Opportunity Drawing
Take a chance on a work of art you can drive!
2001 Honda Civic Coupe
Power Windows, Sun Roof
Air Conditioning,
15" Custom Rims (not shown)
Painted by renowned local graffiti artist Asylm
All proceeds benefit the programs at Inner-City Arts.
To purchase tickets or for more information
contact Inner-City Arts at (213) 627-9621.
* Just $25 a ticket, 5 tickets for $100
* Only 750 tickets are available
* Winner need not be present to win
* Drawing to take place on Nov. 1, 2006
Car generously donated by CARmax
Odometer reads 33,000 miles. All sales transactions are final. No payments will be refunded. Inner-City Arts reserves the right to reject any entry form that is submitted with payment that does not constitute "good funds." Inner-City Arts will make a reasonable effort to notify the individual or entity that has submitted such an entry form or which has been rejected because the credit card or check did not clear that the entry has been rejected prior to the prize drawing. Inner-City Arts assumes no responsibility for lost, late, misdirected or non-delivered mail. Only official raffle tickets will be drawn. No facsimiles permitted. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. All state, federal and local laws and regulations apply. Anyone 18 years of age or older may enter. Prize is non-transferable, and no substitution of the prize is permissible. No conversion to cash privilege. By entering this raffle, entrants accept and agree to be bound by these rules, limitations and restrictions and by the decisions of Inner-City Arts. All applicable taxes are the responsibility of the winner(s). All required documentation must be completed and applicable taxes must be collected before prizes are awarded to the winners. Other rules and regulations may apply.
Los Angeles CA: October 28, 2006
Hallow Wheat Paste
Vevey, Switzerland: October 28 - December 02, 2006
Arnaud Castioni (CH) - Blek le rat (FR) - Bodies in motion (USA) - Anne Brunner (CH) - Nicolas Christol (CH) - Clown-A.R.T. (DE) - Alain Declerq (FR) - Exil-A.R.T. (DE) - Fleischerei (DE) - Fuck for forest (DE) - Zoé Genet (CH) - Magali Koenig (CH) - Nicholas Marolf (CH) - Julien Marolf (CH) - Anne Meier (CH) - Fanny Meier (CH) - Juan Ñañez (AR) - Nur Schrec! (DE) Laurent Possa (CH) - Koka Ramishvili (GE) - Tromanale (DE) - Mélane Zumbrunnen (CH)
HYPOCRITE is the title and the subject of the exhibition. It's also a look at art, the art market, art for art, art for denunciation, art for rejection, or art for self-comfort . . .
HYPOCRITE is an unconventional exhibition that will take place in a prison, far from the trompe-l' oeil walls of chic galleries or ascepticized art centers.
HYPOCRITE is an exhibition organized by artists in a space conducive to new experiences.
HYPOCRITE is organized by the NZD association.
Old prison building, Vevey, Switzerland
Brussels Belgium: October 28 - December 2, 2006
Jonone 156
"Espace Art 22", Rue Van Aa, 22 in B-1050 Brussels.
Open from october 28th till december 2nd, 2006.
Wednesdays to saturdays from 12.00 to 19.00, sundays from 11.00 till 18.00.
Italy: October 27 - 29, 2006
Pessac France: October 25 - November 5, 2006
Vibrations Urbaines Pessac
"A la lettre"
du 26 octobre au 4 novembre 2006
Médiathèque de Camponnac (33)
Festival "Vibrations Urbaines"
D'un côté Nebay, artiste parisien, dont le style "old school" s'apparente avec les lettrages colorés
des débuts du graffiti new yorkais et pousse son expression au travail du "tag" et de l'abstrait,
De l'autre Zarb (Full Color) , utilise le wild style, le 3D tribal, et joue des ombres et couleurs pour matérialiser la calligraphie.
Tous deux, avec talent, transforment la source du graffiti : la lettre et lui offre un nouveau regard.
London UK: October 20 - Noveber 18, 2006
a one man show by
open to the public from 20th October - 18th November
Monday - Saturday 12.00 - 6.00 pm
open 'til 9.00 pm Thursdays
Admission Free
Nearest tube: Tottenham Court Road
Phil Frost is an artist from New York who combines the rawness of the
street with an elegant aesthetic.
When viewing his work, you are immediately struck by the frenetic rhythm
of the repetitive use of his personal language of shapes and letters
rendered in his trademark white correction fluid, then a moment later, you
are confronted with a dichotomy; the painting assumes a subtle, ethereal
quality as you get drawn into the finer detail and his seductive choice of
medium; sheet music, comics, dress patterns, leaves, paper, sticks,
feathers, ink - then whilst you are trying to unravel these overlapping
layers, you are negotiating the stark white shapes/ signs and symbols -
which take you back to the initial rhythm....
Phil Frost is a sophisticated self taught artist who served his
apprenticeship during the 90s creating elaborate installations on the
street of New York. Locations were scouted and measured before he
painstakingly created the artwork in his studio. The work, which could
consist of many panels, were then taken to the selected site under cover of
darkness. His notoriety led to a PBS documentary being made about his work
in 1994 when he was only 21, and his transition to galleries followed
rapidly. He has continued to move back and forth between culture and
counter-culture, operating both inside and outside the system, and has
exhibited widely in both commercial galleries and museum spaces in USA,
Europe and Far East.
At the end of last year Phil Frost's work was exhibited alongside artists
such as Picasso, Dalí, Magritte and Warhol in the acclaimed exhibition
"Looking at Words: The Formal Presence of Text in Modern and Contemporary
Works on Paper' at the Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York. The exhibition of
works on paper traced the history of the presence of the written word in
works of art during the last century.
As with so many of these counter-culture icons, Phil Frost has been
commissioned for commercial collaborations including album covers for Sick
Of It All. DJ Shadow, designs for realmadHECTIC and MASTERPIECE clothing
and Absolut raspberry vodka, and most recently a pair of skateboard decks
for SHUT, and high performance BMX parts. As something of a cult figure for
skateboarders it is fitting that Phil Frost's most enduring piece on the
London streets is outside Slam City Skates in Covent Garden's Neal Street.
He originally painted it by invitation in 1996, but has added to it
whenever he is in London.
1-3-5 Flitcroft Street
London WC2H 8DH
t: +44 (0) 20 7836 6747
f: +44 (0) 20 7379 0789
San Francisco CA: October 14 - November 4, 2006
Opening Reception:
Saturday, October 14th, 2006
7pm to 11pm
White Walls
835 Larkin Street
SF CA 94109
Los Angeles CA: October 13 - November 3, 2006
Daily Dirge
New York: October 13 - November 19, 2006
No Sleep ’til Brooklyn
A powerHouse Hip Hop Retrospective
The powerHouse Arena, 37 Main Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201
For more information, please call 212-604-9074 x100
No Sleep 'til Brooklyn is a 30-year retrospective of hip hop culture documenting its humble beginnings in the South Bronx through its glorious rise to global domination. The group exhibition represents every element of hip hop-from the breakers, graffiti writers, emcees, and djs to the photographers, writers, personalities, and fans who have made hip hop the greatest single force in pop culture. But this is by no means a story of celebrity, fame, and mass-market names. As KRS-One said, "Rap is something you do, hip hop is something you live." And so we dedicate No Sleep 'til Brooklyn to the people and to the streets, paying tribute to the founders, the innovators, and the next generation.
The show will feature works by artists including Charlie Ahearn, Janette Beckman, Peter Beste, Le Bijoutier, BLADE, Boogie, Martha Camarillo, Henry Chalfant, Vincent Cianni, Claw Money, Joe Conzo, Martha Cooper, CYCLE, DAZE, Martin Dixon, DR.REVOLT, ©ELLIS G., Delphine Fawundu-Buford, Carol Friedman, William "NIC ONE" Green, JAMES TOP, Hamburger Eyes, Lisa Kahane, Brenda Kenneally, Brian Kenny, Seth Kushner, LADY PINK, Maripol, Slava Mogutin, NATO, Charles Peterson, Mark Peterson, Ricky Powell, QUIK, Lee Quinones, Carlos "MARE 139" Rodriguez, Randy "KEL 1ST" Rodriguez, Thomas Roma, RUEDIONE, Q. Sakamaki, Jamel Shabazz, STAY HIGH 149, Peter Sutherland, TEAM, TOOFLY, Craig Wetherby, Dondi White, David Wong, David Yellen, and a very special guest!
To preview the exhibition please visit:
Gallery Hours: M-F: 10am-7pm, Weekends: 11am-7pm
Los Angeles CA: October 12 - 29, 2006
"Stop Biting!"
Conart : Exhibition
A retrospective exhibit paying homage to one of the founding street gear companies of Los Angeles.
Established in 1989, CONART clothing brand established itself as one of the first labels to use raw
designs by some of the best graffiti artists around. The exhibit will display original works created for
original t-shirt designs as well as reproductions of the many walls painted at the original CONART
studios in L.A. during the early to mid 1990s.
Artwork on display by the likes of: Pjay, Hex, Mear One, Xpress, Katch One, and others.
Crewest Gallery
110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA
(213) 627-8272 ph
(213) 559-0525 fx
London UK: October 12 - November 13, 2006
Blek Le Rat
"Every time I think I've painted something slightly
original, I find out that Blek Le Rat has done it as
well. Only twenty years earlier... " – Banksy 2005
A legendary figure in
street art, Blek Le Rat (Xavier Prou) was born in Paris
in 1951. Thought by many to be the father of stencil
graffiti as an art form, Blek began his unique, complex
and intelligent stencil works on the streets of Paris
in the 1980s. Hugely influential to the present
generation of street artists Blek's work bridges the
gap between underground street art and the mainstream
art world.
The Leonard Street Gallery is delighted to
announce Blek’s first UK solo exhibition featuring
iconic images from the last 3 decades. The exhibition
aims to give a complete overview of Blek’s work and to
give the current interest in street art a historical
Leonard Street Gallery
73 Leonard Street
T: + 44 (0) 207 033 99 77
F: + 44 (0) 207 613 05 91
preview on Thursday 12th October
Milano Italy: October 10 - 31, 2006
Rae Martini
Martedì 10 ottobre 2006, alle ore 19, la Galleria Antonio Battaglia inaugura la personale di Rae Martini, autodidatta, milanese, è uno dei precursori del graffiti writing in Italia. In mostra una serie inedita di quadri dal sapore puramente informale. Un lavoro atipico per un giovane, ma nel caso di Rae, legato alla sua provenienza di arte stradale e quindi sui muri che ricordano appunto le superfici di questi quadri dove l’artista centra tutto sulla materia e le sue evoluzioni giocando con delle sorta di ossidazioni ottenute dalla sovrapposizione di velature a strati di vernici. In questo nuovo ciclo di opere il colore è presente solo in alcuni punti lasciando spazio a grandi campiture di neri di grigi e di bianchi rendendo delle composizione molto rigorose e allo stesso tempo cariche di energia pittorica.
Rae Martini è nato a Milano nel 1976 dove vive e lavora.
Alla fine degli anni ottanta, affascinato dalle prime contaminazioni giunte in Italia del fenomeno Writing Newyorkese, (comunemente conosciuto come Graffiti), comincia a disegnare i primi sketch su carta e poi le prime Tags, seguendo la cultura dei capiscuola newyorkesi Phase 2, Kase 2, Dondi White, A-one, Futura 2000, Rammelzee.
Fu l’inizio della sua missione vitale e infinita passione per il wildstyle, lo studio, progettazione ed evoluzione della struttura della lettera e quindi della scrittura, mirato a dipingere illegalmente per strada nel contesto della cultura dei Graffiti una vera e propria sfida creativa positiva con gli altri writers. Dal 2003 sviluppa questo nuovo ciclo di astrazione gestuale che apre una nuova fase e chiude quella dei graffiti.
San Jose CA: October 6 - 28, 2006
Anno Domini // the second coming of Art & Design presents:
8 Tattooers * 33 Back Pieces * 2 years of documentation
Tattooers: Jason Kundell, adrian Lee, Paco Excel, Ron Earhart, Nate Banuelos, Matt Shamah, Horitaka & Phil Holt
Opening Reception: First Friday, October 6, 2006
8pm 'til late, free and open to the public
Special Event & Book Release: Thursday, October 19, 2006
The "Collectors" will be presented live in the gallery.
8pm 'til late, free and open to the public
Gallery AD
366 South First Street
San Jose, CA 95113
t: 408.271.5155 / f: 408.271.5152
Tues - Sat, Noon til 8pm
San Francisco CA: October 5 - ?, 2006
Upper Playground / Fifty24SF
Don't miss this rare opportunity to meet the famous
Brazilian graffiti artist, Vitché, and see his fantastic fine artwork.
Youtube video from Vitche's show
Berlin Germany: September 24 - October 28, 2006
Coming Soon
Friedrichstrasse 210, 1.OG, 10969 Berlin
Meeting of Styles 2006
10th - 12th November, Rio De Janeiro (Brasil)
New York, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Seattle, Austin, Atlanta: Film festival
Scion presents
Anthology Film Archives
32 2nd Avenue (At 2nd street) New York, NY 10003
*The Retail Mafia Documentary short is shown prior to each screening.
Just for Kicks October 30
Next November 13
Varsity Theatre
1308 4th Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
*The Retail Mafia Documentary short is shown prior to each screening.
Next November 29
Harvard Exit
807 E Roy St.
Seattle, WA 98102
*The Retail Mafia Documentary short is shown prior to each screening.
Next November 14
Alamo DraftHouse
409 Colorado Street
Austin, TX 78701
*The Retail Mafia Documentary short is shown prior to each screening.
Next November 30
Center Stage
1374 W Peachtree St.
Atlanta, GA 30309
*The Retail Mafia Documentary short is shown prior to each screening.
Next November 28
Madrid, Spain: September 22 - October 28, 2006
"El Garaje" Chopper Monster
Corredera Alta de San Pablo 21, Malasaña
Madrid - SPAIN
Chicago IL: September 15 - November 10, 2006
Reversible Eye
1103 No. California Ave.
Chicago IL 60622
(773) 862-1232
Barcelona Spain: October 21 - 22, 2006
SALDAO 2 bazar de arte
21 y 22 de Octubre
CARRER HOSPITAL, 48 entlo. 1ª
- invisible travellers
- fabrizio contarino
- sweet almah
- edjinn
- tv boy
- ibie
San Juan, Puerto Rico: October 19 - 22, 2006
Fifth Annual CANDELA Art & Music Festival
Music: Quantic, Nickodemus, Bobbito, Bugz in the Attic, Martin Creed & Band
and more
art exhibition by Lee Quinones and installation by Martin Creed/*
San Juan, Puerto Rico --The Fifth annual */CANDELA Art and Music
Festival/* invigorates the historic streets of Old San Juan with its
signature relaxed global cultural exchange on the island of Puerto Rico
from October 19 through October 22, 2006.
Spread across several
bar/lounges, the town square and select San Juan cultural institutions,
Candela's music will be in full effect with sounds by Quantic,
Nickodemus, Bobbito, Bugz in the Attic, Martin Creed & Band, and more.
DJ's from around the world (NYC, Berlin, LA, UK, ATL, Switzerland) along
with artists, dancers and regular folk have convened at this festival
annually to share good vibes and genuine artistry every October for the
last five years.
This year the festival will also feature the first ever
solo exhibition in Puerto Rico by Lee Quinones (curated by Isolde
Brielmaier) and a public works project by UK artist Martin Creed.
Quinones legacy as one of the original graffiti artists on the NYC scene
embodies the Candela spirit of "doing it for the love of it" and Martin
Creed sets off the historic bells of Old San Juan, recording an original
ring tone in his first public art project in Puerto Rico.
NYC: October 19, 2006
"NEXT: A Primer on Urban Painting"
will screen at BAMCinematek
(Brooklyn Academy of Music)
Thursday, October 19th at 8PM - one show only!
London UK: October 19, 2006
"Bitch Fight!"
SHOK1 vs CALMA, England vs Brazil
Opening: Thurs Oct 19th 6.40pm-10pm
StolenSpace (off Dray Walk) The Old Truman Brewery
91, Brick Lane,
E1 6QL
London UK: October 12 - 22, 2006
The Dray Walk Gallery
Dray Walk
The Old Truman Brewery
91 Brick Lane
London E1 6QL
Tel: 0207 247 2684
New York: October 11, 2006
The Family
Berlin Germany: October 11 - 14, 2006
Pictoplasma will be on the road summer 2006.
... with exhibitions, lectures and animation screenings in Sweden, France, Germany, UK, Russia and the US. You can bump into us on the 5th of May for a doodle session in the East German city of Halle, where we're celebrating the release of our kidult character colouring and activity book with a walk-through colouring room by Boris Hoppek (Barcelona), Neasden Control Centre (Manchester) and Shoboshobo (Paris). Or join us just one day later on the other side of the world, for the US Characters at War installation debut in the South Eastern Centre of Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, South Carolina. Keep an eye on our tour dates at
London UK: October 9 - 15, 2006
new work by
THE EXHIBITION brings together three artists, two from New York and one
from London. The title of the show directly
relates to the nature of their work, as all three artists have not only
have made successful transitions to the International
gallery scene but also continue to work on the streets; operating both
inside and outside the system.
THE GALLERY specialises in counter-culture and urban artists and is one of
the leading proponents of this genre of art;
The artists involved in this movement of art are the first to have come
solely 'off the streets' something which happened
decades ago in the fields of fashion and music. We have been working with
artists from this area for 16 years, and represent
some of the most important international artists in this field.
JOSE PARLA was born in Miami into a family of Cuban exiles, and moved to
Puerto Rico at a very early age before
returning to Miami again when he was nine. He currently lives and works in
New York, and only recently travelled to
Cuba for the first time. His work reflects his life and the wanderings of
today's urban populations, with their migrations and
upheavals. Parlá is concerned with the way that cities function as
palimpsests, upon which the experiences of those who
pass through them are materially inscribed in decay, in writing, and in the
well-worn paths of their inhabitants.
His materials and methods of work owe much to architectural construction:
cement, wood, vinyl as well traditional art
materials like paper, paint, powdered dye, wax, and ink. Parlá describes
his work as memory documents; leading these ideas
to form a personal philosophy of his work he calls Contemporary
Palimpsests. Each painting bears the name of the location
or experience from which it draws its source.
ADAM NEATE is a young British artist who became best known for leaving his
work in streets.
He either hangs his extraordinary cardboard paintings and canvases on
existing nails , or simply propped against lampposts
for people to find. Over the years he has left over 4000 individually
painted pieces on the streets of London alone.
His new paintings, which he has been developing recently are powerful
portraits, using recycled cardboard boxes as canvases,
torn and stapled, creating layers of colour and texture.
A new range of t.shirts and clothing from PRADA features Adam's skilful
line drawings and paintings.
RON ENGLISH has pirated over one thousand billboards over the last twenty
years, replacing existing
advertisements with his own hand-painted "subvertisements.". He is widely
recognized in the art world as one of
the earliest and most celebrated in a line of "culture jammers" - people
who usurp the images of advertising and
turn them on their head.
In the past, his ridicule has been directed at Coca-Cola, McDonald's,
Disney and the cigarette companies, to name a few.
One of his most famous lampoonings, from 1999, featured what looked like
the Apple Computers logo, the message
"Think Different," and a portrait of Charles Manson. It loomed over East
14th Street for about two months.
He revels in taking on the establishment, tearing down corporate icons, and
unravelling social constructs.
His works on canvas, exhibited in this exhibition, contain an equally
biting commentary whilst being flawlessly painted
in a hyper-real style. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries and
museums worldwide and his work included in
prominent collections, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in Paris
and the Whitney Museum in New York.
t: +44 (0) 20 7836 6747
f: +44 (0) 20 7379 0789
open to the public from 9th -15th October 2006
Monday - Sunday 12.00 - 6.00pm open 'til 9.00 pm Thursdays
admission free . nearest tube: Tottenham Court Road
Philadelphia PA: October 8, 2006
Book Release Party
by James G. Spady, H. Samy Alim, & Samir Meghelli
Featuring a Public Forum on Hip Hop, Graffiti, Reggae/Dancehall, Reggaeton,
Shaabi, and Raï
Honoring: Cornbread (the Pioneer Graffiti Writer),
Sonia Sanchez (Poet and Teacher), Rennie Harris (Choreographer and Hip Hop Dancer), Monie Love (Global Hip Hop Artist), and all Philly Hip Hop Artists, Fans, and Pioneers
Sunday October 8, 2006
Robin's Bookstore
108 South 13th Street
(between Chestnut & Walnut Streets)
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Free and Open to the Public
For more info: (215)-735-9600 //
Book Description: "Tha Global Cipha" is the first book on Hip Hop Culture to include in-depth conversations with artists from around the world, representing the many regional scenes of the U.S. (from the East Coast‚ to the Yay Area‚ to the Dirty Dirty), the banlieues of France, the Caribbean (from Jamaica to Puerto Rico), and various artists from Africa, Europe, and the Middle East,‚ as
well as diverse forms of street musics, such as Reggaeton, Dancehall, Shaabi and Raï. Some of the central themes of this book are gender and identity politics; the globalization and localization of Hip Hop Culture(s); Hip Hop, discourse, and religion; Afrodiasporic cultural flows between Hip Hop, Dancehall, and Reggaeton; and the languages, histories, and styles of the Global Hip Hop Nation.
The book features interviews with: Henry Chalfant, Kool Herc, Afrika Bambaataa, Jay-Z, Mos Def, Eve, Ivy Queen, Sean Paul, Young Jeezy, Oxmo Puccino, Trina, Mannie Fresh, Booba, Beanie Sigel, Foxy Brown, Buju Banton, Cheb Khaled, Pitbull, Snoop Dogg, Tego Calderon and many others.
CORNBREAD will be appearing at the event and will be honored there, and that the book is the first to include the story and history of CORNBREAD, along with an in-depth conversation with Henry Chalfant about how he first got involved in the Graffiti community, and how he came to put together the film "Style Wars" and the books "Subway Art" and "Spraycan Art."
Milano Italy: October 7 - 8, 2006
101 è la resurrezione di un angolo dimenticato.
Una resurrezione attuata nel segno dell'arte e della creatività. Un'arte non convenzionale, quella a cui la grande città scintillante non da spazi. Abbiamo scelto di non rimanere nel silenzio aspettando che qualcuno si accorga di noi.
101 nasce dalle periferie di Milano, dove la stinta metropoli si confonde nel bianco cielo, dove irte gru arrugginite si arrampicano come artigli.
Si ode solo lo sferragliare dei treni sullo sfondo. Binari che segnano direzioni. Limiti da valicare. Cancelli da oltrepassare. Superfici da dipingere. Muri da far vibrare.
Vogliamo far rivivere una fabbrica abbandonata che sonnecchia nel pulviscolo, svegliarla coi colori e le luci, farla pulsare di arte. Fotografia, video, pittura, scultura, installazioni, performances,suoni e rumori.
Prima che venga cancellata per sempre dalle ruspe. Prima che la città che va veloce si dimentichi di questi luoghi.
Per un giorno ci riappropriamo di una fabbrica, per rendergli il nostro tributo artistico. L'ultimo gioioso saluto dell'arte alla polvere.
Dov'è 101? Il luogo verrà comunicato al pubblico solo 24 ore prima dell'evento.
101 è una collettiva aperta a chiunque. Se sei interessato, contatta:
San Francisco CA: October 7 - 8, 2006
Open Studios
October 7th and 8th
11am to 11pm all day event
live painting and works by: damon soule, mike davis, kim cogan, albert reyes, henry lewis, jeremy fish, sam flores, adam5100, sylvia ji, eric bailey, mars, oliver vernon, bigfoot, david choong lee, richard colman, andrew shoultz, shawn barber, michael hussar, anne faith nicholls, lee harvey roswell, anthony ausgang, van arno, eric joyner, natalia fabia, korin faught, kevin llewellyn, andrew brandou
this is an event where you can watch some of your favorite artist paint, watch their technique, meet them, watch the process etc. all day free event, all are welcome. hope to see you there.
white walls gallery
835 larkin st. san francisco ca 94109
415 931 1500
Lyon France: October 6 - 19, 2006
Thomas Canto
Thomas Canto, artiste plasticien, propose pour cette exposition une immersion dans son univers.
Peuplé de plateformes pétrolières et autres modules techniques, accompagnés de nomenclatures et de côtes qui soulignent l’influence du graffiti.
N2O Galerie
2, rue Romarin 69001 LYON
Boulder CO: October 6 - ?, 2006
Bask: Wrong Side of the Tracks
Opening party will be Friday October 6th,
1955 Broadway Ave.
Boulder, CO. 80302
Phoenix AC: October 6, 2006
Such Styles
New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco: Call for participation
Calling All Graphic Designers...
in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco -
We Want YOU!!!
Cut&Paste, the live digital design tournament, is ready to kick off a whole new competition this year in a major city near you. Eight top designers from each city will be selected to compete head-to-head in 15-minute elimination rounds of creative design challenges until only one designer reigns supreme.
The designers will perform live onstage on Apple G5 workstations equipped with Wacom Cintiq displays, in front of a cheering audience of their peers and a panel of distinguished judges (see below), accompanied by a banging soundtrack provided by hometown hero DJs. Of course, in true modern fashion, there will be a raging afterparty to celebrate the crowning of the new Cut&Paste 2006 champion. You've earned it.
This is the bboy battle of design; the visual DMC; the Iron Chef of 2D art. If you have what it takes to be the best designer in your stomping grounds, this is your chance to prove it. Don't snoozeÅc the next superstar is always ready to meet the challenge.
For more details and TO ENTER THE TOURNAMENT NEAREST YOU, go to:
New York City: 10/21, entry deadline: 9/29
Chicago: 11/04, entry deadline: 10/06
Los Angeles: 11/11, entry deadline: 10/13
San Francisco: 11/18, entry deadline: 10/20
New York: September 15 - October 14, 2006
New book
Photographs by Peter Rosenstein of:
CHICO, NOMAD, Andre Charles, DE LA VEGA, SLOAN, Hulbert Waldroup, Wanda Ortiz,
Keith Haring, Kenny Scharf, LEE, FREEDOM, SES, RAZ, KENN, SOZE, NOSM, MAZE,
WARM, FREE5, EWOK, RIOT, PFUNK, DEZ, BRING, Art Guerrero, Richard Haas, WEN, MUZE,
JEW, PSYCHO, SANE, AD, TATS CRU, FX CRU, TDS and more! Tattoed Walls also
memorializes pieces from The Graffiti Hall of Fame.
Bill Adler's
Eyejammie Fine Arts Gallery
516 West 25th Stree
New York
Open from Monday-Friday from 10 am to 6 pm and Saturday 1 pm to 6 pm.
Closed Sundays.
Take C or E train to 23rd Street.
(University Press of Mississippi, hardback, $40.00)
Text by Isabel Bau Madden; Foreword by Stefan Eins
[But wait! Some artists are suing the author for the way their art is displayed, and without their permission:
Marseille, France: September 22 - 24, 2006
Paris, France: September 23 - October 14, 2006
After "Art is not a crime" in 2004, Henry Chalfant is back in Paris for "Burners", his new exhibition at the Willem Speerstra gallery. Is it necessary to introduce the artist ? Co-author of Subway Art [Henry Chalfant & Martha Cooper, Subway Art, Thames & Hudson, 1984] and Spray Can Art [Henry Chalfant & James Prigoff, Spray Can Art, Thames & Hudson, 1987], co-producer of the movie Style Wars [Tony Silver, Style Wars, 1983, published on DVD by Plexifilm], he is the man who has revealed New York Graffiti to the world. "Burners" are forty photographies of window down burners [pieces painted under the windows] taken by the photographer in the beginning of the Eighties in New York and selected from the hundreds that form his collection. Some of them were never exhibited before.
His selection is simply astonishing. Every style is represented, in an explosion of flow and colours adorned with tags, commentaries and dedications to discover on the cars. The master's photographs, which give a fantastic reproduction of the subways' patinas and, on some of them, let see the rhythm of the environment, are magnificent. Thanks to Henry Chalfant, once again, it is a considerable part of the Graffiti adventure that is given to us to see and admire. A rare moment, not to be missed.
Extracts of the text written by Emmanuel Moyne for the upcomming catalogue: Henry Chalfant, « Burners ».
4/6 rue du Perche
tel: (33) 01 42 77 60 99
Portland OR: September 16 - October 18, 2006
Missing Link
3314 SE Belmont St.
Portland, OR 97214
Los Angeles CA: September 16 - October 14, 2006
Opening Reception: September 16th, 8-11pm
Merry Karnowsky Gallery
Solo Exhibition
170 South La Brea Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90036
San Francisco CA: September 9 - October 7, 2006
Solo show by:
During the early-80s global Hip - Hop explosion, Brett Cook was a
teenage graffiti writer in San Diego, California, developing a unique
style that highlighted characters instead of the classic letter
imagery. While studying zoology, education, and fine art at UC Berkeley
in the 1980s and early 1990s Cook was further influenced by the
dynamic Bay Area graffiti art, community art, and non-for-profit art
space cultures that were vibrant during that time. Under the tag
"Dizney", he painted important, topical murals that commented on
homelessness, apartheid, and racism. His street art and public persona
became so wrapped together that his tag became part of his name: Brett
Cook-Dizney. From 1994 to 2005 Brett developed an active art,
teaching, and activist career based on the east coast and abroad. Brett
returns to White Walls for the first solo exhibition of his work in the
Bay Area in over a decade.
White Walls Gallery
835 Larkin Street
SF CA 94109
Openning Reception:
Saturday, September 9th, 2006
7-11 pm
(You've seen Dizney before in SF, on the Defenestration building in SOMA
years ago. He did the fantastic multicolored portraits.)
New York: September 9 - October 7, 2006
"The Left Hand Path" by Doze Green
"Cataclysmic Mayhem...Capturing the Feelings of the Modern World" by Andrew Schoultz
The Left Hand Path--- the incredible paintings of Doze Green, which used to be found
only on the walls and the subways of NYC in the 70's, is now recognized and
acclaimed in everywhere--from here to Japan and Europe. In his solo show "The Left
Hand Path," his works translate complex metaphysical concepts through his paintings,
such as the possible manipulation of energy and matter to create a timeless space.
Cataclysmic Mayhem...Capturing the Feelings of the Modern World---Andrew
Schoultz focuses on capturing an overall mood. For 9 years, he was traveling around
the US, which he says has brought him larger perspectives toward human, nature and
the everyday life. In this particular exhibition, you will find connotations and
literal references of modern day events relate to a larger perspective of human
* Opening Reception: Sep 9th, 7-9pm
Address: 529 West 20th St, 9E
Date: Sep 9th - Oct 7th
Info: 212.243.3822
Hours: Mon-Fri 11am-6pm
New York: September 8 - October 8, 2006
Hip Hop you Dont Stop
Photos by Martha Cooper 1978--2005
With Drawings by Carlos Mare 139 Rodriguez
Opening Reception Sunday, September 10, 2006 4-6pm
Signing of Newly Published book Street Play by Martha Cooper with
introduction by Carlos Mare 139 Rodriguez
Abrons Art Center
Henry Street Settlement
466 Grand St.
NY NY 100002
+1 (212) 598-0400
San Jose CA: September 1 - October 21, 2006
an art show about shared space and cooperation
co-curated by Poor Al
Opening Reception- First Friday September 1
8pm til late, free and open to the public
Music by Be Brave Bold Robot
A collection of rare collaborative art pieces created by 88 participating artists. The Collabro group show aims to define a moment of the urban art movement, a movement met with evolutionary strides in ideas, composition and esthetic. In this contemporary art progression, artists are encouraged to break hard-line, uncompromising work conventions and instead progress with each other, as evidenced in the cooperative elements of street murals. For Collabro the artists have joined their separate art forms on shared canvas space, providing exceptional opportunities in what can be called an "ego share."
