Los Angeles - November 18, 2000 - January 5, 2001
Contemporary Corruption II
Witness, Vyal, Tribe, Tempt, Skill, Siner, Saber, Retna, Relic, PJ, Nuke,
Miner, Mear, Kartoon, Duke, Chaz
0-1 Gallery
7025 Melrose Ave
LA CA 90046
Police force close the show on opening night.
Los Angeles - November 16 - January 31, 2000
Man One's MTV Murals
Man One will exhibit graffiti murals created during MTV's Campus Invasion Tour 2000 at Zyrex, Inc.'s headquarters in Alhambra.
See the online exhibit
Cleveland, OH - November 3, 2000 - January 3, 2001
Optic Science
Mixed-media aerosol paintings and illustration by
Cleveland Skribe Tribe:
- Dayzwhun
- Taskam
- Pseighknoizm:247
- Ron Sims II
- Bias
- also featuring work by Modesto Funk and Roel.
Cleveland Hts. (216) 371-3500
New York - December 29, 2000
515 West 18th St
for guest list info call Brian G: 718.600.8963
accepting slides for exhibition that night
Munich - December 16, 2000
Christmas Hip Hop Jam
Es ist wieder mal soweit the legendary Christmas Hip Hop Jam ist flahig am start : )
www.christmasjam.de da gibts alle Infos
Los Angeles - December 15 - 16, 2000
Modest Behavior
1027 6th Ave in Downtown San Diego, CA
It's right near Broadway in a building that says 'Law Offices'
- Havok
- Ant
- Grimey
- Kinsey
- Niko
- Kaso
- Surge
- Cuma
- Poor Al
- Lori D.
- Michael Zep
- Peter Halasz
- Corey French
- Shepard Fairey
- Edward Sanders
- Deform
- Quatres
- Skypage
- Archie Dean
- Jonas Depuis
- Monica Hoover
- Steve Lawrence
- Mike Maxwell
- Curt Eichelberger
- Kate Wentz
- Sean Garcia
- Sean Sather
- Aaron Serafino
- Danielle Loughran
- Lance De Los Reyes (chie)
- Blis & Atom (WOW) Crew
Pittsburg CA - December 15 - 17, 2000
Real Revolutionaries Eat Pork
Ben Rojas and Scott Hoag
Gallery Opening and Reception
Friday Dec. 15th 7-10pm
Performances by Secluded Journalists and A-Damn DJ
Open Sat. and Sun. 11-5pm
Impulse Gallery
695 Railroad Ave.
Pittsburg CA 94565
Info: (925) 709.0778 or (510) 884.1551
San Jose - December 8 - 28, 2000
warren jenkins @ 706gallery
reception for the artist:
friday, december 8th, 7-10pm
706 south 8th street
downtown san jose ca
Philadelphia - December 1-29, 2000
Opening Dec. 1st - 7-11pm
See photos from the show.
Brooklyn, NYC - Nov. 20th until Dec. 17th
Damion Paul Silver
opening reception Sat. Nov. 25th
227 Smith St. Brooklyn
between Butler & Douglass
Take F/G to Bergen
phone: 718.260.WAXY
New York - September 22 - December 31, 2000
Hip-Hop Nation: Roots, Rhymes, and Rage
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland has organized a
hip-hop exhibition that at the Brooklyn Museum of Art.
explores the explosion and cultural phenomenon of hip-hop in the past 25 years.
The exhibition includes over 400 items ranging from clothing and
accessories to manuscripts of lyrics and audio components worn, used and
written by such artists as Afrika Bambaataa, Run-DMC, The Beastie Boys, Tupac
Shakur, Ice-T, Public Enemy and others. Artifacts of Brooklyn-bred hip-hop
artists, such as The Notorious B.I.G. and Jay-Z, as well as interactive D.J.
stations, notable photographs and magazine covers will also be displayed.
Tracy 168 & Phase 2 are featured artists in the exhibition.
San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico - November 24-26, 2000
See the LORDS at Graf Con and send us your URLs if you put more flix online.
More flix on Wildstyle Technicians
Call (619) 612-8822 or (619) 231-8822 to find out how to participate. Booths, sponsorships available. Sign up to battle or show skills.
Internet: November 13-27, 2000
Levi's x Futura Limited Edition Auction / Site
Presented by Houston
Charity auction for autographed levi's® x futura limited edition
1967 model jackets, 1966 model 501® jeans, sweatshirts and diaries
907 E. Pike St.
Seattle, WA 98122
Futura's up to some fun and games at www.reconnyc.com
too. Check it out. See his Flash also on the auction site: http://www.levisxfutura.com
[Keep an eye out for his new book, coming soon!]
