{***************************************************************************} { Date: 17.01.97 Time: 17:30:40 } { Copyright (c)1996-1997 } { ) by Dr.Plass TFindWin2.0 } { } { for DELPHI 2, Win95 (Not NT! } { feel free to contact me: } { Peter.Plass@FH-Zwickau.de } { http://www.fh-zwickau.de/~pp/tm.htm } { } { All Rights Reserved. } { This component can be freely used and distributed in commercial and } { private environments, provided this notice is not modified in any way. } { } { based on Jerome Tremblay's component TWindowsList v1.0 } { --> jerome@infose.com } { } { used toolhelp32 ver. 1.0 copyright by Brad Stowers } {***************************************************************************} // // // Methods: // procedure Execute; // function GetWinHandle (Idx : Integer): HWND; // function GetWinParent (Idx : Integer): HWND; // function GetThreadID (Idx : Integer): HTask; // function GetProcessID (Idx : Integer): DWORD; // function GetWinStyle (Idx : Integer): LongInt; // function GetWinExStyl (Idx : Integer): LongInt; // function GetWinExePath(Idx : Integer): String; // function GetWnClasName(Idx : Integer): String; // function GetParentName(Idx : Integer): String; // // e.g.: whdl := WinList1.GetWinHandle(ListBox1.ItemIndex); // // Properties: // Property WhatDoFind : TFind_ID; // Property WindowList : TStringList; // Property EmptyNames : Boolean; // Property TaskBarSty : Boolean; // Property TimerIntval: Integer; // Property EnableTimer: Boolean; // Property OnChanged : TNotifyEvent; // //