Anno Domini is proud to be the host of the Bay Area version of this exhibit and has curated an additional 20 A.D. affiliated artists to participate. It was shown in Los Angeles this past May and has plans to move onto other cities across the U.S. over the next year.
Gallery Hours: Tues thru Sat., Noon - 8pm
COLLABRO participating artists:
Joshua Petker, Alex Pardee, Robert Bowen, Lesley
Reppeteaux, Poor Al, John Michael Gill, Sophia
Pottish, Scott Saw, Peter Taylor, Axis, Greg
"Craola" Simkins, Isaac Pierro, Jophen Stein, Tim
McCormick, Sylvia Ji, Len Croskey, Michele
Waterman, Daryll Peirce, Gustaf Rooth, The Mac,
Siloette, Luiki, John Stuart Berger, Dave "Persue"
Ross, Tina Anderson, Kim Scott, Downtimer, Casey
O'Connell, Tristan Eaton, Neko, That Kid Peep,
Mike Maxwell, C. Liu, Monica Hoover, Chandu
Reading, Ewsoe, Andre Salcido, Mark Bode, Marco
Zamora, David Russell Talbott, Kelly Hutchinson,
Brandon Steen, Meex, Ricky Watts, Chris Jehly,
Jeremy Szuder, Blinky, Marcos Lafarga, Thomas Han,
Erik Alos, Ekundayo, Ben Horton, Skinner, Chris
Granillo, Daniel Fleres, Gale Hart, Loren Purcell,
Iceberg Slick, Caeser Garcia, Clown, Sez, Andrew
Brandou, Matt Stallings, James Naccarato, Jeff
Soto, Joe Ledbetter, Jeremy Fish, Jesse Hotchkiss,
Ezra Li Eismont, Charity Romero, Dan Lewis, Matt
Pugh, Jason Arnold, Tim Leirman, Lucien Shapiro,
Dave Correia, Brad Isdrab, Jon Wayshak, Sam
Rodriguez, Paul Alvarez (Zen), Alex Lukas, Ned
Ven, Jesse Reno, Ashley Montague, Alfonso
Kellenberger, Rebecca Cotton, nOah, Yoshi 47
Anno Domini // the second coming of Art and Design
366 South First Street
San Jose, CA 95113
t: 408.271.5155 / f: 408.271.5152
Tues - Sat, Noon til 8pm
First Fridays 8pm 'til late
Hamburg Germany: August 4 - October 20, 2006
SUPPLY & DEMAND - The Art of Shepard Fairey
from August, 4th to October 20th 2006, open Mo–Fr 10-18h, Sat 10-16h
in the
Gingko Press Showroom - Milchstrasse 10 - 20148 Hamburg
Film Screening:
Thursday, August 17th 2006, at 21h
- "Andre the giant has a posse" (Helen Stickler, USA, 1995, 15 min.)
- "To Be Seen" (Alice Arnold, USA, 2005, 30 min.)
- "CultureJam. Hijacking Commercial Culture" (Jill Sharpe, Canada, 2001, 52 min.)
- "Knock Off. Revenge on the Logo" (A. Baldauf/K. Weingartner, USA, 2004, 45 min.)
Shepard Fairey: Supply & Demand - The Art of Shepard Fairey
360 pages/ Hardcover/ 235 x 305 mm/ 240 B&W Illus./ 560 Color Illus./ISBN 1-58423-244-7/ € 49.90
Tijuana, Mexico: September 30, 2006
Fribourg, Switzerland: September 30, 2006
Dare 20-Year Retrospective
6pm - 10pm
Buenos Aires, Argentina: September 21, 2006
21 de Septiembre 16Hs.
From 16Hs. to 7hs.
CAIX (Costa Salguero)
Graffiti Live (ZEAR - JAZZ - DAM)
KITCH TECH Santa Fè 1670 local 25/subsuelo (Gal. Bond Street)
TERCER OJO Santa Fè 1670 local S.9/subsuelo (Gal. Bond Street)
OVER SOUL Cabildo 2230 Local 40 (Gal. Las Vegas)
CHOPIN HAGEN Florida 537 Local 280 (Gal. Jardìn)
Bridgeport CT: September 23, 2006
The 2nd Annual
Return of the Boom Bap
Arts and Music Festival
September 23, 2006 * 10am-10pm * Bridgeport, CT
The Return of the Boom Bap is a FREE Break Beat and Hip Hop Culture
event designed to spark the growth of urban expressions and the revival of it's network in the community. This event will focus on these 5 elements: DJ's, MC's, B-Boys, the art of Graffiti, and the 5th element is the soul, to be the most peaceful and respectful person you can be. Someone who believes in a good and safe life. Someone people look at and can say, that's a good person that represents Peace, love, respect and having fun. Our goal is to project a positive influence to the inner city and beyond for generations to come.
- The Legendary Grandmaster Caz 6pm - 7:30pm
- Orion vs. DL 4pm - 5pm
- Skrilla 5pm - 6pm
- B-Spaz and Mc e.rockimus 8pm - 9pm
- Daddy Green Jeans VS. Steppo 9pm- 10pm
- Sneaker and the Dryer 3pm - 4pm
- Drew Down 7:30pm - 8pm
- Unique 1pm - 2pm
- Exiled 2pm - 3pm
- Legacy 12:30pm - 1pm
- FATJO 10:45am - 12:00 am
- Silly Ill (Hip Hop / Turntableism) 12pm - 12:30pm
- Skunk 10am-10:45am
- Napalm
- e.rockimus
- 5AM
- Jivid
WHERE: FAME CITY (Behind Burger King) 225 Boston Avenue Bridgeport, CT
(aproximatly 250 ft. legal graffiti wall with a capacity of over 1,500 people)
*WALL SPACE IS ON A FIRST COME FIRST GET BASIS in the past space has been taken by 9am so get their early!
Linoleum provided for B-Boys
Sound provided by Atari Safari
WHEN: September 23, 2006
Rain Date September 24, 2006
COST: FREE!!!!! (Donations glady accepted)
INFO: Tom (203) 257-7850
Shane (508) 320-5426
Jay (203) 767-6901
VENDORS: Contact us ASAP to reserve your spot, limited spaces available!!!!
Berlin Germany: September 22 - 24, 2006
Bode Tribute Berlin
info about Bode in Berlin:
Bode Tribute - Vernissage, Live Show and Party:
Friday 22. Septmeber
Start: 8.00 pm
Exhibition days are also:
Saturday 23. Sep. and Sunday 24. Sep. - always from 6.00 pm
103 Club
Falckensteinstrasse 47
10997 Berlin Kreuzberg
- Germany -
Mark Bode Indoor Signing Session
Saturday 23. September
Start: 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Overkill Shop
Koepenicker Strasse 195 A
10997 Berlin Kreuzberg
- Germany -
Mark Bode Painting with Berlin Artists:
Sunday 24. September
Start: 12.00 oclock (midday)
Stralauer Platz 35
10243 Berlin
- Germany -
Paris, France: September 21, 2006
Rio de Janiero, Brazil: September 19, 2006
O Instituto Oldemburg de Desnvolvimento, a chocolates Garoto, o Studio Alfa, ComCausa-ArtePensamento e o Espaço Constituição convidam para
Exposiçao de arte e graffiti
do artista MARCELO ECO
DIA:19 de setembro
Horário:19 hs
Local: Espaço Constituição
Rua da Constituição,34 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro- RJ
San Francisco CA: September 19, 2006
Sick and Loaded at Space Gallery
[Sorry if some details are vague, it was almost impossible to extract
useful info from the email they sent with all the tracking links.
Maybe the address for the gallery is at the URL below.- susan]
This is our official move to our new home at Space Gallery in San
Daddy Kev
live painting performance by Mear One
Los Angeles CA: September 15, 16, 17, 2006
Watch for details at
Also see what he did to Paris Hilton, on YouTube
Adelaide Australia: September 15, 2006
All City Style
Photos of the toy trains from the Australia shows
Portland OR: September 12, 2006
a film by Marc Moscato
the evening features:
Bill Daniel in person to present "WHO IS BOZO TEXINO?"
Morgan Mullen lecturing on "WILDMEN, WOBBLIES & WHISTLEPUNKS"
Michael Ismerio (old time fiddle hootenanny)
+ MC Wamu
Tuesday, September 12th, 7:30PM
Liberty Hall, 311 N Ivy St
$5 donation
THE MORE THINGS STAY THE SAME is a work-in-progress
focusing on Dr. Ben Reitman and Great Depression
Chicago. Best known as lover and press agent to
anarchist Emma Goldman, Reitman was also known as
Chicago's clap doctor, self-appointed "King of the
Hoboes" and "the most vulgar man in America". He
maintained an unconventional medical practice, working
with hoboes, prostitutes, the poor and other outcasts
of capitalist society, performing abortions and
offering birth control, both of which were illegal at
the time. Marc Moscato, who has been researching the
topic for the last two years, will present a short
talk and video clip revealing a fascinating but
forgotten era of free speech, women's reproductive
rights and a lost but vital counterculture.
Morgan Mullen, a local historian, will follow with a
brief talk entitled "WILDMEN, WOBBLIES & WHISTLEPUNKS:
Lowbrow Counterculture in the Northwest" and provide a
rundown of hoboedom in the Northwest, the relationship
between hoboes & the IWW (Industrial Workers of the
World), the genesis of the Beatnik movement in
Portland and how it all relates to the present. Mullen
will also talk about Portland's Stewart Holbrook
(1893-1964) who became a leading American journalist
and historian by writing what he called "lowbrow" or
"non-stuffed shirt history." Holbrook's writings
reflect his sympathy for and romanticizing of loggers
and other workers, underdogs, visionaries and
fanatics, his interest in the humorous and offbeat,
and his penchant for puncturing myths and poking fun
at hypocrites from all walks of life.
Also screening is Bill Daniel's WHO IS BOZO TEXINO?
( a twenty-years in the making film
about hobo and railworker graffiti. While gathering
interviews and discovering clues to the identities of
many of the most legendary boxcar artists, Daniel
discovered a vast underground folkloric practice that
has existed with little notice for over a century.
Today these drawings live on as a new breed of hobos
have taken to the rails and kept the tradition of
moniker chalking alive. Since completing the film in
June last year, Daniel has been on the road, wowing
audiences of punks, geezers, folkies, foamers and
graffiti toughs all over the nasty ol usa.
Providing music is the old time fiddlin' of Michael
Ismerio and MC Wamu is the special mystery surprise
Master of Ceremonies. All are welcome.
Los Angeles, CA: September 10, 2006
Kofie One
Bielefied, Germany: September 9 - 16, 2006
"must be written"
saturday 09.09 // 20.00h
meet & greet everyone / Ozone, Niedernstr.35/Free Admission
sunday 09.10.// 18.00h
Opening Seak Expo "new works"
Viktoria. street
wednesday 09.13 // 20.00h
Movie night with with graff and Streetart related movies,
Altes Lichtwerk, August-bebel-Str. /Free Admission
thursday 09.14 //19.30h
Reading Julia Reinicke (Berlin)
"Post-Graffiti - between street, art & commerce"
saturday 09.16 //22.00h
Party at Bielefelds infamous "kamp" featuring Denyo & DJ Mad (Beginner)
/admission: 3 !!
09.11. - 09.15
"new works by seak", viktoriastr.18 /free admission//
daily open from 18.00h - 21.00h
Seak will paint a big mural near the venue of his exibition, (viktoria
During the whole week there will be regional artists like:
blöt, ren0190, bumm, dewar, bö, igit, icten, the young, carlos, diät,
usbeki, geräteturnen, 602 and many moreredesigning public spaces at the
Arndstreet (near wunderbar), at the Kamp, and at the Neumarkt.
a commentated Street-Art guide is available for 1 at following spots: Cafe
Wunderbar, Schicksaal, Mellow Gold, Konticket, Ozone, Kamp
the whole week wouldnt be possible without the love and support of:
cafe wunderbar, hertz 87,9, mellow gold, schicksaal, konticket, kamp, ozone,
carhartt, molotow, and eastpak
Norwich UK: September 9 - 10, 2006
Anglia Square, Norwich.
Wallspace for approx 60 writers. Possibly more.
DJs, paintable vans, food and stalls.
Hip-hop session sat night. Live P.A T.B.C. + DJs
+ a pub to paint out sunday afternoon / night
or call 07765 807089
Santiago Chile: September 8 - October 1, 2006
Galeria Impermanente
Vancouver, Canada: September 8 - 18, 2006
The Tangled Web
317 East Broadway
Vancouver BC
San Jose CA: September 8, 2006
Picks of the harvest
think space
4210 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90029
7PM until 11PM
London UK: September 4 -15, 2006
The gallery is open from 12.00 - 6.00pm Monday - Saturday with late
openings on Thursdays until 9.00pm - all other times by appointment.
Please email or 'phone 020 7836 6747
nearest tube: Tottenham Court Road
Admission FREE
Indianapolis IN: September 1 - 27, 2006
Scribe, Cents, Sacred, and others
Stutz Art Gallery
1005 N. Senate Ave.
Info: (317) 833-7000
Also see the wall mural on the side of the American Tent & Awning building, 205 E. Palmer St.
Schio, Italy: September 1 - 10, 2006
Urban Signs
Mambo, Joys, Skah, Peeta, Hitnes, Sparki, Boost, Soda, Cento, Zuek, Made, Iktronex,
Jeos, Sika, Shireiko, Mr. Wany UES & Ale!, Onis, OverSpin, Smile, Jpeg, C>>, Kato, Kadez, Macaco, Cepo, and more.
info: and
Ingolstadt Germany: September 1 - 17, 2006
Fr 1st – So 17th September 2006
location: Reithalle, Ingolstadt/Germany
- ZEDZ (Amsterdam/Netherlands)
- VIAGRAFIK (Wiesbaden/Germany)
- M÷E (Dresden/GErmany)
- DFM-Crew (Ingolstadt/Germany)
- 27 ADDICTS (book project)
Cardiff Wales UK: September 1 - 3, 2006
New dvd
This is a unique document about the European train writers scene release in DVD, all
zone with many features from Strasburg to Oslo, going through Roma, Warsaw and
Stockholm...more than 2 hours of pure graffiti in total. There are not so many in
stock, so get it now or never!
You can order it directly:
Distributors : If you want to distribute it in your own country, please contact us
directly to
Austin TX: August 26 - September 9, 2006
Austin Graffiti Art from Birth to Present
Opening: Saturday, August 26th 6-11pm
Opening Night Events:
- Live mural painting at 6pm
- Freight train demonstrations
- B-Boy City "Planet Rock Party" next door at Tambaleo
- Gallery Talk at 8pm, Brief Graff History
- DJ Innerlign
- History Wall
show open and free from August 26th - September 9th
Featured Artists:
Mez, Spain, Ecka, Saint, Sek, sloke, mes, Sae, Mes, Gomer, broke, Wake, J.Sen, Worm, Dice, Spain, Degas
Curated by Nathan Nordstrom and Rachel Koper
Sponsored by: Red Bull, Gomi Kitti, Tambaleo, B-Boy City,
Wahoos and City of Austin Hazardous Waste Services
Gallery Lombardi...the right side of the tracks
910 West Third Street, Austin, TX 78703
tues-sat noon-6pm
Mexico City: August 26 - September 2, 2006
Cambridge UK: August 20 - September 30, 2006
SIN Cru presents...
Stone Seeds Unearthed
A multi-media exhibition that documents the lifestyle,
development and transformation of Hip Hop collective SIN Cru.
Featuring illustration, photography and video of their
recent tour of the Big Apple to hook up with NYC style master
Ken Swift and Breaklife, as well as the TATS Cru in the South Bronx.
Showing in-store at Unify
72 King Street Cambridge CB1 1LN
Further info check
Opening reception:
6-8pm sunday 20th august 2006
Open daily until the end of September 2006
please rsvp to
Chicago IL: August 19 - September 29, 2006
Serenity Now
Revise CMW
New York: August 8 - September 10, 2006
"Something Missing"
57 Pearl St.
Dumbo, Brooklyn
opening reception: Tuesday August 8th, 2006 7pm - 10pm
Soundtrack: DJ Swingsett and Friends
Chicago IL: August 5 - September 9, 2006
Opening Reception
Saturday August 5, 2006
7 – 11 pm
13th District Gallery presents Anthony Lewellen in his first solo exhibition of this
scale in Chicago. Featuring new and previously unseen work and site specific installation. Music by DJ Tevo Howard
13th District Gallery
1706 W. Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60622
Portland OR: August 3 - September 30, 2006
Upper Playground Grand Opening
Couch St in the Pearl, across from JBT
Sao Paulo Brazil: July 28 - September 16, 2006
Os Gemeos
The fish that ate shooting stars
PHOTOS from their installation
Galeria Fortes Vilaca
New York: June 30 - September 3, 2006
Graffiti at Brooklyn Museum
Media Preview Thursday, June 29, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Brooklyn Museum presents Graffiti, an exhibition of twenty large-scale
works from such influential artists as Michael Tracy ("Tracy 168"), Melvin
Samuels, Jr. ("NOC 167"), Sandra Fabara ("Lady Pink"), Chris Ellis ("Daze"),
and John Matos ("Crash"). Graffiti explores how a genre that began as a form
of subversive public communication has become legitimate -- moving away from the
street and into private collections and galleries.
Graffiti is organized by Charlotta Kotik, Curator and Chair, Department of Contemporary
Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn NY 11238-6052
Minneapolis MN: June 29 - September 9, 2006 (extended)
B-Girl Be: A Celebration of Women in Hip Hop
Pink, Toofly and Muck painted the backdrop for the
Summit: June 29 - July 2, 2006
rap . graffiti . dj . dance . panels . fashion . poetry . visual exhibition . film
Summit Program
Most events located at Intermedia Arts and have a ticket price and are all ages unless otherwise noted. Reservations are highly recommended to guarantee a seat at these events. Please call 612-871-4444 or email to make your reservations right away.
Intermedia Arts
2822 Lyndale Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN. 55408
(directions to Intermedia Arts)
THURSDAY, June 29th
6:00-7:30 PM
Hip-Hop Herstory: a keynote address by Dr. Roxanne Shanté
Opening dance performance, "My Name is Roxanne," choreographed by Angel Adams, Maia Maiden, and Aneka McMullen.
$5 general public/ $3 members/ $2 youth 16 and under
The Capri Theater
2027 W. Broadway
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Phone: 612-871-4444 (reservations recommended)
FRIDAY, June 30th
$5 general entry to Intermedia Arts gives all day access to aerosol art production, visual art exhibit, open mics, films, panels and outdoor performances and merchandise. All other events have separate ticket prices.
Noon-8 PM
Aerosol Art Production led by FAITH47 including LADY PINK (NYC), TOOFLY (NYC), MUCK (NYC), SILOETTE (Phoenix), PHEM9 (Kansas City), SHIRO (Tokyo), STEF (Chicago), ZORI4 (Puerto Rico), RUST (Minneapolis), LUSH GIRL (Minneapolis), SHY (Minneapolis) and more.
Noon-1:30 PM
Artist Talk and Tour of B-Girl Be Exhibit
Included with general entry price
2:00-4:00 PM
[This is just one event. There are many many fun things
going on at the Summit. See the links below for the full program.]
New York: June 29 - September 3, 2006
SELF-PORTRAIT consists of the work of CASE 2, COCO 144, GIZ, JA, KEZ 5, LES,
NATO, NOXER, RATE, SKUF, TRACY 168 AND VFR displayed within the confines of
a theatrical forum, and instead of delivering the predictable punchline of
graffiti as received in popular culture, these artists produce a wildly
varied, unexpected and nakedly honest portrayal of themselves and their
Martinez Gallery
Address: Brecht Forum, 451 West Street, New York, NY 10014
Hours: Fridays and Saturdays 12 - 6 PM and by appointment.
For more information call 212-619-2149.
Sydney Australia: August 24, 2006
Sydney Premier - Chauvel Cinema
Thursday 24 August 6.30 pm
Chauvel Cinema
Paddington Town Hall
Corner Oatley Road and Oxford Street
Phone: 9361-5398 [this phone number may be old]
Jisoe is
set inside Melbourne's underground graffiti
scene. The provocative film exposes for the
first time how this international culture has
carved an identity in Australian suburbia.
The film centres on Justin Hughes (aka Jisoe),
a young graffiti artist who is part of an
emerging Australian underclass. The story
swings between Justin's gritty daily existence
of painting trains and smoking drugs, to
intimate, emotional moments such as the birth
of his child, the deterioration of his
relationship and, finally, his eventual mental
Jisoe reveals a private, highly secretive (and
paranoid) subculture, taking place completely
in the face of the public. Although the film
is set to a backdrop of ambitious graffiti art
and a soundtrack including original local hip
hop artists.
Bankok Thailand: August 19, 2006
Madoc, ONT, Canada: August 19, 2006
Organized by Taste the Adventure, the skateboard shop in Madoc, ON, Canada.
Call for participation: graffiti artists in the
Toronto, Kingston, or Ottawa areas. Madoc is right in-between the three
cities. Organizers will provide paint, 4x8 plywood, and food. The demo will happen through
the day (9am to 4pm). One of the local building owners is interested in
mounting the (6) pieces as a permanent display! Her building is at the main
intersection of town. Considering Madoc is a town of 1200 people this will
be very cool. The "theme" of the art will be things of interest to women. Other than that it's up to the artist what they
want to do.
We are hosting an all girl day at the local skate park. This is a free festival and all the proceeds of the BBQ will go to the
skate park.
There will be girl
bands playing all day, graffiti art demonstrations, female vendors, lots of
good food, and of course tons of skateboarding.
Hamburg Germany: August 18 - 20, 2006
Kommen Staunen Kaufen
See the limited prints.
Melbourne Australia: August 16 - 29, 2006
Wall to Wall
the Mcculloch,
8 Rankins Lane, Melbourne City.
Phibs : 629w : Dylan Hisco : Debs : GhettoKitty Vs
Pheelix : Susannah Garden and More..
Cologne Germany: August 11 - 27, 2006
1. Ausstellungs:Vernissage: 11.08.2006,ab 19.00 Uhr
Kalker Hauptstrasse Nr. 220 , Köln Kalk ,Kvb 1+9 bis Kalk Kapelle
(Öffnungszeiten während der Ausstellung: di.+do.,17.00 – 22:00, sa.+so. 11.00-17.00).
Ausgestellt werden Arbeiten der Künstler: KINGPIN, Debug-Visuals, WaHn, For, Cashju, Artwarz, Smieone, Jiar, Jungle sessions crew, use use, Marc Hartmann, der Herr und sein Knecht,Freeze und Sarah N.!
2. Graffiti-Kongress 18-20.08.2006, täglich von 12.00-18.00 uhr in der Mütze ,Berlinerstr.77,Mühlheim statt.
Zum zuhören und mitdiskutieren wird eingeladen.
3. Filmabend 24.08.2006, um 19:30 uhr in der „Alten Feuerwache“
Gezeigt werden lokale und internationale Filme,Dokus und Animationen zum Thema.
Weitere Informationen: [site is down - Aug 9]
oder bei:
tel:0221-64 23 08
Montreal Canada: August 11 - 13, 2006
For more information on travel, event schedules and hotels please go to or
Contact (writer registration)
Vous êtes cordialement invité au vernissage de la nouvelle exposition à SubV qui se déroulera ce vendredi, de 19h30 à 23h.
SubV: 5666 Sherbrooke O. (NDG, Métro Vendôme)
Plus d'info:
Brixton UK: August 10, 2006
EASTPAK presents
Throwdown @ Plan B: b-boy Flyte memorial
The Eastpak Throwdown crew are back in Brixton after their
huge nationwide battle at the Birmingham NEC on the
29th-30th of July, and their hyped up and ready to
battle -- Plus there‚s a special interactive art installation
using a UV sensitive graff wall, and freestyle ciphers from
the Nu-MCs!
The event is in memory of b-boy Flyte.
Thursday 10th August
@Plan B, Brixton.
8pm till 3am
£5 entry/ £4 dancer g list.
New York: August 10, 2006
A 25th Anniversary Breakin’ Event at Lincoln Center Out of Doors
Thursday, August 10, 2006, 6:00–7:10 p.m.
Josie Robertson Plaza
Lincoln Center, New York City
This event is free and open to the public
For more information, please call +1-212-LINCOLN (+1-212-546-2656)
Twenty-five years ago, the first breakin’ battle for a
large public audience was held at Lincoln Center Out of
Doors. Henry Chalfant organized a battle between two New
York break dancing groups to introduce breaking to the
public. The original breakin’ battle event, of all male
dancers, held on August 15, 1981, was photographed by
legendary hip-hop documentarian Martha Cooper who is now
coordinating the 25th anniversary event, We B*Girlz.
To honor the rise of the b-girlz, as well as pay homage
to the b-boyz who paved the way, Lincoln Center Out of
Doors will present We B*Girlz: A 25th Anniversary Breakin’
Event on Thursday, August 10th on the Josie Robertson Plaza
at 6:00 p.m.
In the past 25 years, women have become a strong,
driving force in the hip-hop scene. As documented in We
B*Girlz (Miss Rosen Editions/powerHouse Books, 2005), the
first book to showcase the b-girl scene worldwide. Cooper
partnered with text editor Nika Kramer to speak with old
and new school b-girlz around the globe about their work to
redefine the role of women in a traditionally
male-dominated field.
The We B*Girlz Lincoln Center Out of Doors event will
feature an all-star international line-up of female
performers, participants and judges. Emceed by Toni
Blackman, New York, and featuring music by DJ Sparkles,
Philadelphia. It will feature a 3-on-3 battle between four
crews: Dynamic Rockers and Fox Force, both New York City;
Style Comes First, Philadelphia; and Flowzaic, London.
There will also be performances by popper/locker Rowdy of
Flowzaic as well as a group show by members of Keep Risin’
to the Tops, a dance troupe based in Spanish Harlem. The
judges include Rokafella, New York; Asia One, Los Angeles;
and Aruna, Rotterdam. The backdrop will be painted by
graffiti legend Lady Pink along with Toofly and Muck.
Prior to announcing the winner of the battle, Henry
Chalfant will introduce original b-boys from the 1981
event, bringing them on stage to take their bows. When the
winner is announced, Toni Blackman will freestyle with two
members of her Cipher Workshop, in a grand finale, with
everyone on stage taking part in a jam that recognizes the
achievements of both b-boys and b-girls, as well as old
school and new school styles.
One of New York’s most anticipated summer traditions,
Lincoln Center Out of Doors, now in its 36th year, is
enjoyed annually by thousands of people who come to its
FREE music, dance, spoken-word, special events, and
interactive family programs representing traditional and
contemporary arts and culture from around the world, and
the rich cultural diversity of New York City.
For a complete listing of Out of Doors 2006 events,
visit Lincoln Center’s website: or to request a brochure, call 212-LINCOLN.
We B*Girlz: A 25th Anniversary Breakin’ Event at
Lincoln Center Out of Doors is funded by National Endowment
for the Arts and co-sponsored by City Lore, Inc. in
collaboration with The Point, C.D.C.
Cincinnati OH: August 10 - 13, 2006
New York: August 8 - 29, 2006
Taipei Cultural Center
what Summer is
Angelo Baque, Maggie Chiang, Julia Chiang, Peter Chung, Cheryl Dunn, Ryan Hixenbaugh, Shaniqwa Jarvis, Robin Kahn, Jose Krapp, Erin Krause, Jeremy Langdon, Lila Lee, Jasmine Levett, Lesley Ma, Brian McLoughlin, Lucie Mennig, Jose Parla, Hiroko Rodriguez, Steve Rodriguez of 5boro Skateboards, Kostas Seremetis, Olivia Shao, Yuri Shibuya, Koji Shimizu, Stash, and Charwei Tsa.
1 East 42st, bet 5th and Madison.
ph: 212.697.6188
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-12pm
Cologne Germany: August 8, 2006
New York: August 5, 2006
Phoenix AZ: August 4, 2006
Lost Leaf Gallery
Cincinnati OH: July 28 - August 18, 2006
Raise / Raze
Call for participation - deadline: August 15, 2006
Robot Assemblage Creativity Contest
Los Angeles CA: July 22 - August 10, 2006
Swindle Magazine and Scion Present
Reception: Saturday, July 22 -> 7-10PM
"Collections" features the works of 10 artists displayed
alongside their favorite stashes, with accompanying bios and
short essays from the artists on their devotion to their
treasures. The art will be for sale; as for the collections,
well, good luck getting these folks to part with their prized
Featuring the artwork and collections of:
Caleb Neelon
Adam Wallacavage
Alex Lukas
Souther Salazar
R. Grimes
Francesco LoCastro
A.J. Fosik
Gary Baseman
The opening event will also feature live screen-printing by
Faction. Guests are invited to bring clothing and/or other
items to be decorated.
Scion Installation L.A.
8553 Washington Boulevard
Culver City, California 90232
This event is curated by Swindle Magazine
San Diego CA: July 20 - August 21, 2006
Back in the Day
L Street Gallery (across from the Omni Hotel)
628 L Street (6th Avenue and L Street downtown)
San Diego CA 92101
T: 619/645.6593
Thursday, July 20th: Preview Night/ Artists Reception, 7pm - 11pm
Friday, July 21st: Reception, open to the public, 7pm - 11pm
- Christian Azul
- Andrew Bell
- Elizabeth Berdann/ Blu
- Zoya Cherkassky
- Cam De Leon
- Brandon Dunlap
- Tristan Eaton
- Filth
- Huck Gee
- GONZO247
- Jim Koch
- Chris Lee
- Mimic
- Brian Morris (ooo000ooo)
- Sara Antoinette Martin
- Kathie Olivas
- Alex Pardee
- Dave Persue
- Brandt Peters
- Phetus
- Lesley Reppeteaux
- Seen
- Sket One
- Chris Ryniak
- Rob Schwager
- Michael Uman
- miQ willmOtt
Culver City CA: July 15 - August 14, 2006
The Lab 101 Gallery and GEN ART present
Opening Reception: SATURDAY . JULY 15 . 7-10pm
open bar provided by becks please drink responsibly
8530-B Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232
310 558 0911 / (map and directions)
Chicago IL: July 14 - August 5, 2006
Gallery 718/ Translucent Chocolates presents:
Subculture Arts
an exhibition of new works by Dredske RK and Kepha AEK.
Opening reception: July 14, 2006 6pm-9pm
Transluscent Chocolates Gallery
718 W. 18th street
Chicago, IL 60616 nutrition provided by: The Principal w/ a live performance by emcee VYLE
Chicago IL: July 14 - August 11, 2006
Nine Lives
- Thor Alward
- Michael Genovese
- Jerry Inscoe
- Dan Ezra Lang
- Anthony Lewellen
- Remi Morgan
- Caleb Neelon
- Chucho Rodriguez
- Chris Silva
Parts Unknown Gallery
645 W. 18th Street
Chicago, IL. 60616
(312) 492-9058
Saturdays, 12-5pm and by appointment
Chicago Arts District Second Friday Opening: reception July 14th, 6-10 p.m.
Special Closing Reception: Friday, August 11th, 6-10pm
San Francisco CA: July 13 - August 12, 2006
Tony Curanaj (SUB DF)
Recent Oil Paintings
[Sub is famous in the graffiti world for his detailed and fabulous characters. In the
indoor art world, he is famous for his photo-realistic still life and landscape
paintings. These must be seen in person to be fully appreciated. His paintings are so fine
and so detailed that it's hard to believe. He is truly one of the contemporary
American masters. These paintings are investment quality and a joy to behold. See for
yourself in one of his rare West Coast exhibitions.]
John Pence Gallery
750 Post Street, San Francisco, CA
reception Thursday July 13th-6:00pm to 8:00
Porto Alegre, Brazil: July and August, 2006
a Felipe Yung (aka FLIP) exhibition
at Galeria Adesivo
Felipe Yung, aka Flip, is an artist from Sao Paulo that mastered his calligraphy all over the city landscape. But he was also one of the first graffiti writers in Brazil to draw characters without letters in the streets and work with posters and stickers. Creating mainly characters, like the "Flipitos" (little ones) and "Jagunços" (giants with little heads), Flip have influences in urban culture (art, fashion and music), urban (tags and pixação) and Japanese calligraphy (Shodo) and print (Ukiyo-e).