Aguadilla Puerto Rico - November 11 2000
First Graffiti Expo in Puerto Rico
- 1-day competition - reserve your space now!
- Phone: 787-891-9493
- 9AM Aguadilla Corrales
- $400 prize for 2 winners
Gainesville, FL - November 11, 2000
Location: 34th Street
When: During "Gator Growl 2000"
Chicago & Online - November 11-22, 2000
Xhibition Transition
Photography, Video, Paintings by:
- Futura 2000
- Dzine
- Lee Quinones
- Shepard Fairey
- Robert Benavides
- Jamel Shabazz
For more information, directions or to make an appointment please call
Rebecca 312.528.2460.
Online exhibition November 10: www.xhibition.org
Los Angeles - October 39 - November 3, 2000
Buff This
an exhibition of paintings, collages and posters by random von nothaus
usc school of fine arts
watt hall
9-4:30 Mon-Fri
Scottsdale Arizona - October 26 - November 30, 2000
Crash! Graffiti Indoors
AZ/NY Gallery
7373 Scottsdale Mall
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
San Francisco: October 21, 2000
New York - Oct 5th - Nov. 4th, 2000
Deitch Project's 18 Wooster Street Gallery
Excellent show by some of the most famous
and acclaimed graffiti artists today. But it's being staked out all the
time by the police, who are
apparently arresting people and in general creating a hostile
atmosphere around the gallery.
Indianapolis - October 20-22, 2000
TUA Project
Outsider Art Show
This show, the first of its kind in Indianapolis, was a huge success.
See the artwork
TUA events are listed here.
San Francisco - October 13, 2000
Walls of Heritage, Walls of Pride: African American Murals
by James Prigoff and Robin Dunitz
This book honors many great muralists, including a number of spraycan
artists, such as Vulcan, Spon, Sano1, Quik, Noc, Mith, Blade, Kase 2, Hex, Ezo
One, Dru One, Refa, Wane, A-One, Toons, Booker, Samo, Apex and Dizney.
Bomani Gallery
829 Shrader
San Francisco
San Jose, CA - October 5, 2000
recent workings of Ezra Li Eismont
electronic samplism of Cat Five
New York, Sept 25 - October 18, 2000
Memorial show for Fueler One, RIP
Leave Your Mark
The show features work by Joe from New Orleans, La. Joe was a student at Fordham U. and was really painting his ass off until his life was abrubtly stopped by a shotgun blast to his face.
More about Fuel:
Eindhoven, Holland, September 30, 2000
Back to Planet Rock part two
Presenting the four
elements of hiphop.
Cleveland, Ohio - Friday, September 29th, 2000
Return of the Writer's Bench
See the Blackbook Competition site for all the info
Geneva, Switzerland - 9-10 September, 2000
Jam at Rue Lect, near Geneva International Airport, for the 5th year in a row.
Loomit, Magic, Bomber, Dare, Ecb, Reso, MAC and many others will be there so please fell free to make us a little visit. The only thing we ask is a good mood and the people to bring their cans.
Köln, Germany 09.09.2000
Shark Attack
at the ECR-Hallen
for more infos check www.nuforms.de or www.icon-tv.de
Live Graffiti by:
- JYM 129 (KSD/ Hamburg)
- Wow123 (Evil Sons, suk, wb/ Bremen)
- Codeak (Evil Sons, gbf, taf/ Hildesheim)
- Seak (cns, Evil Sons, gbf/ Köln)
- and many more
New York City - Sept. 1- 3, 2000
BACK TO MECCA Hip Hop Conference
BACK TO MECCA proves that hip hop can be a tool for community development
and professional growth. Celebrating the roots of urban arts (emceeing,
DJing, Break Dancing and Graffiti Art) through panel discussions, talent
competitions showcases and exhibits.
More info: chaos_urban@hotmail.com
Graffiti showcase is on Sunday, Sept. 3
- TATs Cru
- Seen
- Case 2
- Phase 2
- Bom 5
- Coco 144
- Flint 707
- Lee Quinones "Wild Style"
- and more
September 1st - 4th (Labor Day Weekend) 2000, St. Louis, Missouri
Paint Louis
Paint Louis is a recurring event showcasing graffiti art from across the country. In the past three years Paint Louis has attracted well known artists and crews such as East, Giant, Revok, Saber, 3A, ATT, .COM and NBK. We feature a three mile concrete wall located at the St. Louis riverfront. All writers are welcome to attend.
