Interviews, Articles, and Research
Please report dead links to yo@graffiti.org. Each section is chronological: newest stuff on top.

Eklips and The Seventh Letter
Omen 514
Manuel Gerullis, the MOS Mastermind
John Breiner
Shuck 2 from Painterz (vidéo En Français)
Interviews on On-Point
Mr Dheo
Mkay at Wildstylers
Priz and Stan
Team at MICO as Latin Pride
Interviews and articles on duncancumming.co.uk
Interviews on Subwayoutlaws.com
Cope 2
NCT by Dsyple and Aprocks
Ghetto Art: Thousand voices in the city by Valeria Appel
Serch on 50mmlosangeles
MICO, del Writing in Habana (Español)
T-Kid on Kings Of New York
Shok1 on Ammo City
Os Gemeos
Syte - by Stephen Crowe
Sizerom - de Lima Peru, (Español)
Ekosystem - hundreds of interviews
Susan Farrell - at Deep Inside the Mind
Sir Delux
French street artists (Français)
Mistery on Powderbomb
Unique on Powderbomb
How and Nosm
Mare 139 interviews Kel First
Interviews from LA on GuerillaOne
CNSkills interviews
Posh One
The Dark Site interviews
Tasar 32
Caine One
Tracy 168 Wild Style
Joseph R. Wheeler, III
Kasino Interview
Teako's Story and his
NYC trains site and
Futura 2000

Tag You're It (Graffiti and fashion)
Graffiti in Portugal: The Other Side of the Wall on Song of the Open Road
Bombing Modernism: Graffiti and its relationship to the (built) environment By Amos Klausner on core77
Legal vs Illegal on Tehran Walls on Iranian Underground Art Mainstream
Visualizing Dissent: Graffiti as Art by Jeremiah McNichols
Visualizing Dissent: Art as Graffiti by Jeremiah McNichols
Freight Train Graffiti
German Halls of Fame
Graffiti by Andrzej Osęka (Gazeta Wyborcza) (Polish)
Tag (Español)
Graffiti 101 / Traços coloridos em um corpo de pedra: Arte Grafite" by juny kp! (Portugués)
Max Warsaw: Summer Vacation
Graffiti and Language by Crispin Sartwell
3fala from Poland
50mm Los Angeles articles
Graffiti is a traditional art by Crispin Sartwell
Obey the Mind
Cruel Vapors (UK) painting workshops
Postering Public Space: Can DIY Poster Pirates Reclaim Your Downtown?
by Emily Pohl-Weary
American Graffiti in Village Voice
Chromopolis 2002
Philly Wickeds
Tearing Down the Schlachthof by Carolyn Steinat
Murals by writers about September 11 2001
Mythconceptions of a Culture, The Facts by Phase 2
Female Graffiti Artists
Police cause trouble at Gallery opening in LA
Swedish articles on Autograff - Stockholm
Articles on Bomb Australia
Phun Phactory
on Urban Desires
Personal advertisement on any surface
by Paco Alarcón - en Español: Los tags,
publicidad personal sobre todas las superficies
Style, Technique, and Cultural Piracy: Never Bite the Hand that Feeds
by Sonik
Tactal Invertia by Kallen
Los Angeles "Cholo" Style Graffiti Art by Chaz
It's All Under Control by Robert Lederman
Masked Bandits: Writing and Your Health
by Sehmuel - "El Graffiti y tu Salud", un artículo acerca de porqué usted debe usar una máscara (respirador) cuando usted esta pintando con aerosol). Traducción por Dose Uno, de México
Robert Herrera
Everything you ever wanted to know about graffiti but couldn't find anyone to ask
Graffiti Introduction
How to photograph graffiti