He showed his art in several art galleries and recently passed by Europe, where he did shows in spaces like Subaquatica (Madrid) and Galerie Kamchatka (Paris).
With his friend Sesper, he opened MOST gallery (RIP) in Sao Paulo's downtown, the first in the country focused in urban art, presenting shows with artists like Nunca, Onesto, Tinho, Titi Freak, Vitché and Herbert Baglione. He also work as a graphic designer, doing works like the record covers for major and independent musicians, as Marcelo D2, Paulo Napoli and Echo Sound System, and design works for companies as Sony Music, MTV and Volkswagen.
Now Flip is opening his first show in Porto Alegre, the biggest city in the south of Brazil, near Argentina and Uruguay. In Galeria Adesivo (Flip's long time friends) he's presenting CORTIZZA. Flip is used to paint in paper and wood, and now is working with a material that is in between the two: the cork. For this show, he painted in cork sheets and used bottle stoppers to create strange three legged toys. He also painted in the walls of the gallery and draw with burned bottle stoppers.
The exhibition will be open in July and August, with all the paintings for sale, together with a limited hand made series of cork toys. This is the 19th show from Galeria Adesivo, a space devoted to urban art, skateboard related art and underground comics.
Los Angeles CA: July 8 - August 6, 2006
L.A. Reprazent
Opening Reception
Sat. July 8, 2006
Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca, Chris Haston, Asylm, Ruet,
Logan Hicks, Man One, Saber, Zes, Revok, Eriberto Oriol,
Patrick Martinez, Vyal, Spurn, Erick Rodriguez, Codak,
Gregg Stone, Werc, Mear, Ruet, Chaz, Oscar Magallanes,
Draftsmen, Edgar Hoill, Estevan Oriol, Sacred194, and
a few others...
On the 4 turntables:
38CAL Dj's - Handprints, Dstrukt, and Ethos
Crewest Gallery
110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA
(213) 627-8272 ph
Seattle WA: July 7 - August 5, 2006
losefatu Sua
2316 Second Avenue
Seattle WA 98121
New York: July 7 - August 22, 2006
Contemporary Art at
its Best
The work of Chilean graffiti artist
Rodrigo Patricio Pradel's is a pure representation of
generation Y. He fuses urban graffiti, comic styling, and
personal intricacies. The pressures of societal norms
pushed him to discover himself and his love for life. His
struggle to find his muse is emblematic for his generation
and brings rawness to the world of art.
Agora Gallery - SoHo
415 West Broadway
Thursday, July 13, 6 - 8 PM.
open to the public
San Jose CA: July 7 - August 19, 2006
Richard Colman
Come To Me
Artists' Reception First Friday July 7, 2006
8pm til late - free and open to the public
Sounds by Amonie
Richard Colman continues his personal mythology with a new series of paintings entitled Come to Me. Along with his signature imagery of Victorianesque men and women, coffins, hooded minions and chandeliers, Colman introduces new iconography to his lore: regal lions, beacons of color and reaching hands as if to signify the quest for the sacred and meaningful.
Richard was born in 1976 in Silver Springs, Maryland and received his BFA from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Colman has had numerous shows around the world, has contributed artwork to various books and has been featured in a variety of magazines. A book of Colman's paintings (2000-2006) will be released this fall by R77 Publishing.
Exhibit on view thru August 19, 2006 AD
Gallery hours:Tues. - Sat., Noon - 8pm
also on view in gallery1:
C. Ryder Cooley and Jessie Rose Vala thru July 22nd.
Anno Domini // the second coming of Art and Design
366 South First Street
San Jose, CA 95113
San Francisco CA: July 6 - August 5, 2006
Well Hung
featuring the new works by our favorite ladies:
Sylvia Ji, Monica Canilao, Andrea Wicklund, Jenny Bird, Hanna Stouffer,
Amanda Lopez, Laura Brink, Jennifer Poon, Siloette, Diana Thorneycroft,
and Jill Simonsen.
Reception Date: July 6th, 2006
7pm to 11pm
White Walls
835 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Call for participation
Public Image Enemy
This is Loto Ball
I work for an art gallery/ all ages venue in Chicago called Reversible Eye.
we are looking for participants for our series Sep 15 to Nov 10
entitled Public Image Enemy
Public Image Enemy is a multidiscipinary celebration featuring artwork, performance, and music which results from the collision and collaboration of Punk Rock and Hip Hop artists.
the art and music, performance, etc. will be a celebration of the 30th anniversaries of punk rock and hip hop cultures.
we will focus on the places where the two cultures borrow from eachother and / or collaborate with each other
We are looking for hip hop artists influenced by punk and punk artists influenced by hip hop.
If you know any artists looking for chicago gigs or showings during this period that may fit the bill please let us know
send info:
1103 No. California Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
(773) 862-1232
Birmingham UK: June 10 - August 10, 2006
Not tree + Not sky = Brick
This show explores an alternative reality where anything is possible. Great
mountains of "goo" run wild, explosions burst out of its side whilst winged
brains placidly fly on by. This fantasy land plays with non-sensical visual
language that relates to pop and subversive cartoon imagery. The viewer is
drawn in by the inviting ice cream-like vistas, only to realise there is a
darker nature to the work. Treacle flows down a sumptuous cloud which acts as
camouflage for a grimacing monster. Winding abstract architecture grows across
the wall, reminiscent of the 3-D letter styles used in graffiti. Floating
castles house toxic mutant ninjas that are whimsically going about their every
day work.
At the mac
Cannon Hill Park,
United Kingdom
B12 9QH.
Telephone: 0121 440 3838.
Opening night 21st June 6:oo - 8:00
Open daily 9am - 11pm. Free admission.
Public Spaces Gallery: Bar and Corridor
Admission to mac's exhibitions is free.
Philadelphia PA, Rochester NY, San Diego CA: Summer 2006
Flix from the Philly event from Change
and Been3
The event is in three cities now
Philadelphia, PA June 10
Rochester, NY July 29
San Diego, CA August 19
New Haven CT: June 2 - August 13, 2006
SubCultures: Art of the Action Figure
In the Fourth SubCultures exhibit, we continue to ask the questions: Are
toys art? And does free beer and snacks make people attend an art opening?
Witness the Collision of toys and art for yourself! Can you smell the
plastic in the air?
- Matthew Connelly
- Jesse DeStasio
- Steve Forde
- Josh Izzo
- Justice Joseph
- Mark Nagata
- Phil Ramirez
- Roy Wasson Valle
- Tyson Summers
- Kevin Winnik
- Toy2R
- Vice Magazine and much much more
Opening Party FridayJune 2nd, 2006 6-9pm
Channel1 220 State Street New Haven , CT 06500
Questions: 1-203-789-0309
Los Angeles, CA: July 29, 2006
The History of Los Angeles Graffiti
Book signing,
live art, drinks and good times
4:00 PM - ????
7522 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90046
PH: 323-851-7223
Event info, maps, book photos, etc.
San Francisco CA: July 29, 2006
Monkey Killing
Art Work Rebels
Artwork Rebels in conjunction with Goorin Hat Company, present all new art
works on display at the Cachi Gallery in San Francisco. Come see what your
favorite artists have been up to for the last couple of months and enjoy
complimentary drinks, sponsored by Goorin.
Saturday, July 29th, 2006 from 6pm-10pm
Cachi Gallery
312 Valencia Street @ 14th Street
San Franicsco, Ca 94103
Marcus Pacheco, Yutaro, Retna, The Mac, Amandalynn, Zes, Push,
Reyes, Norm,
Holly Ellis, Joe Leonard, Saber, Michael Ryan, Revok, Chris Kelly, Sever,
Jessica, Jason and Sheli K, Lucien Shapiro, Fate, Shawn Barber, Steel, Pete the
Painter, Charlie O'Hanlon
Canzano (TE) Abruzzo Italy: July 28 - 30, 2006
post-graffiti art exhibition
painting workshop with kids
live show graffiti
live music and street theater
Flint MI: July 28 - 30, 2006
The Hip Hop Film Festival
An educational and entertaining experience in the Flint
Cultural Center featuring art, music, and 9 movies!
The influence of Hip Hop is pervasive in the music, art, literature, fashion and films of American culture and grows stronger every year. Touring in the U.S. and abroad throughout the year, The Hip Hop Film Festival showcases progressive urban cinema that addresses social and individual responsibility while countering the apathy, cynicism and violence so pervasive in society today. For years many Hip Hop artists have worked to transcend old stereotypes and to represent a set of positive, progressive values. The HHFF serves as a dedicated forum in which these values --
and the people who live by them -- can be celebrated, examined, and understood. For more information, please visit:
Friday, July 28
5:00 PM Opening Night Party
Hip Hop's Influence on Art: An unveiling of a hip-hop inspired
art in the FIA Lobby, organized by Michigan-based artist and
curator Craig Paul Nowak.
- RIKU (Detroit, MI)
- John Fletcher (Flint, MI)
- MINES (Kentucky)
- LaKela Brown (Detroit, MI)
- Serge Gay Jr. (Florida)
- Craig Paul Nowak (Brighton/Detroit, MI)
- ARMY (Detroit, MI)
- Kneecap (Flint, MI)
- Kosek (Ann Arbor, MI)
- And others, including work from Shangri La Media (Detroit, MI)
Featuring musical performances by Rosta Records artists Theory, G-Wiz, Main Event and DJ. Plus screenings of locally produced videos: -- 104-1/2 Street Short -- and -- Woman II Woman. --
6:00 PM - Nobody Knows My Name (1999, documentary, 58 minutes-- followed by discussion with director Rachel Raimist)
7:30 PM - Scratch (2002, documentary, 90 minutes)
Saturday, July 29
1:30 PM - Style Wars (1983, documentary, 70 minutes)
3:00 PM - The Freshest Kids (2002, documentary, 90 minutes)
5:00 PM - Bomb The System (2003, drama, 95 minutes)
7:30 PM - Wild Style (1982, drama, 82 minutes)
The History of Turntablism ( -- H.o.T -- ) at the Sloan Museum
Organized by the Art Caf -- of Davison, Michigan, the -- H.o.T -- exhibition at the Sloan Museum will display antique and retro turntables, art, photography, videos, and other ephemera of DJ culture. A performance event will take place on Saturday, July 29th, from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Sunday, July 30
1:30 PM - What's Up Fat Lip? (2002, documentary short, 27 minutes)
2:00 PM - Breath Control (2001, documentary, 73 minutes)
3:30 PM - Freestyle (2003, documentary, 72 minutes-- followed by discussion with filmmakers Kevin Fitzgerald, Todd Hickey, and Rachel Raimist)
More events (workshops, guest
performances) on Saturday and Sunday.
The Flint Institute of Arts is a museum and art school located
in the Flint Cultural Center in Flint, Michigan. Visitors can
enjoy an active program of changing exhibitions, masterpieces
from the special collection, weekly films, studio classes, and
a variety of educational programs and special events throughout
the year.
Flint Institute of Arts
1120 E. Kearsley Street
Flint MI 48503
Loves Park IL: July 29, 2006
Grillz and Skillz
Sponsors and vendors wanted. Info:
Barcelona Spain: July 27, 2006
Upper Playground is pleased to present new works by
internationally recognized artists, David Choe and
Saber. The opening reception will be at the Montana
Shop & Gallery in Barcelona, Spain on July 27th at
David Choe is a prolific artist that works in every
and any medium available to him. His work is highly
recognized and respected throughout the world as he
reaches all facets of society through his comics,
murals, toys, books and numerous other projects.
Saber is an artist known for his massive ¨wild style¨
graffiti pieces. Most notably, Saber has created thus
far the world's largest graffiti piece on the cement
banks of the Los Angeles River that measures 250' x
55'. This mural is considered to be one of the most
important pieces in graffiti history.
July 27, 2006 at 9:30pm
Montana Shop & Gallery
C/ Comerç, 6
08003 Barcelona
Tel.: +34 932 680 191
New York: July 27, 2006
Shepard Fairey book signing
at the New Museum
Sydney Australia: July 27, 2006
Five Power
Portland OR: July 27, 2006
Losers Weepers
Ryan Bubnis
Denver CO: July 22, 2006
Zombie Works
Ariano Irpino: July 22, 2006
WMW 2th edition
live show graffiti painting in Ariano Irpino (AV), south Itlay.
on the wall:
- BOL SNOOPY (23 rec Roma)
- KIWI (TNT Roma)
skaters...breakers and sound system.
San Diego CA: July 22, 2006
Future Of Style
Future of style just opened another location in Hillcrest (San Diego) We will be having a grand opening party/art show on 7/22/06 from 12pm till 8 or 9ish. We will have refreshments, 3 djs (DJ Gabe,DJ Dimas, and DJ Cmoney_murder) as well as a showcase of local artists on display for your viewing pleasure!
Check out for all the lastest in underground urban wear!
Riverside CA: July 22, 2006
3724 LA SIERRA "B"
[More battles for other elements]
For booth space contact
or message
/round6 for more info
Open circles, open mics, open minds....
Chicago IL: July 22, 2006
Uptown SUmmer
Fest and Hip Hop Arena
July 22nd at Truman
COllege from 10am-4pm.
We are still looking for performers/vendors/ peeps to
sign up for the B-girl boy battles and the 1st annual
Footwork Dance Down (winner will compete against the
west south side winners at the KL back 2 Skool event
at the COngress theatre in August--sharing the stage
with some of the biggest Hip Hop names in the
we need volunteers too!
There will be
mock murals
stencil tshirt making tables
Youth and Cultural Performances
Dance battles
Childrens/youth area with rides, games etc
and more
San Francisco CA: July 22, 2006
Vaugn Bode Birthday Party - Postponed
more info on Mark Bode's site
San Francisco CA: July 22, 2006
Precita Eyes Muralists present:
The 10th Annual SF/Bay Area
Urban Youth Arts Festival
TIME: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
WHERE: Precita Park, Precita Ave. at Folsom,
(near Cesar Chavez) San Francisco, CA
All youth, neighbors, family and friends are invited to
come and be a part of positive and creative expression with
San Francisco/ Bay Area artists at the Tenth Annual SF/ Bay
Area Urban Youth Arts Festival in Precita Park, San
Francisco. Witness / participate in traditional as well as
aerosol mural painting.
This event is sponsored by Precita Eyes Muralists; a
San Francisco based non-profit community mural arts
organization. All are welcome to spend the day enjoying
mural performances, food, music, and break dancing.
Admission is FREE.
For more information please contact Joshua Stevenson or
Fred Alvarado at Precita Eyes Mural Arts and Visitors Center,
2981 24th Street, San Francisco: (415) 285-2287, or
East London UK: July 22 - 23, 2006
Hong Kong, China: Now - July 30, 2006
450 Sq. Ft
450 SQ/FT is intended to highlight the space/cost issue in
HK the exhibition covers 450 individual sq foot canvases from
over 50 contributing local artists including the prolific
ST/ART crew.
Modesto CA: July 21 - 23, 2006
San Antonio TX: July 21 - 23, 2006
Clogged Caps
Tokyo, Japan: July 21, 2006
produced by Jesse Jay Sharer
What: Cope 2 X DJ Muro
When: Friday July 21st 2006 10pm-5am
Where: EVER, Tokyo, Japan (Aoyama, Kotodori street)
Toronto, Canada: July 20 - 23, 2006
- Over 100 graffiti artists painting for 3 days
- Over 30 emcee performances
- $1000 bboy/bgirl contest
- Numerous DJ's
- Over 10,000 spectators
Base Gallery, Style in Progress, I Path, and Adrift bring you:
Opening Thursday July 20 @ Adrift 299 Kensington
Beats by Fathom... Special giveaways!
This is the artshow of the summer....don't miss it!
Check all the weekends events at
Los Angeles, CA: July 15 & 22, 2006
July 15th, 5 - 8pm
"Freight Train Graffiti"
book signing by Roger Gastman
and featured artists to be announced.
as well as a live in-store performance
by Poetik Prophets.
July 22nd From 5 - 8pm
"I Am Alive in Los Angeles"
book signing by Mike the Poet
with a live painting by Mear One.
Crewest Gallery
110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA
(213) 627-8272 ph
Freight rider and van tramp, Bill Daniel is back on tour
screening his 16-years-in-the-making, documentary film, "Who is Bozo
Texino?" -- the secret history of hobo graffiti. This gritty black
and white documentary˜shot entirely on film-- tells the
mostly-factual account of the epic quest and unlikely discovery of
railroading's most mysterious artist.
San Francisco, CA: July 15, 2006
September 14th Sick & Loaded in NYC
September 16th Sick & Loaded at Space Gallery SF
Mexicali Mexico: July 15 - 16, 2006
Graffcon in mexicali baja mexico. It's
going to be like last graffcon -- same huge walls and party at
night the inscriptions are going to be.
Registration starts at 7am on the 15th and the 16th.
The registration booth will be located on the mexico
A tent will be set up on the left hand side as
soon as you crossover.
Five dollars a head for those
painting and attending the hip hop event.
Wall space is
first come first serve.
Sat. night there will be a hip
hop event held at a bar in the red light district.
Sun. there will be a barbeque held at the wall food and
drinks and lots of pretty girls!
For those of you
coming be ready to party the way we do in Mexico!
is a nonprofit event. All the money goes to several
city permit fees we need in order to paint in Mexico,
and the hiphop event. All people performing will be
doing it for free to support the cause so please
respect. Thank you.
(here is the cel of the event if
you get lost o whatever you need when you croos the
border 044-68-69-45-31-33 with federico don't miss the
best event of the year last time over 200 writers
from all over the states came.) for more info...
New Bedford MA: July 15, 2006
Kansas City MO: until July 15, 2006
Reading Between the Lines at the Petting Zoo
Toronto, Canada: July 12 - 30, 2006
By Abandon / Guilty As Well
Thesis / 7Teen
Barcelona, Spain: July 9, 2006
Highland Park, CA: July 8 - 28, 2006
FlatBlack Friday presents
FBK Kings / Kweens
a group exhibition by artists who painted live during our events.
Zender, Mig one, Shandu, Mozz, Jenkoh, Cre8, Chuck
Sherm, Spice, Ekura, Wram, Pesky, Cab and Scud one
Also performing live:
Stir-fry and the Hammerheads, Guilty by choice,
Bizzart, Deleted and many others.
With Dj Bubsky, DJ Steven Ankele
Live dance performance, Gifts and Giveaways.
Video presentation: "Spray Paint Beats" by: Shux files
Closing party: Friday July 28th 6:00 pm till 12:00 am
Rock rose Gallery
4108 N. Figueroa Highland Park
(between Ave. 41 and Ave 42)
For more info: RockRose 323 222-4740
Flatblack clothing : 323 353-9501
Come and support this community event: $2 donation at the door after 8:00pm
for more info visit:
San Marina Italy: July 8, 2006
Sabato 8 Luglio 2006
Borgo Maggiore San Marino
:::Ore 15.00:::
Gara di Writing
15 Writers si sfideranno all''ultima bomboletta:::::
La premiazione avverrà a fine serata con votazione da parte del pubblico!
:::Per tutta la giornata:::
Dj Blacky e Mc Calla
Accompagneranno il lavoro dei Writers
Rampa lunga 12Mt. - larga 6Mt. - alta 2Mt.:::::
Per esibizione Skaters:::::Special guest team::::
1° Contest Break Dance
primo premio ? 500,0
in giuria Break the Funk
:::ore 21.00:::
Dj Master Freez - Mc Calla - Dj Blacky
Break the Funk - Personaggi Scomodi - Analphabeat
special guest live concert
per info ed iscrizoni ai contest:
+ 335 7349571
Buenos Aires, Argentina: July 7, 2006
Agradezco a todos los que apoyan esto y el movimiento y lo hacen real.
un abrazo.
VIERNES 07/07/06 "PANIK SHOW EVENT" (0hs.) R&B - Old School Night
DJ Residente: Freeeeky-G
DJ Invitado: Supercuate
Live Show: GHOST con DJ DOGG (Show 0.30 hs)presentando temas adelanto del LP dentro de poco en la calle , / JAY (R&B)
Dance Show: Deimos (Marina and Sofia)
Graff: Brook B2 Crew
LUGAR: Bahrein - Lavalle 345 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Ticket: $25*
*Listas con descuento hasta las 2.00 hs: $ 10 / $15 >> o
*Listas free para chicas hasta las 2.00hs tmb al mismo mail.
San Francisco CA: July 6, 2006
Supply and Demand: The Art of Shepard Fairey
SF MOMA Lecture and Book Signing
July 06, 2006
6:30 p.m.
Phyllis Wattis Theater
360 Pages, Hardcover
240 B&W Illus., 560 Color Illus.
All copies purchased on signed by Shepard Fairey
Retailing at $60, OBEY Posse Price $55 (plus shipping)
Fresno CA: July 6, 2006
1985 Art Hop Session
Chicago IL: July 7 - ?, 2006
Eastern Sentral & Pacific
Salem MA: July 5 - 31, 2006
Lickety Split: Guerrilla Art and Advertising in the City
Meera Lee Sethi's exhibit Lickety Split features
photographs of street art, often ephemeral, sometimes
transgressive, always strikingly original fragments of
urban culture.
In addition to documenting the phenomenon that is
street art via photographs, Meera also brings a voice to
the artists themselves by including their words and views,
as they share their perspectives on their work, its
origins, its meaning, and its subversive humor.
Please join us for the opening
reception with the artist on Saturday, July 8 from 7-9 pm
Feed Your Head Books
272 Essex Street
Salem, MA
(accessible by MBTA via the commuter rail to Salem).
Admission is free and refreshments will be served. For more
information, please contact randie@ or call 978-744-4009.
London UK: July 4 - 15, 2006
Photos from the Hype
Youtube short of the Hype
Monday - Saturday 12.00 - 6.00pm
(map) nearest tube: Tottenham Court Road
nearest tube: Tottenham Court Road
One of London's foremost galleries specialising in
international counter-culture exhibitions.
This mixed exhibition will present an exciting, diverse and
vibrant selection of work by five international artists.
As with many artists shown here at Elms Lesters, each of
these five artists has been involved / is still involved in
the urban art scene. The transition of artists' work from
the street to galleries is a phenomenon which is
increasingly focussing the attention of both press and
collectors worldwide to this burgeoning underground scene.
SPACE INVADER, the elusive French guerilla artist, has 'invaded' globally
with his mosaic tile Space Invader pixel figures over the last ten years.
Affixed to walls and structures on every continent, they decay with the
city at their own pace ... in essence a living piece of art that exists and
ages with its surroundings.
Maps plot and record their positions from Times Square NY to the HOLLYWOOD
sign in LA, from Tokyo to Bangkok, Mombasa to Dhaka, London to Ljubljana.
"RUBIKCUBISM" is a new development in SPACE INVADER'S work. His tile
mosaic concept has evolved and expanded to include the untraditional use of
Rubik's cubes, inspired by the mathematics of its colour combinations and
the simple fact that it's a game.
DALEK (James Marshall) was born in Connecticut, USA, moving to Chicago in
his twenties. The first of his 'SPACE MONKEY' characters emerged in 1995
has has become an integral part of his work since, and the trigger of
fascination that has fuelled Dalek's success in fine art, commercial work,
and toy design. After moving to New York, he became an assistant to the
artist Takashi Murakami.
DELTA (Boris Telegen) is based in Holland.
"A pioneer in the European graffiti scene since 1983, Delta's unique
three-dimensional style has garnered him the status of an auteur, with an
immediately recognisable aesthetic which no longer requires the tag Delta.
Convoluted futuristic forms of bullet-proof precision and symmetry, twist
and turn to the dynamic free-flow of graffiti art.
His current portfolio includes works on canvas, murals, collage, print,
sculpture, motion graphics,product design and 3D constructivist pieces
reminiscent of the Bauhaus or even of Russian Constructivism.
ADAM NEATE became best known for leaving his work in streets. He either
hangs his extraordinary cardboard paintings and canvases on existing nails, or simply propped against lampposts for people to find. Over the years he
has left over 4000 individually painted pieces on the streets of London
ANDREW McATTEE's paintings are a mixture of elements selected from comic
books, cartoons, magazines, art and aerosol art.
Dresden Germany: July 3 - 7, 2006
URBAN SCRIPT - Dresdener Street Art Week
Documentation, Lectures, Videos
Michael Lehmann (Dresden) - "Changing of urban space
by Urban Art"
Heike Derwanz (Bremen) - "El gris es aburrido. This
was Street Art in Barcelona"
Antje Meichsner (Dresden) - "Street Art - Reconsiliation
to a compound art concept"
Thomas Northoff (Vienna) - "Picture/Text-traditions and
Signatures in Street Art with examples from Banksy"
Roland C. Brückner (Berlin) - "Streetart - Where from?
Where to?"
The whole program:
Brighton UK: July 3 - 8, 2006
Grand Parade Gallery Brighton
Shok 1 and others
10-5 free
Paris France: July 1 - 31, 2006
Boher Expo 2
Brighton UK: July 1 - 2, 2006
Graphotism Sleeping Giants 2006
The UK's biggest ever live painting event.
An international line up of the worlds top graffiti artists.
There are two areas for the event -
New England quarter, Fleet Street, Brighton and the Lagoon site - Kingsway, Hove, Brighton.
With support from:
Brighton & Hove council, Arts & Business,
The Princes Trust, Arts Council England,
Brighton Hip Hop Festival,
Mynameis? magazine, RareKind, DarkDaze.
This is an invite only event. If you wish to paint please send a photo of your work to: and we will get back to you a.s.a.p.
1. All artists will be issued with security passes approximately 2 weeks before the event.
2. You will not be able to paint without this pass.
3. Duplicate passes will not be issued - look after it.
4. Artists must report to Paul Barlow when arriving at the site to register.
5. The earliest artists can start painting is the afternoon of Friday 30th June.
For further information on registration etc. contact:
You can also check out photos of last years event at:
The confirmed list of writers updated daily
San Francisco CA: July 1, 2006
Falling Off
New York: July 1, 2006
Brooklyn Museum Celebrates Graffiti at Target First Saturday on July 1
At the Brooklyn Museum's Target First Saturdays, thousands of visitors enjoy free programs of art and entertainment each month. July's event is based around the theme Brooklyn Block Party, which celebrates of the newly opened Graffiti exhibition, and includes music, films, art making, dance performances, artist talks, and a dance party.
Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn NY 11238-6052
Press Contact: T (718) 501-6331
Chicago IL: July 1 - 30, 2006
oil paint digitalmedia aerosol
solo exhibition
Opening reception Saturday
JULY 1, 2006 6PM-8PM
uninstall july 30th
The spray can is an example of a post world war II
product that was originally conceived as a tool for general
household use. Through the use of the chiaroscuro
technique, and classical and modern influences, this body
of work seeks to recognize the spray can as an artistic
medium. Furthering the nature of the aerosol can medium,
used for industry and vandalism, OILSOL IS an icon for the
fusion of art and technology. As such, it is a form of
modern art.
The fusion of art and technology continues with the use
of the computer-based and traditional painting. Fusion of
these elements separates the work artists create today from
the work of the masters. The master's standards being as
important now, as they where then. The main principle in
correlation to painting and the computer-based art is the
creation of order with chaos. E.g. the digital collage.
What if Andy Warhol or M.C Escher used Adobe Photoshop or
Illustrator Tools an artist can use to push the envelope
that much further. We are living in a digital, information
age, where technology grows by the day. Thus raising the
standard concept, quality and quantity of the work, artists
produce today.
Aided by computer based design layouts and constructed
with various art mediums, such as oil, acrylic and spray
paint. Rahmanns subject matter ranges from figure studies
to human nature and politics. The goal is to break the
preconceived ideas of what most may think aerosol art is,
thus displaying the difference between aerosol art and
Europe: July 2006
Milwaukee WI: June 29 - July 9, 2006
Summerfest presents…T.R.U.E. Skool’s Block Party 2006!
Painting: Change (July 1), T-Kid, Ket (July 8 and 9)
A Celebration of Hip Hop Culture
T.R.U.E. Skool, Inc. has been invited by Summerfest, The World’s Largest Music Festival, for the 2006 season to provide youth and adults an opportunity to experience the positive elements of Hip Hop Culture!
Summerfest is “The World’s Largest Music Festival!” and celebrates its 39th year filling a 23,000-seat amphitheater and ten ground stages with national headliners for eleven straight days. Situated on 75-acres along the shores of Lake Michigan in downtown Milwaukee, world-class live music, unique attractions, and over 45 food & beverage vendors combine to make Summerfest the premier event of the summer!
▪ T.R.U.E. Skool will offer activities, workshops, performances and live art during the Summerfest season which runs from June 29 th-July 9 th 2006. We will celebrate the positive impact the elements of Hip Hop; DJ, Emcee, Graffiti Art, and Breakdancing have on our youth and their communities when done in a positive and safe setting.
▪ T.R.U.E. Skool’s youth and local artists will perform 20-30 minute daily shows on the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin and Northwestern Mutual Children's Theater (click here for the full calendar of activities & performers). Show topics include the History of Hip Hop & the Elements, Females in Hip Hop, Graffiti as an Art, how T.R.U.E. Skool applies Hip Hop Culture as a tool to Empower Youth and teach Conflict-Resolution, and more!
▪ T.R.U.E. Skool has invited local and national artists to paint live murals each day of Summerfest at the SoBe Art & Action Arena which is located by the South Gate. (click here for the schedule of artists appearing)... These murals will be auctioned off to the public at T.R.U.E. Skool’s Annual Gallery Night Fundraiser in August 2006 (check back for specific info on this event).
▪ T.R.U.E. Skool's Graffiti Artists will paint live June 29th 5-9pm for the opening acts for Common and July 6th from 5-9pm during the Digital Underground show on the Harley Davidson Stage.
London UK: June 28 - July 11, 2006
The Brick Lane Gallery presents a selection of recent paintings by Sunil Pawar, aka Slingshot London - marking the first collaboration between the gallery and the renowned painter, illustrator and Dj.
At the age of fifteen, London-born Sunil, who was surrounded and influenced by the music of sound systems and pirate radio stations, skipped school one afternoon, and walked into the offices of Soul II Soul in Camden Town with a bag full of paintings - he sold every one of them. Seventeen years later and painting and Djing are still a strong element in his life.
Sunil's art echoes the world of Dj culture, sound system clashes and graffiti art, painting on found materials using a bold mixture of spraypaints, stencils and acrylics. His paintings are as loud and bold as the music that inspired them - Pawar achieves a balance between imposing, graphic images and lyrical abstraction, demonstrating his mastery of color and composition in these sizable works.
Sunil was featured in the book "Stencil Graffiti" by Tristan Manco and regularly appears in exhibitions, magazines and books worldwide. He is currently collaborating with Junya Watanabe / Comme Des Garcons Tokyo.
The Brick Lane Gallery
196 Brick Lane, London, E1 6SA
Gallery Hours: 1-6pm daily
t: +44 (0)7879 648898
New York: June 25 - July 29, 2006
PROPAGANDA: The Dissemination of Ideas
A group exhibition of legendary graffiti artists
and graffiti documentarians DUROCIA, JAMESTOP, HENRY CHALFANT,
The opening reception will be held
Sunday June 25 from 3-7pm and will feature DJ Dhundee of Sugarcuts
Inc. spinning classic 80s records in homage to the graffiti genre.
There will also be live performances by Keswa and a b-boy circle
hosted by WESTROK. The exhibition will be on view through July 29.
a group exhibition of legendary graffiti artists and graffiti documentarians, SLANG TYRUE, ERNIE PANNICIOLI, PETER SUTHERLAND, and JAMESTOP. The opening reception will be held Sunday June 25 from 3-7pm and will feature DJ Dundee spinning classic 80‚s records in homage of the graffiti genre. There will also be live performances by Keswa and a b-boy circle hosted by WESTROK. The exhibition will be on view through July 29.