Stun from St. Louis beaten almost to death, but recovering
Stun's website
Venice California - August 19 - September 19, 2000
Flyer Miles 2000
Freddi Cerasoli
Saint-Denis France July 31 - September 1, 2000
Grand Rapids, MI - July 29 - approx. Sept 7, 2000
flyer for the show:
Inside Myself
Graffiti works by SOBA
for more info hollar at soba
Philadelphia - Now through August 25, 2000
The Alias Life
- Dick
- June
- Enem
- Suroc
- Reas
- Cread
- Kemos
- Rime
- Chip
- Merz
- Nope
- Skye
- Past
- Dasar
- Nemel
- Hence
- Cense
- Sew
- and more
Space 1026
1026 Arch St.
for more info: http://www.geocities.com/japo_mc
New York - August 26 & 27, 2000
Phun Phactory SummerPhest
Toronto Canada - August 26 & 27, 2000
416 Graf Expo "Absolut X-Pressions"
Atlanta, Georgia - August 19, 2000
Future Fest 2000
see this site for details
Flix from last year
New Zealand - August 12th, 2000
Raw Styles 2000
"Disrupt The System" graffiti event
Aotea Square, Auckland NZ...9am-5pm
Pictures from the show are on disruptiv.com
Loomit, Kasino and Tash, Askew, Mizery, Ikon, Webs, Fury, Phat, Acre, Orphan, Scream, Opto, Smooth Crew (featured in Spraycan Art..) & United Styles.
More info about the writing
More info about the breaking:
Cincinnati, OH - August 11 - 13, 2000
SCRIBBLE JAM 2000: (the 4th annual - midwest hip-hop event)
FOR MORE INFO (directions, prices, contact)
please visit:
(this site will be continuously updated as the event nears.)
Wiesbaden, Germany - August 6, 2000
Walls For Art - Graffiti-Kunst in Wiesbaden
u.a. am 06. August, von 10.45h-13.45h zu Gast im Fernsehgarten..............
mit Jazi (Genf), Lazoo (Paris), Zender (Amsterdam), Loomit (München), Aktion Farbenfroh ...............................
A CD-ROM from the last 3 shows is also available. Email manuel@WallStreetMeeting.de for more info.
Montreal Canada - August 5 & 6, 2000
Under Pressure
Drogheda, Ireland - August 4-7, 2000
bridge over troubled waters 2000
- tda klann (ireland)
- stylo
- rize
- prime
- nome (england)
- more to be confirmed
drogheda is situated approx. 30 miles north of dublin city on the main belfast link,close to train, bus and major roads.
Painting by invitation only.
Berlin - 15 July - 20 August, 2000
Exhibition Next / Z2000- Positionen junger Kunst und Kultur
Akademie der Künste Berlin / Acadamey of Fine Arts Berlin
canvases, digital, video, sculpture, comic, spraycan,
Tyke / Toons / Tokioe / Toast / Tagno / Specter / Skywise / Skki /
Shek / Shadow / Sean / Seak / / Saber / Refa / Rasta / Puppetmastaz /
Os Gemenos / Moosca / Miste / Mear / Marok / Loomit / Lokiss / Kacao 77 /
Jayone / Jaybo / Ish / Gel / Gawki / Esher / Dane / Daim / Codeak / Chaz /
Big Biff / Akim / Zast /
Seattle - July 15 - August 29, 2000
DELTA: new constructions
Delta, one of the most well respected old-school writers from Amsterdam, makes his US debut in a show to celebrate Houston's One-Year Anniversary Party.
Delta has influenced writers worldwide for decades with his 3D letter styles. He and Zedz have pushed their graffiti-inspired aesthetic into mediums such as graphic design,
3-D canvas, and
Poster, available at the show:
Boris Tellegen, aka DELTA, studied Industrial Design Engineering and emerged with a unique painting style: his abstract lettering resembles isometric plans for high-tech vehicles or architecture from the future.
In 1998, "Masterplan" was a collaboration with architect Marc Mauer for a large-scale architectural competition called "Het-Wilde-Wonen" (Wild Living). DELTA's work was recently published in the 1999 book Scrawl by Booth-Clibborn Editions, he designed the album cover for DJ Vadim's USSR: Life from the Other Side, and designed packaging for Japanese magazine Gasbook, issue 7.
San Francisco - July 11 - August 19, 2000
Damon Soule
Ryan Stubbs
Sirron Norris
Urban Line
Rizzoli Gallery
117 Post St., 4th Floor
July 8 - August 19, 2000
- Shepard Fairey
- Robbie Conal
- Dalek
- Misha Hollenbach
- Rich Jacobs
- Cleon Peterson
- Ed Templeton
- Scott Schnider
- Chris Johanson
- Dave Kinsey
- Alicia McCarthy
- Rhonda Winter
- Erika Borboa
- others.
New Image Art
7906 Santa Monica Bl. #208
West Hollywood, CA 90046
p/f (323) 654-2192
e-mail: newimgart@aol.com

Rotterdam, Holland - June 16 - August 7, 2000
Delta, Zedz & Maurer
At Showroom MAMA
See Masterplan for show info.
