24 Puzzle by Luciani Gianni version for Win95 First of all Thanks for downloading this game ! It's Freeware and also an example of multithreaded application. Full sourcecode of interface is available while I prefer to give the code of the dll only to whom will suggest me improvements, ideas, new algorithms and so on ... You can then redistribute interface code everybody You want to, but please let me know. I hope You to enjoy it: please if You do could You send me a postcard ? My address is: Luciani Gianni Via Matteotti 38 C.A.P. 54012 Barbarasco (MS) Italy The game's goal is to sort the 24 numbered tiles until you obtain a target configuration (for example the following): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 In addition to the possibility of moving tiles by hand to reach final configuration , the program itself can work out the game for you : try to defeat the computer ! Luciani Gianni Suggestions, bugs, ideas and new algorithms are welcome (eMail me at the following address): luciani@cli.di.unipi.it (try luciani@helen.cli.di.unipi.it if something goes wrong) FREEWARE ======== Using of this application is free and at YOUR OWN RISK. It is distributed as freeware, and it may be redistributed as such. please don't change author name from the program ! Platform: ========= Delphi2 (the interface). Files: ========= In Gianni directory You'll find: 24puzzle.exe - The prog itself gioco24.dll - Alghorithms to sort tiles acaso.g24 - Configs the prog use to give You random fun In Doc subdir: 24puzzle.doc - Instructions ... (Wordpad) 24puzzle.txt - this file goalconf.bmp - One of the bitmap in the 24puzzle.doc (goal config bitmap) traffic.bmp - The second bmp used in the doc file. In Source subdir: gioco24.ico - The simple icon of the program (I should call it 15 Puzzle.ico don't You think ?) gioco24.pas - Source code of the main prog. gioco24.dfm immetti.pas - Source to introduce a config by hand immetti.dfm about.pas about.dfm informazioni.pas - Source showing detailed infos on solutions informazioni.dfm progetto24.dof progetto24.res progetto24.dpr