Propaganda examines contemporary political and social issues through the lens of contemporary graffiti artists and graffiti documentarians. Graffiti has existed since the days of ancient civilization and many will attest to its prehistoric origins. The evolution of the art form can be traced back to cave painting, believed to be the work of elders and shaman. Propaganda presents graffiti‚s progression and social pertinence, exhibiting exciting imagery that challenges the imagery of the status quo.
Gallery hours are
Saturday noon to 6:00 p.m. and by appointment
Located on the Clinton Hill, Brooklyn,
Danny Simmons Corridor Gallery is easily accessible by
public transportation. It is a short walk from the G
train to Classon Avenue or the C train to
Clinton/Washington Station.
Danny Simmons Corridor Gallery
334 Grand Avenue, Clinton Hill Brooklyn
For more information please visit us at
Fontanil France: June 24 - July 16, 2006
rappeler qu'on démarre une expo au Fontanil (38) à
La Maison Rey à partir du 24 juin 2006 et jusqu'au 16 juillet 2006.
Le vernissage aura lieu le samedi 24 juin à partir de 18h...
Sinon rendez-vous du vendredi au dimanche de 15h30 à 19h à La Maison Rey au
Fontanil (38)
Photos from the show.
Nesta / Rockyourworld
Los Angeles CA: June 16 - July 16, 2006
Ten Modernica 1950 fiberglass rocking chairs as interpreted by ten artists from ARKITIP Magazine.
Andre, Rob Abeyta Jr., Evan Hecox, Cody Hudson, Michael Leon, Chris Lindig, Kevin Lyons, Rostarr, Space Invader, Todd St. John
7366 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA
Info: 1.323.933.0383
New York: June 17 - July 22, 2006
New York's Own
Curated by Chris Daze Ellis
Featuring works by Charlie Ahearn, John Ahearn, Mike Bidlo, Andrew
Castrucci, CLAW, CRASH, Cycle, Jane Dickson, Tristan Eaton, Ron English,
Erik Foss, GHOST, Danny Hellman, John Holstrom, Todd James, Lisa Kahane,
KAWS, Ryan Michael Kelly, Richard Kern, Mark Kostabi, KR, Jose Parla, Pink,
Ricky Powell, Stephen Powers, Rick Prol, Lee Quinones, Dr. Revolt, Terry
Richardson, Nestor Rodriguez, James Romberger, SHR, Smith, Strider, Lori
Taschler, TATS CRU, Arturo Vega, Tom Warren, WEST, NaLani Williams, Martin
Wong, Tracy Zungola and others!
Fuse Gallery
93 2nd Avenue (between 5th and 6th Streets)
New York City, NY
Boston MA: June 16 - July 30, 2006
at BCA
Lyon France: June 15 - July 15, 2006
àà partir de 19h, pour le vernissage de la nouvelle exposition de la Galerie N2O.
Venez découvrir, ou redécouvrir, le travail de BRUSK (kmf, lcf, dmv, vu) qui présentera une recomposition du lieu à l'aide de multiples supports (murs, vêtements, jouets, affiches, toiles, récupération, etc.) extraits de notre environnement et reflétant notre société d'aujourd'hui.
Mêlant nature et urbanisme, il articulera différentes esthétiques pour représenter sa propre conception du quotidien.
Cette exposition sera accompagnée d'une création sonore réalisée par Supa Jay.
Structure lyonnaise, Vizual Update regroupe Brusk, artiste graffeur, Romin, styliste, Hextradecimal, concepteur multimédia et Korem qui les accompagne sur le développement de projets.
Gallery N2O
Thomas Canto
2, rue Romarin 69001 LYON
Portable : 06 78 32 20 11
Paris France: June 15 - July 15, 2006
Toys from the Underground
Album 67 Blv St germain Paris 5ème.
Edition d'un catalogue.
New York: June 14 - July 14, 2006
Ezo Wippler
Melbourne Australia: June 14 - July 14, 2006
234 swanston st. [Upstairs]
Sacramento CA: June 10 and July 8, 2006
Estilo Sessions
San Francisco CA: June 8 - July 2, 2006
"HITOTZUKI" by Kami + Sasu
* Opening Reception: Jun 8th, 7-9:30pm
A collection of new paintings by Japanese artists Kami and Sasu.
Address: 248 Fillmore St. San Francisco, CA
Info: 415.252.0144
New Brunswick NJ: June 2 - July 7, 2006
Color Me Badd
drawings on paper
opening on june 2nd 7-9pm, New Brunswick Train Station, Albany St and Easton Ave
organized by Leon Rainbow
"Color Me Badd" is an installation that will transform the walking tunnel that runs between the two tracks of the New Bruinswick, NJ train station into a four feet by two hundred feet of outlines(coloring book) installation. The drawings are by several artists known and unknown, and students from the trenton public school system. Crayons will be supplied and visitors should feel welcome to start coloring them in.
Covington KY: June 2 - July 14, 2006
Idiots on Parade: new book and prints
The book: DF: IDIOTS ON PARADE showcases the DF Crew as a front runner in
graffiti, fine art, toy degign, and commercial graphic design. The
tight knit crew of graffiti artists first hit the streets over 20
years ago in New York and now have members throughout the country
and world.
Special edition signed, numbered prints for sale by many of the artists.
Print details
Powerhouse Gallery
30 W. Pike st.
Covington Kentucky, 41011.
Check or call (859) 491-4229 for info.
For more information and
driving directions please visit
updates on
The book is released through ShakeIt Records and can be ordered
ISBN: 0-9777651-0-5
SAN: 850-1408
List price: $24.99
Call for participation - deadlines: July 5 and 15
Brainstorm Issue #4 Call for Arts
We seek something else, because life is something else.
This comes from IRAN and PALESTINE, inviting all you Artists and
social rebels around the world to hel and support with your works and
ideas.It's late, we must stand and cry to stop those who lie about our
people, culture and identity. We are unite and want you to cooperate and
give us your response. No imperialism! No capitalism!! No BBC and no
CNN. We want no more lies about us!!
The minority is right, dont doubt. And BBC tells lies. All the
official and govermental NEWS agencies tell lies even about Art! We,
the young Iranian and Palestinian artists ask all the young artists and
creators wordwide to make an effort to publish this issue. In our Dreams,
We Wanna Make it Clear That THey are lying, because they have the
media in their hands.They lie about nations, they make the 3rd world and
they advertise it in contrast with their material world. Lets focus on
the real aspects "the contrast with their Material world," becuse they
seek Money, because they advertise money around the world and because
they kill for money.
Art is completely apart from politics, hence it's closely
associated with Humanity and mankind.
We call for all the artists' cooperation. Nobody will receive any
money or suchlike for the collaboration. We would like to share the
fragile and beaufiful humanistic aspects of our souls to celebrate the
real rule of an artist regardless of their relgion, nationality,
race, gender and any other man-made obstacles.
Artists and Writers All sorts of media that can be represented on
the Web such as paintings, video, music, literary texts, poems, short
transcripts, graphic and illustrations, urban art, graffiti and
Website managers and bloggers
Help us propagande this idea with The flyers and banners that we have prepared.
Send us the url of your webpage to be listed in the "Thanks" section in the magazine.Please send an email with The subject(BBC LIES linked) to and
for linking and banners - flyers and logos :
Details about submissions and deadlines:
New York: May 29 - July 15, 2006
Chris DAZE Ellis
June 4 reception 5-7pm
439 E 75 ST
Tues - sat 12-7
Brussels Belgium: May 27 - July 2, 2006
"Akroe & Krsn"
Alice Gallery
Address: 182 rue Antoine Dansaertstraat, 1000 Brussels, Belglum
Info: +32.0.2513.3307
Paris, France: May - July 3, 2006
Ugly Winners
The idea for Ugly Winners was to have a satellite show at a gallery to support the
main exhibition in Lille [Beautiful Losers].
The work in Ugly Winners is available and includes many of
the Beautiful Losers artists as well as other artists: Ryan McGinley,
Thomas Campbell, Neckface, Ryan McGinness, Harmony Korine, Barry McGee, Raymond
Pettibon, KAWS, Ed Templeton, Mike Mills, Jo Jackson, KR, Todd James, Cynthia
Connolly, Chris Johanson, Terry Richardson, Evan Hecox, Henry Chalfant, Cheryl Dunn,
Ari Marcopoulos, Glen E. Friedman, Andy Jenkins, Steve Powers, Geoff McFetridge,
Craig R. Stecyk III, Shepard Fairey, Rostarr, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring,
Futura, Tobin Yelland, and Brian Degraw.
Contact agnes b gallery: .
Lille, France: April 12 - July 2, 2006
Beautiful Losers
Exhibition will open to the public
from 13th April until 2nd July 2006
from 1pm until 8.00pm Tuesdays through Sundays
closed on Mondays
Zaragoza Spain: June 30 - July 1, 2006
Now in our Fifth Year having established ourselves as one of the most influential and important hip-hop festivals in Southern Europe, we are happy to announce this years and arguably the best line-up proving beyond a doubt that Zaragoza Ciudad is going from strength to strength attracting the best artists from Spain and the world.
[see website for musical lineup]
There's no doubting the atmosphere this year will be unbeatable and all the activities apart from the performances will make it a pleasure for all those who come here. As it has been already said, apart from the concerts, we will have areas especially dedicated to Graffiti, where you can find a wide selection of artists from the whole country such as Sex (Granada), Logan and Bonin (Sevilla), She , Sendys and Sague (Barcelona), Rulo , Keke y Cruel (Lleida), Berlin y Seal (Linares/Orihuela). They will be accompanied by our local crews: DFN , Dolce Vita , Snif Rules , etc... . Though we will have amongst us artists from Germany such as Akud , Kase , Loomit and Toast . BMX exhibitions won't be missing together with Skate and and open stage for B-Boys who will be able to practice Break-dance freely besides attending exhibitions from the most experienced dancers at night time.
Call for particpation: deadline June 30, 2006
Miami FL: June 24, 2006
opening Saturday June 24, 2006 7-Midnight
Miami June 2006 - Faktura Gallerys HERE I SIT brings together an
unlikely selection of artists, ranging from graffiti outlaws to
self-proclaimed sell-out graphic designers, in a group show that asks:
How low can we go. In an experiment using the great
equalizer, human beings one form of production shared by all, the
throne of kinds and serfs: the toilet seat.
HERE I SIT invites over twenty-five artists to take on the issues of
anonymity, public vs. private space, the need for vandalism,
communication with an unknown viewer, the feeling of immediacy and
private interaction in a show consisting of revamped toilet seats
exhibited in the public arena of a contemporary art space. The show also
raises questions about the popular intersection of the underground
appeal of graffiti art, the sell-out appeal of commercial art, and the
continued commodification of graffiti being sold as Lowbrow art.
The line-up includes: AHOLSNIFFSGLUE, TYPOE, DS363, KOMBYN, Jacquelyn
Jackson Johnston, DAMCREWULTRA, SINER, ANDREW the sociopath, FISIK, AEON,
Faktura Gallery
7128 NW 2nd Court
Miami, FL 33150
New York: June 24, 2006
On June 24, 6-12am,
RIST.1.TOP Proudly Presents:
DREW"S PLACE 100 Forsyth St, (NYC) corner of Grand St.
Featuring Artists: RIST.1.TOP, DUROCIA, REBEL.NSA, REK. NSA, SONIC002, BAD, JAMES.TOP & ERO's Private Collections w/ works by: Martin Wong, Mark Kastabi, Jean- Michel Basquiat and LA 2.
Santa Clara CA: June 23, 2006
Sick and Loaded / Collabo
Pacific Art Collective's "COLLABO" feature's (20) Live Bay Area Collaborative Artists painting a 24 x 4 foot wall throughout the night. (4) headlining performances from the South Bay's best Hip-Hop, Indie Rock & Reggae acts will crush the Avalon Nightclub, [an 8000 sq. ft. space featuring the best live indoor music venue in the South Bay]. (4) Live Turntablists & and a Jazz Drummer from San Francisco filter the room with future funk and scratch fusion in between Bands, Poets and Dance groups while Live Art is created, enjoyed and sold to the beat of the highest bidder. (12) 2ft x 4ft sections of the wall will be sold through silent wet-paint auctions. You can even get a refund on admission with any art purchase over $50 bucks.
LIVE MUSIC PERFORMANCES BY DAY ONE SYMPHONY Indie Space Rock | SJ KUNGFU VAMPIRE Orchestrated Hip-Hop/Jazz | SJ LANGUAGE ARTS CREW Positive Hip-Hop | SJ LIFTED Hip-Hop + Reggae Rock | SJ DOLLAR BIN QUINTET 4 Turntablists + a Drummer
- JP87
New York: June 22, 23, 2006
The graffiti documentary screens at Urbanworld VIBE film festival. Party.
New York: June 22, 2006
Beyond Graffiti Part II: Fresh Flavors from Paris, Tel Aviv and NYC
A celebration of urban art from the three cities. Curated by
Lois Stavsky. Featured artists include Shane Bovell, Cern, Aya
Dan, Daniel Greenfeld, John Lopez, Noa Mahalu, Meres,
Native, Popay and Spaze-Crafte One. Opening reception:
Thursday, June 22 5-7 pm. Exhibit continues through 8/30. M-F,
8am-5pm and Sunday, 9am-5pm.
Sunshine Factory Cafe and Gallery
11 Essex St NYC
Subway: F to East Broadway; J, M, Z to Essex Street.
New York: June 21 and 23 2006
All Female Art Exhibition featuring the Migdallion Collection
Queen Andrea, Toofly, Blair Wear, Daina Higgins, and gmo$
On June 23rd, 2006, The Showroom Gallery will open its doors to
proudly present a group exhibition entitles In A Girl's World.
Queen Andrea, Toofly, BlairWear, gmo¢ and Daina
Higgins will turn the gallery into a bedroom-like space chock full
of art, design, and clothing. Midgallion's unparalleled and
impressive Nike vintage sneaker collection will be on view, rounding
off the atmosphere.
The Showroom Gallery
117 2nd Avenue at 7th Street 2nd fl.
Toulouse, France: June 21 - 25 2006
Call for participation, also
Festival Rio Loco needs expert graffiti artists next year for their 2007 event.
Contact Frederico Diaz at tél : + 33 + 05 61 25 96 93 or at the address below
Festival Rio Loco
Mairie de Toulouse
18 rue St Rémésy
31000 Toulouse
Montreal Canada: June 14 - 25 2006
Yves Laroche, L’Autre Galerie présente
Une exposition autour du skateboard
Vernissage: Mercredi le 14 juin de 6 a 9
Opening : Wednesday June 14th from 6 to 9
Cover/ Entrée: 5$ (catalogue inclus/included)
Including live collaborative drawing by invited artists, guest DJ, et plus.
Incluant un dessin collaborative par artistes invités, DJ invité, et plus.
Ouvert a tous.
Open to all.
Plus de cinquante artistes de partout, ont été invités à participer à
cette exposition. Parmi eux, on retrouve le très réputé Shepard Fairey
(OBEY), l’artiste d’installation new-yorkais W.K. Interact , le graffeur
Doze Green ainsi que l’artiste Dalek. A eux s’ajoutent ,entre autres, Dave
Cummings,Julian Garner, Juan Carlos Noria, Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters,
Red Labor, Turf One, Timer et Zilon. De jeunes artistes qui en sont à leur
premières armes sont aussi de la partie.
Le vernissage aura lieu le mercredi 14 juin de 18h00 à 21h00.Une série
d’affiches ainsi qu’un catalogue seront mis en vente à cette occasion.
De plus, les artistes participeront à la création in situ d’une œuvre
collective sur un ensemble mural de planches jointes. Cette œuvre sera
ensuite vendue au cours d’un encan silencieux qui se déroulera le soir
même au profit de l’association communautaire Café Graffiti . Un DJ invité
est également au programme de la soirée.
La galerie est sise au 4 rue Saint-Paul Est à l’angle du boulevard
Saint-Laurent au cœur du Vieux-Montréal. Les heures d’ouverture sont du
lundi au mercredi de 11h00 à 18h00 et du jeudi au dimanche de 11h00 à
Pour plus d’information, contactez la galerie
ou par téléphone au (514) 393 1999.
Pomona CA: June 11 2006
Freight Train Graffiti
Los Angeles CA: June 10, 2006
The Nasty "Terrible" T-KID 170
Crewest is proud to present an exclusive book signing by the one and only: Terrible T-KID 170.
An icon of an historic movement, he is still a style master, a pioneer of Hip Hop culture and a part of the artistic heritage of the graffiti movement.
The Nasty "Terrible" T-Kid book is the autobiographical of graffiti writer Julius Cavero AKA T-KID 170. It chronicles his days as a gang member in the late 1970s New York City to his rise as a subway legend in the 1980s and then up to his dedication as a artistic style mentor for urban youth.
Rare West Coast appearance, T-KID 170 will be on deck to sign copies of this new book:
Saturday, June 10
4pm - 8pm
Come early:
Book Signing: 4pm-6pm
DJ and continuing exhibit: 6pm - 8pm
(*books available for purchase at Crewest Gallery)
110 Winston St. (at Main St., between 4th and 5th)
Downtown Los Angeles, CA 90013
Oakland CA: June 10, 2006
Big Paper Faces
Art Show. Gear Sale. Live Music.
New art + gear from:
Ankr, At1k, Blend, Hundo, Syph, Moment, Ted Gahl, Marcus, Ryno, Rome, Downtimer, Tyboe, Natrl, Dest from Lords + Graff Life
Live Music by
Int'l Loose Cannons
DJ Lester Diamond
local hiphop
2232 Martin Luther King Jr. Way and West Grand
Oakland, CA 94536
Driving Directions
New York: June 10, 2006

B-Boy Battles and Graffiti Show.
Come check out some of today's freshest B-Boys
Battling for there top spot for some serious cash.
With indoor Graffiti Bombed walls, set up by NIC ONE
and The Aerosol Kings Crew and friends. It's all
happening at one spot for one night only. And it's
all going down at:
Between Canal and Chambers st.
Take the R, W, 2, 3, 4, 5, A, C, E.
4 Blocks South of Canal st, 4 blocks North of
B-Boy Battles will be judged by STRECH and KEN SWIFT
Graffiti by:
Note: The graffiti will be on the walls already,
there's no Live graffiti exhibition. All markers will
be removed at the door. Peace.
For more info contact ROB:
Portland OR: June 10 - 31, 2006
Ricky Watts
Los Angeles CA: June 10 2006
West Coast Graffiti Party
Saturday June 10th, 2006 12pm-5pm
20-30 Artists Painting live.
Live music and DJs spinning.
For more information visit
Amsterdam Holland: June 10 - ?, 2006
Montana gallery Amsterdam
17.00 - 22.00
Jan van Galenstraat 58
Amsterdam Holland
Los Angeles: June 9 - 10, 2006
Wassup Rockers
New Image Art
7908 Santa Monica Blvd.
West Hollywood,CA 90046
323 654 2192
New York: June 9 - 26, 2006
COPE 2 Presents:
Graffiti Art Overdose
Friday, June 9, 2006 7-10pm
McCaig + Welles Gallery
129 Roebling Street Suite B
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Sponsored by:
Elemental Magazine + Sierra Nevada
Paris France: June 8 - July 1, 2006
4/6 rue du Perche
tel: (33) 01 42 77 60 99
Gallery Hours
Wednesday 2pm to 7pm
Thursday 2pm to 7pm
Friday 2pm to 7pm
Saturday 12am to 7pm
Also by appointment.
Los Angeles CA: June 8, 2006
Freight Train Graffiti
Bagnolet, France: June 8 - 11, 2006
Du 8 juin au 11 juin 2006 nous fêtons les 5 ans du festival
Kosmopolite, un jeune anniversaire plus symbolique que commémoratif.
Par les temps qui courent, un festival d'expression plastique urbain
(graffitis, street art, installations, musiques.) implanté à
Bagnolet dans le département de la Seine-Saint-Denis (93) est plus
qu'un symbole, c'est une identité culturelle forte et universelle.
Au delà du discours « bon graff, mauvais tag » et des polémiques
sécuritaires, aux amalgames douteux entretenus et non justifiés, le
festival Kosmopolite demeure une vitrine sur la création
contemporaine actuelle avec un attachement particulier à l'art urbain
sous toutes ses formes artistiques. Cette année le festival
Kosmopolite diversifie sa programmation pour mettre en avant de
nouvelles initiatives.
Cette année nous accueillons les représentants du Harlem HALL of FAME
de New York (inédit en France). Une exposition leur est dédiée et ils
participeront également à la réalisation de la grande fresque murale
en compagnie des autres artistes invités.
Elément phare du festival, la grande fresque murale (400 m2) sera
mise à disposition d'une trentaine d'artistes de la scène française
et internationale (Etats-Unis, Allemagne, Scandinavie, Suisse,
Paris France: June 5 - 11, 2006
Ma Femme est un Graffeur
Kensa, Lady K, Kawet, Jena, Lunkie, Bla
Exposition multi-supports d'artistes féminines de la nouvelle scène graffiti française
du 6 au 11 Juin 2006 de 11h à 20h .
Vernissage le lundi 5 Juin de 18h à 22h, en présence des artistes.
Slam session (au féminin) Vendredi 9 Juin de 19h30 à 22h.
avec Slamofeminin et Ose + micro ouvert
Information pratique
Lieu : Espace Beaurepaire
Adresse : 28, rue Beaurepaire, 75010, Paris
Access : M° Jacques Bonsergent ou M° République
Téléphone : 01 42 45 59 64
Entrée gratuite
Paris France: June 3 - 30, 2006
chez Anjuna Bijoux 37 rue faidherbe paris 11
vernissage le 3 juin à partir de 19h.
Taxie Gallery
New York: June 3 & 7, 2006
Bronx Artist Spotlight series:
in association with
The Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bronx International and
Bronx High School of Visual Arts, presents:
Hip-Hop artists discuss practical career steps for local high school students:
- dance (PA's OLIVE Dance Theater),
- spoken word (WILLIE PERDOMO),
- visual art (KEL 1ST JEWELS)
- photography (JAMEL SHABAZZ)
Final presentation with students from Pepatian's Bronx Hip-Hop Academy
residency at Morris Campus High School with teaching artists
- spoken word:MILS and PATTYDUKES
- visual art: MARISOL DIAZ and LADY K-FEVER.
The Bronx Museum of the Arts
1040 Grand Concourse at 165th Street
Train: #4 & D/B to 161/Yankee Stadium or D/B train to 167th.
tel: (718) 681-6000 x145
Toronto, Canada: June 3, 2006
30 of Canada's dopest writers painting the alley behind the Drake Hotel
Dj's all day, bboy floor, and performances in the Underground at 9pm
Ingolstadt Germany: June 2 - 5, 2006
G 4.2
xhoch4 Gallery, Esplanade 5, 85049 Ingolstadt
(near Lechnermuseum)
Works of the following artists will be shown:
Bartholomeus Durynek - Eichstatt
Vashco - Hanover,
xhoch4 - Rene Arbeithuber, Christian Bolza, Daniel
Lange and Boris Schmelter, Ingolstadt/Hannover,
The exhibition starts Friday at 7:00 pm with the
vernissage and on the following days we open at 11 am.
New York: June 1 - 15, 2006
Decked Out
Bristol UK: June 1 - 4, 2006
Tel +00 44 (0)785 5011 407
Feat: Milk / Rowdy/ / Dora / James Tinkler + guests
June 1st & 2nd - 6-10pm. 3rd & 4th - 11am - 4.30pm
...All the Best....Rowdy
Mexico City?: June 1 - July 1, 2006
Graffiti ...
SMER (Emanuel Herrera Menses)
Harry Amebeos
Artistas invitados:
Loic Azaceta(España)
New York: June 1, 2006
Freight Train Graffiti
Poelten Austria: until June 13, 2006
Widersacher pflegen sich gerne durch inschriftliche Botschaften an den
Wänden des öffentlichen Raums auszudrücken. Für die Ausstellung
(30.5.-13.6.2006) habe ich ausgewählte Beispiele aus
der breiten Themenpalette dieser Graffiti zusammengestellt.
Zugleich findet am Eröffnungsabend die Präsentation der Zeitschrift
"etcetera" statt, deren neues Heft sich ebenfalls diesem allzu
menschlichen Feld widmet. Es lesen aus eigenen Werken: Christa
Nebenführ, Sylvia Pitotnig und Gerhard Ruiss.
Zeit: 30.5.2006, 19 Uhr
Ort: Stadtmuseum St.Pölten; Prandtauerstr.2, St.Pölten/NÖ
ADVERSARYS - Foto exhibition of contradictory and conflicting graffiti.
Pictured, collected and grouped by Thomas Northoff
30.5. - 13.6.2006
City Museum St.Poelten
Prandtauer Street 2
St.Poelten Austria
Paris France: until June 20, 2006
Fémin'art, une exposition sur les femmes dans l'art de rue.
Du 22 mai au 20 juin 2006, Martha Cooper, Miss Tic, Lady K, Gata, Full, Kensa, Lenie, Missill et gRom exposent à 1ère Station Paris 1er.
Métro Palais Royal-Musée du Louvre (lignes 1 et 7)
Entrée devant le Louvre des Antiquaires
Libre accès de 10h à 19h
IESA & IESA>network
Groupe IESA ˜ 5, avenue de l'Opéra - 75001 Paris
t : 01 42 86 57 01 - f : 01 42 97 42 54 - -
Sydney Australia: June 1 - 5, 2006
Copenhagen Denmark: May 26 - June 24, 2006
V1 Gallery in conjunction with ARKITIP present
Gathering past, present and future contributors, ARKITIP pulls together a
motley crew of diverse artists for a group show entitled Highmath. The title
fits because only Highmath could explain the relationship between the
artists, which is multifaceted.
Consisting primarily of work on paper including silk screens, lithographs
and hand-done originals. Artists contributed both existing and never before
seen work.
Andrew Schoultz, Andy Howell, Ben Loiz, Bob Kronbauer, Chris Lindig,
Chuck Anderson, Cody Hudson, CR Stecyk III, Dalek, Dave Schubert,
Derrick Hodgson, Don Pendeleton, Ed Templeton, Eric Elms, Evan Hecox,
Experimental Jetset, Garrett Morin, Gary Benzel, Geoff McFetridge, Harmen
Lieburg, Hersk, Jo Jackson, José Parlá, Josh Petherick, Kaws, KR, Lorenzo
Petrantoni, Michael Sieben, Micheal Leon, Mike Lohr, National Forest,
Patrick Rocha, Peter Beste, Peter Rentz, Peter Sutherland, Ric Stultz, Richard Coleman,
Rob Abeyta, Jr., Roman Yang, Ross Holden, Ryan Waller, Shay Nowick, Shepard
Fairey, Space Invader, Stephen Serrato, Supermundane, Todd
James, Todd St. John, Tony Larson
Opening Reception:
Friday 26.05.06 17.00 - 22.00
DJs and Drinks
Wed - Fri: 14.00 - 18.00 / Sat: 12.00 - 16.00
V1 Gallery
Absalonsgade 21B
1658 Copenhagen Denmark
Wed/Fri: 15-19 Sat: 13-17
Made possible with the support of DC Shoes and Sony Psp
Rome Italy: May 26 - June 23, 2006
Post Human Writing #2
-Performance interna Tele e sculture di: CANZ-52 e BOL-23
-Performance esterna di writing: THOMS e BOL-23
-A seguire concerto dal vivo.
in Via Capraia 54, Roma
Dal 26 Maggio 2006
al 23 Giugno 2006
Dal GIOVEDI al SABATO dalle 19:00 alle 24:00
info: 06/87190190 in collaborazione con Ass. Onlus Progetto Laboratorio
è lieto di invitarvi ad una serie di eventi che si terranno
presso L'associazione sita in Via Capraia 54, Roma.
In scena vari artisti provenienti dal mondo del writing e della street art in genere
che attraverso diversi percorsi hanno cominciato esperienze differenti da quelle di partenza,
aprono le danze CANZ-52 e BOL-23, avanguardia di uno spazio che a rotazione ospiterà giovani artisti
da ogni parte d'Italia in una periferia urbana spesso tagliata fuori dai circuiti culturali convenzionali.
Miami FL: May 26 and June 23, 2006
Writers Bench
New York: May 25 - June 11, 2006
Riviera is pleased to present a group exhibition of Japanese artists
In You
Opening Reception:
Thursday May 25th 7-10pm
In Japanese, 'In You' means 'Shadow and Light' 'Black and White' 'Man and Woman'
'Inside and Outside'. . . the opposite thing. For this exhibition, the artists
Matzu-MTP, Himaa, Mustone, Tadaomi Shibuya and Hiroki Tsukuda are creating 2
paintings each, interpreting the theme 'In You'.
Matzu-MTP, Himaa, Mustone, Tadaomi Shibuya and Hiroki Tsukuda.
These Japanese artists (all around 30 years old) have been influenced
by their generation's new culture such as comics and computer games
and urban western culture. They have each evolved their own unique
style that also includes japanese cultural and traditional infulences.
Matzu-MTP interprets the contemporary art movement by applying Japanese techniques and sensibility to his large-scale paintings through brush strokes and iconographies, as well as color palette and the use of negative space.
Himaa's work is so simple and reveals the beauty in daily life. He is a dedicated craftsman who draws the special moments freehand, without the aid of a straight edge or ruler.
Mustone is influenced by comics style. He calls it 'Sequential Art' which express and crossovers between cartoon and art. In addion to paper media, it's expressed in various forms like applications on walls and fusion media. His original pop style also contains complicated stories.
Tadaomi Shibuya's work looks like it was computer generated, but it's drawn by hand. His current style is greatly influenced by the lines and silhouettes of manmade things such as robot anime, engineered products and written characters in addition to breakbeat and hiphop.
Hiroki Tsukuda's work consists of all one world outlook in his mind.The landscape and creatures whom he often draw are the entire sceneries and residents in the world.
103 Metropolitan Ave. (bet Berry & Wythe)
Brooklyn NY 11222
More info:
Costa Mesa CA: May 20 - June 18, 2006
Featuring Collabrative Works From 60+ Artists
Joshua Petker / Sylvia Ji / Robert Bowen / Alex Pardee / John Stuart Berger / Lesley Reppeteaux / Daryll Peirce / Henry Lewis / Shawn Barber / Diet / Curve / Luiki / The Mac / Mark Bode / Peter Taylor / Sez / Jophen Stein / Greg Simkins / Kim Scott / Michele Waterman / Len Croskey / Gustaf Rooth / Tim McCormick / Kofie / Asylm / Scott Saw / Neko / C. Liu / Mike Maxwell / The Kid Peep / John Gill / Axis / Poor Al / Sophia Pottish / Marshall Astor / Chris Coggan / Siloette / Dave "Persue" Ross / Tristan Eaton / Downtimer / Aaron Kraten / Casey O'Connell / Joe Joe / Tina Anderson / Meex / Albert Reyes / Kelly Hutchinson / David Russell Talbott / Korin Faught / Natalia Fabia / Azstar78 / Thought Ninjas / Jeremy Parker / Mike Kershner / Justin Abbink / Brandon Steen / Keith Greene / Eric Koester / Marco Zamora / Ewsoe / Chandu Reading / Andre Salcido / Isaac Pierro / Monica Hoover / Johnny Vampotna / Retna / Brooke Reidt / Kevin Peterson / Ekundayo + MORE....
Subject Matter Gallery
2930 Bristol St.
Ste A-101
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
We know parking is difficult. Spaces are available at The Camp, Randolph Street
and the Business Complex next To Memphis.
Brussels Belgium: May 20 - June 30, 2006
Expo Bad News
Rue de la madeleine 19 - 1000 Brussels
A group of Franco Belgian urban artists practicing a pure graffiti
reminiscent of that of New York in the early 1980s.