See graffiti architecture projects at http://masterplan.ooo.nl
now in English and Dutch.
Philadelphia - May - Aug. 5, 2000
Reas, Espo, Twist
Wall Power: Indelible Market and Forest
Institute for Contemporary Art
118 South 36th St.
"Philadelphia Murals: 1970-2000" at Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial
709-721 Catharine St.
Article on Philly graffiti styles
Article about the Exhibition
Walk five minutes on most any Philly street and you're bound to spot a stories-high mural. The Institute for Contemporary Art and The Fliescher Art Memorial, with opening reception May 12, each explore the influence of this and previous mural movements (think Diego Rivera).
The ICA has Joseph Bartscherer's monumental photos of outdoor spaces, and the work of graffiti artists from San Francisco and New York. The Fleischer tackles the last 30 years with a survey that uses 14 local muralists, videotape, commercial signage, photos and more. Both sites have trolley tours ($10), to the best wall art in town, thought with the free guide book in hand, you can go it alone.
For gallery locations, hours and admission - 215-898-5911 (ICA) or 215-922-3456 (Fleischer). Tours - 215-568-5245.
Helsinki, Finland - July 30, 2000
Rockin'Da North
daim, can2, bates, done, kakao, akir, mark,
shik, wow123 + some finnish guys.
Minneapolis, MN - July 25 - 29, 2000
View and print the flyer
Juxtaposition Arts (Juxta), a Minneapolis-based, visual arts organization for city youth will host a group of internationally-renowned muralists from New York: BG183, Bio and Nicer of TATS CRU. TATS CRU will spend July 25 - July 29, 2000 in Minneapolis working with Juxtaposition Arts' student artists and participating in the creation of two murals along with other related activities and events.
On Saturday, July 29, noon - sunset, TATS CRU and recognized local aerosol artists will gather to create a large-scale mural on the Intermedia Arts wall located at 2822 Lyndale Avenue South. This event is free and open to the public and includes live DJ's, black book signings and the opportunity to mingle with the artists.
The TATS CRU is a group of Bronx-based professional muralists whose work in aerosol has changed the perception of "graffiti" as an art. Sixteen years ago, these Bronx teenagers began their artistic careers by creating subway "graffiti" and are now at the forefront of an evolved style and culture of wall murals. TATS CRU has been commissioned by many community-based patrons to produce advertisements for neighborhood businesses and institutions. In addition, they teach mural classes at The Point Community Development Corporation and are also major proponents of New York-style memorial murals.
This is Juxta's third annual summer series featuring internationally-respected aerosol artists, representing writing's (a.k.a. "graffiti") emergence as an influential modern art movement.
Please contact us for additional information about these events or about Juxtaposition Arts.
Contact Juxta: Keegan Xavi (612) 374-1418
Their web site: www.juxtaposition.org
Strasbourg, France - 8 July 2000
Summer Session
Complete Hip Hop event with all the elements. Breaking, DJs, MCs and
special guests.
- T-Kid 170 (T.N.B. / New-York)
- Kaos 45, Kakao 77 (Berlin)
- Jay1 (Paris)
- Paco (Paris)
- Kent (Frankfurt)
- Rüdi (Heidelberg)
- Darco, Air (Paris)
- Scott (Heidelberg)
- Seaz (Bienne / CH)
- Rime, Setup (New-York)
- Strasbourg Suns
Deutschland: 07851 958 488
France: 06 70 16 96 45
Arezzo, Italy - 5-9 July 2000
Arezzo Wave Festival
KNM crew
SPA crew
June 22 - July 23, 2000
agnès b. hosts Tokion Magazine's Neo-Graffiti Project 2000 showcasing new art by
Legendary graffiti artists:
Doze, Futura 2000, Haze, Lee and Phase 2.
Check tokionusa.com for coverage of the show online.
Paris, France - June 17 - July 30, 2000
Nasty & Slice
Just A Miserable Subculture
opening party June 17th
Magda Danysz Gallery
19 rue Emile Durkheim
75013, Paris - directly across from Bibliothèque Nationale François Mitterrand
Contact: Aimee Pickett
Tel: 01 45 83 38 51
or 00 33 1 45 83 38 51 from Europe outside France
Internet site: magda-gallery.com
Email: magda@magda-gallery.com
June 17 - July 16, 2000
The State of Art
Opening: Saturday, June 17th,
6:00PM -12:00AM
The Painted Word: Classic Works of Urban Art
- A-One
- Bama
- Jean-Michel Basquiat
- Blade
- Case 2
- Henry Chalfant
- Coco 144
- Crash
- Daze
- Fab 5 Freddy
- Flint 707
- Phil Frost
- Giz
- Keith Haring
- JJ
- Mösco
- Nato
- Lady Pink
- Phase 2
- Revs
- Riff 170
- Sol Sax
- Kenny Scharf
- Sharp
- Snake
- Jack Stewart
- Tats Cru
- Tracy 168
- Twist
- David Wojnarowicz
- Joe (Ezo) Wippler
- Zephyr
Maps of illegal murals as well as the execution of an outdoor mural, a
panel discussion and DJs will be incorporated within the program.
