TBTFileFinder class Version 0.01 08.01.1999 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE: Freeware No restrictions, No guaranties Use it at your own risk! There is a demo app included in this package but unfortunally it runs only with Delphi 3 and 4 because of the lack of some components in Delphi 2. Sorry. I have included the compiled version of the demo for the Delphi 2 users. I make this class primary for my own needs but I hope it could be usefull for any Delphi programmer. Sharing code we can earn time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : The TBTFileFinder class is a direct TOBject descendant and it is a file finder. Using this class its easy to build a dialog like the Windows FindFiles dialog but its actual virtue is that it returns the searching results as a string list Target : Delphi 2-3-4; Properties : IsSearching : boolean, True when a searching is in progress FoldersList : TStringList, a list of folders to search ChosenFilesList : TStringList, a list of filenames to look for ChosenExtList : TStringList, a list of extensions to look for IndividualFilesList : TStringList, a full path filenames to look for ResultFileList : TStringList, the result list having the below format: F or D to indicate file or directory found, the full path, the size, the creation datetime, the last access datetime, the last write datetime, and commas between them, The helper routine ParseFileInfoString can be use to parse this string to individual parts TotalFoundSize : Cardinal, the total found size in bytes SearchMode : TSearchMode enumerated type, can have one of the below values: smAll : searches all folders in folder list and their subs for any file, like *.* smSelected : searches only the exact paths found in the IndividualFilesList smCriteria : searches all folders in folder list based on the criteria defined by the SearchCriteria set property SearchCriteria : TSearchCriteria set type, can have none or more of the below values: scFileName, scExtension, scSubFoldersToo, scNewerThan, scOlderThan, scLargerThan, scSmallerThan NewerThan : integer OlderThan : integer LargerThan : Cardinal SmallerThan : Cardinal read the comments in the Get_FilesFromFolder routine below on how to set these properties SearchedFiles : Cardinal SearchedFolders : Cardinal methods : function Execute : boolean; fires up a searching procedure Stop; stops a searching procedure ClearLists; clears all lists after a searching, do not forget to make this call between two calls to the Execute function Author : Theodoros Bebekis Greece e-mail : bebekis@otenet.gr PS. Any modification, correction and the similar is welcome. But, please, send me a copy. If somebody convert this class to a dialog I will be glad to have a copy. {---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Date Changes - Additions Added by ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.01 08.01.1999 Initial Version -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------}