Opening, Friday the 19 of May 2006
The 19 of May 2006
Official DJs from BAD NEWS
Special Guests:
28 rue fossé aux loups - 1000 Bruxelles
Near place de la Monnaie
NO FLY NO ENTRANCE / P.A.F : 5 euros
Fly « private eyes » available during opening.
Los Angeles CA: May 13 - June 4, 2006
Shapes, and
Men's Mistakes
Featuring the sculptural work of:
Erick Rodriguez
- fantasy art inspired monsters and graffiti creatures
Dave Kawano
- sculpture based on the graffiti art of DAIM, CRAOLA, and VOX
Philip A. Ramirez
- bronzes and original designs for upcoming vinyl products
Downtown Address:
110 Winston St. (at Main St., between 4th & 5th)
Downtown Los Angeles, CA 90013
tel: (213) 627.8272 fx: (213) 559.0525
Tue-Thur: Noon - 7pm, Fri & Sat: Noon - 8pm, Sun: Noon - 6pm,
or by appointment only
Portland OR: May 11 - June 16, 2006
Opening Reception Thursday May 11th, 7-11 PM
Opening features:
"Printing Against the Grain," a talk by Josh MacPhee
"Red in Tooth and Claw," a shadow puppet show by Roger Peet
DJ'd by Icky A.
Food For Thought [restaurant and] Student Gallery
at Portland State University
1825 SW Broadway
Smith Memorial Student Union (Basement)
Portland Oregon
Show hangs from May 3rd through June 16th
Open for viewing Monday-Friday 8am-7pm.
Singapore: May 11 - June 25, 2006
Collision: Jahan x Crash
Opening reception: 11 May
Venue: The Esplanade Singapore
Taking centrestage at the Esplanade from May -June will be two
collaborative exhibitions entitled Collision and Collision II by
celebrated artist and pioneer of the urban art movement, Crash, and
Singapore's own talent, Jahan Loh.
Crash, whose work was first discovered through the murals he spray
painted on subway cars, basketball courts and walls of buildings in
dilapidated neighbourhoods, is now exhibited by museums worldwide,
from his native Museum of Modern Art, NY to the Groninger Museum in
Jahan, probably more recognised in the urban art community as
Dazed-J, has achieved phenomenal success within a few short years. A
recipient of the Singapore Press Holdings Fine Arts scholarship, he
was also the winner of the 1st Nokia Arts Award in 1999. Today, he is
Creative Director for MACHI Entertainment in Taiwan and has recently
created designs for Nike, Vestax, Adidas and Nokia.
Their provocative installation, Collision, will beat the Esplanade
Concourse from 28 April - 25 June (Sat- Sun). This commissioned piece
is a visual exploration of the daily imagery that fuels our
contemporary consumer culture.
A salute to pop and comic art, Collision II, held at Jendela (Visual
Arts Space) from 12 May-25 June, explores the theme of Superheroes.
The exhibition showcases work from Crash's Second Skin Series, based
on the Super hero's costumes, and Jahan's individual take on Asian
Super Heroes. This common theme has inspired unique responses from
the artists, both equally witty, irreverent and compelling.
Los Angeles CA: May 6 - June 3, 2006
Jim Houser
New York: May 6 - June 6, 2006
JamesTop Productions in Association withThe Dollar Internet Cafe
JamesTop The One Man Show 2006, AD
Graffiti art lovers, Hip Hop, Harlem and the world, you are cordially
invited to see many new works from Graffiti Legend and Hip Hop Icon
The Dollar Internet Cafe Gallery
1687 Amsterdam Avenue
Between 143rd and 144Th streets.
Opening Reception: Saturday May 6, 2006 from 6 to 10 PM After Party
Boston MA: May 6 - June 16, 2006
Graffiti Expressionism
Bridging the gap between urban
graffiti art and contemporary abstract expressionism.
Where: Space 200 - Alternate Currents Gallery
200 State Street, Boston, MA
Seattle WA: May 5 - June 15, 2006
Refuse to Die
Refuse to Die:
A series of dramatic paintings illustrating the Native American will to live.
Showing: May 5-June 15, 2006
Opening Reception: Friday May 5, 6:30- 9pm
Daybreak Star Cultural Center
Discovery Park, Seattle, WA
Cape Town, South Africa: May 5 - June 3, 2006
Actual Size
The Bin Gallery
105 Harrington St
East City
Cape Town
Love thy Neighbourhood is an event organised by The Circusninja. Collective
and "What if the World..." as an initiative to further the cultural
development of the East City area.
Hanau, Germany: March 22 - June 28, 2006
Geneva Switzerland: March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10 2006
Deter / Rezine
the artists are issued from the graffiti milieu of the 90's
they meet while attending a calligraphy training course with hassan massoudy
follows the execution of projects, common
the exhibitions develop graffiti through its different vectors of creation
sketching, calligraffiti, tags, lettering, 3D, photography as its end product...
Battle on large-framed mounts...
To be continued!
dates:saturday 11th of march 06
random mathematics:spray/canvas
saturday 8th of april
styles: kaligraffiti/paper/silkscreen
sat 13th of may
of the industry: recycling
sat 10th of june
In situ: photography...
exhibitions will start every thursday preceeding the vernissage
associative gallery....
"le temps qui vient"
2a rue du Vieux Billard
1205 Genève plainPalais
tuesday from 5 to 7
thursday from 12 to 2
saturday from 11 to 5
and by appointment
+41(0)22 328 18 40
New York: May 31, 2006
- Cycle
- Daze
- Ron English
- Ryan Michael Kelly
- Rammellzee
- Sacha Jenkins Shr
- Won (Munich)
The Canal Chapter
343 Canal ST
4th FL
NY NY 10013
Los Angeles CA: May 24, 25, 26, 2006
Keith Tamashiro Benefit
I See You
On January 31 Keith suffered a brain aneurysm. I SEE YOU is a series of benefit
events in which artists and performers who are close friends of Keith, have
joined forces and donated their time and talents, to help raise money for his
medical expenses as he makes his journey to recovery. Keith, one half of Soap
Design Co., Los Angeles, is regarded by many in the music industry as an
innovative graphic artist. We thank you for your support in helping us help
Keith, get back on his feet.
For updates visit:
100% of all proceeds from these events will go toward Keith's medical expenses.
I SEE YOU: An Art Benefit (food, music) and Auction: WEDNESDAY, MAY 24
B+ | Banksy | Coleman | David Calicchio | Doug Cunninghan | David Ellis |
Dezeinswell | Drew Fitzgerald | Sam Flores | Brandy Flower | Gajin Fujita |
Haze | Cody Hudson | HVW8 TY G | Jeff Jank | Aye Jay! | Kofie | Gabriela
Lopez | Keila Lopez | Diana McClure | Patrick Miller | Art Mix | Ruben Ochoa
| Jose Parla | Ritzy Periwinkle | Plasticgod | James Reitano | Angelica
Robles | Brent Rollins | RoStarr | Slick | Zeke Trejo | Gustavo Alberto
Garcia Vaca | a special tribute, hand-made book by Keith's Otis College
students | and more
Transport Gallery
1308 Factory Place, Los Angeles 90013
(310) 956-5344
6-9:30pm, $30
Catered reception w/hosted bar,
Catering generously provided by:
Sona Restaurant, Caviar Butler, Dipalo Fine Foods NYC, Rambutan Thai, Chocolates a la Carte, Kunin Wines, Hartley-Ostini Wines
9:30 pm - 11 pm: pay-what-you-can
Special guest dj sets
If you will be attending [March 24/Transport], please
RSVP to or call Andrea at (213) 483-3475.
I SEE YOU presents:WORD-OF-MOUTH MEETS BR**NFREEZE: Thursday, May 25, 2006
Jurassic 5 | Dilated Peoples | The Beat Junkies | MC Supernatural | Cut Chemist | DJ Shadow | Special guests: Madlib | Money Mark | MF Doom | more
The Mayan Theatre
1038 S. Hill Street
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Doors at 7 pm.
Tickets on sale now through
I SEE YOU: A Night of Healing Vibrations: FRIDAY, MAY 26
Kim Hill | Ammoncontact featuring: Dwight Trible and The Life Force Trio, Kamau Daaood, Adam Rudolph, Prince Po, Lil Sci, Najite, Sach, Abstract Rude + more. Hosted by: Garth Trinidad
At: Temple Bar
1026 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica
310.393.6611 |
I SEE YOU: An Intimate Evening of Elevated Voices: also on FRIDAY, MAY 26
Mia Doi Todd | Daedelus + more DJ sets by: The Dublab Soundsystem + friends
The Little Temple
4519 Santa Monica Blvd., Silverlake
323.660.4540 |
Both events: 9pm-2am | 21+ | $20 suggested donation
Zwolle, Holland: May 20, 2006
From 15.00 - 23.00 hrs, free entrance!
Live on stage: Jawat and Typhoon and others.
DJs: Big Marty, Suez and Serch C2.
Graffiti: Chain3 TMT NYC, Shark, Artik and Getone.
Host: Pauluz.
Park de Weezenlanden / Weth. Alferinkweg
Zwolle, Holland
Chicago IL: May 20, 2006
KL will present a youth and family
day at Black Water Cafe 1741 N. Western 10am-10pm
Groups are invited in at discounted rates! For more
info call 773-590-1382 or 312-213-1515
This event will include arts workshops, a gallery
viewing exhibit, and performances by KL program
- 10am -Hip Hop and Cultural Arts workshops
- 12pm -showcases (KL2/ Crown Arts and Peace Poets)
- 1pm-workshops-Hip Hop and Cultural Arts workshops
- 2pm- showcase--(Westinhouse/KL Ens)
- 3pm -Hip Hop and Cultural Arts workshops
- 4pm-showcase(Uplift Urban Performance Play preview)
- 6pm-10-Youth All ages dance party -$5 entrance
- -included with a $7 all access pass
Ongoing All day:
- Informational Exhibits of KL programs
- Gallery Art sale and exhibit of KL students and
- staff
- KL misc items for sale
- Registration table (for groups to check in, sign
- the KL attendance sheet, and get their meal tix if
- they prepaid for them,-- a donation of $7 for youth
- all day pass w/ food--$10 for adults-no one turned
- away)
- food for sale or with all day pass
- Video viewings on TVs and projectors
more info:
London UK: May 19, 2006
T-shirt Art Show
Friday 19th May : 7.30pm onwards, admission: FREE
Hoxton Hall, 130 Hoxton Street, London N1 6SH
Grafik Warfare is a loose collective of street artists based in Brighton, England, but with friends and collaborators all over the UK and beyond.
GW has members working in all media: paint, ink, stickers, screenprint and stencils. We do work on canvas, cardboard, MDF and walls. GW doesn't have a single ethos. We revel in our different styles, backgrounds and influences, while staying strictly equal.
GW artists and collaborators have submitted modified t-shirts for the a catwalk
show and also printed versions for sale exclusively on the night. There will also be
a gallery area displaying the garments and supporting artwork.
Montreal Canada: May 18 - 23, 2006
Hiphop Cené
This year‚s International du Cinéma Hip Hop de Montréal will hold its
projections at Cinéma du Parc.
With works from all over the globe, the Festival‚s mission is to showcase
various social views and cultural takes through elements of Hip Hop.
Movies go from shining light on life in Brazilian favelas to the lucrative
business behind sneaker making, a Palestinian view of the Middle East crisis to
the struggle of being an MC in Montreal.
In all, three days of freshness on Film.
That‚s all, you ask? Think again. This year, the Festival will also host
FUSE:Ahearn & HVW8, an Art exhibit showcasing works by local Masters of the
brush, Heavyweight side-by-side with exclusive pictures from legendary
filmmaker Charlie Ahearn.
For the movie buffs who will get the "Wild Style" all-access pass, the Festival
will have a Hospitality lounge (at The Nest) to sprawl in between screenings and
to exchange with other Festival attendants. It‚s a good opportunity to bump
into Festival guru & friend, Charlie Ahearn who for the second year, will
attend the event. Also confirmed to be present are Freestyle director Kevin
Fitzgerald, Montrealer Pablo Aravena, director of the documentary „NEXT: an
Urban Primer‰, as well as Marielle Quesney & Jean Labourette who will Premiere
their documentary „Dead Space‰.
Programming details will be posted on &
Tickets are $7 and on sale one hour prior to schedule representation at the
Cinéma du Parc (3575, Parc Avenue);
All-Access passes (the „Wild Style‰ pass) -for all films, Art Exhibit,
Opening Cocktail, Festival t-shirt & poster- are $75.
EMail for requests.
0The FUSE Art Exhibit will run from May 18th-22nd, at The Nest. Admission is
$7, $5 with movie ticket stub.
Hospitality Lounge & Fuse Exhibit will be at The Nest: 3673, St-Dominique
(@Prince-Arthur /
The Vancouver edition of Hip Hop Ciné will be held next June and the Toronto
version will be presented in July 2006.
Vienna, Austria: May 17, 2006
WANN: 17. mai 2006 ab 19:00
WO: Lindengasse 4. 1070 Wien
worldwide: May 15 - 22, 2006
9th Annual Hip Hop Appreciation Week
Since 1998 the third week in May has become a time to reflect upon our roles as citizens of the international Hip Hop community and to recommit ourselves to Hip Hop's core principles of peace, love, unity and safely having fun!
In the past we've reflected upon such themes as; Faith (2005), Freedom (2004), Forgiveness (2003), Charity (2002) and Peace (2001). This year (2006) our theme is "ACTION". And with all of our themes "Action" shall be the focus of our lectures, writings and events for 2006. We are urging ALL Hiphoppas to consider their actions as well as their inaction. Consider how your actions and/or inaction may be affecting others. Consider the results of your past actions and seek ways to improve or lessen such "actions" in the future.
Be active! Walk more. Exercise more. Speak out more! Think more! But also remember that "inaction" is indeed an action as well. Silence is also an activity. Rest and stillness are also activities. Fasting from food, sex, gossip, war, drugs and the needless spending of money are also "actions". The point is to be conscious of your "actions" this year.
If you are inspired in any way to organize a public and/or private event for Hip Hop
Appreciation Week - May 15-22 2006 in your city, town or home you can email your
request and a brief description of your event to:
this address
Bilbao Spain: May 13, 2006
BreakOnStage 2006
13 de mayo. Palacio Euskalduna. Bilbao.
Concurso Europeo de Breakdance escénico
Culturas urbanas en un medio escénico.
Mezcla de graffiti, música y infografía. Para ver el video:
- MARTES 2(23:00) de mayo en ETB1 lo mejor del BreakOnStage2004-2005.
New Haven: May 13, 2006
Images of Fascination
Opening May 13th 2006
The Tunnel Gallery
12 Fountain Street
New Haven, CT 06515
alleged info:
Paris France: May 13 - 20, 2006
Le Bistrot des artistes
Porterville CA: May 13, 2006
Rural Ruckus presents:
COMPILATION art session
7-11pm. maybe even longer-
Kustom Toyz
31 South Cloverleaf
Porterville, Ca. 93527
An inner city experience featuring works of: ALL SPRAY/GRAFF, Skateboarding photography, Custom auto fabrications, Paint/body alterations, Audio arson (dnb style), film-ography and maybe even more.
Including a 30 minute showing of Graff-Life the movie with exclusive footage of Graff-Life 2.
Consolidated into one venue for the pleasure of your senses.
London UK: May 12, 2006
T-Kid book signing
Vans store Carnaby Street
Friday 12th May 12.00PM -6.00PM
Seattle WA: May 12, 2006
BLVD Gallery
2316 2nd Ave
Seattle WA 98121
opening Friday May 12th 6-10pm
BLVD Gallery is proud to present for its inaugural show, "Groundswell",
a diverse collection of some the most exciting artists of the Urban
Contemporary movement.
- Invader
- Mearone
- Joshua Petker
- Greg Simkins, "Craola"
- Thomas Han
- Damon Soule
- Oliver Vernon
- Joshua Krause
- Robert Hardgrave
- Iosefatu Sua
- Sam Sneke
- Sylvia Ji
- Bigfoot
- Martin Ontiveros
- Bwana Spoons
- Darvin Vida
- Tra Selhow
- Warren Dykeman
Madrid Spain: May 11, 2006
NEXT (the film)
¡Que pasa tronco! We're doing a screening at the Cultura Urbana festival in Madrid.
Documenta Madrid, III Festival Internacional de Documentales de Madrid.
NEXT will screen as part of the II Ciclo de Cine Documental 'Cultura Urbana' on the 11th and 12th of May, 2006.
Screenings will take place at Cine Estudio Bellas Artes (Circulo de Bellas Artes).
Madrid Screening
May 11, 8:30 PM at Cine Estudio Círculo de Bellas Artes
(c/ Marqués de Casa Riera 2, Madrid).
For more info visit:
Paris France: May 11 - 27, 2006
John Jonone Perello
Sérigraphies sur papier / Serigraphs on paper.
Vernissage Thursday the 11th of may 2006 / 18-20h30
American Graffiti artist John JONONE Perello presents
at the Speerstra gallery his latest show called
"Serigraff". A portfolio edition of 20 including ten
different serigraphs on paper inspired by the cut out
works by Henri Matisse.
4/6 rue du Perche
tel: (33) 01 42 77 60 99
Brixton UK: May 11, 2006
T-KID 170 and The Streets Afterparty Special @THROWDOWN
On Thursday 11th May the Throwdown crew will be pulling out all the stops with an amazing line up including a book signing from
T-Kid 170 and Cope2 (the Godfathers of the New York graffiti scene) and a 4 deck headline set from DJ Fidget of The Streets!
As for the legendary Throwdown battles, there will be a 2on2 breakin' battle and a graffiti battle judged by T-Kid170 and Cope2.
Plus, once The Streets have finished their gig next door at the Brixton Academy, they're all heading over to Plan B for the official Afterparty; its gonna be massive!
Thursday 11th May
@Plan B, Brixton.
8pm till 3am
£5 entry
2on2 breakin' battle
Graff battle (judged by T-Kid and Cope2)
DJ Fidget (The Streets)
DJ Just 1
DJ Herse
Donna Dee and Blowflet
Hosted by MC Mystery
Info/battle entry: 07724 302 698
"It is better to conquer yourself, than to win a thousand battles. Then victory is truly yours!" -Buddha
New York: May 11 - 18, 2006
Scion presents
Installation tour with Stay High 149, Crash, and Dr Revolt
Opens: Thursday, May 11th, 2006 -
7pm - 11pm
The Showroom NYC: 117 2nd Ave, 2nd Floor, New York, NY
legendary New York artists from the show will be attending including
Stay High 149 (known as one of the innovators of graf adornments such as
halos and stars), Crash (whose work has been featured in galleries all
over the world), and Dr. Revolt (designer of the Yo! MTV Raps logo).
Other prolific artists will be in attendance to discuss their work
including Joshua Mays, Dez Einswell, and Matthew Rodriguez.
Installation will also feature original artwork on three-foot long
polyurethane sculptures from both veteran and up-and-coming artists
including David Choe, Ricky Powell, Mike Giant, Coro, Sage Vaughn, Crash,
Daim, Dex Einswell, Jeremy Fish, Blaine Fontana, Kofie, Mad, Kenton Parker,
Ramm:ell:zee, Dr. Revolt, Rostarr and Seak. To view a few of the works,
Along with providing a platform for urban artists, the project hopes to
foster a new generation of creativity through charitable donations
provided by the end-of-tour auction. The charitable foundations
generally include art-minded youth organizations, with this year's
benefactors to be announced later in the tour. In addition to the
amazing art on display, this will be a party to remember thanks to the
sounds provided by DJ Eleven and DJ Evil One.
New York: May 10 - 20, 2006
From May 10th - May 20th, MC Gallery will present "Hopescotch", the first US solo exhibition of Raquel Sakristan. The show will include works in various mediums created in Sakristan?s signature style of mixing religious iconography and symbolism with a unique street aesthetic, an approach hard to define within the boundaries of any one movement.
Opening Wednesday May 10th, 18.00h - 22.00h.
549 W52ND ST, 8 FLR
The exhibition will be accompanied by a special presentation of ROJO®dolf,
ROJO®vint, ROJO® Magazine?s current issues, and the newest monographic books by
Boris Hoppek, Nuno Valerio, Albert Bertolín, Neasden Control Centre and Tofer the
first in ROJO®?s artist book series.
Raquel Sakristan
New York: May 10 - 17, 2006
Charity Auction, May 10th May 17th, 2006
Inspired by vintage spray paint colors as featured in ALSO KNOWN AS v1, this collection of seven patent leather Nike Dunk Lo's was created by NIKEiD exclusively for ALSO KNOWN AS.
Starting May 10th at 7pm EST, the collection will be auctioned to the highest bidder, with all proceeds going to the Free Arts NYC, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the healing powers of the arts into the lives of abused, neglected and at-risk children and their families.
This collection is one of only five sets produced and will not be available at retail. Each shoe is US size 9 and will be exhibited at Alife Rivington Club from May 8th through May 17th, when the auction will conclude.
The highest bidder will win this exclusive collection along with all three colorways of ALSO KNOWN AS v1 [including the rare gold foil cover version limited to 250 copies worldwide] personally signed by contributing artists KAWS, FUTURA and REAS.
Los Angeles CA: May 10 - 12, 2006
The Art of Gaming
Part of the huge upcoming E3
electronic gaming convention in LA will showcase the talents of urban
artists applied to both Xbox 360 and PSP faceplates. The exhibition
sponsored by Pelican will be
located in the West Hall of the LA Convention center in Room 505 from
May 10th to 12th during E3. Seen, Futura, Ewok, Swank, Eyeone, Misk, Vulcan, apex, BG, Asylm, Sket, more.
The exhibition will also feature live painting by Swank, Eyeone, Ed
Rico, Kyle Tomas and Eric Orr. Gaming is a huge part of our culture
and so it's only fitting that it provides yet another canvas for
artistic expression. While the I-am 8-bit show featured art based on
video games, this event is about video game systems as art.
E3 is an industry-only event and not open to the public. [Maybe you can find a way in, but if not,
more shows are promised in the future TBA.]
New York: through May 20, 2006
Phil Frost 2006
The Jack Shainman gallery is pleased to present a solo
exhibition of Phil Frost. As a self-taught artist who
gained wide recognition for his graffiti work very early
in his career, Frost makes paintings and sculptures that
usually are a result of collaging and layering of images,
along with the formation of hand-made, often symmetrical
black and white patterns. These patterns, which are
created with painstaking detail and using correction
fluid as a medium,
Jack Shainman Gallery
513 W 20th St (between 10th & 11th Ave.)
NYC 10011
Thessaloniki Greece: May 6 - 23, 2006
Graffiti and beyond
- Casroc (Belgium)
- Ser (Greece)
- Sye (Spain)
- Nastwo (Greece)
- Jorz (Greece)
- Webs (France)
- Live2 (Greece)
- Zone (Greece)
- Nade (Greece)
Andr.georgiou 56
Check or
Montreal Canada: May 5, 2006
A Hat and a House ... Not Afraid Anymore
Thesis, Labrona and others
photos from the show
Toronto Canada: May 5, 2006
opening Friday, May 5th
from 8-11pm
Omy, gallery boutique
1140 Queen St W, Toronto
New York: May 4 - 27, 2006
"Jean-Michel Basquiat - 1981: The Studio of the Street"
Curated by Glenn O'Brien and Diego Cortez
@ Deitch gallery
Date: May 4th - 27th
Address: 76 Grand St. NYC
Info: 212.343.7300
Petaluma CA: May 1 - 28, 2006
Ricky Watts
USA: May 1 - 7, 2006
Scion Road Trip
The 10-day Road Trip, promising to be a 21st century Kerouac-esque
adventure, kicks off May 1st in Los Angeles when renowned street
artists David Choe, Saber, Kempton Parker, Sam Flores, Matt Gordan
and Ryan Shook hit the road with a busload of funk musicians
following right behind. En route, the street artists will stop in
various cities to create one of a kind pieces on desolate highway
billboards while the Rhythm Roots All-Stars play venues in selected
cities, including San Diego (5/2), Austin (5/4) and New Orleans
(5/7). The tour also makes stops in El Paso and Dallas. A
videographer, photographer and two journalists will be on hand to
document the paint-soaked, amped-up journeys of these traveling
The Road Trip finishes with a bang as it rolls into New Orleans on
May 6th for Jazz Fest 2006. To end things on an unforgettable high,
additional artists, including the infamous Femi Kuti, will
collaborate with the Rhythm Roots All-Stars for a grand finale
performance event. All proceeds from the events, including ticket
sales, are donated to Habitat for Humanitys', Tipitina's Foundation
, a non-profit organization
dedicated to uplifting the music community of New Orleans.
San Diego (5/2)
Venue: Belly up tavern
143 s. cedross Ave. Soldana Beach
Time: 9pm-2am
Cost: Free RSVP:
Austin (5/4)
Venue: The Parish
214 E 6th st
Time: 9pm-2am
Cost: Free RSVP:
New Orleans (5/7)
Venue: One Eyed Jacks
615 Toulouse St. New Orleans
Time: 9pm-2am
Cost: $15 (to Habitat for Humanity) RSVP:
Paris France: April 29 - May 27, 2006
Miss Van
Lagrimas de Mariposas
Galerie Magda Danysz
19, rue Emile Durkheim
75013 Paris
(en face de la Bibliothèque François Mitterrand;
passerelle piétonne vers la rue Louise Weiss desormais ouverte entre la Galerie A. Rech et le MK2)
tel. : +33 (0)1 45 83 38 51
Miss Van's
latest series of dolls have come straight from her imagination that
is saturated with provocative emotions. But where does the inspiration
come from for these nymphs? They are increasingly equivocal, oscillating
between and certain naivety and excitement, each playing on their own
undeniable charms. They seduce the spectator and draw them into a visual
exploration of the female form, with its joys, its pleasures and pains.
Brussels Belgium: April 28 - May 14, 2006
Guillaume Escallier Designer – Photography
special guest
Erwin Borms Photography
Through a selection of photos, they tell the
story of the “BRUSSEL’S GRAFFITI” event and those
who made it a success.
Rue de la Madeleine 19, 1000 Bruxelles
Paris France: April 28 - May 8, 2006
s'installe à la Foire de Paris
sur un stand de 30m2
Hall "espace urbain" - Paris Porte de Versailles
En parallèle, Kongo, Kay, Cope2 et T-kid en performance pendant toute la durée du Salon.
Taxie Gallery
Lyon, France: April 27 - May 27, 2006
Laurent Vilarem
Diplômé de l'Ecole de photographie d'Arles, Laurent Vilarem développe un travail créatif et riche en émotion.
Son exposition " les plages Sonores " au Macadam a rencontré un vif succès en 2001. Depuis Laurent Vilarem travaille à mettre en image les DJs, musiciens et modèles de Montpellier et sa région...
Laurent Vilarem exposera des photographies d'oeuvres d'artistes issus du street art, pratiquant le body painting.
Parmis ces artistes il y aura l'Atlas, MKan, T Kid, East eric, Supakitch, et Krisprolls.
Donc rendez-vous jeudi prochain au 2, rue Romarin dans le premier arrondissement à Lyon.
Plus d'infos et des liens sur N20
Finalement suite à quelques petits soucis techniques, le vernissage est reporté au Jeudi 4 Mai, Galerie N2O, au 2, rue Romarin, 69001 Lyon...
Pour rajouter du piment à la soirée, l'artiste donnera une performance de body-painting lors du vernissage...
Le site Internet officiel a ouvert ses portes aujourd'hui même, venez le visitez
Equipe Galerie N2O
2, rue Romarin
69001 LYON
Europe: 2006
T-KID "The Nasty" Europe Tour presented by
- 01.05.2006: Bratislava / Unique Club
- 02.05.2006: Vienna / Stil Laden
- 03.05.2006: Milano / Eastpak Store C.So Di Porta Ticinese, 46
- 04.05.2006: Amsterdam / American Book Center *special guest: COPE 2
- 04.05.2006: Rotterdam / Urban Unit *special guest: COPE 2
- 05.05.2006: Brussel / Montana Shop and Gallery *special guest: COPE 2
- 05.05.2006: Antwerp / Petrol Club *special guest: COPE 2
- 06.05.2006: Strasbourg / Write for Gold
- 08.05.2006: Stockholm / Odd Number
- 09.05.2006: Barcelona / Montana Shop and Gallery *special guest: COPE 2
- 10.05.2006: Hannover / Kästner Museum
- 11.05.2006: Leeds / Ante *special guest: COPE 2
- 11.05.2006: London / Throw Down *special guest: COPE 2
- 12.05.2006: London / Vans Store *special guest: COPE 2
- 13.05.2006: Stuttgart / Style Combat *special guest: COPE 2
More info:
Aix en Provence, France: April 22 - June 1, 2006
Hip Art, the French Touch
San Francisco CA: April 22 - May 21, 2006
Scion Dashboard Location
Scion has invited weekly curators, artists, and DJs to display current works and create site-specific works at the new temporary Scion Dashboard Gallery in San Francisco, CA. The exterior of the space will display "mural invitations" created by the four Dashboard curators and their crews. These "invitations" will highlight the artist's work and the week's event. Attendees will have a one-of-a-kind opportunity to watch as the galleries collection grows and morphs each week. Additionally, in a homage to the neighborhood's blooming creativity, there will be a public art wall, allowing visitors to post their own pieces in this site-specific installation.
580 Hayes Street (Hayes Valley District)
San Francisco, California
Monday - Thursday: 12PM - 8PM
Friday: 12PM - 6PM
Saturday: 12PM - 4PM
Sunday: 12PM - 4PM
Week 1: TORTURED SOULS curated by BIG FOOT
Week 3: ARTWORK REBELS curated by NORM of AWR/MSK
Week 1: DJ Teddy Powell
Week 2: David Choong Lee
Week 3: DJ Psycho Les of the Beatnuts
Week 4: DJ Klever
Attendees will be invited to create and customize apparel, enter contests to win pieces produced by participating artists and interact daily with the hottest urban and contemporary artists as they create their installations on site.
About Big Foot:
Big Foot One is a graffiti artist from San Francisco. His trademark consists of huge murals depicting green folkloric creatures and can be found all over his hometown. His work has been shown internationally, and has garnered a following spanning from Japan to the US, and everywhere in between. In addition to his fine art work, Big Foot also designs graphics for the Skateboard industry, as well as signature "Big Foot" vinyl toys for Strangeco. The artists collaborating with Big Foot during Week One are Haculla, Jeremy Fish, Mike Giant, NeckFace, and Mike Sutfin.
About Shawn Barber:
Shawn Barber is an extremely talented artist whose body of work focuses primarily on painting and illustration. Shawn has lectured and given painting demonstrations at several American universities and art institutions, and is currently a Professor of Illustration at both the California College of the Arts and The Academy of Art University, both in San Francisco. Shawn's work has been shown in prestigious group shows and solo shows at the following galleries: The Shooting Gallery, San Francisco, CA; The Lineage Gallery, Philadelphia, PA; Strychnine Gallery, Berlin, Germany; The Society of Illustrators, New York City, NY; and Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles, CA, among many more. The artists collaborating with Shawn Barber during Week Two are Michael Hussar, Kent Williams, Kevin Llewellyn, Kristi Ropeleski, Sterling Hundley, Dennis Brown and James Kei.
About Norm of AWR/MSK:
For the past eight years, Norm's artistic concentration has been focused on the art of graffiti writing. Hailing from the world famous AWR/MSK crews, audiences worldwide have been given the opportunity to view his work. In the last few years, the fine art world has recognized his considerable talent, and he has been invited to show his work in formal gallery settings. With this exhibition, Norm hopes to showcase a group of artists in the worlds of tattoo, fine art, and the booming custom car and custom motorcycle scenes. The artists collaborating with Norm during Week Three are Grime, Amandalynn, Reyes, Holly Ellis, Yutaro Sakai, Marcus Pacheco, Push, Joe Levin, Jason Kundell, Luke Stewart, and Erik Reith.