Event will be held at The State of Art Gallery in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn.
Spokane Washington, June 2000
Student Mural buffed by clueless workers
Ithica Mural - June 2000
Ithica today photo essay on Mike Maier's murals
Paris June 17 & 18
adress: en face du 11 Quai F.Mauriac .paris
Hamburg, Germany - 15th of June - 23rd of June 2000
URBAN DISCIPLINE graffiti-art 2000 exhibition
in the course of the MAXIMUM HIP-HOP Tage Hamburg
- OS GEMEOS (Sao Paulo/Brasil)
- SHOK 1 (Birmingham/GB)
- TOAST, SHARK, MATE, DARE (Bern, Lucerne, Zurich, Basel/Switzerland)
- DARCO (Paris/France)
- SEAK (Cologne/Germany)
- BESOK (Augsburg/Germany)
- CODEAK (Hildesheim/Germany)
- STUKA (Braunschweig/Germany)
Info: www.graffiti-art.com
Thomas-I-Punkt Skateland, Amsinckstraße 70, Hamburg Hammerbrook/Germany
New York, New York - June 14 - 15, 2000
Guernsey's to conduct first major sale focused on the history of unique urban art form.
The majority of the important Graffiti artists - from the
movements beginnings to the present - will be represented in this massive
auction where small works on paper by Jean Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring
can be found hung side by side twenty foot murals on canvas created by a
melange of artists. Names that became legendary for appearing on the streets, subways, and galleries of the City - Case 2, CoCo 144, Daze, Dondi, Flint 707, Lady Pink, Phase 2, Kenny Scharf, Tracy 168 and Zephyr will be offered as will rare photographic prints by legendary photographers Henry Chalfant, Martha Cooper, Herb Migdol and Jack Stewart who preserved the vision of lost works for all time. Indeed, the spirit of Graffiti is seen clearly expressed in unique auction lots like the wooden entrance door to one of New York's East Village galleries where the hippest artists of the day "tagged" their presence.
New York Times article
Story and 1960s subway map
Name: "Curvernica"
Year: 1989
Size: "68" x 117"
Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas
Lot 5 at the Guernsey's auction next week.
Munich, Germany, June 11, 2000
Hip Hop Jam + Dickster Skateboardcontest + Graffiti City Battle,
San Diego - June 3 and 4, 2000
Modest Behavior group show
Where: One Zero Two Seven Sixth Avenue
downtown San Diego, CA, USA
Who: Kinsey - Shepard Fairey - Jack Alger - Tobin
Yelland - Monica Hoover - Nilo - Amanda Ayala - Lori
D.- Ant - Tanya Aduiniga - Melissa Mayer - Seth
Reynolds - Rae Dalek - Surge - Peter - Rich Jacobs
-Posh - Ryan Harvey - Bigfoot - Lenard Smith - Deform
-Michael - Havok - Jordan Bonnel - Jonas Dupms -
Gearmy Brown - Scar Ape - Lance De Los Reyes - Do The
Math -Kara Lusardi - Grimey
Wiesbaden, Germany - 2nd 3rd june 2000, kulturzentrum schlachthof
int. wall street meeting 2000
graffiti hip hop event
The forth international WallStreetMeeting has been a great success for the
makers of the festival, but also for the Hip-Hop-Culure, though there were
some people doing destructive things instead of being creative. But
nevertheless its been a great festival.
After the troublemakers caused some negative media we made things clear.
Over two days we had about 9000 people from all over the world here at the
Schlachthof to support our demand for the maintenance of the huge
Graffiti-Hall-Of-Fame. Hundreds of burners have been done. The success of
the jam shows us how important places like the Schlachthof for our artform
and the Hip-Hop-Culture are.
We still demand: maintenance of the Graffiti-Hall-Of-Fame and reculturing of
the empty buildings in a social-cultural context.
But even the jam was a great success the city still wants to tear down the
halls. So we need your. Write an E-Mail to the adresses mentioned below and
please write and send a letter to the local newspaper (adress mentioned
below).Tell them how the Meeting was for you and what places like the
Schlachthof mean to our culture. Demand the maintenance of the HOF!!! The
halls and walls must stay!!!
Together we stand... Keep Hip-Hop real and positive!