New York City Graffiti Murals: Signs of Hope, Marks of Distinction by Patrick Verel (PDF)
Street art and graffiti: Resources for online study by Michael DeNotto (PDF)
“Apropiación del espacio público urbano a través del graffiti: los casos del Edificio Saprissa y Barrio La California en San José, Costa Rica” by Marialina Villegas Zúñiga - 2010
Satanic Plumber Archive NYC Graffiti Library
Grafite e Comunicacao by Luciano Spinelli
Une représentation symbolique de communication urbaine: le graffiti
by Luciano Spinelli
Techniques visuelles dans une enquête qualitative de terrain
by Luciano Spinelli
Pichação e comunicação: um código sem regra by Luciano Spinelli
The Colour of Walls: Psychological Mugging or Democratic Communication?
by Alice Spencer
A Legal and Economic Analysis of Graffiti. (52k PDF) by D'Amico, Dan and Walter Block (2007).
Published in Humanomics: Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 29 - 38.
Subversion of Public Space: A Study into Architecture and Graffiti (768 KB .doc),
A 2005 dissertation (Architectural Studies at Newcastle University UK) by Steven Paynter on duncancumming.co.uk
The Culture and Politics of Graffiti Art by Timothy Werwath
Advertising, Propaganda, and Graffiti Art by Alex Kataras
Art Crimes: Six Theses on the Tag by Shannon Holopainen
The Bombing of Babylon: Graffiti in Japan by Natalie Stanchfield
The Artistic Construction of a Counter-Culture by Rashaun Esposito
The Artistic Construction of a Culture by Rashaun Esposito
Symbolic Subversion And The Writing On The Wall
by Daniel Spigelman
Graffiti Historia y Introduccion (Español)
City Space: A Semiotic and Visual Exploration of Graffiti and Public Space in Vancouver -
by C. Noble
Graffiti Grapher - teaching math through graffiti, from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Graffiti im Kunstunterricht - by Ingrid Schneider (German)
Ten Years of Art Crimes - by Caleb Neelon / Sonik
Graffiti and Urban Space - by Ilse Scheepers
"Bombing" L.A.: Graffiti Culture and the Contest for Visual Space
- by Saul Bolivar
Hip Hop Learning: Graffiti as an Educator of Urban Teenagers - by Richard Christen
How to Read Graffiti - by Jason Dax Woodward
Critical Terms for Graffiti Study - by Caleb Neelon / Sonik
Lesson Plan #1 for teachers - Bring graffiti art to your classroom
Thou Shall Not Paint: A Libertarian Understanding of the Problems Associated with Graffiti on Public v. Private Property by Daniel J. D'Amico
Graffiti Glossary (English)
(Japanese) translated by Takuya Hiramoto
Cement or Canvas: Aerosol Art & The Changing Face of Graffiti in the 21st Century by Bartolomeo
La Estética Del Graffiti En La Sociodinámica Del Espacio Urbano
by Jesus de Diego, from Zaragoza, Spain (Español)
GRAFFITI: ART AND CRIME - by Daniel Tucker
The Institute for Graffiti Research
H.E.A.L. by KRS One
Graffiti Art: An Essay Concerning The Recognition of Some Forms of Graffiti As Art
by George C. Stowers
The Great Graffiti Wars of the Late 20th Century by Dr. Sherri Cavan
street math in wildstyle graffiti art by Josephine Noah
Urban Expression...Urban Assault...Urban Wildstyle...New York City Graffiti
By Pamela Dennant, Thames Valley University, London
Graffiti: Cityscapes & Digitalscapes - by Animesh Sabnis
Axel Thiel: Graffiti Archivist (RIP) - Collected Works
Graffiti: Inscribing Transgression on the Urban Landscape - by Sarah Giller
Eradicating the Stain: Graffitti and Advertising In Our Public Spaces
by Jeremiah Luna in Bad Subjects, Issue #20, April 1995
Hard Hitting Modern Perspective on Hip Hop Graffiti - by Kevin Element
The Merits of Art: Theatre and Graffiti as Beneficial to Society
A Modern Perspective on Graffiti
Looking at the Writing on the Wall: a
Critical Review and Taxonomy of Graffiti Texts - by Jane Gadsby
Appendix 1: Taxonomy of Analytical Approaches to Graffiti