Essex UK: April 20 - May 11, 2006
One of the UK's most acclaimed and groundbreaking Graffiti Art photographers Dark Daze is exhibiting in his highest profile show to date.
The 'Pieces' show is a celebration of Urban and Graffiti Art from its inception in the late 70s up to the present day.
Dark Daze, a member of the RareKind family, is the UK's most notable documenters of Graffiti culture and is exhibiting along side American photographer Martha Cooper, the pioneer of the Graffiti photography genre and collaborator on the most renowned Graffiti art book of all time "Subway Art".
Running from the 20th April to 11th May at the University of Essex Gallery, "Pieces" will encapsulate and showcase the story of graffiti art through the decades.
Dark Daze's contribution include his large scale portrait shots of some of the most illusive Graffiti artists in the UK alongside his video installation in which he explores the ideas behind his work and interviews the artists he has photographed.
The collaboration of these two masters is set to be an unmissable show.
"Martha Cooper's work has been an inspiration for me for many years. But the more I became interested in urban life and architecture the more I realised the value of her work not just inside the hip-hop community but in Western society as a whole"
Says Dark Daze
"Her work with Dondi in particular is, I think incredibly important, and she led the way in exposing the art and culture of Graffiti. I think nowadays because we have grown so used to seeing those iconic images we tend to forget the risks she took involving herself in this culture, and being one of the pioneers that took Hip-Hop culture to the world. To be included in an expo with someone who was one of the founding reasons I became involved in photography is an amazing privilege"
As well as the artwork on display, the Pieces exhibition will also include memorabilia, cultural and social events through the exhibition including a live graffiti event inside the Gallery, film screening, seminars and workshops.
Live graffiti event 22 April
Private View 22 April.
Admission free
Gallery opening times: Mon-Fri 11am - 5pm Sat 1 - 4.30pm
University Gallery
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Essex, CO4 3SQ
Los Angeles CA: April 15 - May 7, 2006
Soul Significance
April 15,
6pm -10pm
75 limited edition soul significance t-shirts be idealists will be
given away at the opening. Special guest dj's on the ones and twos.
Juan "Lucky" Alvarez, Rob Abeyta Jr., Patrick Martinez, Retna, Eriberto
Oriol, Eyeone, and Kofie.
Crewest NEW Downtown Address
110 Winston St.
(at Main St., between 4th and 5th)
Downtown Los Angeles, CA 90013
New York: April 13 - May 13, 2006
book launch party and exhibition
You are invited to the opening reception Thursday, April 13th,
Diesel Denim Gallery - 68 Greene Street (btw Spring and Broome)
BLK/MRKT is proud to announce the launch of BLK/MRKT ONE hosted
by Diesel Denim Gallery, with an installation conceived by
curator Sebastien Agneesens that includes select original
works featured in the book as well as new commissions.
BLK/MRKT ONE: 208 pages, $55, published by Die Gestalten - A
limited number of pre-release copies will be available
exclusively at DDG the night of the opening.It will be released
in Europe and Asia in May and in the US in June.
FEATURING: michael ricardo andreev, bask, tiffany bozic, elaine
bradford, deanne cheuk, david choe, stephan doitschinoff, warren
dykeman, jordan eagles, daniel fiorda, doze green, maya hayuk,
rich jacobs, dave kinsey, marion lane, mars-1, travis millard,
brendan monroe, jose parla, leif parsons, scott radke, jesse
reno, andrew schoultz, tra selhtrow, lance sells, yuri shimojo,
jeff soto, mike stilkey, tes one, thh70, cody blake thompson,
ben tour, nate williams, wk interact, milee yu and vladimir
New York: April 7 - May 5, 2006
Out of Nowhere
Opening Reception Friday April 7th, 7 pm- 9 pm
Servicio-Ejecutico Gallery
242 Wythe Avenue, Studio 5
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Phone: 718.701.5179
Berlin Germany: April 7 - May 15, 2006
"Enviromentalistic" by Dave Kinsey
Opening reception: Apr. 7, 6pm-10pm
Dave Kinsey is widely known for his social commentary delivered through his portrayals of characters from the city streets.
Alice gallery
182 rue A. Dansaert
1000 Bruxelles, Berlin
tel: +32.2.513.33.07
Hours: Tue - Fri: 11:30am-7:30pm, Sun: 1:30pm-6:30
New York: April 6 - May 13, 2006
Laura Ball + Andrew Schoultz
Opening Reception: Thursday, April 6, 6-8pm
Morgan Lehman is pleased to present the work of Laura Ball and Andrew Schoultz in both artists, first New York debut. Hailing from San Francisco, the artists create fantastical narratives with underlying elements of political awareness. The works on view confront issues including femininity, community, domination, and war. These topics are represented in each artist's own artistic style: Laura Ball guides us through an exploration of her dream-like, beautifully crafted watercolors; and Andrew Schoultz expresses his ideals with his explosive, obsessive mark-making techniques.
Morgan Lehman - 317 10th Ave, New York, NY
Gallery hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm and by appointment.
phone: 212.268.6699
New York: March 30 - May 5, 2006
Beyond Graffiti
Beyond Graffiti: Fresh Visions from Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and NYC
Free NYU's Bronfman Center Gallery,
7 E. 10th Street between Fifth Avenue and University Place,
Subway: A,D,E,F,V to West 4th Street; R, W to 8th Street.
Mon-Thur 9am-10pm; Fri 8am-4pm; Sun 9am-9pm. March 30 - May 5; Opening reception: Thursday, March 30, 7-9pm.
A celebration of urban art from the three cities. Featured artists include: Nir Aharon, Tazeen Ahmed, Elliot Bassman, Leora Cheshin, Daniel Greenfeld, Rami Meiri, Meres, Dani Reyes Mozeson, Aaron Lazansky-Oliva, Michael Ponce, Daya B. Rao, Amitai Sandy and Anne Sassoon. Curated by Lois Stavsky
Havana Cuba: March 27 - April 27, 2006
Dinámicas de la Cultura Urbana / CubaBrasil 2
As contribution to the topic of the 9th Biennial, “Dinámicas de
la Cultura Urbana”, Aerosol- and Video Art activists from Brazil and
Germany will return to the Caribbean Island.
Joining forces with Cuban artists we will continue
our substantial urban intervention in Havana.
Simultaneously, an exhibition of the project and selected participating
artists will be installed within the Biennial. A set of workshops,
collaborations with community projects and lectures complete the program.
98 artists from 36 countries will participate in the bienal mural paintings, including:
Os Gemeos, Nina, Vitche, Jana Joana (Brazil)
Neon, Won (ABC), Stone (FBI), BerlinBeamBoys (Germany)
Cuba: Expositó, Julieta del Carmen, Victor Mora, Raúl Camillo, Santana Navarro, Isaac Linares Guerra, Juan Garcia Milo and many more.
and many more.
9th Annual Havana Bienal website
More info about Cuba/Brasil: or
Houston TX: April 28, 2006
opening reception:
7pm to 11pm
April 28th, 2006
Aerosol Wafare
2445 North Blvd.
Houston, TX 77098
"Since the early 80s Bronx classic "Beat Bop", artist, rapper, and
Gothic Futurist, RAMMELLZEE has been engaged in a literal war of words
against the forces of authority and capital."
Come out and experience The RAMMELLZEE in his 1st Texas exhibition!
Atlanta GA: April 28 - 30, 2006
Looks like "Just to Get a Rep" is the only representation graffiti gets, but there is plenty of other stuff.
And a party.
Tarragon Spain: April 22, 2006
Festival Internacional
Actuaran Grupos Del Calibre Como
Solo Los Solo
Ademas De Graffiti ,Basket,Dj,S Y Un Largo Etc
Dias 21 Y 22 De Abril En Reus (Tarragona)
Mas Info En Www.Mashiphop.Com
Phoenix AZ: April 22, 2006
The Molten Brothers are excited to present DECK, an 100-Artist Skateboard Deck Art Exhibit and One Day
Skateboarding Cultural Event, featuring unique, custom skateboard decks created specifically for this show by 100
artists; local, national and international. There will be a full catalog featuring all of the work.
Seen, Shepard Fairey, and many others.
Opening reception: Saturday April 22, 2006, 3-11:59pm
The Icehouse
429 W. Jackson St
Phoenix, AZ (downtown warehouse district)
Phoenix AZ: April 22, 2006
Saturday, April 22 2006, 3:00pm - 11:59pm
On Saturday, April 22nd, 2006, The Molten Brothers ( ) are excited to present DECK, an 100-Artist Skateboard Deck Art Exhibit & One Day Skateboarding Cultural Event, featuring unique, custom skateboard decks created specifically for this show by 100 artists; local, national and international. This is the first time something of this magnitude has been done in Phoenix & we would love to have you on board. There will be a full catalog featuring all of the work.
The event will take place at the Icehouse Arts Complex and will run from 3
p.m. until Midnight and include the following activities & features:
*100-deck art exhibit
*Live Music
*Food & Drink
*Live Skate Demos - Half-Pipe and Street
*Collectors Deck Exhibit
*Catalog of Skate Deck Artists
*Limited Edition Prints
*Merchant and Sponsor Booths
*Merchandise and Book-Signings
*High School Skate Deck Show
*History of Skateboards Area
Icehouse Arts Complex
429 West Jackson Street
Phoenix, AZ
Seattle WA: April 2006
Bill Daniel is back on tour screening his
16-years-in-the-making, documentary film, "Who is Bozo Texino?" --- the
secret history of hobo graffiti. 80 shows so far, here's a few more in
April 21, Georgetown, Seattle, Rung Theater, 1136 S Albro Place, 9pm, $5
April 22, Ballard, Seattle, The Sunset Tavern, 5433 Ballard Ave, 7pm, $5
April 24, Belltown, Seattle, Rendezvous/Jewelbox Theater, 2320 2nd Ave, btwn Bell & Battery, 8pm, $5
[This film is great! - Susan]
Tarragona, Spain: April 21 - 22, 2006
XXL JAM EdItion No. 8
-International Underground Hip Hop Festival -
at: La PALMA de Reus (Tarragona/ Spain).
Live On Stage:
Solo los solo (Barcelona),
Tame One (Artifacts /USA),
Falsalarma (Barcelona),
Juaninacka (Sevilla),
Big Digga and IboFat (Alemania),
Efren + Mr. guti (SonDKalle - Barcelona),
Mustafá Yoda (Argentina),
Ehler Danloss (Madrid),
Prome (3L'S - Barcelona),
Jazz&J (Portugal),
Madico (Reus),
Ko tecniko (Reus),
Dj Slikk (Alemania),
and many more
National Break Tournament
BreaKING TarraKO 5. crew vs crew
Prize Money: 600
Judges: Team Combo (Germany)
with: Shadow, Stany and Shaq (Style Crax)
+ BajoTierra Jam III
Graffiti Exhibition
with: Baske, Aber, Matrix (TBT - Germany)
+ more of 70 artists all over
Dallas TX: April 21 - 23, 2006
Groningen, Holland: April 21 - 23, 2006
Dartmouth MA: April 20, 2006
Art Auction
St Augustine, Florida: April 17 - 21, 2006
Symbolic Infatuation
Reception for the artist: April 21, 2006, 5 - 7pm
This is
Terranova's first solo exhibition at Carrera Gallery. As one of four
students to graduate from Flagler College's new B.F.A program we are
thoroughly pleased to present these works to the public.
9 Carerra Street
St. Augustine, FL 32084
TEL 904 829 6481
FAX 904 826 0094
New York: April 17, 2006
Benefit for Baron
Baron is very ill and Project Main St. is organizing an event to raise funds for him.
They are looking for work to auction off. Daze and Lee are participating already.
More info at Project Main St
New York: now - April 23, 2006
First Element of HipHop
Please come and celebrate the 23rd Anniversary
of the Mehu Gallery with a Hip Hop Exhibit, entitled
"The First Element of Hip Hop", featuring Graffiti
photos by commerical photographer Keith Major,
canvases by graffiti pioneer Duro Cia, Dondi White and
graffiti video presented by Multi-media producer
Sidney "SidLocks" Mehu.
Closing party - Sunday, April 23, 2006 3-7pm
Where - Mehu Gallery 21 West 100th street
New York, New York, 10025
(212) 222-3334
( Bet. Manhattan Ave and Central Park West)
Travel info - ( B or C to 103rd or 96street
and Central Park West
then walk to 100th street )
( take 2/3 or 1/9 train to
96th street and Broadway
then walk to Central
Park West 100th street )
Brussels Belgium: April 15-16, 22-23, 2006
Brussels Graffiti Is pleased
to invite you to The Biggest ever graffiti mural ever created by
urban artists in Brussels
Organized by the Tarantino non-profit organization
With the support of the City of Brussels and the morning market of Brussels.
15th-16th and 22rd-23rd April 2006
at the Marché matinal (Mabru) site,
Quai des Usines, 22-24 - 1000 BXL
During these weekends, 30 talented graffiti artists
from all over Belgium will come together in Brussels to create a
600m2 (10mx60m) mural. In addition, 400 m2 of empty wall space
will be available for all to graffiti!
Alongside the graffiti action there’ll be loads of other activities and entertainment:
Djs, skaters, BMX, jugglers, drummers, short film projections, shops and lectures.
Sunday 16th April 15h00 Debate ‘The graffiti movement takes off’
Saturday 22nd April 15h00: Debate ‘Urban Art in Towns: promote it or ban it?’
It’s a fantastic opportunity for all to come and interact with this culture and its actors in a chilled out and hopefully sunny atmosphere.
We’re counting on you to turn out great numbers and make this festival a success!
Portland OR: April 15, 2006
Benefit Party
April 15th, 9pm-1am
Backspace 115 NW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon
21+; $5 Suggested Donation
A Benefit for Pose2's Graffiti Classes and the BBoy BBQ
Music By: Spun Academy, Newspeak, Sick Mediks, FlipFlop and more TBA
Live Coloring Book Created By: Mensen, ZeeS, Eos Montana and Ozzi Biasi
LifeSize Interactive Coloring Book Installation with work by: Pose2, Sew, Sye, PRVRT, Zimad, Ashley Montague, Zimad and many more.
Coloring for A Cause publishes children's coloring books and donates
50% of the profits to different organizations.
The Color of Dissent celebrates revolutionaries and
political visionaries in American history in an effort
to expose children to the truths and individuals that
are rarely, if ever, taught in school. With quotes,
bios and portraits of Assata Shakur, Harvey Milk,
Reies Lopz Tijerina and more. 50% of the profit goes
to Books for Prisoners.
SoMuchLove In Just One Can is a contemporary graffiti
and street art coloring book for kids and bombed out
black book for their adults. Featuring work by Pose2,
Sew, Sye, PRVRT, Ashley Montague, Leon Rainbow,
Zimad and many more. 50% of the
profit goes to Pose2's Graffiti: The Art Form Class
and the tri-city BBoy BBQ.
Paris France: April 13 - 22, 2006
éToiles urbaines
The exhibition éToiles urbaines (urban stars), devoted to
female urban artists, will be held in Paris, France, from April
13th to 22nd, at Espace Beaurepaire.
The show will bring together the collective and individual
artworks of 10 artists from 5 different countries, Aleteia,
Fafi, Ephameron, Empty (Freaklub), Klor (123Klan), Koralie,
Microbo, Nuria, Pax Paloscia and Swoon.
Espace Beaurepaire
28 rue Beaurepaire, 75010 Paris
Opening reception: April 13th, 2006 | 7pm
Berlin Germany: April 13 - 17, 2006
Rhythm Of The Line
- Eiszeit Cinema Berlin Kreuzberg
- Culture Centre "YAAM" Berlin Friedrichshain
- Adicolor Studio Berlin Mitte (exhibition "Fotograff" from 10^th of April)
- Station Park Berlin Kreuzberg
- Babylon Cinema Berlin/Kreuzberg
- Cinema International Berlin Friedrichshain
programme: ca.30 -- 40 main films, 10 -- 15 short films
the programme differentiates in big cinema productions, american classics, guerrilla productions, fiction, documentation, short films, clips, experimental and animation films from all parts of the world: New Zealand, Cuba, Sweden, Russia, Brazil, USA, Germany, Denmark, Greek...) in all formats from 35mm to miniDV
fringe events:
- Actions & events like "Wurst & Kaas" -- dutch and berlin writers give the culture centre "YAAM" a new surface, with after show party and screening
- Exhibition "Fotograff", graffiti and city portrait fotos from Sam Mc Millian showing London in the eighties also exhibited are city portraits of various big cities in context with graffiti from Julia Schoierer and Sascha Polei
- Panel discussion about topics of the hip hop culture
There are discussions with film makers and artists after selected films
- Invited film makers and artists: Danny Lee (L.A., USA), Wayne
Peterkin (NY City, USA),Pablo Aravena (Montreal, Canada), Jeff Zimbalist
(NY city, USA), Sam Mc Millan (London, UK), Esher (Berlin,
Germany), Shoe & Delta (Amsterdam, Netherlands) etc.
Cambridge UK: April 10 - 14, 2006
SIN Cru in association with The Centre at St. Paul's
and Cambridge City Council presents:
Cambridge Hip Hop Week
During the Easter holidays SIN Cru are running intensive dance, art and music
courses at
The Centre at St. Pauls
St. Pauls Church,
Hills Road
Cambridge CB2 1JP
Courses include Graffiti Art and Graffiti Customisation, Breakin', Locking,
Hip Hop Dance, Physio for Dancers, Beatboxing, DJing and MCing.
For further details on CHHW06 visit
The week closes with the official afterparty Urban Sinfonie on
Friday 14th April which showcases performances and exhibitions from
the week as well as the Poppin' battle, 2on2 and individual B-Boy battles.
Prone ( / Dedbeat / Battle Jam )
Brap One aka Ben Swift (Nonsinthetik / Style First Crew)
Ill Boogs (Gypsy Rock / Breakin' Bread)
and Guests on rotation
Fresh super fat prizes and giveaways courtesy of our friends at:
Addict, Puma, LRG Clothing, Mecca USA, Supreme Being, Eastpak, Jelly Belly,
Dogfish, Redbull, Unisex Records, Harmless Records and Zebra Traffic Records.
Also showing is "Stone Seeds Unearthed" an on going multi-media exhibition
that documents the lifestyle, development and transformation of UK Hip Hop
collective SIN Cru. Featuring illustration, photography and video of their
recent tour of the Big Apple to hook up with NYC style master Ken Swift and
Breaklife, as well as the TATS Cru in the South Bronx.
Now showing at The Centre at St. Pauls
Running untill Friday 14th April 2006
Milan Italy: April 8, 2006
ART IS NOT A CRIME: 1977-1987
Henry Chalfant will
be presenting in COX18 the European premiere of his documentary "From
Mambo to Hip Hop" and the Art is Not a Crime slideshow and a Q and A
session with the audience. The photo exhibit, in the words of H.
Chalfant, "tell the story of those years, how kids with little in the
way of manufactured goods and organized activities were able to
improvise with a boundless capacity for invention and create a new
youth culture that continues to reverberate around the world". Info
courtesy of The Hip Hop Reader newzletter via Tools of War.
Minneapolis MN: April 8, 15 - 22, 2006
Jor 1 + Juxta Crew Sneaker Exhibition
Juxtaposition Arts presents a customized sneaker and clothing exhibit featuring artworks by artists from Juxta and guest artist, Jor One.
Hailing from San Francisco and now living in New York City,
Jor One is considered to be one of the world's top sneaker customizers. His sneaker work is heavily influenced by his background in aerosol. Jor One has an international reputation for painting the most detailed customs in the game.
Jor One will lead a technique workshop with Juxta youth and young adults to create original wearable pieces.
Saturday, April 8, 6-9pm
Meet Jor 1 and Juxta Crew Reception
Saturday, April 15, 6-9pm
Exhibit Opening
Ongoing Exhibit: April 15 to 22
All events @ Juxtaposition Arts
2007 Emerson Ave N
Minneapolis, MN
(612) 588-1148
Jor One workshop and exhibition is funded by the Minneapolis Empowerment Zone, the McKnight Foundation and Target with support from the Target Foundation
Los Angeles CA: April 8 - 29, 2006
Urban Cityscapes
Bluebird Art House
6747 Bright Ave.
Whittier CA
Reception: Saturday April 8th, 7:00 pm -11:00 pm
The City of Los Angeles has been influenced by urban art
since the early eighties, many Murals have gone up changing
the city's landscape. Since the early eighties urban art
was introduced to LA through Graffiti art, murals and other
media such as dance and music. One of the most influential
landscapes has been the Belmont Tunnel. In this exhibition
a photo documentation by Ben Higa, Eriberto Oriol, Zender one
and Secret, will take the viewer on a visual journey through
time looking at walls and the urban graff life styles.
Along with the photos will be a written expose by Inka one.
Other Artist will also exhibit examples of urban art and
their unique style and flavor. Artists such as Duce one,
Rick"Crime", Cre8, Sano, Mig one, Scud and Vox.
Artist Shandu one will create a three
dimensional model of the Belmont Tunnel while
Arturo Rodriguez gives examples of urban development plans for
Los Angeles. This Art exhibition was curated and conceived
by Zender and recognizes that this exhibition can not
encapsulate the importance of this subject but feels
that this exhibition can inspire a much
grater show in the future.
Los Angeles CA: April 8, 2006
Book Launch and Signing * DVD Premiere * Panel Discussion
04.08.06 2:00 PM MOCA Grand
The History of Los Angeles Graffiti
Art, volume one is the first in a series of four
books that document all aspects of Los Angeles
graffiti art from 1983 to 2005. Focusing on the
1980s (1983 -1988), volume one recounts the first
years of the graffiti movement.
Saturday April 8, 2006
2-6 pm
FREE with museum admission
250 S. Grand Ave.
Downtown L.A.
INFO 213/621-1710
Come join the celebration as we launch "The History of Los Angeles Graffiti Art" at the MOCA in Downtown Los Angeles. It will be history in the making.
The authors "Wisk" and "Relax" will be signing books and moderating a panel discussion of writers from the first era that are featured within the added bonus DVD that is included with every book.
Birmingham AL: April 8 - 9, 2006
it's the 4th incarnation of this event at Sloss Furnaces, national historic
landmark. This year 20 artists will be chosen to paint on rail containers,
and then sending them out into the world on trains to be shared everywhere.
There's also a short film
We're taking applications (to paint) until March ? (ASAP), 2006.
You can apply by sending 3 flicks, a name, phone, and address to
Las Vegas: April 7, 2006
Iceberg Slick presents:
featuring live appearances and original art by:
Jason R. Pena
Alex Suelto
Alayna Magnan
Ahren Hertel
ONE NIGHT ONLY!! 5pm to 11pm ALL AGES. This is a FREE event. MEAR ONE, YEM and the PGS/RockSteady Crew will muralize the Arts Factory live for the crowd. D.J.'s will spin the hottest in hip hop and breaks while BBoys/Girls rock the floor. Also live poetry from Mike the Poet and BlackBird. Hosted by Phoenix Orion of the Zulu Nation.
Arts Factory
103 E. Charleston (N.E. corner of Main st.)
Las Vegas Nevada 89103
702 226 2057
Free Valet Parking.
Orlando FL: April 7 - 9, 2006
Loco Logos
Something's going on at the museum on the 6th too. More info as it develops.
Orlando Florida: April 7- 9, 2006
Second Annual Urban Aerosol Art Expo
San Francisco CA: April 6, 2006
Convergence Book Signings - With all 6 artists
Event:Thursday April 06, 2006, SFMOMA museum store
Location:151 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Time:6:30-9:00 p.m.
New York: April 6 - 13, 2006
Seattle WA: April 6 -?, 2006
"Art Crimes" [no relation] opens with
brand new Hip Hop and Graffiti
wild style paintings on canvas
Pioneer Square Saloon
73 Yesler Way
Seattle, WA
London UK: April 4, 2006
TERRATAG presents Ukiyo Graff
The exhibition will be a presentation of work that is an interplay between Japanese Ukiyo-e painting and Graffiti.
Working in aerosol, marker pens, acrylic paint and gold leaf the work will be a storm of colour and tsunami of pattern.
Also on show: Co-Lab Series 3
Last year Terratag and Cable Street teamed up to produce Co-Lab T-shirts. Series 1 and Series 2 were limited
to four designs, of which only 20 were printed of each.
With Co-Lab Series 3 we wanted to up the ante and decided to open up this project to artists from all over the world.
With all the entries in and after much deliberation seven designs were chosen.... These will be revealed at the show.
Each design will be available as art prints and T-shirts.... Only 50 of each.
Free booze from our sponsor Tiger Beer and, for the first 20 people to arrive, Terratag T-shirts.
Plus, a treat for your ears.... All the way from Japan - Scratch DJ Haruka.
Dragon Bar, 5 Leonard Street, London.
7pm onwards.
Los Angeles CA: April 1 - 29, 2006
The Ice Cream Show
Group show with Joshua Petker, Greg Craola Simkins, Alex Pardee, Axis, Poor AL, Ryan Bubnis, Eric Alos, Rita
Lichtwardt, Steven Daily, Daniel Quintana, Zach Coffmen, Andres Guerrero, Slie, Matt Powell and others.
N.R.K.Y. Gallery
155 W Washington Blvd
Suite Mezzanine
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Seattle WA: April 1 - 29, 2006
Ryan Bubnis
Touchy Feely
Solo show
New paintings, prints, and plush toys
If you are interested in being on the preview list for this show e-mail Andrea at
This features work that will be shown in the exhibition but you get first view of the exhibition and ability to pre purchase
Bluebottle Art Gallery
415 E. Pine St. Seattle, WA, 98122 206.325.1592
Naples Italy: April 1 - 4, 2006
Eno and others
Dallas TX: April 1 - ?, 2006
These Fools
april 1st Dallas Texas at the Kettle art gallery 2714 elm st dallas texas 75228
[Call Kettle to see it by appointment]
New York: April 1 - ?, 2006
Group art show at McCaig-Welles gallery, Brooklyn, New York
George Thompson, Samuel Parker, Nils Thorsen, BSPEK, Tighe Clark, Henry Ng, LogikOne, Aaron Nye, Jason Honig, Ryan Kelly, Sean Taggart, Nico Berry
McCaig Welles Gallery
129 Roebling Street, Suite B,
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Los Angeles: April 1 - 15, 2006
The Whistle Test
an exhibition of European artists
Davide Bertocchi
Laurent Fetis
Eley Kishimoto
Petra Mrzyk and Jean-François Moriceau
Marke Newton
Curated by Eva Newton
Scion Installation L.A.
8553 Washington Boulevard
Culver City, California
New York: April 1 & 29, 2006
The 2006 Whitney Biennial, the national signature survey of contemporary American art, is
please to screen the feature documenary "This Land Is Your Land" featuring: Jim Hightower,
Doris Å_ranny D_Haddock, Marc Kasky, Thom Hartmann, Naomi Klein, Jack Newfield, George
Robinson, Father Tryphon, Pedro Carvajal, Ron English, and many others.
THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND is a startling and often hilarious exploration of the overwhelming corporate takeover of American life. Over the course of three years, the filmmakers traveled across the U.S., interviewing award-winning authors, historians, media commentators and ordinary citizens about the wide range of ways individuals and society at large experience this impact.
The film weaves together an array of subjects-- branding and consumerism, media conglomeration, political kickbacks and the largest economic gap between the rich and the poor in the United States since the 1920ÃÔ--shedding light on the ways corporations have seeped into every corner of peopleÃÔ personal lives.
When: Sunday, April 1st, 2006 at 2 PM and Saturday, April 29th at 2 PM
Where: Whitney Museum of American Art, 945 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10021
The 2007 Whitney Biennial was organized by Chrissie Iles, curator, Whitney Museum of
American Art, and Philippe Vergne, senior curator of visual arts at the Walker Art Center
in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and recently been named director of the new Fran¡œis Pinault
Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris. The Whitney Biennial has become the most
important survey of the state of contemporary art in America today.
San Francisco CA: April 1 - 29, 2006
"Shepard Fairey"
New Works
Reception, Saturday, April 1st, 2006
7pm to 11pm
White Walls
835 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Colton CA: April 1, 2006
Round 5 Blackbook Battle
where: Headstone Records (Colton)
823 W. Valley Blvd.
Colton, Ca. 92324
(909) 824-3034
when: April 1, 2006 - 5pm - 10pm
Dj's spinnin: Mike luv AKA buterd hamz, E-Regular and more
performances by: Phantom Freaks, The Relative Patients
painting live: Dexxx, Megs and more
open mic, b-boy sessions, food close by
This ROUND we're going to do somthin a lil different.
BLACKBOOK BATTLE: $5 to enter to win prizes. We're going to have a grip of black books going around for you to piece in background, charactures, your name, whatever you need to do to win (no crossing other heads out) You can also bring your own blackbook to pass around, but in order to qualify to win prizes( the prizes are cans, tips, Nitro2Go drinks, gear, and $$$)
April 1,2006 will be the judging and prize give away to 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners. This whole event will be featured in Infusion Magazine. Heres all the info.
South Africa: March 26 - April 29
(graffiti artist based between Germany
and South Africa and renowned for his intricate, unique letter style) -
(graffiti artist well known for his inspiring use of color and
3d lettering and his great character styles)
Tyler B. Murphy (Tattoo
(artist / Graffiti artist known for his aggressive bombing and tagging
campaigns as well as his insanely accurate and clean needle work)
Warren Lewis
(Artist recognized for his interesting take on daily life
through the use of text and his experimental use of new mediums)
(Artist widely known as being responsible for the continued
development and progression of local street art)
Sam Coleman
(Creative Director for Young Designers Emporium)
Daniel Ting-Chong
(Graphic designer working for Culture Lab and on various other
Love and Hate
(Art collective based in pretoria
specializing in the creation of perspex accessories and recently
released their first publication - A5)
The Bin Gallery
105 Harrington Street, East City
all shoes are for sale
for further information contact:
Blaise Janichon 084 555 2048
Taipei, Taiwan: March 25 - April 25, 2006
Devilock and Motorola presents VISUALL
(supported by allareapass)
Visuall Exhibition
Featuring Futura, Stash, Kaws, Kostas, Russ, Pushhead,
WK Interact, Jakuan, Eric So and Skatething.
An exhibition related to and for Japan renowned
label DEVILOCK. The artists involved created the pieces
in series of seven (to correspond with the theme)
solely for this exhibition. The show traveled to Vancouver
@ LIVESTOCK, Hong Kong @ Juice and Tokyo at the Bape Gallery
and now Taipei, Taiwan
Taipei Cinema Park
No.19, Kangding Rd., Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Thanks to
Venezia Italy: March 24 - April 21, 2006
 Studio Camuffo
Cannaregio 4132,
30131 Venezia
Brunswick Australia: March 17 - April 8, 2006
Urban Myths
San Francisco CA: March 16 - April 28, 2006
Opening Reception: Thursday, March 16, 2006, 5:30 - 8:00 pm
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10 to 5:30, Saturday 11:00 to 5
Urbis Artium Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of
new stencil paintings by Logan Hicks and Adam5100. This will be the first
public viewing of several large and mid-sized works by two of California's
most acclaimed stencil artists.
Both artists will perform live stenciling demonstrations at
the gallery on Saturday, April 8, 2006, giving viewers the opportunity to
observe the layout, cutting, layering, and painting process from start to
Cape Town, South Africa: March 16 - April 6, 2006
Lines of Attitude
Phiks (Kenya), Faith47 (SA), Falko (SA), Mode2 (UK), Dreph (UK)
Brussels Belgium: March 11 - April 4, 2006
Fuckone Alosta team
Using photography as basis for his work Graphics compositions mixing typos,
logos, figurative elements and large flat tints of colour, Steve Locatelli,
self-educated painter from Gent Born from the graffiti movement, aims to
create with his work a retro atmosphere of his own.