On the wall:
Daim, Tasek, Keats, Seak, Neck CNS, Fume, Magic, Shaic, Codeak, Loomit,
Neon, Scum, Milk, Won, Shame ABC, Henks, Nero, Zebster, Local Heroes,
Dare, Kesy, Toast, Dream [Basel/Bern], Jazi, Dekor, Esprit, Jag
[Geneva], Zender, Bel, Math, Serch [Amsterdam], Brok, Emoy, Rel, Genius,
Poch [France], Nema, Rough, System [London/Wales], Puppet, Zappo, 3-D's
[Stockholm], Rage [Brussels], Bates, Tiws, Ken [Copenhagen], Kez & Mint
[Iceland], Lunar, 2Fast [Croatia], Osgemeos [Brasil], Mediah [Toronto],
Roy [Denver], Denz [Chicago], Saber, Mear, Tyke, Tempt, Revok, Relic,
Retra, Vyal, Sherm, Vox [Los Angeles], Ces, Seen [New York City].
See the flyer
More information:
Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
Gartenfeldstr. 57
65189 Wiesbaden - Germany
att.: Das Meeting
Flix from the show:
Wallstreet homepage. www.wallstreetmeeting.de
A CD-ROM from the last 3 shows is also available. Email manuel@WallStreetMeeting.de for more info.
Niort, France - June 1 - 12, 2000
Avalyn #1 present : Hip Hop Festival
Exhibition from Graffiti Artists (Canvases, Photos, Sculptures)
- Daim (Germany, Fbi, Fx ...)
- Seak (Germany, Cns)
- Neck (Germany, Cns)
- Pee Gonzales (Belgium, Rab)
- Jaba (Belgium)
- Duck (Belgium)
- Marco Trey Lacoste (Paris)
- Mac Crew (Paris)
- Alexöne (Paris, Se)
- Scanner (Bordeaux)
- Ariok (Paris)
- Hank (Troyes)
- Cooler (Troyes)
- Job
- WS
- Brece (Avignon, Tsh)
- Graff'it (Paris)
- Scien + Klore (Cns, Dunkerque)
- Babas (Paris)
- Pickan (Fdp, Avignon)
- Bandy (Niort)
- Yann (Poitiers)
"Bombing for Peace, a Painting for Kosovo" (Europa)
New FBI Project (Darco and Friends ...)
10th and 11th June: Jam (Wall 300 meters long x 2 meters)
selection by Sixpack, 5 Rue Tremoulet, 84000 Avignon - France
Writers Deluxe Project ( Brece, Mezo, Firm, Gyom ...)
This action was started last year and during the month of may I succeeded to
collect about 100 paintings - only 1 painting for an artist
We will collect
more paintings and to donate this collection to the international community
to set up a Museum of Contemporary Art in Pristina Kosovo. Too much has been
distroyed in this part of the World.
By doing this we will not only help to rebuild a country, but also help to
set up some interests to a tourist industry and this can help to get the
people back to a job etc.
The whole collection is available for exhibition, people can contact me
Each exhibition we hope that local artists will
continue to donate one painting to complete the collection.
More information later
Los Angeles - May 27 - June 24, 2000
Obey Popaganda
New works by Shepard Fairey and Ron English
Merry Karnowsky Gallery
New York City, May 24th through June 16th, 2000
Presented by Jonathan Le Vine, this exhibit features the works of Ron English, Eric White, Fiona Smyth, Van Arno and Anthony Ausgang.
CBGB's 313 Gallery
313 Bowery St.
(212) 677-0455
New York - May 23 - June 6, 2000
She 1
Tokyo, Japan - May 22nd - June 21st 2000
Exhibition of Paintings/Album Release: Tokyo, Japan
paintings by Dzine
music by
DJ Dixon (Germany)
DJ Yello (Paris)
Tom & Joyce (Paris)
DJ Alex (Tokyo)
1f-3-34-10 Jingumae Shibuya
Tokyo, Japan 150-001
tel: 03.5775.2290
fax: 03.5775.2291
Bossa Tres...Jazz, when Japan meets Europe
double album (limited edition full color catalog of paintings)
double c.d (bonus c.d rom of paintings)
Album Available on Yellow Productions/East West Records (Europe)
/ Wave Records (U.S)
Limited Edition "Dzine Tres...Jazz - Japan 2000" shirts available at SOPH.
Los Angeles - May 19- June 17, 2000
San Francisco Drawing Show
curated by: Alicia McCarthy and Chris Johanson
Featured Artists: Margaret Kilgallen, Barry McGee, Seana O-del, Arnold
Kemp, Carolyn R.Cooley, Darin Klein, Mat Polenski, Erin Forrest, Sarah
Cane, DeVindra, David Cunningham, Xylor Jane, Chiara Giavando, Virgil
Shaw, Whitney Shaw, Harrell Fletcher, Heart 101, Alicia McCarthy and Chris Johanson
Barry McGee and Margaret Kilgallen are currently exhibiting at the UCLA
Hammer Museum.
