DatePicker v. 0.90 (test release) DatePicker is a simple calendar component that looks much like MonthCalendar common control (you can see it in TDateTimePicker, for example). You are able to customize colors, set the beginning of the week, choose appropriate action after date was selected, and more. DatePicker is released as a freeware and since this is the very first release, I'd like to hear your opinion on the component. If you find any bugs in this component, want to see the some improvements or just express your feelings about it, send the feedback to my e-mail address: What to test? Well, I am interested how the program works with different screen resolutions, different fonts etc. Why didn't I test it myself? I just haven't had enough time. I know it works alright with 800x600 screen resolution and small fonts. If you find any mysterious behaviour under different circumstances please let me know. Oh, and I'd like to know how the program works with different international settings. I tried it with Estonian settings but perhaps you live somewhere else? What about source? As I already mentioned, this is a test release and the source is not included. Maybe I'll ask small fee for the source after the component will be officially released. Maybe not. Just haven't decided yet. Your opinions on this matter are welcome as well. Currently this component is available for Delphi 3 only. I will not release Delphi 1/2 versions unless somebody asks for it. If it will happen, the D1 component will probably be freeware as well, the status of D2 component depends on my decision about source availability since I don't have D2 around. DCU\DATEPICK.DCU This is the main unit of the component DCU\STRINGS.DCU Unit for some string manipulation stuff DCU\DATEPICK.RES Resource file for the component DEMO\UNIT1.DFM Sample file DEMO\PROJECT1.DPR Sample file DEMO\UNIT1.PAS Sample file DEMO\PROJECT1.RES Sample file DATEPICK.INT Interface section of the main unit DATEPICK.TXT This readme file Public/published properties/methods/events of TDatePicker: Create public no comment Date public the date currently selected NormalSelect public True, if user clicks or presses Enter on date False, if user presses Esc CloseOnSelect publish If True, the parent form closes after selection is confirmed (mouse click, Enter, Esc). False by default. CurrentMonthColor publish The color of dates in the current month. Also used to draw the footer text. Black by default. OnSelect publish Event fired after selection is confirmed (mouse click, Enter, Esc) OtherMonthColor publish The color of dates not belonging to the current month. Navy by default. SelectColor publish The color of the rounded rectangle that marks the selected date. Also used to draw the daynames in the header. Navy by default. SelectedColor publish The color of the date currently selected. White by default StartOfWeek publish The day that is leftmost in the calendar. The value of this property is the same as returned by DayOfWeek (Sunday - 1, Saturday - 7). 2 (Monday) by default. Version history: 0.90 30.03.1998 First public test release Author : Valmar Kont e-mail :