Montanashop Brussels
19 Rue De La Madeleine Straat
1000 Brussels
Newtonville MA: March 6 - April 9, 2006
Greg Lamarche / SP.ONE, Shepard Fairey, Monster
Project, and Sonik are doing a show at the New Art Center
in Newtonville, MA, just outside Boston.
Opening on the evening
of Friday, March 10.
San Francisco CA: March 4 - April 15, 2006
Streets of Chaos
El Mac, Coro, Dan Quintana, John Brosio, Akira, and Graeme
White Walls
835 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Saturday, March 4th, 2006
7pm to 11pm
Cleveland, OH: March 4 - April 4, 2006
The All Inclusive Show
Seattle WA: March 2 - April 30, 2006
Seattle Art Walk
Pioneer Square Saloon 73 Yesler Way Seattle, WA 98104 "Powerful Portraits" brand new large scale spraypaint and acrylics on canvas.
Opening Reception: Thursday, March 2, 6-8pm
New York: March 2 - April 11, 2006
Slugganauts NYC
Persue and Tweezers
Bunny Kitty Crew
New York: until April 1, 2006
Amir H. Fallah
I Wanted To Change The World But All
I Changed Was Myself
My Art Prospects
547 W 27 St
2 fl
NY NY 10001
Feb. 23 - Apr. 1, 2006
Gallery hours: Tues. - Sat. 11am -6 pm
Subway access: C, E, 23rd St.
Melaka Malaysia: March 26, 2006
Graffiti Competition
Klan street wear store info
Klan Concept Trading, G-21, Jalan PM 4, Plaza Mahkota, 75000 Melaka .Tel / Fax : 06 288 1960
New York: March 23, 2006
POPaganda (New dvd)
Or at:
Release party:
WHEN: THURSDAY, MARCH 23RD, 2006 FROM 7:00 TO 11:00 PM
WHERE: "The Show Room" at 117 2nd Ave (2nd Floor) in the East Village, New York, NY 10003
For more information call 212-673-5424 or go on line to
Artist Ron English doesn't so much speak truth to power, he yells it to everyone through his altered billboard art. Pedro Carvajal's documentary examines English's life and art and invites the viewer to really consider public versus private space and high versus low art. This engaging and often hilarious documentary on Ron English, celebrated prankster father of agit-pop, is a must-see for anyone who enjoys watching corporations' carefully-sharpened iconography being used against them as a weapon of mass destruction. You'll find an interesting story of a man who has dedicated the better part of his life to creating art for the people.
Infused with Ron's infectious passion, POPaganda is an engaging thrill ride into the life and art of the "billboard bandit" that will inspire and activate.
dvd and showing info:
The POPaganda DVD street release date is Tuesday, March 28th, 06.
Find it at Blockbuster, Barnes and Noble, and
Birmingham UK: March 20 - 27, 2006
Mutant ninja wood block
A solo show of experimental Lampost sculpture by Mister Jinpow.
22nd Opening night 6:00 - 8:00
Bournville Lane and Linden Road,
Paris France: March 18, 2006
Signature du livre par
Salon du livre
Paris Porte de Versailles
Sur le stand d'ALTERNATIVE
à partir de 14h
Pour tous ceux qui n'ont pas encore leur ouvrage signé
ou toujours pas acquis le livre !!
"Darco Code Art" - Edition Wasted Talent / Alternative
Taxie Gallery - Valeriane
(33) 6 84 48 85 70 -
Adresse postale 81 bis rue charles Chefson 92270
Bois colombes
Costa Mesa CA: March 18, 2006
Andy Howell's Art, Skateboarding & Life Book Signing
Andy will be in attendance to sign special copies of his new book/Published by Untitled Publishing
Special Edition Copies of "Art, Skateboarding & Life" will be available for purchase. These copies include a limited dust jacket and a 2 DVD set featuring interviews with artists and skaters and full length videos from New Deal, Freedom, and Andy Howell's personal archives.
Already have a copy, bring it by meet Andy and have Andy sign it for you. Any questions please give us a call.
Signing Opens-
Saturday, March 18th 6pm - 9pm
Subject Matter @ The LAB
Early Arrival Is Suggested
Art, Skateboarding & Life-
Andy Howell?s premier book, Art, Skateboarding & Life published by Gingko
Press/Untitled Publishing, is an inspirational journey through the origins of
DIY, movements in art and action sports, and the birth of a new youth culture
actually following the timeline of the artist?s life and development, told
through his own words and those of his contemporaries.
Art, Skateboarding & Life features: 2 sided dust jacket,illustrated
hardcover, 2 Full Length DVD's directed by Ted Newsome, 304 pages including
full color images and interviews/contributions from the most influential and
famous individuals within the culture. Andy Howell/Art,Skateboarding & Life
is published by Gingko Press/Untitled Publishing, ISBN: 1-58423-221-8, Retail
Subject Matter Gallery @ the LAB
2930 Bristol ST, Suite A-101
Costa Mesa CA 92626
Tel. 714.668.9887
Mon?Sat: 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sunday: 11:00 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Culver City CA: March 18, 2006
BLK/MRKT welcomes New York artist Romon Kimin Yang, better know as
Rostarr, in an exhibition of new paintings, works on paper, installation and
a stunning stop-motion video piece not to be missed. This is his first solo
exhibition in Los Angeles in five years and the largest viewing of his
incredible abstract works on the west coast.
OPENING RECEPTION is SATURDAY, MARCH 18th, 6-10pm (or so), Rostarr in
attendance of course!
310 837 1989
Boston MA: March 18, 2006
Future Classic presents
Icons, a combination art and t-shirt exhibition at the Boston Center for
the Arts. The Icon's t-shirts exhibition will feature an exclusive
collection of more than 25 progressive clothing brands.
Buffmonster and Project SF will headline an
eclectic list of more than 30 contemporary, pop, and aerosol artists
from New England, New York, and Los Angeles. Participating artists will
present an original piece of art based on their interpretation of an
icon, image, or iconoclast.
The Icons show is sponsored by New Balance, Mass Appeal, Karmaloop, Stella Artois, and the Weekly Dig. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. For more information about Icons, got to
Montreal, Canada: March 17 - March 30, 2006
The worldwide graffiti documentary
by Pablo Aravena
Cinema du Parc
3575 Avenue du Parc
Opens March 17 with
at Cinema du Parc
from 8:00PM -10:00PM
March 17- March 23
5:20 PM - 9:15 PM
March 24 - March 30
3:15 PM - 9:15 PM
Saturday March 18 2006
@BOA 5301 St. Laurent
With DJ Scott C on the wheels of steel. 11 PM onward
Come chill with the NEXTness
New Haven CT: March 17 - ?, 2006
Sponsered by The Bridge - Hip Hop Boutique
Food and Drinks will be served
FREE admission for ALL ages
The Tunnel Gallery
12 Fountain St (corner of Fountain St and Whalley Ave.)
New Haven, CT 06516
Grand Opening Night: Friday, March 17
6pm to 9pm
More info:
Tel: 203-676-9298
San Francisco CA: March 17 - 21, 2006
Director Nic Hill, US 2005, Video: 78m
Following its highly successful theatrical premiere at the Red Vic in December, 2005, Piece by Piece returns for a 5 day engagement.
The long-awaited DVD will be released and available exclusively in March at the Red Vic screenings.
Director Nic Hill will be present at evening screenings for Q & A.
Red Vic Movie House
1727 Haight St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
DVD release this April!
Naples Florida: March 17 - ?, 2006
Eon 75 and Josh Manring
Graffiti art and photography
Lyon, France: March 16 - 19, 2006
Le Street Art S'Affiche A Lyon
Le 16 mars, un lieu unique en son genre ouvrira ses portes à Lyon. A partir
de 19h, au 2, rue du Romarin, venez découvrir la Galerie N2O !
La volonté de cet espace est de diffuser l‚art contemporain issu du graffiti
et du street art dans la ville de Lyon.
Pour l‚inauguration, l'artiste présentera une exposition composée de toiles
personnelles et photographies de body painting : « Condensation ».
S‚inscrivant dans la lignée des jeunes galeries avant-gardistes des capitales
mondiales, la Galerie N2O a pour vocation de soutenir les « street-artistes »
face à un milieu s‚ouvrant à peine à leur discipline.
Thomas Canto y exposera divers talents, exprimant leurs visions de
l'évolution de l‚univers du graff et de l‚art de rue. Explorant celui-ci sur
différents supports et thèmes, la Galerie N2O se base sur la transversalité
et la pluralité qui caractérisent aujourd‚hui la création contemporaine.
Si vous voulez découvrir plus amplement le travail de l'artiste allez visiter
son blog :
, en attendant l'ouverture très prochaine:
Thomas Canto
2, rue du Romarin
69001 LYON
Perth, Australia: March 12, 2006
Walk / The Umbrella Art Auction / Photo Opportunity
Julie Dowling, Shaun Tan and Stormie Mills auction their painted
umbrellas, the money raised going to Oxfam Australia's Walk against Want
Stormie Mills is one of Australia's most recognised graffiti artists. His work has been exhibited on many walls indoors and out in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Europe and throughout Australia with his most recent exhibition "Letters First" held in Hollywood, USA. In 2002, Stormie was selected to tour Greece as part of the "Chromopolis" Mural Tour Cultural Olympiad. Stormie has a distinctive style and his work has a place in national and international collections.
All three artists have painted individual umbrella's that will be primed for the bidding at the Umbrella Art Auction to take place at 10.40am. All proceeds from the auction will go towards Oxfam Australia's long-term development projects in over 20 countries globally and within Indigenous Australia to address HIV/AIDS, gender equality, breaking the cycle of poverty and independent maturity and decision making within developing countries.
The Walk begins at Burswood Park at 8.30am. People who arrive early will be able to enjoy a complimentary healthy breakfast before the energetic walk. After a performance by Wadumbah Aboriginal Dance Group at 8am and a aerobic warm, participants can walk, cycle, or skate their way 7kms around the Swan River. On return to the Park, the Walk's 40th birthday will be celebrated with a festival of live entertainment of an international flavour with a sausage sizzle, family fun activities (including face painting, aromatherapy, massages, and reflexology), food and market stalls and performances by Storme and the Weathermen and Zydecats. Keep an eye out as well for autograph sessions and appearances by Perth's favourite TV and sports personalities.
People who bring along their own decorated umbrellas on the day will be in the running for a fantastic prize donated by Art Shed, to win in either the Most Original or Most Colourful category.
To take part in the Walk, people need to register - either free call 1800 034 034 or visit the Oxfam Australia website
Auction: 10.40am Sunday 12 March 2006
Burswood Park near the foreshore.
RSVP:ASAP, contact Petrolyn Vanessie - 9262 8202 or 0439 035 150
Washington DC: now till March 26, 2006
Bask, Eon, Faile, Mister Never, Nick Z, and Tes One
This multi-media exhibit, showcasing graffiti and street art from major cities from around the country (including Boston, New York, and local artists), sheds some light onto graffiti, posing the question, is this controversial art form a nuisance, an art... or both?
"Wall Snatchers" mixes high and low art, combining industrial and architectural themes, elements of urban life, cartoonish non-sequiturs, and politically charged provocations into a complex tapestry of images and murals.
3307 M St., NW, in Georgetown
open Friday 6:00-10:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 12:00-8:00 p.m.
thanks to GW news
New York: now till March 19, 2006
The Riviera Gallery is in full bloom. Metal trees and street poles
sprout through the grass covered floor. The walls are covered with
rolling hills, trees and signs. Ambient birdcalls and sirens fill the
air. Some street poles bend and twist with the trees, while others
hold street signs aloft. The strict regulations normally found on
these signs have been overgrown with playful imagery.
The show is a product of three street artists devoted to altering the
cityscape. Leon Reid (AKA Darius Jones) has been acclaimed in the New
York Times and Time Magazine for installing sculptures on city streets
for years. Andrew Poneros (AKA PORK) has stenciled and postered walls
across the globe. Alex Holden works outdoors with hand painted posters
and stickers. Together, these artists successfully created a unique
environment for their outdoor mediums to coexist within the gallery.
Riviera Gallery
103 Metropolitan Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11211 USA
Philadelphia PA: now till March 29, 2006
Scion presents... Installation. Featuring original artwork on 3' long
polyurethane sculptures from: David Choe, Coro, Crash, Daim, Dez Einswell,
Iosefatu Sua, Jeremy Fish, Blaine Fontana, Kofie, Mad, Mike Giant, Kenton
Parker, Ricky Powell, Rammellzee, Dr. Revolt, Rostarr, Sage Vaughn, Seak and
222 Gallery PA
222 Vine st.
Philadelphia PA
Los Angeles CA: March 11 - 31, 2006
Organized by Post Typography and Artscape,
Workhorse Gallery
4210 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90029
(323) 666-6163
Los Angeles CA: March 11, 2006
Crewest Grand Opening - New downtown location!
Noon - 9pm
Come celebrate with us as we officially open
the doors to our new Downtown L.A. home!
Huge group show featuring large spray painted
wooden panels created during last year's
"Southern Cali Heat"* event at the OCfair.
Works by:
Asylm, Czer, Craola, Duce, Fear, Jahs One,
Make One, Malch, Man One, Marka27, Mind,
Mural, Potna, Phenik, Riker, Ruet, Rukus,
Sherm, Scud, Spurn, Surge, Tews, Vyal, Watwo,
Witnes, Zender, Zoueh.
As well as other works by Crewest favorites:
Chaz Bojorquez, Crol One, Fern, Logan Hicks,
Edgar Hoill, Dave Kawano, Patrick Martinez,
Eriberto Oriol, Erick Rodriguez, Victor Sepulveda,
Gregg Stone, Syndrome Studio, Werc, Atlas,
Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca, Kofie, Codak.
Providing grooves for your enjoyment:
DJ's Fingerprints, Honest, and Incognito
Over 30 wooden panels measuring 4' x 8' were created during last year's OCfair
in a month long, live painting exhibit curated by Man One and the Crewest Gallery.
The event , dubbed as "Southern Cali Heat", included many of today's top notch
Graffiti artists from Los Angeles to San Diego and even a few from Japan. The
completed pieces are being shown together for the first time as the focal theme for
Crewest's inaugural exhibit "Crewest : Downtown!" Artwork by other Crewest artists
will also be on display to show the depth of work that gallery visitors can expect
month to month.
Store Front: 110 Winston St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013
tel (213) 627-8272
fx (213) 559-0525
Vienna Austria: March 11 - 19, 2006
An academic conference on graffiti. Language: German
Institut für Graffiti-Forschung
0043 676 6462606
Boston MA: March 10, 2006
Artists for Humanity
Epicenter 100 W. 2nd st. in S. Boston
New York: March 9 - 12, 2006
Fountain 660 Twelfth Avenue, (across the street from the Armory show at Pier 90.)
Reception: Thursday March 9th, 5-10pm Exhibition Hours 12-9pm
Showing artists from these galleries, at the Fountain mini artfair.
McCaig-Welles Gallery: Shepard Fairey, Doze Green, Greg Lamarche, Andrew Schoultz, David Stoupakis, The Goldmine Shithouse, Trevor Guthrie
The Front Room Gallery: Thomas Broadbent, Erik Guzman, Sean Hemmerle, Loren Munk, Melissa Pokorny, Emily Roz, Sante Scardillo, Patricia Smith, and Kathleen Vance.
Capla Kesting Fine Art: Lincoln Capla, Dan Edwards, Christopher Gwyn, Margret Inga, David Kesting, Martina Kubinyi, Brian Leo, Ric Librizzi, Travis Lindquist, Brielle Maxwell, Morgan Russell, Jennifer Sanchez, Antony Zito
San Juan PR: March 7 - 9, 2006
ADM 5 Star
gallery candela
Vancouver Canada: March 4 - 16, 2006
Roundhouse Community Centre
181 Roundhouse Mews, Yaletown
The pieces are for sale.
New York: March 4, 2006
Pepatian Presents
Saturday March 4
LMCC/15 Nassau St at the corner of Pine, Downtown Manhattan
Admission: $5
Alicia Diaz, Sita Frederick, Antonio Ramos, Richard Rivera, Anthony
Rodriguez, Noemi Segarra, Tina Vasquez PLUS special guests
Hosted by pattydukes and mils
visual art by Brent Birnbaum, Marisol Diaz, Lady K-Fever, Mils and
Jose Ortiz
15 Nassau is located at the corner of Nassau and Pine Streets, three
blocks north of Fulton Street and one block south of Wall Street.
Subway: 2/3/4/5/J/M/Z to Wall Street or 2/3/4/5/A/C/J/M/Z to Fulton
Culver City CA: March 4 - 24, 2006
Frank 151 Far Eastern
Conference Exhibition
AK51, EDA, sense, WANTO, ZYS,
Opening Saturday March 4th 7-10pm
8553 Washington Boulevard
Culver City, CA. 90232 310.841.0478
New York: March 3, 2006
Greg Lamarche and Andrew Schoultz
Small Worlds
Friday, March 3, 2006
7:00PM- 10:00PM
McCaig-Welles Gallery
129 Roebling Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
New York: February 23 - March 25, 2006
Invisible NYC is proud to host, “The Man in Black” a solo-exhibit of mixed-media “silhouetted” self-portraits by Grime. When not on the road, Grime owns and operates the tattoo studio, Art Work Rebels, in San Francisco.
While best known for his unique style of tattooing Grime also works relentlessly in other media such as graffiti, smaller works on paper, board, or canvas, and photography. He is an accomplished writer whose autobiographical “Two Year Autopsy”, recounts a period of his life as he travels throughout Europe and the U.S contemplating suicide, love and love lost, loneliness, and his search for self. The book, stunning and dark, recalls the montages of text and imagery of Marshall McLuhan. The work is all the more powerful when one remembers that Grime was heavily scarred in a childhood accident. His physical appearance is integral to the subject matter of his art as well as his approach to any particular medium.
Grime’s work addresses ideals of beauty, banality, consumerism, sex, politics, death, and life. Although his art pieces are not literal self-portraits, he plays with self-image – how he perceives himself as well as how he believes others perceive him – in his always striking, often disturbing work. His gritty subject matter, while varied, is impressed on the viewer by his general use of graphic, unyielding imagery and color - or the pelting prose of his writing.
He is an international phenom, a prodigy perhaps not only because of his talent but also as a result of his tireless and successful efforts to infiltrate and expand so many creative venues. His work is highly sought after, shows of his conventional works selling out within minutes. His graffiti works have become destination points all over the world. As a tattooer he is booked at least a year in advance. Although Grime works in numerous artistic avenues each of which influences the others, he never becomes repetitive or tedious and holds each medium to its own, unique standard.
For his exhibition at Invisible NYC Grime will show new works, works that are more subtle and contemplative than his earlier bolder and at times grotesque work. They seem to reflect a new stage in his life and creative thrust. This exhibition is a rare opportunity to view his work on the east coast. It is not to be missed.
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 8 PM.
Opening reception Thursday February 23rd 7-10 PM.
Invisible NYC 148 Orchard Street NYC 10002
info: 212.228.1358
Cape Town, South Africa: February 19 - March 18, 2006
Sunday 19 February 2006
The Bin Gallery
105 Harrington Street, East City
11:00 - 16:00
Write or print these simple words onto a small piece of paper, and you are armed with a very effective
psychological tool that can temporarily shut down almost every mode or form of machinery, while at the
same time communicating a very important message: that the current situation is WELL OUT OF ORDER.
Keep an OUT OF ORDER sign and a small amount of tape or tack with you at all times - you never know
when an opportunity will arise for you to quickly & quietly employ this simple tool to make your feelings
known - and bring one small corner of the world to a grinding halt.
'Out of Order' a graphic exhibition by eight Cape Town based artists
Peet Pienaar - Daddy buy me a pony
Heidi Pieterson - Daddy buy me a pony
Tyler Murphy - Lead tattoo artist at Wildfire
Maciek Strychalski -
Senyol - Established street artist
Warren Lewis - Circusninja design
Heath Nash - Paper extraordinaire
Matt Edwards - Fortune Foundation, Fokofpoliesikar design
Culver City, CA: February 18 - March 20, 2006
'WAY OUT WEST: Cowboys, Crowns n' Bebop'
Chris Pastras . Jason Lee . Clint Peterson . Wes Martin
Chris Miller . Heavyweight . Christopher Wessman
Andy Howell . Todd Francis . Rachell Sumpter . Craig Metzger
8530-B Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232
New York: now - March, 2006
LACES "The Female Sneaker Boutique"
252 Mott Street, NY, NY 10012
(212) 334-5457
Wednesday - Sunday 12PM-7:30PM
Torino Italy: February 17 - March 17, 2006
Etnik and Skiwo
Etnik e Skiwo, disegni, sculture, installazioni.
Inaugurazione e live performance, venerdì 17 Febbraio 2006, ore 18, presso
Lov Durden, via Bonelli 3, Torino. Post performance @ The Beach, Murazzi
del Pò.
Etnik e Skiwo rappresentano dagli anni 90 una delle realtà più attive e
complete del writing in Italia. La loro passione non si limita al
lettering ma si apre al disegno in generale,portandoli nel corso degli
anni a collaborare con i migliori writer della scena internazionale e a
realizzare alcune tra le migliori opere murali nel nostro paese. In questa
personale i loro dipinti e le loro sculture si affincheranno ad
un'installazione studiata appositamente per lo spazio di Lov Durden.
Paris France: now through March 25, 2006
"One can't consider the graffiti art territory without mentioning the tag. The
signature, the tag, as a daily exercise along ambulations in the city. Urban
Tom Thumb. Into repetition, disproportion and sometimes in scorn, as long as
one bombs one feels alive. Spraycan tags; marker tags; various inks and
pigments mixtures for thousands of markers tips flattened on walls; jean's
pocket full of stickers before going out, "just in case".
For this new exhibition I integrated the vein of the daily bombing into my
artwork, without decency, between brags and the graphomaniaque psychosis.
Hundreds of tags repeated and packed on preexisting posters pictures as if the
city wasn't wide enough to express myself. Day after day : a graffiti diary."
SPEERSTRA GALLERY / 4/6 rue du perche / 75003 / PARIS
Ouvert du Mercredi au Samedi de 14 a 19 heures et sur rendez vous. Tel: (+33) 01
42 77 60 99 / Open from Wednesday until Saturday from 14 till 19 hours.
Other French events in February, from Graff It
Actuellement et jusqu’au 18 février 2006
L’exposition collective « 601-Elles » a
été prolongée et se déroule toujours
à Annecy où musique, photo, graphisme, peinture, stylisme
et vidéo se mêlent. Un défilé de mode, des
soirées et des concerts sont également prévus.
Brise Glace, 54 bis rue des Marquisats, 74000 Annecy ( )
- Actuellement et
jusqu’au 19 février 2006
L’Atlas, Babou, Sun7,
Tanc et Yaze, jeunes artistes de rue, présentent une exposition
de peinture inspirée de l’univers graffiti « The
Content Of My Head is Visible » par Jean Faucheur. Espace
Beaurepaire, 28 rue Beaurepaire, 75010 Paris (
- Actuellement et
jusqu’au 4 mars 2006
Flow expose ses œuvres dans la
« Black Expo » Marie Coiffe les Hommes, 7 place saint
Epvre, 54000 Nancy (
Du 11 février et jusqu’au 1er avril 2006
« Performances et Projections » à la Galerie du
Jour Agnès B, 44 rue quincampoix, 75004 Paris
14-25 février 2006
Exposition de l’artiste Veenom de
9ème Concept. Vernissage le 14 février dès 19h.
The Lazy Dog, 2 passage Thiéré, 75011 Paris
( et )
- Du 17 février au 6 mai
Exposition « Artistes Urbains ». Pochoirs,
sculptures, photos, peintures…. Vernissage le 16 février.
Galerie Anne Vignial, 53 rue Charlot, 75003, Paris
- 21 février 2006
21h, Marc Sich alias Marxich expose ses œuvres liant street art
et pop art et qui relèvent du détournement publicitaire.
Live avec DJ Fab (La Caution), Gero, 6clope, Frer200 et Dabaaz
assureront le warm up. Tarif : 3 euros. Le Triptyque, 142 rue
Montmartre, 75002 Paris (
Milan Italy: February 16 - March 19, 2006
Beautiful Losers
Contemporary Art and Street Culture
February 16 - 6.30pm
at Triennale di Milano
Viale Alemagna 6
Exhibition will open to the public
from 17th February until 19th March 2006
from 10.30am until 8.30pm
closed on Mondays
Cambridge MA: February 11 - March 9, 2006
Originally from Cambridge, MA and currently living and working in Long
Island City, NY, Tighe Clark presents his first solo endeavor, MEMORY
KEEPER, at Installations@EMF. Clark, a prominent graffiti writer through out
the 90's in Boston and Cambridge has been concentrating on his fine art for
the past five years. MEMORY KEEPER will feature new work in mixed media,
painting and print.
120 Brookline St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Alhambra CA: February 11 - March 4, 2006
The Chubby Bunny Show
Opening reception: Saturday, February 11, 2006 7pm 12 am.
The Exhibition runs from February 11 - March 4
Nucleus Gallery
30 West Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Aaron Jasinski, Aaron Kraten, Adam Hathorn, Alayna Magnan, Alex Pardee,
Andrew Bell, Andy Howell, Angry Woebots, Anthony Ausgang, Audrey
Kawasaki, Blaine Fontana, Brandt Peters, Buff Monster, Cam De Leon,
Chet Zar, Christopher Lee, Craola, Dave Bondi, Dez Einswell, Downtimer,
Eric Radomski, Esao Andrews, eThos, Evil Den, Frank Kozik, Gunnar,
Guyburwell, Isaac Pierro, Jalil Sadool, Jason Han, Jason Maloney,
Jonathan Wayshak, Kathie Olivas, Kazu Kibuishi, Luke Chueh, Mainframe,
Mark Behm, Michel Gagne, Mimic, Miq and Thuy Willmott, Nanospore,
Nathan Spoor, Nivbed, Peekaboo, PHETUS, Phil Holland, Plasticgod,
Richard Vanover, Rob Schwager, Rolito, Ryan Bubnis, SEEN, Steven Lopez,
Thomas Han, Thuy 3, Tragnark, Tristan Eaton, Un Lee, Ver Mar, 2H
San Francisco CA: February 8 - March 4, 2006
New work on canvas and walls
at the luggage store
1007 Market Street, SF CA
Dates of Exhibition:
February 8- March 4, 2006
Gallery Hours:
Wed-Saturday, 12-5pm and by appointment
"While Vulcan's street art has graced literally
thousands of walls and trains in his native New York
over the years, and his artwork appears in pretty much
every book on the history of spray can and urban art,
the term "graffiti" hardly does his oeuvre justice.
Vulcan's murals have shown in museums, his art can be
found on platinum-selling album covers, and his
abstract canvases hang in countless private and
corporate collections...
Vulcan is one of those unique individuals whose
creativity both reflects and drives popular culture.
He first performed at Harlem's legendary Apollo
Theatre when he was five, sang in funk and heavy metal
bands, worked for years as a DJ in underground clubs,
and produced chart-topping electronic music. He has
written for VIBE, chronicled the underground
motorcycle stunt scene in New York, traveled the world
painting live at hip-hop festivals, spoken at NYU and
Yale on the history of urban ...competed in
international video game competitions, and is
currently working on his second screenplay. Vulcan's
art can be found on the walls of Danger Labs and
Google in Silicon Valley, and he was recently
commissioned by Sun Microsystems to paint live at
their Java One conference...." (Flavorpill,Issue #291)
Paris France: February 8 - March 5, 2006
Monsters of Rock
vernissage le 17 fevrier a partir de 19h
23 rue Louis le Grand 75002 Paris
Montreal, Canada: February 3 - March 5, 2006
Lancement de l’expo le 3 Février 2006 de 19h à 23h entrée gratuite.
OMEN graffiteur légendaire de Montréal présente une sélection d’œuvres regroupées spécialement pour l’occasion, dans une expo intitulée Made in Taiwan. En complément de programme: SYPS vs DREFUS sont 2 jeunes artistes de Montréal oeuvrant principalement sur les murs extérieur, ils réunissent ici une sélection de toiles très urbaine.
SUBV situé au 5666 Sherbrooke ouest (quartier NDG) offre des produits et services ayant attrait à l’art urbain et le courant street-art, tel le graffiti et autre manifestation d’art urbain autorisé ou illicite.
Le graffiti comme une forme d’art, d’expression et un courant social non-négligeable à SubV.
SubV: 5666 Sherbrooke O. (NDG, Métro Vendôme)
Plus d'info:
Richmond CA: January 24 - March 18, 2006
Ala Ebtekar | Emergence
artist's reception: saturday, january 28, 2 - 5 pm
Ala Ebtekar offers a visual glimpse of a crossroad where present day
events meet mythology. Looking at the heroes of the past, present
and, possibly, future, Ebtekar's work draws from historical,
mythological and contemporary events and characters related to his
Iranian background and to his coming up in the early hip-hop era in
the San Francisco Bay Area. This installation will include a series of
drawings, sculptures and site-specific paintings.
Artist Talk & Slide Lecture With Ala Ebtekar
Saturday, February 11, 2 pm, West Gallery
tuesday - saturday, noon - 5 pm
Richmond Art Center
2540 Barrett Avenue
Richmond, Ca 94804
Milwaukee WI: January 20 - March 4, 2006
Public Display of Affection
Grenoble France: January 17 - March 4, 2006
Nesta and Marianne
Retrouvez nous du 17 janvier au 4 mars pour une exposition solo à la galerie
Losange de Grenoble, au 10 rue Condorcet. Le vernissage aura lieu ce jeudi 19
janvier à partir de 18h30 !!
New York: January 11 - March 8, 2006
Mexican artist M*Sco will be showing his most recent works done in New York.
With two great performers: TES 1- music producer for Lex-Warp records UK.
and ModeRaw jungle/dancehall. Two outstanding NY djs!
All in one venue: "bob bar"
Closing party: March 8th. from 7-10pm.
Music by el NoNo and R-nu
At 235 Eldridge St. btn Stanton and East Houston St.
Lower Manhattan. NY.
Philadelphia PA: early November 2005 - early March 2006
Walls of Heritage, Walls of Pride: An Exhibit about African
American Murals
by Jim Prigoff and Robin J. Dunitz
African American Museum of Philadelphia (701 Arch St. in
downtown Philadelphia) from early November, 2005, until early
March, 2006.
During April, 2006, a somewhat smaller
configuration of the exhibit will be at the Bannister
Gallery, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI.
Binghamton NY: February 25 - 26, 2006
artists e mail me for spots
vendors e mail me to vend
Toronto Canada: February 24, 2006
(Def)ense Mekanisms
'Mediah' solo show
2ND Best Gallery
8PM -12AM
San Francisco: February 24, 2006
"Get On Up Jam"
7 - 10pm
Precita Eyes Mural Arts and Visitors Center
2981 24th St., (@ Harrison St.)
San Francisco, CA
The Urban Youth Arts Benefit, "Get on Up Jam" will showcase old and new
school local entertainment including: hip-hop theater presented by
"Colored-Ink," of The Brava Theater, poetry by Alfonso Texidor, live
Scratch Guitar by The Genie, MCs & DJs, a Graffiti Art Exhibit, and live
mural performance. All proceeds to benefit the Precita Eyes Youth Arts
For more information contact Precita Eyes Muralists @ 415/ 285-2287 or
visit .
New York: February 24, 2006
TATS CRU Product
London UK: February 23, 2006
BREAKIN BOUNDARIES 2006 (Asia Earthquake Appeal)
Thursday 23rd Feb will see two of London‚s strongest and most established B-Boy (Breakdance) organisations affiliate to present an exciting, action packed night of battles and shows featuring:
- Breakdance Battles (top 8 crews from the UK)
- Locking & Popping (Robot style dance) Showcases
- Booty shaking battle hosted by the Ragga Twins
- Live PA from Skinnyman (Lowlife Records).