New Image Art
7906 Santa Monica Blvd. #208
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 654-2192
email: newimgart@aol.com
Phoenix, AZ - May 19 - June 3, 2000
held @ the THOUGHT CRIME gallery
1019 N Central
Phoenix, Arizona
St. Petersburg, Florida - May 5 - June 2000
Fusion Gallery presents
This NEW series of works by "BASK" is a must see. The series consists of 16
mixed media paintings, original limited edition prints & a huge installation
For more information contact Fusion Gallery at (727) 894-7271.
Mesa, Arizona - April, 20 - June, 10 2000
Euro Cafe / Undici Undici
Mr. W
1111 South Longmore, Mesa, Arizona 85202-4104
(480) 962-4224
February 6 - June 4, 2000 - Los Angeles
Barry McGee
Margaret Kilgallen
at the UCLA Hammer Museum
Barry McGee's enormous wall painting will be on display in the lobby from Feb. 6 - June 4, 2000.
Margaret Kilgallen's installation in the Vault Gallery will be on display from Feb. 6 - April 2, 2000.
Los Angeles - April 8 through May 7, 2000
Chaz Bojorquez
a solo exhibition
Galeria Otra Vez
3802 Cesar E. Chavez Av
Los Angeles, CA 90063
San Francisco - April 15 - May 31, 2000
"Concrete Frontier"
Estria, Vogue TDK, Mars, Lucian Moon, and Sirron Norris.
Culture Cache Gallery
731 Florida St. at 20th
San Francisco
Culture Cache Gallery started one year ago as the sole website devoted to the emerging artists of the Bay Area. Visit the site at www.culturecache.com
email Curator/ Gallery owner Miranda Gill:
More Info:
Normal gallery hours: Mon-Fri. 11-6 pm / Sat-Sun 1-6pm / and by appt.
Gallery phone: 415-642-2360
Helsinki Finland and Internet - May 24-26, 2000
live happening supafly 2004
Get real player and watch spraypainting, airbrush painting, break- and streetdance, listen dj & mc and bands.
Pusan, South Korea - May 28, 2000
Our company is contructing a comprehensive Hip-Hop
Culture Centre in combination with diversity of sports facilities
related to Hip-Hop. Our centre is expected to be completed
and be open on June 04, 2000 which will be the first in South
Korea. In order to celebrate our opening and spread the
fascinating Graffiti art nationwide, the 1st Graffiti Contest
is organized by us and will be held as follows in Pusan,
South Korea:
Date: Sunday, May 28, 2000
Place: Kwanganri Beach
No. of participants: 2,800-3,000 persons
Zürich, Switzerland / April 1 - April 15, 2000
GRAFFITI 2000/2 exhibition
opening will be Saturday April 1 @ 18.00 h
tuesday-friday 14.00 - 20.00
saturday/sunday 14.00 - 18.00
Seestrasse 395
8038 Zürich
the opening will be live @ www.boombox.net
from sunday the 02.04. on, see it @
March 17 - April 30, 2000, Seattle Washington
Twist, Amaze, Angel179, Apple, Khaz, Bler, Cause B, Ego, Pars, 2Sick, and Sire.
Consolidated Works
410 Terry Ave N
(between Harrison and Republican in the S. Lake Union district)
ph: 206.381.3218
More info:
RedEye Magazine
ph: 206.527.2154
March to April 2000 - Paris
1987 to 2000
7 rue turbigo
75004 paris city
phone 01 42 21 91 71
Italy: Delta, Mode2, Futura 2000
March 3 - April 29, 2000 - Pontiac, Michigan
John "Crash" Matos
"The Timetable"
A Live Mural Installation
Crash will be working on site in the gallery Tuesday, March 1 - Friday, March 3, painting The Timetable, a mural 8' x 36'. We'll also be showing smaller works related to this mural. Opening Reception Friday, March 3, 7 - 10 pm.
Galerie Blu
7 North Saginaw
Pontiac, Michigan 48342
(248) 454-7797
March 25, 2000 - Los Angeles
The police prevented this legal show from occuring!
When the Walls Talk
Asyl'm.Man One.Skill.
Kofie.Woez 56.Gism.Koed.PR
Rick One.Martian.Spine.
And Many More . .
25-26 March 2000 - Milano-Italy
Airbrush Show II
International meeting on Airbrush and Spray world Expo of panels, canvas, live spray, illustration, custom painting, textile design, body painting, stands etc...
For Spray-art session:
- Airone (It-Milano)
- Bol23 (It-Roma)
- Croks (UK-London)
- Daim (D-Hamburg)
- Giose (It-Bari)
- Yazo (It-Milano)
- Lady Pink (USA-NYC)
- Lego (It-Rimini)
- Loomit (D-Munich)
- Poseydon (Esp-Barcelona)
- Rae (It-Milano)
- Raptus (It-Milano)
- Seen (USA-NYC)
- Teatro (It-Milano)
Live painting writers:
CLap, Daff, End, Flood, Guen, Neo, Ope, Rompe, Spyce, Zeta
MILANO (Italy) at Quark Hotel (Via Lampedusa)
For more info visit
or call ++39 010/6135122
or send e-mail to jrdisegni@tin.it
March 10-31, 2000 - Montréal
Out for Fame
Graffiti Exhibit 2000
Absolut X-Pressions
307 Ste-Catherine
Works by:
- Henry Chalfant
- Martha Cooper
- Zilon
- Flow
- Other
- Prism
- Thesis
- Duro3
- Dyske
- Chrome
- Seaz
Music, b-boyin', food and stuff
Flyer: front | back
March 7 showdown: California - Schools Not Jails
Bad news! Jails won. Schools and kids lost the vote 2 to 1.
Ongoing Activisim:
Get involved.
Poster by Christopher Ruess and Emuse One
Vote NO on Prop 21 on March 7. Read why you should have.
March 4, 2000 - Los Angeles
"seeking heaven: illuminating the city of lost angels"
info: (323) 881-6444
Great flix of SH work
February 9-11, 2000 - Hamburg, Germany
getting up presents: "GRAFFITI-ART exhibition hamburg"
- Os Gemeos (Sao Paulo/Brasil)
- Shok (Birmingham/GB)
- Toast (Bern/Swiss)
- Seak (Cologne/)
- Loomit (Munic)
- Besok (Augsburg)
- Codeak (Hildesheim)
- Stuka (Braunschweig)
- Tasek, Daim, Stohead, Daddy Cool, Trol, Davis (Hamburg)
PHONODROME, Beim Trichter 1, Hamburg St. Pauli/Germany
more info: www.graffiti-art.com
February 27, 2000 - Bingampton New York
"Organized Crime" Graffiti Conference
Apex, Aves, BG138, Bio, Cem2, Ces, Child, Dan, Eaz, Ges, How, Jesc, Kem5,
Kenn, Nicer, Nosm, Per, Pose2, Seen, Sew, Shame125, Shone237, Snow, Theme, Vase,
Wizart, Yes2, and lots more!
More info and flix: y2kgraffiti@hotmail.com
Apex.BA took best piece of show.
February 18-20, 2000 - Los Angeles
B-Boy Summit
Press release
February 3 - February 29, 2000 - San Francisco
monster ballads
Ezra Li Eismont
Jibz Cameron
Sai Man Chow
Maya Hayuk
Chris Johanson
James Marshall
Martin Ontiveros
Bwana Spoons
Alicia McCarthy
111 minna street, south of market near 2nd st.
January 27 -- February 27, 2000 - Jersey City, NJ
Sam Cintron Gallery
520 Jersey Ave., Jersey City, NJ
Corner of Christopher Columbus and Jersey Ave. Two blocks west of Grove St. PATH station
For more info: 201-332-6696
January 11 - February 14, 2000 - Boston, MA
"Fear No Art" at KFAGallery
Reception Saturday Jan 22 6-10 PM.
Features new work by Wombat, Sp.One, Monk, Hate & others.
For more info (and soon, the flix):
Also see:
Graffiti Art Rügen-Dargast: November - 01.01.00
Dec 3, 1999 - Jan 7, 2000 Los Angeles
Zero One Gallery
7025 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90038
(323) 965-9459
San Francisco - December 4, 1999 through January 2000
111 Minna Gallery
111 Minna St. [South of Market, near 2nd St.]
See the Doze feature on Art Crimes.
December 18, 1999 - January 8, 2000 - Cincinnati, Ohio
A gallery show to commemorate the release of Scribble Magazine Issue #13. (the lucky number)
A collection of 13" x 13" pieces of art by respected writers from across the country will be on display, and for sale - as well as other life-size visual offerings. And of course, the unveiling and release of Issue #13.
1103 Harrison Ave. ( at Brighton, off Central Parkway )
Gallery phone: 513.281.0033
For more info Email: devi73@excite.com
January 9th, 2000 - San Francisco
golden gate park bandshell
9 - 5
graffiti in the park
"Graffiti in the Park" - on Sunday, January 9th at the Bandshell in Golden Gate Park. The Bandshell is located near the De Young and Asian Art Museums.