- DJ Excalibah (BBC Radio 1xtra) with MC's Shamless & TB)
- DJ Deekline performing his new single, 'Gold Diggaz'
- DJ Renegade (Co-Founder of the Scratch Perverts)
- Live beatboxing and Graffiti Displays + much much more.
9pm till late
TUTUS(Kings College London's venue), The strand, nearest tube: Temple
£5 NUS/ £7 on the door
This is set to be a breath taking and mind-blowing competition - a night not to be missed!
Proceeds from this event will go towards the Asian Earthquake Appeal. Over 87,350 people were killed in the horrendous disaster that struck on 8th October, and as the harsh winter approaches we have the opportunity to make a difference to the lives of millions of families including children who have been left hungry and homeless, who will without our help inevitably die this winter. A reduction of media coverage of this tragedy has lead to a decrease of interest in this cause but these people need our help more then ever right now and every penny counts. Just £42 can buy one WHOLE family a tent to provide them with shelter this winter. So we are asking you to support us on this event and donate something, anything, even if it‚s just a few goodies for our prizes or a bit of help with promotion. In return we will put your logo on 20 000 flyers / email flyer that will go out to over 70 000 students in London and feature on our Breakin‚ Boundaries website which will be launched very soon. You will also be invited down on the night and have access to the VIP lounge with the best view possible of the show.
Please check out the 3 minute
Throwdown trailer of last year's events at (click
on films) as well as loeads of photos and info. Or check out
Los Angeles CA: February 19, 2006
Sunday, February 19th, 2006
L.A. Convention Center
After you're done looking at all the rims
and tires that you can't afford, drop by
the big Crewest booth near the main stage.
Live painting and art installations by:
-Man One
-Patrick Martinez
-Victor Sepulveda
Drop by and support!
For entry fee and more info please visit:
Los Angeles CA: February 18, 2006
LA Graff Expo
Noon - 6PM
The Los Angeles Graffiti Art Coalition and the William Reagh Los Angeles Photography Center present the LA GRAFF EXPO--a celebration of LA graffiti, music, and film. Ten years overdue, the EXPO will serve as the gathering place for some of Los Angeles' most prolific graffiti artists.
We're taking it back to the old school, when the Photography center served as the location for the first graffiti expo in the 1980s. Back then, legendary artists were just kids, but now they're all grown up and ready to do LA in style.
Join us at this FREE, ALL AGES landmark event that will showcase everything Los Angeles graffiti culture has to offer. Featuring music, breakdancing, films, giveaways, and a special panel discussion with some of the most influential writers and contributors to LA graff.
Los Angeles CA: February 17, 2006
Slanted Toward Hip Hop-
Asian American Hip Hop Festival!!!
Friday, February 17, 2006 from 6:30-9:00pm
in Housing Services, Phase 2 Quad
Free Event! All Ages!!!
Move to the bangin' beats and rhymes of L.A.'s finest Asian American MC's.
Check out the styles of graffiti artists, DJs, and B-Girls.
Featuring: Q-York, Dj Icy Ice, Skim, Warrior Queens, Farmer Johneric, Sherm!!!
For more information or assistance in accommodating a disability,
please call the Cross Cultural Centers at (323) 343-5001 or visit for
directions and parking information, under "MAPS."
New York: February 17, 2006
On Feb. 17th there will a one man graffiti show featuring ZIMAD at 11 Lincoln Ave. in the Bronx NY. on the corner of Brucner Blvd.there will be 15 paintings on display ranging from 24 inches to 11 feet long.
the time is from 7 to 10 pm.
from 7 to 8 ZIMAD will be doing a live deminstration.
Munich Germany: February 16 - April 22, 2006
San Francisco CA: February 16, 2006
Recent Works by DUSER
"The Love You Save"
Element Lounge
1028 Geary
Thuirsday February 16th, 2006
8pm - 10pm
On Deck Special Guest DJ Jimmy "Love" Little (Non Stop Bhangra)
Following the reception there will be a Breakin' Competition. For more info check
San Francisco CA: February 11 - 26, 2006
The Lost Art of Letters: Works of Students & Masters
curated by Erika Abad
Hours: Saturday & Sunday from 11-3pm
and by appointment.
Opening Reception: February 11, 6 - 10pm
This exhibition features works by the students in programs taught by WOME -- Weapons of Mass _Expression (OASIS High School and the Urban Arts Academy), Royal Crowns (East Oakland Community High) and Kriminal Skills (Urban Promise Academy). An experimental documentary short by Jill Jannusch will also be shown, depicting a montage of the artists' interaction in Oakland's hip-hop movement.
The exhibit opening reception features performances by:
Poetry for the People
Forensic Science
Rico & Panama
Special Guests:
Broke Superheroes & DJ Stepdaddy
Hosted by Ras K'dee
with DJ Saurus and DJ Riddm
Holdin' Down the Decks
In these times of computers and type faced fonts, the art of letterform is becoming obsolete. On February 11, three schools of East Oakland graffiti writers will demonstrate their mastery of urban calligraphic script developed in the least likely of all places, in the classroom.
What started as scrawling on subways, may be the only study of letters and letterform in modern history. Much as ancient monks developed fonts to transcribe sacred texts that held the secrets to their society, students today incorporate their individual styles and urban imagery into this meticulous practice of lettering.
Erika Abad.
509 Ellis @ Leavenworth, San Francisco, CA 94109
Los Angeles CA: February 11, 2006
Time/Cost: 8pm - 1am ($10 Door w/Open Bar)
Where: project: Gallery - 5016 Venice Blvd. (1 Blk West of La
Brea) Los Angeles, CA 90019
What: Street Art duo UrbanMedium & LA's own DJ Spider release
the long awaited Heavy Ammunition Project. An underground urban art and music
collaboration like no other. Featuring: Art by UrbanMedium, accompanied by
live musical performances by LA's top hip-hop MCs & DJs.
Sponsors: Kid Robot, Sticky Rick's Custom Stickers
Houston TX: February 10, 2006
Obey closing party
Feb 10th from 7pm -11pm
Aerosol Warfare
2445 North Blvd
Houston, TX 77098
feel free and make an appointment to see to show
before the closing
San Francisco CA: February 9 - March 1, 2006
"Sold Out"
Tim McCormick, Buffmonster, Metal Man Ed, Persue, Ben Frost, Siloette,
Axis, David Choong Lee, Damon Soule, Big Foot, Freddi C, Justin Fry, Monica
Canilo, Chris Gonzales, Alex Pardee, Huck Gee, Crash and others...
White Walls
835 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Providence RI: February 6 - 25, 2006
Wall 2 Wall Exhibit 2 Auction Project
Monday Feb 6:
Live Performances by:
Chachi Carvahlo
Busted Fro
Freedom First
The Wall 2 Wall Exhibit 2 Auction Project
115 Empire St.
Providence, RI
Los Angeles CA: February 4, 2006
Kofie One
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 4 2006
6:30pm to 10pm
Old Jazz and New Beats by
Eric Coleman, Kutmah & Special Guest
Transport Gallery
1308 Factory Pl. #113
Los Angeles CA 90013
213 6234099
Salem MA: February 4 - 28, 2006
February 4, 2006
at Front Street Coffeehouse
20 Front Street, Salem, MA 01970
Cost: FREE
Graffiti on canvass and mixed media pieces being shown the whole month of February.
Free Food and Hip Hop spinning.
Come by and check it out.
Los Angeles CA: February 4 - 25, 2006
Cartoon Network: Thuy Le,
Mark Mulroney and Andrew Schoultz David French
Opening: Saturday, February 4, 7 - 10
hours: Friday and Saturday,
12-5pm, or by appointment.
Raid Gallery
602 Moulton Ave
The Brewery Complex
Los Angeles CA 90031
Donna, TX: February 4, 2006
Shut Up And Paint Fest 2 (suap)
time: all day
live graff by wizdom (kansas) and other local artists.
live music by dj dablle and fuse. for more info check
San Francisco CA: February 3, 2006

The first solo offering of spraycan freestylings by
A San Francisco Original
Est. 1984
Fury will be showing Spray Paintings from the last three years.
Canvas- Spraycans- Robots and More.
Oxygen Bar
795 Valencia St.
San Francisco California USA
6pm Till the Neighbors complain.
This is a 21 and over event. bring your ID
The saki will be flowing.
Philadelphia PA: February 3 - 24, 2006
Opening: Friday Feb 3
Space 1026
1025 Arch St
2nd floor
Philadelphia PA 19107
Portland OR: February 2 - 28, 2006
PALA Fashion Lounge
105 NW 3rd
Portland OR
opening thursday Feb 2nd from 7pm till 2am
Rotterdam Holland: February 2, 4, 2006
"NEXT: A Primer on Urban Painting" Screening times and locations
@ Rotterdam International Film Festival
Thursday 02-02-2006 at 22:30 in Cinerama 7
Saturday 04-02-2006 at 14:30 in Venster 2
Paris France: February 2 - 28, 2006
"The Lucky Strike Diaries"
Studies, paintings and watercolor studies
for Lucky Strike Commissioned work
Gallery Speerstra
4/6 Rue du Perche
Paris, France
Providence Rhode Island: February 2, 2006
Riot Magazine 2
Graff mag release party, Featuring new canvas works by,DIRTY DEKSTA,VASE ONE,DR.SWIFT,TURNONE,and STAT!125! LOT 401 is a upscale resturant/nightclub that caters to celebrity based crowd.
Boa Mistura, Spain: February 1 - 55, 2006
los graffiteros de tu barrio
BoaMistura se complace en invitarle a la inauguración de la exposición de pintura colectiva: [BoaMistura: los graffiteros de tu barrio].
Celebramos así cinco años de trabajo conjunto. Una muestra de cinco formas de entender el graffiti, cinco opiniones, cinco puntos de vista de cinco personas diferentes que trabajan al unísono para desarrollar algo mucho más grande, un proyecto común llamado BoaMistura.
INAUGURACIÓN: 1 de febrero de 2006 a las 19:00
LUGAR: Centro Integrado Teresa de Calcuta. Plaza del Navío s/n
DURACIÓN de la Exposición: del 01-02-2006 al 15-02-2006
HORARIO: de 09:00 / 14:00 y de 16:00 / 21:00
AUTOBUSES: 115 (Barajas - AvdaAmérica), 114 (Barrio del Aeropuerto - AvdaAmérica), 105 (Barajas - CiudadLineal), 112 (Mar de Cristal - Alameda de Osuna), 151 (Coronales - Alameda de Osuna)
San Francisco CA: February 1 - 25, 2006
Reception: Thursday, February 2, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Gallery Paule Anglim
14 Geary Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
Gallery Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10-5:30 and Saturday 10-5
Culver City CA: January 28 - February 12, 2006, 2006
Vitche, Juan Angel Chavez, Basco, Elisita Balbontin,
Charles Glaubitz, Dr. Lakra, Raza Uno, Masa, Eduardo Recife,
Estevan Oriol, Mister Cartoon, Rob Abeyta Jr.
curated by
Upper Playground
beats by
DJ Dusk
8553 Washington Boulevard
Culver City, CA. 90232 310.841.0478
Los Angeles CA: January 27 and February 25, 2006
Flat Black Fridays
An underground event that represents all elements of Hip-Hop
January 27, 2006:
- DJ Bubski
- Dj Shownuff
- Performing Live:
- Los Perdidos
- Live graff
- open mic
- and much more...
Rock Rose Gallery 4108 N. Figueroa in Highland Park CA.
(between Ave 41 and Ave. 43)
Co-sponsored by Music and strength, Milagro Entertainment, LA Styles, Art of Expression and many others.
For more Info visit
Please Let us know if you would like to be a participant for
the next upcoming FlatBlack Fridays
Barcelona Spain: January 21 - February 24, 2006
photos by henry chalfant and paintings and prints by sharp
opening on the 21st
the montana gallery
comerc #6
08003 barcelona
tel.: 93-2680191
Madrid Spain: January 17 - ?, 2006
- Artists: BoaMistura, Falie, Glub, Mast, Okuda, Sex, Suso33
- Place: SalaExposiciones Facultad de BellasArtes Complutense University Madrid C/ El Greco
- Subway: CiudadUniversitaria
- bus: 46 (From Moncloa), U (From Paraninfo and CiudadUniversitaria)
[This came in too late to be posted before the 17th. I hope there is a gallery show
that's ongoing, but this is all the information I was given. - Susan]
Sao Paulo Brazil: January 14 - February 14?, 2006
Jana Joana
tel 38124789
Palm Springs, CA: January 14 - February 5, 2006
Ron English, Sake, Shepard Fairey, and 47 other artists and photographers.
Los Angeles, CA: January 14 - February 15, 2006
Casualties of Convenience
Andrew Schoultz
Giant Robot
Culver City, CA: January 14 - February 13, 2006
Opening Reception: SATURDAY . JANUARY 14 . 2006 7-10pm
Exhibition sponsored by Lush Life, Frank151, and Scion
Prints courtesy of DigiZone
8530-B Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232
310 558 0911 / (map and directions)
Culver City, CA: January 14 - February 25, 2006
Saturday, January 14th, 6-11pm
WHY: BLK/MRKT introduces an annual event showcasing BMG alumni
in a salon style exhibition of new paintings, drawings and
sculpture as well as taking this opportunity to introduce new
faces, both emerging and established, local and international in
our first BMG Artists' Annual. A full-color 208-pg book/catalog
"BLK/MRKT ONE" will be released in April 2006 by Die Gestalten
2006 selection: Evan Hecox - Doze Green - Dave Kinsey - Vladimir
Zimakov - Michael Ricardo Andreev - Ben Tour - David Choe -
Tiffany Bozic - Milee Yu - Daniel Fiorda - Scott Radke - Jordan
Eagles - Brendan Monroe - Lance Sells - Nate Williams - Bask -
Andrew Schoultz - Jesse Reno - Wk Interact - Thh70 - Leon 'tes
One' Bedore - Elaine Bradford - Warren Dykeman - Mario 'mars-1'
Martinez - Rich Jacobs - Yuri Shimojo - Maya Hayuk - Jeff Soto -
Travis Millard - Tra Selhtrow - Leif Parsons - Jose Parla - Mike
Stilkey - Cody Blake Thompson - Marion Lane
WHERE: BLK/MRKT Gallery, 6009 Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA
90232 310 837 1989
Timbaud, France: January 14 - February 3, 2006
Viens Jouer Avec Moi
du Samedi 14 Janvier au Vendredi 3 Février 2006
L’Exposition « Viens jouer avec moi »
est une invitation d’artistes 100 % Filles pour les
petits et grands enfants que nous sommes. Venez
découvrir les univers très girly de
Killygrind, Suko, Mad’moiselle C., Tunki, Lady K.,
Les Crâneuses, Miette et Stoul. Toutes issues du
graphisme, de l’illustration et du graffiti, elles
se retrouvent autour de se thème, où la
féminité dévoile ses envies
d’amusement et de coquinerie sous un air de
64 rue Jean Pierre Timbaud
Paris 11e Métro Parmentier
Los Angeles CA: January 13 - February 5, 2006
Pick of the Harvest
Ryan Bubnis with Luke Cheuh, Mear One, Julie West, Joshua
Petker, Audrey Kawasaki, James Naccarato and many many more
great people. Featured installation by Jophen Stein.
657 N. Spaulding Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Vancouver Canada: January 13 - February 19, 2006
Robots & Monsters
Robots and Monsters
Ayden Gallery
Second floor International Village (Tinseltown)
Minneapolis MN: now - February 4, 2006
Film: Nothing Like Being There
(click to see animated preview)
This show,
Random Strangers, is a group show with visual artists, curated by James Hendershot
Artists: Craig Bell, Tighe Clark, Jason Lemkuil, J.L. Hendershot,
Susan Heath, Tim O'Toole
at Rogue Buddha Gallery
357 13th Ave NE, Minneapolis MN
The video also will be shown in Cambridge and New York City soon.
New York: January 9 - February 3, 2006
Blade, the legendary king of graffiti, is lighting up the
historical New York Mercantile Exchange building.
Blade's one-man show opens Monday morning January 9
and is free and open for viewing during the day through February 3.
New York Mercantile Exchange
1 North End Ave
New York: January 5 - February 19, 2006
Paper Politics
An Exhibition of Politically and Socially Engaged Printmaking
Curated by Josh MacPhee
5+5 Gallery
111 Front St., Suite 210
Brooklyn, NY 11201
January 5th-February 19th, 2006
Gallery hours: Sun-Thur 11am-6pm
Opening Thursday Januay 5th, 2006
Artist Reception: 5:00-8:00 pm
5+5 Gallery, in collaboration with Josh MacPhee and, is proud to present a major exhibition of politically and socially engaged printmaking at 5+5 Gallery. The exhibit showcases print art which uses themes of social justice and global equity to engage community members in political conversation. Originally hung in conjunction with Seattle Print Arts at the Phinney Center Gallery in Seattle, the show has been expanded for this Brooklyn engagement to include even more printmakers.
The exhibition features work by over 180 artists from the US and around the world. It is curated by Josh MacPhee, a Troy, NY-based artist, activist and author, most recently of Stencil Pirates: A Global Study of the Street Stencil, published on Soft Skull Press. The exhibition includes work by artists who are primarily activists, as well as artists whose work may not always be politically motivated, but who wanted to respond to the monumental trends and events of our times.
Paper Politics presents a breathtaking tour of the many modalities of printing: relief, intaglio, lithography, silkscreen, collagraph, monotype, photography. In addition to these techniques, we are delighted to include in the show finely crafted stencils and street printing, traditional media used to convey political thought.
A 56-page full-color catalogue documenting the Seattle exhibition will be available for sale at the opening, and online at . The catalogue contains all the work in the show, as well as essays by Josh MacPhee and Deborah Caplow, Lecturer in the Division of Art History at the University of Washington, on political art and printmaking.
Whittier, CA: December 17, 2005 - February 15, 2006 - January 31 2006
John began his fine art studies at the Otis Art
Institute of Parsons School of Design, printmaking at
the University of California Los Angeles and philosophy
at Glendale College. While at Otis, John was influenced
by the New York art scene, primarily the
abstract-graffiti-pop expressionists.
John was one of
the many early pioneers that created the Los Angeles
graffiti art movement in the early eighties. John
recreated himself as Zender (the rising mountain) and
had his first one- man show at Otis titled "Zender-Neo
_Expression" in 1987. Since then he has been committed
to making public art by producing over 300 murals in
Los Angeles and throughout the United States.
In 1995
his personal work arrived at a turning point. He began
incorporating spirituality into his work. Influenced by
Matta, Gorky, Basquiat and the Bible he began painting
spiritual themes. Zender keeps his paintings separate
from his public work. Most of his works from his early
series now reside in private collections.
Gallery hours:
Wednesday to Saturday 12pm to 9pm
Sunday 5 to 10 pm please call for any changes in time
Closed Monday and Tuesday
Please View Gallery calendar for more details
6747 Bright Ave. Whittier, Ca. 90601 (562) 696-9493
Norfolk VA: January 28, 2006
Shiney Nickel Productions
"The Official" Hip-Hop Showcase
Station 2 Restaurant
233 Granby St.
Norfolk, VA 23510
Host By: Godchild the Omen
Performances Include:
Jhunippuz Elite
U.G.L.Y. People
A 2 on 2 $200 B-Boy Competition
Music By:
DJ Bee
and special guest DJ The Dynamite DJ Dave Soul
And calling all Graf Artist, come out and display your work. This is an event for all the elements of Hip-Hop to come together under one roof for a night of Bliss.
Admission $7/ $10 for B-boy entry
For more info contact Veronica 757.477.2408
sponsored by CREAM Clothing Store
Gresham OR: now - January 27, 2006
One For All
The display features works by artists who began careers as
street artists, while others integrate the spirit and form of
graffiti into their current work, according to gallery coordinator
Pat Barrett. Viewing hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through
Thursdays and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fridays. The art show runs through
Friday, Jan. 27.
Mt. Hood Community College Visual Arts Center Gallery
on campus at 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham.
Madison WI: January 19, 2006
Mike Giant
Design Madison Speaker Series / Madison, WI
January 19th, 6:30PM at Club Majestic, 115 King Street, Madison, WI.
Details at
From the walls of buildings in San Francisco to gallery walls in Tokyo and Paris, Mike Giant has certainly come a long way. Now regular fixture in Juxtapoz magazine and long known to the graffiti underground and "street art" scene, Mike has also recently made an indelible mark in the world of tattooing. An illustrator, designer, graffiti and tattoo artist, Mike can't seem to make up his mind what medium to stick with and we are all the better for it.
Oxford UK: January 14 - 15, 2006
Mexico City: January 14, 2006
Para empesar un "año cultural " les invito a nuestra proxima exposicion de
arte de la escena avanguardista de la pintura Graffitera,
el sabado 14 de enero a las 19hrs
El Menu :
Artistas invitados Smer, Reak, Sketch y muchos mas ...
Coctel de inauguracion
Musico en Vivo y Dj
direccion :
Hostel Mundo Joven Catedral
Calle Rep. de Guatemala # 4
Metro: Zocalo
Seattle WA: January 14, 2006
Exhibition at Sal's
SHOW: Saturday, January 14, 2006, 7-10pm
@ Sals BarberShop
1520 E. Olive Way......Seattle, WA 98122
(E. Olive Way and E. Denny Way)
Chicago IL: January 13, 2006
Big Brother, Little Brother
Revise and Antck at the new District 13 gallery
San Diego, CA: January 13 - 15, 2006
WERC, MARKA27, POSE2 FX, MAN-ONE, CROL, and special guest
Victor Ochoa. Come and enjoy An Eclectic Taste of art from the East
and West Coast!
Live Painting!
Live Performance by The Able Minded Poets
San Diego Visual Artists Guild Gallery SDVAG
1099 9th ave
San Diego Ca 92101
Corner of 9th and C
Parking available on the north side of the gallery
3 Days don't miss it..!!!
Friday the 13th... 7-10pm
open Sat and Sun 10am-6pm...
Modesto CA: January 13, 2006
Invasion: The All Out Wor
810 N. 9 TH STREET
San Francisco, CA: January 12, 2006
White Walls Gallery is proud to present:
"Wall Street Journals"
- Chaz Bojorquez
- Doze Green
- Marquis Lewis
- Juan Puente
- Michael Knowlton
White Walls
835 Larkin St
San Francisco, CA 94109
Sponsored by Stussy
Culver City CA: January 7 - January 21, 2006
Superiority Complex
Saber / The Seventh Letter / Scion present:
Chaz, Revok, Ron English, Krush, Retna, Norm, Amandalynn, Push, Grime, Sever, Jersey Joe, Reyes
special guest dj
8553 Washington Boulevard
Culver City, CA. 90232 310.841.0478
Happy New Year!
Special thanks to Guitar Center
* RON ENGLISH appears courtesy of Berman/Turner Projects
Trenton NJ: January 7 - February 7, 2006
"... A thousand words"
A collection of works on paper by Pose 2.
Special Reception
Saturday, January 7th 2006
Cafe Ole
126 South Warren Street
Trenton, NJ
Pose 2 is a legendary graffiti artist the likes of which this area has not seen in a long time. On January 7th, he will be bringing a bit of Philly to Trenton. Not to mention some great art. This is a "Not 2 Be Missed" event. Pose has put together entertainment for the event
featuring spoken word, music, and other elements of hip-hop.
Phoenix AZ: January 6, 2006
Perihelion Arts
1500 NW Grand Avenue (at 15th Avenue)
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
(602) 462-9120
Paris France: January 6 - 21, 2006
"Emergency Graffiti Station" CS 400
Speerstra Galley presents french urban activist
Scandal and his Subversive Concept the "CS400"
Emergency Graffiti box, reserved for the exclusive
use of graffiti.
An emergency station, a box containing one real can of
spray paint, and four logos: "break the glass", "take the
can", "shake well", "tag".
For the show / 10 signed and numbered "CS 400" will be available at the Gallery.
4/6 rue du perche
Call for participation: deadline February 1, 2006
Cut&Paint: A Stencil Template Zine #2
Once again, Josh MacPhee - Stencil Pirates book,
Nicolas Lampert
and Colin Matthes
are putting together a zine of stencil templates.
This time around we plan on scaling back the size of
the zine a little (legal size folded, so 7" x 8.5"),
but to make up for the shrinking size we hope to
include a set of die-cut stencil templates with the
zine. That's right, pre-cut stencils ready to use!
Like issue #1, most of the zine will be filled with
some of the best and most exciting stencil templates
out there (black and white stencil images that can be
cut out and used), so we're looking for your best
stencil template ideas. This time around we're also
open to multi-color pieces, so if you are interested
send a clean black and white print of each layer, as well
as a composite image.
In addition, we would like to expand the rest of
the zine, too. This means more in the how-to section,
so send along any new tips you've got. We want photos
of stencils from your area, we'd like to run a couple
spreads of regional stencil action, particularly from
places we usually don't hear from. We'll also be
including some writing on stencils as well, so if you
have any articles you've been working on that deal with
stenciling, public space, politics, etc., feel free to
submit them.
*All designs should be 7x8 inches
*Templates should be clean sprays of stencils on clean white paper. Flat black paint is preferable. We'll be photocopying these templates, so keep the lines and edges as crisp as possible. In order to get a really clean print, you can spray little bit of spray-tack (like light spraymount) on the back of the stencil so it lays flat on the paper.
*No racist, sexist, homophobic designs. Also, we're really looking for smart and creative takes on what's going on in the world, not copied portraits of movie stars or Japanese robots. Keep it original.
* Stencils don't have to be hit-you-over-the-head political (i.e. Fuck Bush, although that's fine too), but they should be interesting to more than just you and your friends! The goal is to have stencil templates that other people will want to use.
*Feel free to submit more than one template design
*Tell us if you want your template credited to a name, and if so, what name (and contact information if you want, i.e. website, email, address, etc.)
The best designs will be used for the die-cuts, so send in great stuff and we might make 1000 pre-cut copies of you're stencil!
We hope to keep the price at $5 or below, and distribute Cut&Paint #2 much further and wider than #1.
All templates that are chosen for the zine will become
copyleft/copyriot (i.e. they can be freely copied and
used by anyone, public domain). Everyone who has a
stencil chosen for Cut&Paint #2 will get a free copy of
the zine.
Send templates, photos, and writing to:
Josh MacPhee
53 Third St.
Troy, NY 12180
or email hi-res (preferably 600dpi greyscale or
1200dpi line art) templates, photos (300 dpi) or
writing to: josh [at] justseeds. org
If you have any questions, drop an email to
animaltrap [at[ yahoo. com or josh [at] justseeds. org
Montesarchio, Italy: December 17, 2005 - January 31 2006
a cura di Manuela De Noia
BO 130, Jessica Carroll, Robert Carroll, Mario Ciaramella, Teresa Dell'Aversana, Pietro Finelli, Paolo Grassino, Luigi Mainolfi, Antonello Matarazzo, Microbo, Aldo Mondino, Sabrina Muzi, Stefano Pasquini, Lucio Perone, Peppe Perone, Perino and Vele, Franco Rasma, Giovanni Rizzoli, Antonello Scotti, Cosimo Servodio, Nicola Toffolini, Angelo Volpe
Catalogo in mostra
Galleria Nuvole Arte Contemporanea
via IV novembre, Montesarchio (BN)
Orari: 9.00-13.00 / 17.00-20.00, la domenica su appuntamento.
tel. +39. 0824.835518. info:
Grenoble France: December 2005 and January 2006
Expo Collective de petits formats : Galerie Losange, 10 rue Condorcet à
Grenoble, du 5 décembre au 15 janvier 2005, vernissage mercredi 7 à partir de
Expo Collective sur le thème des Icones : Galerie Spacejunk,
rue Génissieu à
Grenoble, du 5 au 20 janvier....
Expo Marianne & Nesta : Galerie Losange, 10 rue condorcet à Grenoble, du 16
janvier au 4 mars...
Bierstraße, Osnabrück, Germany: December 3, 2005 - January 22, 2006
"100 Monde"
Galerie Weissfaktor
Bierstraße, Osnabrück, Germany
New York: November 12 - January 28, 2005
NEW YORK - Martinez Gallery is pleased to present SCHOOL ZONE, a
reconsideration of the roles played by art and educational institutions, and
of longstanding assumptions about the ways the two interact.
SCHOOL ZONE is an intervention into a New York City public high school
classroom, an open process in which artists are given leeway to bring their
own ideas and concepts into a space normally reserved only for traditional
accoutrements and systems of organization.
Like previous projects organized by Martinez Gallery, this intervention will
be undertaken by graffiti artists, and as such aims to challenge even
further the seemingly sacred character ascribed to art and to education,
which normally only meet in the most academic realms of each field.
Hours: Saturdays Noon - 6:00 PM. Mondays - Fridays by appointment
Gallery Address: Urban Academy [Julia Richmond High School] 317 East 67th
Street, Room 222, NYC 10021
For more information about School Zone contact Martinez Gallery at
Costa Mesa, CA: December 10, 2005 - January 10, 2006
"1/2 Snot 1/2 Amazing,Son!!!"
Persue and Jersey Joe, two members from The Exchange, are coming
together for " 1/2 Snot 1/2 Amazing, Son".
In The Exchange, 12
members from North America and Europe trade sketches between
eachother once. Hoping to foster awareness and versatility of
styles and techniques from graffiti pieces, they take the artist
out of their comfort zone and into the realm of learning.
Subject Matter
2930 Bristol St. SuiteA101
Costa Mesa,CA 92626
Culver City, CA: December 10, 2005 - January 10, 2006
The Lab 101 Gallery and The Drama magazine present:
"The Bird House Show"
featuring installation, collaboration and new paintings by:
plus guest artists;
Opening Reception: SATURDAY . DECEMBER 10 . 2005 7-10pm
8530-B Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232
310 558 0911 / (map and directions)
Los Angeles CA: December 10, 2005 - January 14, 2006
"I do Adore"
Curated by Day19
Artist Reception: Saturday December 10th, 2005, 8-11pm
Subliminal Projects, 3780 Wilshire Blvd. #210, Los Angeles CA
Public parking at 6th and Western
Music courtesy of DJ Diabetic (Shepard Fairey)
Sponsored by: Red Stripe, HER, DC Artist Projects, OBEY and SWINDLE Magazine
New York: November 26 - January 7, 2006
James TOP Productions in association with Exhibit 1A Gallery presents
October 24, 2005, New York, NY: Graffiti has been around since the early
70's in New York City. Subways were the primary canvas used to express
ideas, political statements, anger, fame and love. As the MTA changed its
strategy to combat this art form, graffiti artists had to adjust and find new
ways to express themselves. Enter the gallery scene.
On Saturday, November, 26th, 2005, James TOP Productions in association with
Exhibit 1A Gallery present „Graffiti Uptown: You Can't Shut Us Down 2005‰.
In its seventh year, this series is a collection of some of the best graffiti
artists, new and established, New York City has to offer. This gallery
exhibition is Harlem's consistent and only ode to the world of graffiti and
its accomplishments throughout the years. Expect beautiful art, powerful
statements and a taste of history from graffiti artists DURO, OUI, STAY HIGH
HOPE391, TWO, NZ, JAYRA, DIAL167, DUCE, REE MTA and many others.
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 26th, 2005 7pm-midnight
Place: Exhibit 1A Gallery, Corner of 147th Street and 8th Avenue
Music by DJ Broadway and DJ Junking
Performances by MC Tone Vigilante, M.O.R. (Men of Respect) and many others
Directions: A,C,D,B trains to 145th Street or 3 train to 148th Street
Exhibit 1A Gallery is the first all-graffiti art gallery in New York City.
Gallery owner Roland Wilson has supported graffiti events in the past by
providing the space and accommodations needed to bring graffiti to the
community of Harlem.
Boston MA: November 18, 2005 - January 8, 2006
19th Drawing Show